A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 160 The essence of the Monster Era is the cute contrast

Yacheng Mu Mengye recently said that she is under a lot of pressure!

After the first episode of "PCP" successfully ranked first, the ranking of "PCP" has been declining recently! Although I took a risk before and used the content of three chapters to tell an event and achieved good results, but if this strange trick is used too much, it will lose its freshness! Stories have always been told in the form of unit dramas. One episode tells a story. There seems to be no connection between the stories, but they can also become foreshadowing for each other. This is the biggest advantage of unit drama stories, and it is also the biggest disadvantage!

"Now, the best, Mr. Hattori said that guy Acheng's new comic has passed the serialization meeting!" The yellow-haired glasses man frowned, with a look of surprise on his face, "That guy Acheng, can't he really Do you plan to continue the trend of serializing three comics at the same time?”

"Qiuren..." Lan Dai put down his brush with a confused look on his face and looked at his good friend partner, "Now is not the time! Do you still remember the conditions we agreed to the editor-in-chief? If this continues, our "PCP" maybe...what are you looking at?"

"I'm watching Acheng's "Steel"! The content of the last few chapters is really great, and the plot design is very good!" The yellow-haired glasses man pushed up his glasses, with a look of amazement on his face, " And is that guy Acheng really a human being? We already feel that time is very tight just to serialize "PCP"... But that guy Acheng, not to mention the serialization of three comics at the same time, the last one of "Steel" The sketches for several chapters are really..."

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention!

Although the yellow-haired glasses man was just complaining, Lan Dai thought of something. He picked up the "Young Jumk" at hand and flipped through it quickly. The more he looked at it, the more solemn his face became! The man with yellow-haired glasses who noticed Lan Dai's unusual behavior naturally stopped complaining and looked at his good gay partner with a puzzled look on his face!

"Hey, Qiu Ren, do you feel that the style of our comics seems a bit dark!" Lan Dai held the comic manuscript in his hand to compare it with the comic manuscript of "Young Jumk", with a trace of uncertainty on his face. His expression said, "Look at Cheng's "Steel", and then look at our "PCP"!"

"That's true, but..." Standing up and comparing the two comics, the yellow-haired glasses man showed a trace of doubt on his face, "But aren't our comics more realistic? It's normal for the style to be darker. ah!"

"No, that's not it..." After a moment of silence, Lan Dai shook his head, "So I was thinking, should I give it a try and change the style of the comics to make the comics look a little brighter! After all, the style of juvenile comics is too Too dark..."

"I don't know much about drawings, but since you said so, just do what you want!" The yellow-haired glasses man said with a smile, "I just happened to think of an interesting story here... Just use A Let’s take a look at Makoto’s new comics!”

"Yeah!" Looking at the date marked on the wall, a trace of determination flashed across Lan Dai's face, and he held the paintbrush tightly in his right hand!

Not to mention the energetic Ajou Mumenha here, the new wife Eiji who was looking at the sample magazine also put down the paintbrush in his hand for a rare moment!

"Shinzuma-kun, this time the ranking of comics..." When Yujiro was about to tell Eiji Newzuma the ranking results of comics, he found that the other party suddenly threw the sample magazine aside, picked up the brush and entered the drawing state, and had to stop talking!

"Mr. Yujiro, how long until the next chapter is due?" Eiji Niizuma asked Yujiro without looking back while he was drawing!

"There are still three days left..." Looking at his new wife Eiji with a puzzled face, Yujiro was about to ask a question when the doorbell rang!

Iwase Aiko put on light makeup today and carried a small bag. After slightly nodding to Yujiro who opened the door, he knelt down behind his new wife Eiji, took out a book from the bag, and read it without saying a word. With the right way, he explains "On the Self-cultivation of a Quiet and Beautiful Woman"!

"Mr. Yujiro, please come and pick up the "CROW" manga manuscript in three days!" Eiji Niizuma suddenly tore up the previous manga manuscript and threw it to the ground, with an expectant smile on his face, "This chapter of "CROW", Needs to be done again!”

"Ah, Niizuma-kun!" Seeing Niizuma Eiji tearing the manga manuscript into pieces, Yujiro went crazy and roared loudly, "Why..."

"Because we can't win!" Niizuma Eiji turned around, looked at the surprised Yujiro, and smiled confidently, "I'm really looking forward to the new manga by Phoenix Academy teacher! I lost to "Steel" before. Although there are some reasons, I don’t want to lose in this new comic!”

"But it's not that..." Looking at the drawings scattered on the ground, Yujiro's face was very puzzled. Even if he was dissatisfied with his comics, it wouldn't be to this extent, right?

"Don't you understand, Mr. Yujiro!" Eiji Shinzuma's scream was louder than Yujiro's previous roar, "It is absolutely impossible to win, but only to this extent! So we need to redraw it!"

Although Aiko Iwase had been reading a book, she was listening carefully to the conversation between the two! The feeling of wanting to win is the same, but to be honest, Aiko Iwase doesn’t think her manga will lose to Makoto Takahashi! Aiko Iwase is naturally aware of the changes in the style of painting when "Metal" is nearing completion, but she also firmly believes that in addition to the quality of the drawings in comics, the storyline is also very important! At this point, Iwase Aiko, who has never watched "Full Steel" seriously, is confident that she can write a story that is not inferior to anyone else!

Since you have chosen to be the original author of comics, you must have this confidence! Whether it's a wildly imaginative manga like Phoenix Inferno Kuma or an evil manga like Ajou Mumenha's eccentric swordsmanship, now that she has become an opponent, Iwase Aiko will not back down and is confident that she can write a better story. ! It’s not that you don’t overestimate your capabilities, or that you’re a frog in a well and don’t know how high the sky is. It’s your own reserve and pride!

The heart of a strong man is always a sword, so he can protect all the weak and kill all strong enemies; the heart of a weak man is always a wound, so he can avoid all difficulties and fear all enemies!

Although the new comic "Ushio and Tora" has passed the serialization meeting, there is still a little time before publication! Although he had told Makoto Takahashi the news over the phone, Yoshida still dutifully made a trip in person and planned to come to Takahashi Makoto to tell him the news!

"The mind and heart are one, blending into the rhythm of breathing between putting down and lifting up the pen..." Yoshida came to visit and saw Makoto Takahashi guiding Shizukawa to draw the manga manuscript, with a smile on his face! It seems that as the editor-in-chief thought, Shizukawa, an introverted cartoonist, might gain more from Takahashi Makoto than he imagined!

However, Yoshida's good mood did not last long. Takahashi Makoto's next words directly put Yoshida into a petrified state!

"...That's right, release the resentment and hatred that have accumulated in your heart for a long time! Hatred of the corruption of this world, disgust of ignorant human beings, want to destroy everything, want to destroy everything... At this moment you are no longer Jinghe River , but the world-destroying monster, sympathy and pity, these simple and boring emotions are all abandoned, only hatred is left, only anger is left..."

"A-Cheng, what are you talking about?" Seeing that the two of them were concentrating entirely on the comics, Yoshida became more and more uncomfortable as he listened. He immediately rushed over and stopped Takahashi Seichuji's brainwashing wave! "Don't just instill some middle-class ideas into Jing Hehe!"

"Hmph! My beloved is a cat, you are the one who is in the middle school, okay! Tsk tsk tsk, it seems you don't know about Ryuko's special ability!" Makoto Takahashi looked up at Yoshida, with disdain on his face with a smile, "Do you know why I let Liuzi choose to be in charge of this comic?"

"The reason for letting the new assistant be responsible for the manga that was just serialized is not the same as Mayuri and the others..." Yoshida stopped mid-sentence. The way Makoto Takahashi shook his head and the disdainful expression on his face made Yoshida famous. A premonition of misfortune!

"It's not so much that Ryuko and "Tide and Tiger" unexpectedly coincided with each other in terms of sexual orientation, it's better to say that we have a common long-cherished wish to make the despicable species called human beings disappear from this planet!" Makoto Takahashi looked at it Jinghe, the assistant who is serious about painting, has a look of expectation on his face, "Without any verbal communication, I have understood everything through Liuzi's comic "Xianben"! Liuzi is the darling of darkness and the descendant of the devil! But if you want to exterminate mankind, this level is not enough..."

Seeing Makoto Takahashi speaking his thoughts enthusiastically, Yoshida was speechless! Destroying the world and annihilating mankind, something that sounds very terrifying, can be said so enthusiastically and piously. Should it be said that Takahashi Sei's illness is not serious? Or do we mean that all chuunibyou exist like this?

The evil-minded Makoto Takahashi did not tell Yoshida the real reason for making Shizukawa the director of "Tide and Tora"!

Although the style of the manga "Tide and Tiger" complements the manga, it is undeniable that such a style of painting is indeed an unavoidable flaw for the manga! It is absolutely not possible to change the painting style. After all, changing such a violent and straightforward comic to a delicate and beautiful painting style will definitely be counterproductive. Not to mention having your cake and eat it too, the final result will naturally be to draw water from a bamboo basket!

Therefore, in order to make up for the problems in the painting style, we can only improve it in other aspects! Since the style of painting is not enough, let’s compare it from the perspective of characters!

In "Inuyasha", the focus is on the relationship between monsters and humans; in "Slicker", more emphasis is placed on the heroic loyalty between monsters and monsters; although the two comics have different emphases, in general, It shows more of the good side of monsters! But "Tide and Tiger" is completely different. In the first episode, it is just the debut of the two protagonists. From the following content, more emphasis is placed on the murderous and cannibalistic nature of the monsters!

What is the purpose of comics in the era of monsters? It's a monster!

It can be imagined that when readers have become accustomed to the plot of humans and monsters protecting each other in "Inuyasha", and when readers have become accustomed to the heroic relationship between monsters and monsters in "Slicker", they gradually felt in their hearts, "Ah, When I thought that monsters are also sentient beings, I suddenly saw the cruel and murderous side of the monsters in "Tide and the Tiger"... I guess such an impact would be very loving, right?

The contrast between good monsters, evil monsters, and monster natures is the essence of the entire monster era!

Finally I have recovered some energy. By the way, has a certain cat contracted the disease of "getting sick as soon as I return from a business trip"? I just came back from the capital, and then I caught a cold and had a fever. Oh, if I want to travel through time in the future, I will go on a spontaneous trip.

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