A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 158 New Comics

"What is this?" Looking at the comic manuscript in his hand, Yoshida's mouth twitched wildly and he entered a Spartan roaring state!

"This is the content of the first episode..." the expressionless Jinghe said quietly, but as Yoshida's face became darker and darker, Jinghe's voice became smaller and smaller!

"Ah! Of course I know this is a manga manuscript!" Yoshida has already fallen into a rage! "But what's going on with this style of painting? This rough style of painting...could it be that guy Acheng who rushed out last night because he was serializing three comics at the same time and saw no time? What about others? ?”

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"This is undoubtedly the new manga draft..." Jing Hehe scratched his head and gave Yoshida a somewhat uncertain answer, "It should be at Dahe Club now, right? The person who drove to pick them up before called himself It’s Chen Ben from Dahe Club!”

"Chen Ben from Dahe Club? Did Acheng say when he would be back?" Yoshida sighed helplessly, then sat on the sofa with the comic manuscript, ready to look through it, but he still asked Jing Hehe!

"Acheng said..." Jinghe hesitated for a moment, and under Yoshida's expectant gaze, slowly repeated the code that Takahashi Makoto left when he left, "When the moon separates the two, the name The ferocious and crazy cartoonist of the Phoenix Academy will activate [Angel Fall] to replace the existence of the angel. The dark wings will guide the witch and the butler back to the barrier..."

Before Jing Hehe finished speaking, Yoshida was no longer in the mood to listen! As for the authenticity of Jinghe's words, Yoshida has never doubted it at all! After all, the only one who can say these words that fill Chuuni's airwaves is Takahashi Makoto!

"Tide and Tiger", this is the comic that Takahashi Makoto is preparing to submit for a new serialization! Like the ongoing series of "Inuyasha" and "Slicker", it is also a manga from the Yokai era! Although he had endless resentment for the style of this comic, Yoshida, as an editor, still suppressed his strong desire to complain and patiently looked through the comic manuscript in his hand!

As the male protagonist of "Chao and Tiger", Cang Yue Chao was just a boy born in junior high school when he appeared on the stage! Cang Yuechao, who has lived in a temple since childhood, does not believe that there are creatures like monsters in this world! Therefore, at the beginning of the comic, this boy who did not believe in the existence of monsters mocked his father unceremoniously while listening to the temple abbot's father telling him that there was a beast spear in the temple that could kill any monster. The repairs were miserable, and my dad ordered me to tidy up the warehouse!

Seeing the quarrel between Cang Yuechao and his son, although the conversation between the father and son was very interesting, Yoshida still frowned! As far as the beginning is concerned, this type of comics is very common in "Shounen Jumk", a typical shounen comic style! Yoshida became a little confused. After all, just by reading the narrative method at the beginning of the comic, he could already guess the development of the subsequent story... A comic of this level cannot reach the level of Makoto Takahashi's past!

Serializing three comics at the same time may be too much pressure for Cheng. If his talent for comics is wasted because of this, it will really be more than worth the gain! With doubts and worries, Yoshida couldn't help muttering in his heart, but he didn't stop flipping through the manga manuscript!

The subsequent development of the story was pretty much what Yoshida expected! As a protagonist, you will always encounter some strange things. Whether it is a crisis or an emergency, the protagonist's personality characteristics will always be revealed through some small things. "Tide and Tiger", like many shonen comics, also adopts the style of Such a pattern!

When Cang Yuechao was in the truth warehouse, he discovered a strange door on the ground! Out of curiosity and confusion, Xiaochao was about to open the door, but accidentally broke the door and fell into the basement! And in the basement, Xiaochao saw the monster that his father had mentioned before, and the beast spear that could kill any monster!

In the comic, a close-up is specially given! It was a disheveled monster with thick and powerful hands. The long nails on the fingertips made the hands look more like a pair of sharp claws! But what concerned Yoshida the most was the spear that penetrated the monster's right shoulder!

"This should be the beast spear mentioned in the comic before, right?" Looking at the monster in the comic, begging Xiaoshio to pull out the spear, Yoshida probably guessed the subsequent development, but looking at the words of the monster in the comic, Yoshida was amused, "Does this monster have a negative IQ? If you say something like this, who would let it out?"

"After all, only humans can pull out this spear... Help me pull out this beast spear!"

"Beast Spear?"

"Don't you know? This is a spear that devours human souls and can kill monsters. It's a bastard to the extreme... Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. Please help me pull it out!"

"If...if I help you pull out the beast spear, what will you do?"

"Hmph, do you need to say more? Of course I will eat you first, and then send all the nearby humans to hell..."

In "Inuyasha", the half-demon Naraku is a master of conspiracy; in "Slicker", even the Ushiuki who plans to launch a rebellion, before becoming a monster, was Umewakamaru, who was called a child prodigy! But the monster in "The Tide and the Tiger" obviously doesn't know how to lie even though he obviously wants something from someone! Although the words are full of contempt for human beings, is this foolish and careless look a sign of pride in one's own strength? Or is there really something wrong with IQ?

Xiaoshio did not pull out the beast spear, but kicked the beast spear hard, making the monster scream in pain! After that, Xiaochao ran out and wanted to ask his father! But Xiaochao didn't find his father. Instead, two female classmates came to visit! While talking with two classmates, Xiaochao saw strange creatures floating in the air, but his two classmates couldn't see them at all!

Like Xiaoshio, Yoshida thought that the monster had cast some kind of magic, so Xiaoshio could see these strange creatures. But as the comic develops, Xiaochao realizes that the culprit of everything is the sealed monster! Those strange creatures that appeared before were the monsters attracted by the evil spirit emitted by this monster!

monster? Yoshida was completely speechless when he saw this!

Although most of the monsters in "Inuyasha" are very strange beings, in the current serialized content, those monsters can more or less communicate with humans; not to mention the monsters in "Slicker" Now, whether it's the male protagonist Rikuo Nura who transforms into a monster at night, or the monsters of the Nura group, they are more like a group of heroic hooligans than monsters! But in "Tide and Tiger", these monsters can be said to be strange creatures. Some monsters are even prototypes of common animals in daily life, but they only have the ability to levitate and lack some body parts!

In order to save his classmates who were surrounded by a large number of monsters, Xiaoshio pulled out the beast spear and released the sealed monsters as Yoshida expected! But unlike Yoshida's imagination, this monster had no credibility at all. After gaining freedom, he directly attacked Xiaoshio!

Although the painting style of the comic is a bit rough, the fighting scenes are handled extremely well, without any delay, and the straight-forward fighting style made Yoshida, who was not very accepting of the painting style at first, enjoy watching it! Especially after being attacked by a monster, Xiao Chao, who was holding a beast spear, suddenly had his hair grow wildly and his fighting power suddenly increased a lot. Just as the sealed monster said, he became the same as the one who sealed it five hundred years ago. warrior!

The monster who had a strong fear of the beast spear was worried about being sealed again, so he had to compromise and agreed to help Xiaoshio deal with the monsters outside! In "InuYasha", the dog InuYasha always uses gorgeous moves to destroy hostile monsters when fighting; in "Slicker", Rikuo conquers hostile monsters with his strength and his own charm; However, in "Tide and Tiger", unlike the two previously serialized monster comics, the battles between monsters are very straightforward. The free monster directly destroys monsters with violent means, although occasionally some Thunder and lightning moves, but this kind of violent fighting with fists and fists, Yoshida was stunned for a while!

Even if the monsters attracted by the monster energy finally merged into a huge monster, they were still easily eliminated with the cooperation of Xiaochao and the monster! After Xiaochao used the beast spear for a short period of time, he also understood why the beast spear was powerful! Because this beast spear will swallow the soul of the user, allowing the user to confidently enter the beast mode when fighting enemies, it will become a being who only wants to defeat monsters!

"Smelly human being! Since I am not allowed to leave, then I will possess you. One day I will eat you!"

"We absolutely cannot let this guy out to cause harm to the world! One day I will definitely use the beast spear to eliminate this guy!"

One person and one monster with different thoughts hid their own thoughts and temporarily entered a peaceful coexistence mode! Of course, for the convenience of naming, Xiaochao named this monster Ahu! The content of the first episode ended in the bickering between Xiaochao and Ahu!

The name of this comic is "Chao and Tiger", which refers to the story of Cang Yue Chao and Ahu! However, after reading the first chapter of the manga, Yoshida finally understood why the style of this "Ushio and Tora" manga was so rough!

If he were to paint "The Tide and the Tiger" in the same style as before, Yoshida could well imagine that it would take a long time to finish drawing a large number of monsters! And more importantly, if a large number of monsters appear on the scene, if they are all drawn very carefully, there will be no sense of priority, and the existence of the protagonist will not be highlighted at all. This is definitely a failure for comics where the protagonist drives the development of the plot. !

"That guy Cheng, is really..." Yoshida put down the comic manuscript in his hand, with a look of admiration on his face, "Three monster comics, but they are drawn in three different styles! The beauty of "Inuyasha", The chicness of "Slicker", the violence of "Tide and the Tiger"...this type of comics really needs a rougher style of painting to better reflect the charm of the comics! "

As the saying goes, although such a setting makes people complain, once you accept such a setting...

"This comic must be submitted to the serialization meeting this week!" Although there are still two chapters left to read, this comic called "Ushio and Tora" has conquered Yoshida with its rough painting style and exciting battles!

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