A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Chapter 54: Lightning Strike Wood on the Cliff

   The Jackal incident can only be regarded as an episode.

   After Su Yu flattened the grave of this wild wolf, he moved on.

   After walking for a while.

   Aside from Xiaobai's discovery of a wild ginseng, nothing special happened.

   It's right to think about it.

   Su Yu was followed by three South China tigers and one python.

   Apart from the inexplicable self-confidence and dazzled jackal in the mountains, who is all right?

   Su Yu kept staring at the virtual map given by the system while walking.

   1000 meters away from lightning strikes!

  800 meters!

  300 meters!

100 metres!

   Soon, Su Yu was very close to the lightning bolt.

   According to reason, you should be able to see the lightning strikes by now.

   But Su Yu searched for a long time, and he didn't find any trees that were suspected of being struck by lightning.

   Is the system wrong?


   When Su Yu looked up, he finally saw it in the next second.

   It turned out that there was a cliff above the head, and the scorched tree that was struck by the sky thunder grew on the cliff.

   At the same time, the drone also takes everything from the lens.

   "Huh? Is that a tree?"

   "Why is it black? It seems to have been burned!"

   "How do I think that tree was struck by lightning? Did lightning strike the wood? See you for a long time!"

   "Could it be that Su Ye came to find this lightning-struck wood? Really? What does Su Ye want this for?"

"When I was a child, my grandfather told me that among the folks, people generally think that the lightning strikes the wood as a result of the thunder and lightning. Ghosts are afraid of it, and they are the most powerful magic object to avoid evil. But this is feudal superstition, it should not be true. "

   "No, right? It's 2021! There are still people who believe that lightning can ward off evil spirits? I suspect that there is a problem with your thinking!"

   "Su Ye, you don't really want that lightning tree!"

Su Yu: "Everyone is right. Lightning strike wood is indeed a very rare thing. I also encountered this lightning strike wood by accident before. I have never had time to get it back. I came here today to prepare this one. It was brought home by lightning strikes."

   "Fuck! I guessed it! Su Ye really came to find the lightning-strike wood! But, how is Su Ye going to bring back such a large piece of wood?"

   "This kind of mountain and old forest, the trailer can't get in at all, Su Ye can only move back one by one."

   "How many times do you have to travel such a long road and move back piece by piece? You are exhausted, right?"

   Su Yu: "I have my own way to bring the wood back. Now I have to climb to the cliff and get the lightning bolt down."

   Su Yu looked up at this cliff.

   The formation of this cliff is unique and unique.

   It is exactly as if it stands directly here, and the top places on both sides of it are stretched out, forming a natural inverted "few"!

   "It's just this cliff, it's this pattern, it's not me who is blowing, and Bell has to be blind when it comes!"

"Yes, this cliff is too difficult to climb. The tops of both sides are extended. Unless Spiderman can climb upside down, let alone Bell, the world's top rock climber will also climb. Not going up."

   "If you can't climb up, you can airborne! How about Su Ye's parachuting?"

   "Don't be funny, I really thought it was filming TV? Where can I get you a helicopter? And if you really need a helicopter, you can still use it for airborne? Directly using the helicopter can bring you back the lightning strike."


   Rhubarb stared at the lightning bolt on the cliff intently.

   Rhubarb shook his head like a dog.

   can't do it!

   Such a high cliff.

   Unless it's a monkey.

   Otherwise, who can climb up?

   This time I guess it will take a trip for nothing.

   Xiaobai hissed out the letter.

   At this time, none of them has wings, it really can't help Su Yu.

   Su Yu looked at this cliff at this time.

   Lightning strikes the wood, he must take it away.

   After all, he still counts on using this lightning strike wood to refine spirit soldiers.

   So giving up is definitely not possible.

   And Su Yu is not completely unable to climb this cliff.

   If it's an ordinary person, it definitely won't work.

   But Su Yu has the blessing of Luo Yanbu and Yufeng footwork.

   may not be able to climb up.

   Although he said that his current Yufeng footwork only reaches the first level.

   But, you can try a wave.

   even if I can't climb up and fall down.

   Su Yu was a monk on the sixth floor during the foundation construction period, and he also had a golden glaze body.

   can't die either.

   After thinking for a while, Su Yu decided.

   It's done!

   has come, I can’t really go back empty-handed.

   Su Yu began to warm up.

   Watching Su Yu warming up.

   "No way, Su Ye, are you really going to climb?"

   "Yes, Lord Su, don't forget it, this cliff is impossible for people to climb up!"

   "It's too dangerous. This is the wild. No protective measures are taken. What if you fall?"

   "That's right! It won't happen!"

   Su Yu: "Don't worry, everyone, I have practiced rock climbing for two years before, but it's actually not that dangerous."

   "God **** practice rock climbing for two years, there is no danger! This kind of cliff, the difficulty level of SSS+, okay?"

   "Yes, I am a rock climbing player myself. I have practiced for five years. I turned my head and walked after seeing this level of cliff. If Su Ye dared to climb after two years of practice, I would just use a capital letter!"

   "If this can climb up, it would be **** ridiculous."

   The barrage in the live broadcast room is still being brushed.

   At this time, Su Yu had already acted.

   Grasp the rock gap with both hands.

   Use all four limbs together and start climbing.

   "Fuck! Really! Really crawl?"

   "I thought it was just a talk, UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com Su Ye, don't play off!"

   "It's too dangerous! I think we should call the police!"

   "Master Su is too reckless. This is deep in the mountains and old forests. If something really happens then it is estimated that even the ambulance and the police will not find anyone for a while."

   Watching Su Yu start to climb.

   Even the Lion Tooth tube was blown out.

   Shiya Super Tube was shocked watching the live broadcast.

   "Fuck! This is too dangerous!"

   The super tube of Shiya directly typed a line on the public frequency.

   "Dangerous behavior, professional demonstration, please do not imitate!"

   As Su Yu began to climb the cliff.

   Many viewers in the live room started to share the live room.

   WeChat, Penguin, Moments.

   Anyway, I shared everything I could share.

   Su Yu’s live broadcast room has risen in popularity because of this.

   Popularity is approaching the four million mark.

   "Fuck! What kind of live broadcast is this? Is there protection? It's too dangerous!"

   "The monkeys in the production team dare not play like this!"

   "Hahaha, it's another tyrannical one, fast forward until the climb error fell off the cliff."

   "This is the rhythm of being popular, but unsuccessful in the news!"

   [Lord Mo laughs] rewarded a starry sky battleship!

   [Jun Mo laughed]: "Su Ye, stop playing, come down quickly, can't I give you a reward?"

   [Night Wings] rewarded a starry sky battleship!

   [Wings of the Night Curtain]: "Reward +1! Su Ye, collect magical powers!"

  【Gu Si】A reward for a starry sky battleship!

   [Gu Si]: "It's too dangerous! Brother, come down! Can't I give you all the gifts?"


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