A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 12 Using Dark Treasures

Yoshida's life has been very stressful recently, not because of the deadline, but because Makoto Takahashi is so annoying!

In the middle of the night, when everyone fell asleep, Makoto Takahashi suddenly called and said some incomprehensible words, making it impossible for Yoshida to sleep peacefully.

"I was abducted by aliens and they want to modify my body!"

"Alien, your sister! Transform your convulsive personality!" Yoshida was roaring!

"I found the Hollow attacking the real world, Captain, please give me instructions!"

"You are just a cartoonist, not an agent of death!" Yoshida was shouting!

"Yes, there is only one truth. The murderer is you, Mr. Yoshida..."

"The murderer is me, and the victim is definitely you!" Yoshida was roaring!

"I am the fierce man from the Phoenix Academy, the one who destroyed the world and then created it!"

"Please, please let me go, I want to sleep!" Yoshida was wailing!

"...my...head...under your...pillow..."

"..." Yoshida felt a chill, and then hung up the phone directly, saying that the world was quiet!

After Rina went to Tokyo, Yoshida lost the weapon to restrain Takahashi Makoto. He was tortured by Takahashi Makoto until he became haggard and faced a mental breakdown...

As for Takahashi Makoto, he didn’t go to school for a week, and no one knew his new deskmate... For this reason, he was ‘loved’ by Mr. Sato who visited his home for a long, long time...

"Ah, school or something, it would be best if you hit it with a vitality bullet and disappear completely..." Makoto Takahashi complained, lying on the table and starting to sleep, not paying much attention to the new deskmate and so on! The Great Demon King Rina went to Tokyo to train, and Makoto Takahashi proudly said, "We have no rivals ahead of us!"

However, Makoto Takahashi always couldn't sleep well in school because there was a pair of extremely resentful eyes that were always looking at him! When Makoto Takahashi wanted to look for it, the other party quickly looked away, but Makoto Takahashi had already identified the prisoner...

That's right, the prisoner is you, your childhood friend, Lan Dai - sincerity is the highest!

"Landai, why are you always looking towards me in class recently..." When get out of class was over, Makoto Takahashi looked at Sincerity Supreme unhappily, his face a little ugly, "Let's talk first, I'm very moral. This man belongs to his assistant Christina both physically and mentally, so you should give up!”

"Who... who's looking at you, you bastard!" Zhenshou's face suddenly turned crimson, and then he secretly glanced at Takahashi Makoto's new deskmate, "By the way, my name is Zhenshou, not some idiot!"

The girl next to Makoto Takahashi listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing softly. Makoto Takahashi was not affected at all, but he seemed to be a little shy because of his sincerity, and turned his head away with a blushing face... …

"My beloved, do you have time to talk about how to conquer the world? Huh? Classes? Don't worry about such trivial matters! Huh? Exams? I'm a genius. There's no problem with exams or anything like that..." After Makoto Takahashi was silent for a moment, there was a look of hesitation on his face. After a long while, he nodded silently (can the other party see the nod on the phone?), "Deal!"

"Idiot Makoto, what are you going to do?" Sincere Supreme was a little confused. Listening to the tone of Takahashi Makoto's call just now, he seemed to be ready to skip class?

"Do you even need to ask, Lan Dai?" Makoto Takahashi gave a thumbs up and showed a hearty smile, "Of course I want to conquer the world!"

"..." Sincerity Supreme's hair trembled, and he looked at Makoto Takahashi as if he was petrified. Does this idiot really have a normal mind?

"By the way, who are you?" Makoto Takahashi only realized it now. After Rina left, there was another person next to him, a girl as delicate as a porcelain doll, "Heaven? A person with super powers? An angel. ? Or a magician?"

"I'm just a normal person, my name is Adou Miho!" A shy smile appeared on the girl's face, "Takahashi Makoto is very interesting!"

"I'm not interested in ordinary people!" Makoto Takahashi glanced at the other party with some disappointment, "The voice sounds nice, but this kind of girl who looks like a lady is not cute enough! Then you Get along well with Lan Dai, I’m going to conquer the world!”

Takahashi Makoto went out minding his own business, not seeing the shyness and avoidance between the two people who were designated to get along well...

"The name Miho Azu..." Makoto Takahashi murmured in a low voice, "If I remember correctly, it seems to be Lan Dai's crush, right? Well, according to the words of the previous life, I, the Phoenix Academy Jiuzhen, can only help you. At this point, you still have to rely on your own words to push it down!"

"I said, kid, you seem to be very idle..." Yoshida looked very haggard, "If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly?"

"Did you go out to fight the Big Demon King alone last night? Why do you look so sore in your back and legs and have cramps?" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida with disdain and shook his head helplessly, "You are a typical calcium deficiency! What if? If you don’t take calcium supplements, your life will be like this!”

"Do you think... whose fault do you think this is?" Yoshida has accumulated a lot of anger. According to the settings of some online games, the amount of anger determines the number of times the shield stun skill is used... Yoshida launched a combo , "Who was abducted and transformed by aliens in the middle of the night? Who wandered around pretending to be a god of death in the middle of the night? Was he killed in the middle of the night and his head was placed under my pillow? If you disturb my sleep in the future, wait until Rina-chan comes back... "

"Are you sure you can live until then?" Takahashi Makoto showed a dangerous smile on his face. Yoshida secretly said that it was not good and wanted to stop him, but it was too late!

"So, my followers, join my camp!" Takahashi Makoto stood on the table again, "Let's start a world war! In order to eradicate the ugliness of this world and purify this filthy world, even if it means sacrificing life, this is the so-called enlightenment! You want to stop me, do you have the awareness to be the enemy of the world?"

Sure enough, it turned out like this... Feeling the mocking eyes around him, Yoshida slapped his forehead hard and took a deep breath. However, the same moves are useless for Saint Seiya! Take it, Takahashi Makoto!

"Oh, is this the content of your new comic? It's worthy of being the teacher of Phoenix Academy, it's really amazing!" Yoshida showed a dark smile and asked in a low voice, "So the teacher is planning to serialize two comics at the same time?"

That's right, as long as Takahashi Makoto, this kid, serializes two comics at the same time, then he can rest well at night! Yoshida looked at Takahashi Makoto with some amusement, with a little smugness on his face. Moreover, his status in the editorial department could be improved. In this way, the position of editor-in-chief seemed to be not far away!

"This..." Takahashi Makoto's hesitation made Yoshida even happier.

However, if Takahashi Makoto really agreed to start another serialized work, Yoshida would definitely not agree! Although Yoshida was eager to become the editor-in-chief, he had not yet fallen to the point of exploiting a genius cartoonist like Takahashi Makoto!

Comic works are important, but what is more important is the person who draws comics! Yoshida knew very well that the frowning little brat opposite was only a second-year junior high school student. Some things could be joked about, but it was absolutely not okay to put them into action!

"Maybe it's okay..." Takahashi Makoto sighed, "But you have to find me a few more assistants... chores!"

Hearing Takahashi Makoto's answer, Yoshida was sweating! This kid is really bold! You know, many cartoonists feel a bit tired even if they only serialize one work, after all, "Shonen Jumk" is a weekly magazine! Weekly magazines are books and magazines published once a week! If two works are serialized at the same time, it means that Makoto Takahashi has to draw at least twice as many pictures as before in a week. This is not just exploitation, but simple child abuse! If Yoshida really did this, he would definitely be invited to drink tea with the police uncle!

What Yoshida hasn't told Makoto Takahashi is that after other cartoonists start serializing, the editor-in-chief will help to connect and find some assistants to help the cartoonists complete the work, such as drawing some backgrounds. The reason why Makoto Takahashi doesn't have this treatment is because the editor-in-chief wants to protect Makoto Takahashi.

After all, the assistant has to draw with the cartoonist. If the assistant sees Makoto Takahashi, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not reveal Makoto Takahashi's information... Maybe it can increase the sales of the magazine, but a genius cartoonist like Makoto Takahashi will bear the pressure brought by society. If he is not careful, it will be completely ruined!

"What is a handyman?" Yoshida was a little dissatisfied, but thinking that Takahashi Makoto had just entered this circle, he didn't know what to say, but just warned him seriously, "Kid, you should at least be respectful, at least call her assistant!"

"Assistant?" Takahashi Makoto's face was a little ugly, and he declared wildly, "The assistant of the cartoonist Houhouin Kyouma must be Christina! This is truth, this is justice, this is the choice of Steins; Gate, and this is also the will of God!"

"Rina-chan asked me to contact her once a week and report to her about Takahashi Makoto's weekly dynamics..." Seeing that Takahashi Makoto was still struggling with the problem of cartoonist assistants, Yoshida decisively changed the subject and used the killer move The tone was full of threats, "I remember that today seems to be the day to report to Rina-chan..."

"Too despicable!" Takahashi Makoto became angry when he heard Rina's name, looking at Yoshida, "Is this the dirty adult world? It's really despicable!"

"Despicable?" Yoshida showed a broken smile on his face, "Then Takahashi Makoto, will you still call at night? In fact, you can call, but are you aware of this? It seems that it would be a good choice to let Rina bring food to see you next time!"

"You actually use the dark treasure, my dependent, are you going to rebel and kill the master... It hurts, it hurts, my stomach hurts!" Takahashi Makoto covered his stomach, and cold sweat broke out on his face! Every time he mentioned Rina's cooking, Takahashi Makoto always felt his stomach twitching. Rina's dark cooking has formed a conditioned reflex for Takahashi Makoto!

[Dark Noble Phantasm·Rina's Hellish Cuisine]

Level: Unknown

Type: Anti-personal Noble Phantasm

Maximum Capture: Unknown

Description: Under the personal guidance of the devil and the fallen angel, Rina made the dishes by herself, which are no longer limited to the choice of ingredients. After the dishes are completed, they are attached with the two laws of despair and death, and have irresistible lethality to humans, which cannot be exempted or defended.

Note: The dishes made under the blackening, due to the influence of the root, become the anti-world Noble Phantasm, which can destroy the world. (In short, Takahashi Makoto followed the path of the scum Makoto, and then the blackened Rina made the dishes, poisoned Takahashi Makoto and then... this book is probably over)

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