A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 192 Three comics and four developments

At the beginning, Yujiro, as an editor, did not agree with Eiji Shinzuma’s willful behavior of cutting his own manga in half! But seeing that after Eiji Niizuma did this, the fighting power of all the cartoonists exploded, Yujiro more or less guessed some of Eiji Niizuma's thoughts... Then, Yujiro betrayed the editor side without any moral integrity, and stood on the editorial side. Here comes Eiji Shinzuma!

Now in the entire "Shounen Jumk", the only one who can compete with Shinzuma-kun is the manga artist Makoto Takahashi from the Yoshida side... The other manga artists can't do it, at least not yet! Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, it is true! The evidence is that in this confrontation, all the cartoonists were defeated...

Maybe Shinzuma-kun just wants to stimulate other cartoonists by doing this? Especially Ajou Mumenha, whom Shinzuma-kun has been paying attention to, is really a pity this time... But this time, even the manga artist Hohoin Kouma may not be able to stop Shinzuma Eiji!

Yujiro tightened the comic sample in his hand, put aside all the complicated thoughts in his head, and knocked on the door of his new wife Eiji's house! Knocking on the door is just a polite behavior. When Eiji Niizuma paints, he likes to turn up the sound loudly, causing the neighbors to suffer! Although Eiji Niizuma has now begun to use headphones, freeing the neighbors from the sonic hell life... but there are also disadvantages, such as the phone being always left unanswered, and someone at home ignoring the doorbell...

"Arizuma-kun, this is this week's sample issue..." Before Yujiro could finish his words, the sample issue in his hand was quickly taken away by Arima Eiji!

"Is it finally here? The monster army... um..." As usual, Eiji Niizuma will enter a realm where no one else is around him as long as he reads the comics! In terms of the degree of concentration alone, it has surpassed many human beings!


Squatting on a chair and looking at the sample magazine of "Shounen Jumk" that Yujiro brought, Eiji Niizuma fell into silence! Yujiro, who originally wanted to say something, looked curious and confused after seeing Eiji Niizuma's attitude. He craned his neck and took a peek, and found that what Eiji Niizuma was looking at was the three Yokai comics of the Phoenix Institute. !

"It feels a bit dangerous..." Eiji Niizuma closed the magazine with a serious look on his face, grabbed the brush on the edge of the table, and entered cartoonist mode! The brush in his hand was flying on the manuscript paper. From time to time, Eiji Niizuma would put his face on the manuscript paper, and kept making strange noises from his mouth, "But that's it... that's what makes it interesting! His Majesty, the Demon King who heals love, is indeed the last one." Enemies! Comics... It’s so interesting, isn’t it, Mother Crow?”

"Danger?" Yujiro looked at Eiji Shinzuma in confusion at first. After a moment, he realized what he was doing, with a look of disbelief on his face. "Don't tell me, Shinzuma-kun, do you think Takahashi Makoto's manga this time..."

"That's what I said!" Eiji Niizuma stopped painting and turned to look at Yujiro with a very serious expression. If it weren't for the strong fighting spirit in his eyes, Yujiro would have thought Eiji Niizuma was angry! However, with this rare expression, Niizuma Eiji did not last long. Instead, he continued to draw comics. Of course, he did not stop talking. He kindly explained to Yujiro, "Same subject matter, different places." Choosing... you monsters, you have to work very hard! It’s really difficult to deal with the four developments, so we have to go all out here and we must not lose!”

Seeing that Eiji Niizuma had no intention of continuing to explain, Yujiro had no choice but to leave. As for the previous explanation, Yujiro said that he only had a half-understanding... But Yujiro understood one thing. Eiji Niizuma might lose this time... Although Niizuma Eiji Eiji has a uncanny ability to predict comics, but this time, only this time, Yujiro hopes that his new wife Eiji's prediction will fail...

So be sure to work hard... Shinzuma-kun!

"Hey, Qiu Ren, what do you think of the contents of these three comics by Acheng!" Lan Dai stopped painting, raised the sample magazine in his hand, and asked for help to his good friend, "To be honest, the three comics The content of the comic seems to be a bit contrary to the royal comics, and the style is a bit biased towards our evil comics, but something feels wrong... Hey, Akito, are you listening?"

"..." Putting down the comic manuscript, the yellow-haired glasses man fell into a daze. Under the call of his good friend's love, he finally came to his senses and showed a weak bitter smile on his face, "Hey, Supreme, we weren't before Did you say that you want to draw an evil fighting comic in our style? The previous "PCP" was just an attempt. Although it failed to achieve first place, the final result of second place was still very good... although I have always thought so. Yes, but now after reading these three comics by Cheng, I realize that we were too simplistic before!"

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Although Lan Dai didn't quite understand, looking at his good friend's lonely expression, he roughly understood that the root cause of his good friend's loss was the three comics that had just appeared in front of him!

"Although the themes of the three films this time are roughly the same, I am sure that the final development will be different!" The yellow-haired glasses man opened the comic and pointed at the "Inuyasha" at the top of the list to the confused friend. The gay friend explained, "In this chapter of "InuYasha", although it is about the life of the half-demon Di Nian'er, the most important thing is, if you think about it, the male protagonist of this comic is InuYasha, and Di Nian'er They are both half-demon beings! And according to Di Nian'er's memories, Inuyasha's life when he was young is surprisingly similar to Di Nian'er's! It’s better to say that it tells readers about Inuyasha’s past life from the side!”

"Eh? Is that so?" Only now do you realize that you are worthy of being Lord Landai? With his blue fur and cute attributes, the fierce Phoenix Academy who gave him the title Lan Dai... indeed has unpredictable prophetic attributes!

"Not only that..." The yellow-haired glasses man quickly flipped through the comic and jumped directly to the "Slippery Ghost" part. His tone was full of exclamation and admiration, "In the new chapter of "Slippery Ghost", he is also a semi- Although the monster Rikuo is exactly the same as Inuyasha, the environment in which he grew up is completely different! Rikuo has not been rejected by monsters since he was a child. He has always regarded monsters as his family, and this What he said is that he has to face the pursuit of monsters and humans! If Inuyasha had an unpleasant childhood, then Rikuo's experience was depressing..."

"Indeed!" Lan Dai, who felt the same way, also nodded in agreement. After all, the recent "Slippery Ghost" was indeed a bit depressing. The Nunliang Lusheng who had always been a defender of mankind was now changed because of a prophecy. He became the target of both monsters and humans. This contrast between before and after made Lan Dai feel like rushing over and killing the guy next door for the first time after reading the comic...

"But what makes me feel the weirdest is the comic "Ushio and Tora"!" The yellow-haired glasses man was a little confused this time. "Xiao Shio and Ahu have always been wandering between monsters and humans, but now they are Rejected by both humans and monsters, especially the male protagonist Xiaoshio, because after holding the beast spear, he transformed into a powerful being. Although he saved many humans, it also made humans fearful; and because of the beast spear, even more The crux of the problem is that he has always been hated and rejected by monsters... He has been disgusted and rejected by the existence that has been saving humans and monsters. Xiaochao has fallen into confusion! "

"Well, when you say that, it does feel like something is wrong..." Lan Dai looked at his good friend, and after his good friend's advice, he already felt something was wrong in his heart, but he couldn't express that feeling...

So Mr. Landai, you should just draw comics properly. Leave such a complicated issue to your good friends to consider... He is extremely smart and so on. Regarding the yellow-haired glasses guy changing his job to the yellow-haired bald guy, etc., Looking forward to it!

"If "Inuyasha" represents a sympathetic childhood, then "Slicker" represents the collapse of faith after the betrayal of trust, and "Tide and the Tiger" is the beginning of the meaning of existence itself!" The yellow-haired glasses man is already entangled. , "Although the order is determined according to the order in which the three comics were serialized, that guy Acheng used the psychological level very well from the shallower to the deeper! Although I am also very good at this, but I chose the same Materials, to complete such a gradually growing content, to this extent... I really can't do it!"

"That guy Acheng is indeed very powerful!" Lan Dai also realized from the narration of his good friend that Takahashi Cheng had a big plan, and he was a little surprised in his heart! Recalling the previous attempts that he and his good friends made together, now they can only be regarded as a small fuss... But when he thought of the previous attempts, Lan Dai entered Kudo Shinichi mode, a light flashed through his brain, and he looked in shock. Looking at his good friend, "Huh? Wait, if you put it this way, could it be that this time Cheng will..."

"There is a chance, but it's unlikely!" The yellow-haired glasses man entered the wise mode and pushed up his glasses habitually. His tone was full of doubts, "Choose the same materials to build the same beginning, and design according to the characteristics of each protagonist. Different developments, this approach is indeed very powerful, but I always feel that there is still something missing! ”

"So, what is missing?" Lan Dai said that he could no longer keep up with the rhythm of such leaping thinking!

"The tragic past that is pitiable, the helpless situation that makes people feel chilling, the confused heart that has nowhere to go..." The yellow-haired glasses man with full thinking ability muttered in a low voice, while rubbing his temples and thinking hard, his eyes Inadvertently scanning from the bookshelf, a comic book briefly describing the correct use of the small book of death flashed past. The ray of light appeared again and shouted excitedly, "I know! There is still a lack of death! But it is impossible. …”

"Death? Qiu Ren, don't be ridiculous! This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!" Landai's hidden attribute started slowly. After five rounds, he finally started to catch up with his teammates' thinking mode. "If the protagonist of the comic dies, the comic will How to proceed? This situation cannot happen in the three monster comics!"

"I know this, so I find it incredible!" The man with yellow hair and glasses looked at the wall next to him, squinting his eyes as if he wanted to see the hidden truth clearly, "The development of the three comics serialized at the same time has been roughly determined... But to achieve the best effect, these four developments must be used! Since Takahashi Makoto dared to draw like this, he must have thought of how to solve this problem..."

By the way, do you have the skill of perspective eyes in your talent, or have you received superpower development like Senior Sister Gufa? Humph! Want to see clearly what Hououin Kyouma is thinking? You should continue to practice for a hundred years, Mr. Yellow Hair and Glasses!

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