A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 297 The Correctness of the Opening Method

"Classmate, what do you want?" The owner of the newsstand looked at the boy in uniform in front of him with a smile and asked friendly!

"Boss, can you give me a... uh..." Under the gaze of the newsstand boss, Qin Tian suddenly scratched his head helplessly and laughed awkwardly, "Ah haha, I don't know that name. I remember it so much...it was the comic magazine called "CLANNAD" that recently serialized comics!"

"The comic strip "CLANNAD"...oh! Is it "Victory Jumk"?" Regarding Qin Tian's embarrassment, the boss didn't say much, but quickly took down a magazine from the bookshelf and handed it to Qin Tian said, "This classmate, you are really lucky. This is the last book!"

"Hey, hey, I've always been lucky..." Qin Tian echoed with a narcissistic smile. Only when he took the comic book did he notice what the boss said, with a surprised look on his face and murmuring to himself. Get up, "Huh? Is it actually "Must Win Jumk"? And is there only the last copy left? By the way, this "Must Win Jumk" has become a hot seller now..."

As a loyal fan of shounen comics, Qin Tian doesn't like other comic magazines very much except "Shounen Jumk", a manga magazine for teenagers! Qin Tian also bought a copy of "Must Win Jumk" published by the same magazine as "Shounen Jumk" a long time ago, but it serialized some romance-oriented comics, which made Qin, who has always been addicted to hot-blooded battle-type juvenile comics,... God, I am quite speechless! As for why I suddenly thought of buying this monthly magazine today, ultimately, the reason is...

"I really don't understand, why does that guy Xiaolan recommend me to read this comic?" Lying on the bed, holding the unopened monthly magazine in his hand, Qin Tian had a look of disdain on his face, "Although it is Cartoonist Phoenix Institute’s comics are fierce, but that doesn’t mean that every step of the cartoonist who likes to wear a white coat is a masterpiece, right? Especially when it is serialized in "Jumk"..."

Qin Tian's deskmate is a girl named Xiao Yalan, who is also an extreme comic book addict! And more importantly, this girl named Xiao Yalan is the leader who leads Qin Tian into the world of comics! Generally speaking, Qin Tian likes the comics recommended by Xiao Yalan. Especially in the past year, the comic recommended by Xiao Yalan is called Cartoonist Phoenix Academy's Fierce Comics!

But Qin Tianzhen couldn't fall in love with this comic called "CLANNAD"! Although he knew that this comic was also written by the cartoonist Phoenix Academy, and had heard Xiao Yalan talk about it before, Qin Tian decisively chose it after learning that the content of this comic was a daily campus comic. Give up! However, when Qin Tian was in class today, he saw his classmate Xiao Yalan wiping away tears and a comic book open in the desk drawer...

"Speaking of which, I was so impulsive that I actually bought a copy! I'm going to overspend this month's pocket money... Oh, forget it! Anyway, "REVERSI" by Ajou Mumenha and "ZOMBIE" by Eiji Shinzuma I have finished reading "GUN", and I have to wait several days to see the new content..." Qin Tian held up the monthly magazine in his hand helplessly, and complained with a long sigh, "Now that I bought it, I want to kill the boring time. Then let’s take a look! But I’m still a little curious about comics that can make that carefree girl Xiaolan cry…”

Qin Tian also knew a little bit about the previous content of "CLANNAD", because his deskmate Xiao Yalan had told him many times to recommend this comic! But this is Qin Tian’s first time reading this comic!

Looking at the comics in this issue of "Must Win Jumk", Qin Tian was speechless! The male protagonist is Okazaki Tomoya. He is obviously a student, but he looks like a gangster. He hangs around the school all day long and often meets many cute girls! And what makes Qin Tian complain the most is that the way this comic is developed is very much like some games with the theme of capturing cute girls!

"Uh... From a visual inspection of this development, could it be the Crystal Palace strategy comic? That guy Xiaolan actually reads this type of comic. It's really unbelievable!" Qin Tian knew that his deskmate What Xiao Yalan hates the most is this kind of Crystal Palace comics with one male protagonist and multiple female protagonists! "Although the girls in the comics are indeed very cute, but...what is so touching about this kind of comics? I think the hero Okazaki Tomoya shows off all kinds of sinister things. This content is very funny...it's how I open it up. Not correct?"

Although the daily content described in the comic has made Qin Tian so bored that he started to complain about himself, Qin Tian has not given up on this comic! Because there was something in the comic that made Qin Tian a little curious... Well, it was the legend about the ghost girl in the school!

In the private Mitsusaka High School in the manga, there is a legend of a ghost girl spreading! It is said that the female student who was unfortunately involved in a car accident when she entered the first grade. Although it is said that she is still lying in the hospital receiving treatment, many people in the school have witnessed this girl, alone in the old school building all day long. In the empty classroom, something is being carved silently, and mysterious star-like objects are sent out to people who come to talk...

In order to help Nagisa Furukawa complete the task of rebuilding the drama club, Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa were busy in school, trying to attract their friends into the drama club, and in the process, something about The legend of the mysterious ghost girl spread to the ears of Okazaki Tomoya again and again through the exchanges between passers-by and classmates...

Okazaki Tomoya brought Furukawa Nagisa to the classroom where Fuuko was, intending to invite Fuuko to join the drama club, but Fuuko refused! During the conversation, Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa learned from Fuuko that the reason why Fuuko was silently carving starfish alone in the classroom was because Fuuko wanted to use the wooden starfish as a gift to invite Kosaka High School. teachers and students to attend the wedding of her sister, Mr. Ibuki, who used to be a teacher in this school!

The content of this chapter, the first half of it, is basically this...the calm daily plot, although it is interspersed with various funny scenes, but it still makes Qin Tian, ​​who is used to reading shonen comics, feel more and more boring !

Although in the comic, the conversation between Fengzi and Okazaki Tomoya is quite interesting. Okazaki Tomoya plays tricks on Fengzi in various ways, which makes Qin Tian find the content of the comic very funny, but Qin Tian has not forgotten the content that concerns him! Although Qin Tian had already guessed at this moment that the ghost girl mentioned by passers-by was the girl Ibuki Fuko who carved the starfish, but...

"By the way...how is this a ghost girl? She's obviously a cute loli!"

Qin Tian is completely unable to complain. Judging from the content he has watched so far, Fengzi is obviously just a childish girl! And from the conversations between several people in the comic, Qin Tian also understood the reason why Fengzi worked so hard to carve starfish, and he felt a little bad! Fengzi stayed in the classroom carving starfish and so on, and was mistaken for a ghost girl... The strange world view of the passerby students in the comic made Qin Tian almost want to give up the comic!

Is a manga of this caliber really the murderous manga from the Phoenix Institute? Compared with the previous comics, it seems to be too far behind, right?

Qin Tian, ​​who was confused, did not continue reading. Instead, he turned to the monthly serialization of "CLANNAD". After rubbing his eyes vigorously, he confirmed that he had not read it wrong. The name written in the author column was indeed Phoenix. There is no doubt that the hospital is really evil! Putting down the comic, Qin Tian complained feebly, "Speaking of how ferocious the Phoenix Academy is, why did you suddenly think of serializing such boring comics in a monthly magazine? It's a waste of time to serialize such comics in a monthly magazine! Sure enough, Phoenix! Yin Ji Zhen should go back to "Shounen Jumk" to draw shounen comics, this is the most correct choice!"

After complaining, Qin Tian decided to read the content of this chapter. Although Qin Tian had already decided in his heart that after reading this chapter, he would never spend money to buy "Must Win Jumk"... However, the comic continues The development that followed surprised Qin Tian!

First, Nagisa Furukawa whispered to Tomoya Okazaki that the girl named Fuko was exactly the girl who was rumored by her classmates to have suffered a car accident on the first day of school; then the two of them, who were doubtful, visited Fuko again. My sister, Mr. Ibuki, learned that Fuuko is still unconscious in the hospital...

Qin Tian was a little surprised by the super expansion in the comics! Judging from the previous content, this comic called "CLANNAD" should be a comic about the daily life of the academy. How could there be a ghost-like existence? Although at the beginning, Qin Tian always believed that the character Fengzi was a real girl, and those rumors were only caused by Fengzi's childish character and weird behavior... But now after seeing the comic , after confirming it through various inquiries from Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa, Qin Tian also began to feel that something was not right about the existence of Fengzi, a girl!

"... By the way, this Fengzi is really a ghost, right? Is this comic not just a daily comic, but a supernatural monster comic? The reason why I didn't have this idea in the first place , is it that I opened it incorrectly?”

Classmate Qin Tian was a little curious and wanted to see the next development of the comic, but found that the content of this chapter ended here, and he suddenly felt like crying without tears! Although I have become accustomed to the brutal abilities of the manga artist Shoin's murderous plots, this time is different... because this time it is serialized in the publication "CLANNAD", but "Music Victory Jumk" is a monthly magazine that is released once a month!

"There should be a preview for the next issue. Why didn't I see it? I must have opened it the wrong way!"

Unwilling to give up, classmate Qin Tian quickly flipped through this monthly magazine. Although he accidentally discovered "PCP" by Ajou Mumenha, his excitement was instantly shattered because he was eager to know the follow-up content of "CLANNAD" Got it! However, the result was no surprise. In the entire monthly magazine, the content about "CLANNAD" never appeared again...

So, Qin Tian and everyone on the reader side... wait for the release of "Must Win Jumk" next month with peace of mind!

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