A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 278 The ability of a certain little notebook is activated

He did not deliberately humiliate Yoshida or provide special education to the little sea otter. Since he sat down, Takahashi Makoto, who was wearing a white coat, took out a pile of white paper and wrote on it, with a fanatical smile on his face. From time to time, shuddering laughter erupted from his mouth, and the scene was so beautiful that Yoshida and the little sea otter dared not look directly at it!

"Hey Cheng, what are you doing..." At first, Yoshida thought that Takahashi Makoto was drawing a storyboard for a comic, but after risking his life to stretch his neck to peek, he found the white paper in Takahashi Makoto's hand, written It’s full of a lot of confusing formulas!

"Well, I am studying the travel of parallel worlds and the derivation of formulas for constructing teleportation, and..." Makoto Takahashi did not stop the flying pen in his hand, and continued to immerse himself in calculations, and a lot of things suddenly popped up in his mouth. , making Yoshida completely unable to understand the vocabulary, "In fact, teleportation is very simple. After constructing the coordinates of the dimension, move from the dimension we are in to the higher dimension, and then jump back in space..."

"Hey, hey, hey, Makoto Takahashi, you are just a cartoonist. When did you become a scientist? Even if you are a scientist, conducting research on teleportation is a bit exaggerated, right?" He complained to Makoto Takahashi with a look of helplessness. Afterwards, Yoshida turned to look at the little sea otter for support, only to find that the little sea otter was looking at Makoto Takahashi with admiration on his face, "I said Hiramaru-kun, are you..."

"Time travel? Teleport?" The little sea otter showed a look of complete incomprehension on his face, but he said words that made Yoshida want to slap him, "As expected of the God of the Phoenix Academy, haha..."

"Actually, the purpose of studying these black technology materials is to complete the task issued by a certain science geek!" Maybe it's because the people on the cartoonist side haven't been gathered yet, or maybe it's because studying these advanced fields consumes brain power, Takahashi Makoto stopped. He picked up the paintbrush in his hand and explained to Yoshida with a serious face, "My Familiar Cat, in fact, there were two comics candidates for serialization before! But after the science geek visited, he learned about the relevant knowledge in one of the comics. , put forward a lot of academic and scientific research opinions, which made me realize some of its shortcomings... So in order to convince the weird professor, I need to submit a reasonable scientific data to the comic before it starts to be serialized. he!"

"So... is this why you study this?" Yoshida covered his face with his hands and really wanted to kick Takahashi Makoto to death! "Now, I said Cheng, you are just a cartoonist. As long as the content of the cartoon is interesting! In order for a scientist who can only do research to understand the cartoon, you actually spent time studying some unscientific things. Think about it I’m so drunk! No matter the content of the comic or the character setting of the comic, instead of spending time trying to convince an outsider from reality, it’s better to have a good communication with me, the editor in charge!”

"In that case... do you know how far away the railgun is? Do you know the ability to teleport? Do you know the power of atomic collapse? Do you know..." Takahashi Makoto asked in a rapid-fire manner, although he knew it as soon as he heard it. , the content of the comics involves a lot of scientific knowledge, but as a professional editor, Yoshida is speechless! Regarding Yoshida who had no idea what he was asking, Makoto Takahashi mocked with disdain, "Hey! My beloved cat, don't you need to communicate? How can you continue to communicate happily if you can't even understand the most basic settings? What? So, the wisdom of mortals!”

"I'm so sorry for my mortal wisdom!" Yoshida complained dissatisfiedly, "By the way, the new comic you are talking about won't be a boring science question-and-answer comic, right? Let me tell you first, if it is a boring comic , but it will be rejected at the serialization meeting!”

"Science Q\u0026A? Humph! My beloved cat, are you mocking the three thousand questions and answers of a certain cat and a certain mouse? I can't pretend that I didn't hear this! Although I also want to complain about that animal becoming a spirit It’s a comic book, but as a puzzle animation, it’s still very good, at least it’s much better than the future sheep, monsters, bears and monsters!” Makoto Takahashi put down the comic manuscript, covered half of his face with his left hand, and entered [Mainaka] 2. Personality Education] model, "And comics can be accepted by more people. This is an important self-cultivation as a cartoonist! As the editor-in-chief, you have not considered this aspect. I am really disappointed. ah!"

"Well... although I think your jumping thinking has stopped me from complaining, but..." Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi doubtfully, and the expression on his face became serious, even though he is a shady editor. , but at least it also possesses the so-called [Soul of Responsible Editor]! Although Yoshida has confirmed that Takahashi Makoto has now entered the [True Second Personality Education] mode, when it comes to comics, it is still necessary to listen carefully, "What exactly do you want to say, Cheng?"

"My Familiar Cat, does the cartoonist just complete the cartoon manuscript? No, I don't think so! Take the previous cartoon as an example, because it involves some scientific content, which will make the cartoon less readable. Improvement... But in this way, problems arise!" Makoto Takahashi kept typing the manga manuscript, staring at Yoshida seriously, "As for the character settings in the manga, and the development of the manga content, laymen really do. Unable to evaluate... However, for some extremely scientific content, due to its professional level, some people on the reader side will subconsciously consider this issue. However, once doubts arise about the settings in the comics, they will have doubts. The exclusionary nature of comics! In this way, those people will start to criticize and ridicule comics, and the original meaning of reading comics will be lost!”


It sounds very reasonable, and Yoshida can't refute it at all, although he thinks Takahashi Makoto's narration is a bit strange... Using current science to explain unscientific comic content in a serious manner is really something that ordinary people can't do! By the way, Makoto Takahashi, are you really okay with this? I beg you to explain the previously serialized monster comics in a scientific way!

"Whether comics or novels, they are just for entertainment!" Takahashi Cheng looked at the sky from a distance, with helpless melancholy on his face, "However, some people don't understand this truth and lose the meaning of entertainment, which makes When you feel uncomfortable, you also make others uncomfortable... Oh, why do humans hurt each other? They are indeed a lowly species..."

"I knew it would be like this..." From comics to the badness of human nature, this is a method commonly used by Takahashi Makoto. Although Yoshida is already familiar with it, he still feels helpless from the bottom of his heart, "Takahashi Makoto, you are indeed This is the kind of person...[If you don’t complain about the bad nature of humanity, you will die from the Stars]!”

"My beloved cats, although I issued the summoning order today, it seems that those guys are not too active!" Makoto Takahashi looked around doubtfully, with a tangled look on his face, "The agreed time has already been It’s here, but those guys haven’t shown up yet. Sure enough, at this time, we still have to..."

"Uh, um..." He looked at Cheng Takahashi in confusion. After looking down at his watch, Yoshida turned his head and did not dare to tell Makoto Takahashi that when he summoned the cartoonists, he specifically asked the editor-in-chief to push the time. Half an hour later...

"Who should we start with first?" Makoto Takahashi showed a strange smile on his face, and pulled out a black notebook from his white coat. While the corners of Yoshida's mouth kept twitching, he opened the homepage and prepared to start writing comics. The name of the family...

"Eh? Cheng, why are you here so early?" Just when Takahashi Makoto was about to write his name, the cartoonist appeared! The speaker was naturally the man with yellow hair and glasses, "Didn't Mr. Yoshida say..."

"Ahem... Cheng, now that we are here, can we start?" Yoshida tried to divert Takahashi Makoto's attention while winking at everyone, "As for the content of the new comics, it is up to you. Still..."

"Before that, there is one more thing that needs to be dealt with!" Makoto Takahashi quickly wrote someone's name on a black notebook, and then looked at the people beside the cartoonist expectantly, "Now, let me tell you Have you forgotten something? Just a friendly reminder, the contract before the end of the monster era..."

"...Eh!" Except for the new wife Eiji, the cartoonists exclaimed one after another, "You called us here today, could it be because of the travel contract?"

"Hmph! You have indeed forgotten... But unfortunately, like the Lord Knight, as the Demon King, I attach great importance to contracts!" Makoto Takahashi said with an expression of 'Sure enough,' "Then as punishment, It’s written in the contract...I will accept your body and soul without mercy!”

I don't know whether it was because Takahashi Makoto wrote his name in the notebook, or because he was shocked by Takahashi Makoto's speech, but Yoshida suddenly felt a numb pain in his heart...

Because the exam is approaching, the latest update is a bit weak. I hope you will understand, I forgot to say meow before~I am very sorry to say︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿meow~

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