A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 294: True Future Showdown Plan and Someone's Sky-Breaking Direction

The 2nd Future Showdown Plan and Someone’s Intuition to Break Through the Sky

Compared to Takahashi Makoto, who has begun to accumulate strength and prepares to take revenge on mankind, Ajou Mumenha has suffered an unprecedented crisis!

Due to previous negotiations with the editor, the comic "PCP" originally serialized on "Shounen Jumk" will be replaced by the new comic "REVERSI"! After "PCP" completes the last two chapters of "Young Jumk", it will shift its battle position to the monthly magazine! Although Ajou Mumenha also knows that Takahashi Makoto is currently being serialized in a monthly magazine, the two of them are not too worried. After all, "PCP" has been serialized in "Shounen Jumk" for a long time. Readers' side The support rate is quite high! Of course, at this moment, Ajou Mumenha doesn't know how cruel the comic "CLANNAD" is! Especially before Makoto Takahashi entered the monthly series, in order to increase the lethality of this comic, he specially prepared a super cruel killer...

After the great success of the short story "REVERSI", Aki Mumeha got this opportunity to change the serial work, which made the two good friends a little too happy, and even forgot that it actually takes time to complete the manga manuscript... So when After Hattori Editor kindly explained the situation to the two of them, Ajou Mumenha was in tragedy!

Within a month, it is necessary to complete the last two chapters of the weekly serialization of "PCP", the four new chapters of "REVERSI", and the first chapter of the monthly serialization of "PCP"...According to Lan Dai's budget, As long as most of the rest time is reduced, I should be able to finish the entire manga draft before submission! However……

"Until today, until now, I have determined one thing..." The right hand holding the brush is shaking constantly, but Landai still has no idea of ​​stopping painting, but grits his teeth and persists! "Hey, Qiu Ren...that guy Acheng is definitely an outsider!"

"Ah, I feel the same way!" Even though I rubbed my eyes vigorously, it was completely impossible to eliminate the dark circles under my eyes in this way! Mr. Huang Mao Glasses put the compiled comic manuscript aside and did not stop his work due to physical fatigue. "When I saw Cheng serializing three comics at the same time, I felt that the editor was too much. It's biased... Now when we actually get to this point, I understand why that guy Acheng always calls himself the Demon King! That kind of existence with monster physical strength should not appear in the human world at all. You should be thrown into the demon world to fight for the world with the devil!"

Acheng Mumenha, who was working late into the night, started complaining about Takahashi Makoto because the current progress of the manga was not as expected by Lan Dai, who finished half of it in half a month... The completed manga now The number of manuscripts is only less than one-third of Lan Dai’s expectation!

Although Acheng Mumenha needs to complete three manga manuscripts now, they can only be counted as two comics. After all, "PCP" is only the content of a monthly magazine and a weekly magazine, so the difference is not very big! But even so, Yacheng Mu Mengye still felt that there was not enough time. Lan Dai had already begun to think about whether to enter the [sleepless] mode in the next half month in order to complete the comic manuscript within the deadline. …

Ahem...you're so angry that you can transform into a Saiyan. Don't have such delusions, Lan Dai, you're just a mortal!

The three assistants of Acheng Mu Mengye did not join in the complaint at this moment, because they could not stop the work at hand, so how could they have the thought to join the good friends in complaining about other cartoonists!

"As long as you survive this month, the rest of the time will be much easier..." Although Lan Dai was telling the truth, it sounded like he was escaping from reality!

"Hey, the best! Have you ever felt that that guy Acheng seems to be too quiet recently! So quiet that it makes me feel a little uncomfortable!" Looking at the puzzled look on his good friend's face, the yellow-haired glasses gentleman put down his eyes. With the comic manuscript in his hand, he pushed up his glasses and said, "Based on Acheng's character, it's hard to imagine that he hasn't been serialized in a weekly!"

"Eh? What you said is indeed a bit surprising, but..." Lan Dai did not stop painting, he just raised his head and fired the [Dead Fish Eyes Contempt Ray] at his good friend! "Akito, is this the time to talk about this? The most important thing right now is to complete the manga manuscript!"

"Hey! Well, enough rest, let's continue working..."

A moment of rest is not enough for the yellow-haired glasses guy, but now is not the time to rest like a spoiled brat! As for what Makoto Takahashi wants to do, the yellow-haired glasses man is not willing to think about it. As a good friend said, the most important thing now is of course to complete his manga manuscript first!

Compared with the miserable life of Kiajo Kimomeha, it is much easier for Eiji Niizuma who only needs to complete the "ZOMBIE GUN" manga! Without the burden of monthly serialization, new comics are still serialized in a weekly format. With Eiji Niizuma's ability, of course there is no need to enter the frantic rhythm of rushing manuscripts like Ajou Mumenha... Even Eiji Niizuma still has the thought and time. , view sample issues of weekly and monthly magazines!

"Arizuma-kun, this is the monthly magazine you asked for!" The editor Yujiro who came to collect manga manuscripts handed over the monthly magazine Arima Eiji requested!

"Oh! Yuujiro-san, said gratefully!" Like a child receiving a gift, Niizuma Eiji grabbed the monthly magazine with a face full of joy, squatted on a chair and read, "The manga manuscript of "ZOMBIE GUN" Over there..."

"Eh? Have you finished so much?" Looking at the manga manuscript on the table, Yujiro frowned in surprise, "Although it is a good thing to finish it ahead of schedule... But Shinzuma-kun, as a weekly serialized manga I still recommend you not to do this! After all, completing the manga manuscript in advance means limiting the development of the manga! Once the content is not accepted by readers, the ranking of the following chapters will drop... Hey, Shinzuma-kun. , are you listening to me?"

"... As expected of the Phoenix Academy teacher... this content is so touching!" He didn't hear what Yuujiro said at all. Eiji, the new wife, was already immersed in the comics...

Just like Yoshida felt a deep sense of powerlessness when facing Makoto Takahashi, Yujiro was also suppressed in all aspects when facing his new wife Eiji! Just like the internal rumor on the editor's side, the most troublesome cartoonist is the chuunibyou of the Phoenix Institute Murasaki; and the most helpless cartoonist is the childish guy Niizuma Eiji!

Seeing his new wife, Eiji, immersed in comics, Yujiro naturally did not ask for boredom and continued talking to himself. Instead, he picked up the comic manuscript, sat on the sofa, and started to look through his own manga manuscript! Although like Takahashi Makoto, Niizuma Eiji is too childish in character and it is indeed difficult to communicate sometimes, but when it comes to comics, he will be surprisingly serious!

"Huh? This content is..." Looking through the manga manuscript, Yujiro discovered the content of this chapter and unfolded it somewhat unexpectedly! "...It's really bold to choose to do this! But is there really no problem?"

"Yujiro-san, do you have any questions?" Eiji, the new wife who had finished reading the manga, stood in front of Yujiro at some point and looked at his editor seriously... It seemed that he had heard Yujiro's whispered comments before!

"Shinzuma-kun, the original villain is obviously a very popular character... but why did you think of replacing it with a new villain in this chapter?" In Wangdao comics, villains are very important. existence! So to replace it casually like Eiji Niizuma, although you should trust the cartoonist's control ability...but this is still a bit difficult for Yujiro to accept!

"Because I can't win... Teacher Ajou Mumenha is a very powerful opponent..." Niizuma Eiji suddenly pulled out a sample magazine of "Shounen Jumk" previously released from the table, which had Ajou on it. The issue of Kimomeha's "REVERSI" short story! "Yujiro-san, are you an idiot? If you don't make changes to "ZOMBIE GUN" and continue to draw it like this, you will be surpassed!"

"Uh... it shouldn't be possible, right?" Although I have always known the accuracy of Eiji Niizuma's comic predictions, it was still a little hard to accept when he actually faced it! After Yujiro was silent for a moment, he began to make various excuses as if to comfort him, "I heard Hattori say that the current Ajou Mumenha has too many manga manuscripts to complete and is almost overwhelmed. It’s pretty good to finish the comic within the deadline...so...should..."

"Hmph! Teacher Kimeha Ajou will definitely be able to complete the manga!" Opening the sketchbook of his storyboard, Eiji Niizuma covered half of his face, pointed at half of the face in the painting, and said Tsuyujiro shouted loudly, "Mashiro-sensei can definitely do it! Because his eyes are just like the protagonist in a shonen manga, burning with unyielding fighting spirit!"

Although I don’t know how many times I have heard Eiji Nitsuma say such words, Yujiro is still a little hard to understand! However, as usual, Yujiro would not argue with Eiji Niizuma. As before, he wisely chose to change the subject, "Hey, Niizuma-kun, do you know what the [future duel plan] of the Phoenix Academy is about? I don't know how. It prevents you from reading animations and comics, but as for games... it’s absolutely prohibited!”

"Ugh! Yuujiro is so stingy!" Eiji, the new wife, curled her lips in dissatisfaction and rolled around on the ground like a child, "I heard it was a very interesting game..."

"Hey, you're a cartoonist! Just let me draw cartoons in peace!" Yujiro's mouth twitched a little, and he looked helplessly at the monthly magazine spread out on the table, "Speaking of which, the Phoenix Academy is really vicious, and it's not doing its job properly. There should be a limit! There is so much time and energy for games, animations and comics, why not draw more comics..."

"...Yujiro-san, I'll leave the manga manuscript to you. Next, I have something I need to confirm!" After hearing Yujiro's casual complaint, Niizuma Eiji suddenly remembered something, and the expression on his face became serious. , and issued an eviction order to Yujiro without any courtesy!

"Wait, wait, Shinzuma-kun? What happened?" Yujiro was confused. Before he could ask anything, he was successfully expelled by Shinzuma Eiji and locked out!

"Hey, Phoenix Academy teacher..." Niizuma Eiji stood on the back of the chair, his body swaying as the chair rocked, but his hand was holding the phone tightly, with a serious look on his face, "About you, teacher." [Future Showdown Plan], there is something that worries me a lot..."

"Oh, Black Flame King, it seems you have already discovered it!" Takahashi Makoto did not hide it at all, and there was no surprise in his tone, "Just as I expected before, the first person to realize the truth of this plan was you!"

"The so-called [Future Showdown Plan]... The existence of the plan to decide the winner as an opponent refers to the three of comics, games and animation, right?" After hesitating for a moment, Nizuma Eiji showed a trace of solemnity on his face, "In other words... Mr. Fenghuangyuan, you think that the previous monster era has completely defeated us, and before there are no new opponents, you choose to use yourself as an opponent for this duel?"

"Tsk! Black Flame King, the game of small fights should have ended long ago!" Without denying or admitting, Takahashi Makoto just complained unhappily, "As the stage for the final battle, although [Devil's Monologue] and so on, I am also looking forward to it, but if the performance can have your cooperation, then the gorgeousness and fashion will be greatly improved. Increase! So..."

"As expected! If Mr. Ajo Mumoha is my best opponent, then Mr. Hououin Kyouma...you are my last enemy!"

"So King of Black Flame, quickly finish the fateful duel with your good friend Ajo Mumoha, and then..." On the other end of the phone, Takahashi Makoto showed a look of expectation on his face, "Then... step onto the stage of the final battle and show the world and all mankind the final style of our [King]!"

"Understood! I am also looking forward to it! But Mr. Hououin... "CLANNAD" is really interesting!"

"Hehe, of course! But King of Black Flame, as a reward for being the first to discover the truth, I have specially prepared a gift for you... It is called [The correct way to watch "CLANNAD\

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