A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 146 Received a new evaluation

After the new episode of "Fullmetal Alchemist" won the first place, the cartoonists who were ridiculed by Makoto Takahashi and then awakened their small universes, although they were still full of fighting spirit, they withdrew from the passionate fighting state and switched to the calm thinking mode!

The ancients once said, knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger!

If you want to defeat Makoto Takahashi and stop the conquest of the overlord Fenghuangyuan Kyouma, then the first thing to do is to understand Fenghuangyuan Kyouma! To be precise, it is to understand his comic "Fullmetal Alchemist"! Like many readers, several cartoonists also started to read "Fullmetal Alchemist", watching it over and over again!

In "Fullmetal Alchemist", there is a group of the most special existences, which are the seven androids incarnated by the original sin of mankind! This group of androids, in terms of number, is the same as the anti-sky mutual rubbing baby, so it is also powerful to the extent of being out of common sense!

Although Mustang once killed the android Rast in the previous comics, this does not mean that the so-called androids are weak!

Because of the existence of the Philosopher's Stone, the androids who have completed infinite resurrection with the power of the Philosopher's Stone are basically difficult to kill! However, according to the principle of equivalent exchange, while the Philosopher's Stone provides the androids with powerful continuous combat capabilities, it also has a powerful side effect, that is, self-repair of the damage caused by the battle!

Mustang used flame alchemy to calcine Rast, and Rast's body was severely injured and unable to move. The Philosopher's Stone was induced to repair itself, and then Mustang performed flame alchemy again... Like the Garden King Tiger World Tree Lion, Mustang opened an unscrupulous infinite chain! So Rast died, it was because Mustang triggered an infinite loop and forcibly consumed Rast's Philosopher's Stone!

However, the android Pride, who was named for his arrogance, was nominally the adopted son of the President, Selim, but in fact he was the android originally created by "Father"! His true face is the same as the little man in the flask, with countless eyes and mouths on the huge black shadow. As an upgraded version of the tentacle monster, it looks ghostly and evil! Like the little man in the flask, this first android can only survive in a container, and its container is Selim Shota, who is aliased as the son of the president!

As the first android, this little Shota controls Al, and is the most difficult enemy for Edward, the protagonist! Even if there is a team with the android Greed, it is basically difficult to clear this hell-level copy! In addition, Gratney, the cute fat man, is watching closely, and the success rate is almost zero!

The long-awaited battle scene has arrived. Excluding the battle of brothers killing each other, what readers are most concerned about is how Edward and others will save Al from the hands of the Shota tentacle monster!

Unlike the invincible mode of the protagonist imagined by readers, Edward and others fought extremely awkwardly at the beginning, and even the android Greed of the rebellious camp unexpectedly fell into a bitter battle! However, after several encounters, Edward discovered Pride's weakness. This android who launches tentacle attacks and defenses through shadows needs a light source to obtain shadows! Although Edward, who was clever, activated alchemy, causing the distant town to fall into darkness and destroying the light source, his own side also fell into darkness! Physical attacks were completely lost, killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred of his own, and this effect also made the two hostile parties temporarily enter a state of truce!

"There is shadow only when there is light. In complete darkness, even Pride cannot materialize!"

In addition to making his companions understand, Grid's explanation also made readers who have been reading the comics feel a sense of sudden enlightenment!

As an enemy, Pride is too powerful. Whether attacking or defending, Edward and others look extremely embarrassed! According to the comics, the "father" mentioned by the android is the final enemy! If it was just a android, Edward and others on the protagonist's side would be so embarrassed that they could not fight... Then it can be imagined that when dealing with "father" in the end, Edward and others would definitely be killed instantly, for sure!

"By the way, is this really just about fighting against androids? How strong will the enemies be in the future?"

The uncle who runs the supermarket, with a cigarette in his mouth, stared at the comics with his eyes and frowned! This middle-aged uncle who is familiar with Takahashi Makoto now naturally knows that Takahashi Makoto is the real body of the cartoonist Fenghuangyuan Kyoma! But even after knowing this, the middle-aged uncle still has no change. Whether it is a cartoonist or a middle school patient, the identity is not important, as long as the comics are good-looking and interesting!

The content of this episode made the middle-aged uncle enter a state of fascination, and even planned to close the supermarket for an afternoon to read comics!

It's not that he is not doing his job, but because he loves deeply!

In the comics, Gratney has a keen sense of smell and can determine the position of the enemy in the dark. Just when the two sides were in a stalemate because of the darkness, Gratney's role as a surprise attack was highlighted! After watching Gratney easily find the teammates on the protagonist's side, the middle-aged uncle began to worry!

But Gratney ignored one thing, and that was His Royal Highness the Prince who became good friends with the artificial Glid! After switching souls during the battle, His Royal Highness relied on breath sensing to easily take the initiative in the battle and began to kill Gratny again and again! And Gratney, who was killed many times, fell into a violent state, opened the door of false truth again, and prepared to devour Edward and others!

Like many readers, the middle-aged uncle remembers Gratney's ability very clearly. This heaven-defying ability is basically invincible to Edward and others at this stage! And just when the middle-aged uncle started to worry, reinforcements miraculously appeared!

At the beginning of the comic, there are no reinforcements drawn, but simple lines, a humanoid shadow, and the sluggish reactions of Edward and others to let readers know that someone has entered the battlefield! Then the screen changed, switching directly to Gratney who was dismembered!

Then a sudden figure stood in front of Gratny's body, with a mask on his face and a mechanical armor with a blade on his arm. Needless to say his identity, the middle-aged uncle as a reader instantly remembered this person who had been there before. The character who left was Lan Fang, the loyal guard of His Highness the Prince, who was secretly in love with the Prince! This girl who silently protected His Highness the Prince replaced her lost arm with a mechanical armor and took Gratny's life as soon as she appeared on the scene!

"Hey, Master Administrator, I need to purchase a large amount of military-type cat food for the march!" The one-eyed boy in a white coat stood in front of the middle-aged uncle with a smile on his face, "As usual, the magic level is..."

"There is... on the shelf in the sixth row?" Although he is the owner of a small supermarket, although he adheres to the concept of "customers are the king", and although he fell into a state of obsession because of reading comics, he is still fascinated by this familiar way of speaking. Uncle Nian answered subconsciously! As if he noticed something was wrong, the middle-aged uncle finally put down the comic and looked at the young man in front of him with a smile on his face, "So it's you, the Demon King of Healing and Love, His Majesty the Phoenix Academy's Fierce Crown!"

"Administrator, have you been brainwashed by the organization?" Makoto Takahashi looked at the middle-aged uncle in surprise, shook his head and explained, "The Demon King of Healing Love, that is my partner, a man imprisoned in the Millennium Artifact "

"Hey, hey, hey!" Regarding Makoto Takahashi's so-so remarks, the uncle shook his head and couldn't laugh or cry! Do you want to change the name of this second-grade patient every time? Last time he claimed to be a silver-white and red-eyed ghost beast named Kyubey who could grant a wish after signing a contract. Last time he claimed to be the Demon King's Crown Prince. This time he claimed to be a crazy cartoonist. Then next time... he is a Super Saiyan from Namek. Human?

"Oh! I actually have the anti-realm treasure, I'm so touched!" Makoto Takahashi held a publication with a shamefully revealing cover in his hand, with a devilish smile on his face, "The dark world has been lost for a long time. I didn’t expect that the Bible would become the private property of the Administrator... If Big Sister knew..."

"40% off!" The uncle gave the best discount without hesitation! The pious smile on his face that said 'please let me go' instantly suppressed the anger and shyness that were about to explode!

"Thank you for saving precious funds for the association!" He said words of gratitude, but there was no hint of gratitude on his face. Makoto Takahashi still said words of unknown meaning, "Meow Stars, as the advance force of the association, are about to clean up this Dirty and rotten world! We will remember what you did as administrator! Thank you from the cat people. You will receive it soon, administrator!

"A Cheng, this episode of "Steel Refining" is very exciting!" Although the middle-aged uncle hasn't finished reading it yet, he didn't hesitate to praise it! While giving praise to Makoto Takahashi, he also did not forget to convey the message to Makoto Takahashi through his eyes, "Don't tell my big sister that I hide shameful publications." At the same time, he also added, "This is an equal exchange! The comics are good-looking, Just get a discount!”

"Understood!" Makoto Takahashi signaled receipt and prepared to turn around and leave! After just a few steps, Takahashi Makoto stopped while the middle-aged man's eyelids were twitching! Turning around, he looked at the middle-aged uncle with a smile on his face, "The "Steel" until the end will be even more exciting! Equivalent exchange... Hehe! I'm looking forward to the price paid by the administrator! Remember, Winning the first place in this chapter is just the beginning!"

"Will the future comics be even more exciting?" Looking at the comics in his hands and thinking about Takahashi Makoto's words, the middle-aged uncle was shocked! Although I haven't finished reading this chapter of "Steel Refining" yet, the middle-aged uncle already thinks it's great for the content of this chapter! According to Makoto Takahashi, the next episode of "Steel" will be even more exciting, which means...

"You foolish administrator, that distorted expression of anticipation and pain on your face really makes me feel happy!" Makoto Takahashi completed the personality switch in an instant, with a wicked smile on his face and said crazy words. Ba's declaration, he laughed wildly and turned around to leave! "Your desire and expectation for the unknown will become the sharp blade for me to reach the top of dominance! Hahahahaha..."

"A-Cheng, this guy, seems to have developed an incredible personality! If we continue to offer discounts like this, I will pay for all my wife's money!" After watching Makoto Takahashi leave in fear, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly, " Is this guy forcing me on purpose? Does he want me to go earlier..."

Looking at the busy and slender figure opposite, the middle-aged uncle fell into some kind of delusion... No, it was confusion...

The "Fullmetal Alchemist" by cartoonist Hououin Kyouma won the first place this time! At the same time, it also allowed Takahashi Makoto to complete the hidden branch of the middle-aged uncle's courtship named "I can only help you here"!

According to the common descriptions in some martial arts novels, in order to highlight the protagonist's extraordinary talent or unfathomable martial arts, it is usually described in one sentence! You may have become so familiar with the words that you are almost sick of it! That is...

What a Takahashi Makoto! What a Hououin Kyouma!

Takahashi Makoto and Hououin Kyouma, two characters in one, have received new evaluations!

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