A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 300 The regret of not being able to meet

Human beings will always have so-called unnecessary sympathy for some things. Whether it is comics or reality, there are always some things that people cannot let go of! Take the comic "CLANNAD" as an example. What happened to Fengzi can move the reader's existence, and there are more or less reasons for this! For many readers, they know that this is just a comic and they know that it is false, but the content of this chapter can make them feel depressed!

In order to make her sister's wedding lively, Fengzi kept carving wooden starfish every day and gave them to every passerby who passed by. She was not asking the other party to do anything like changing the world line. 】 incident, he just asked the other party to attend the wedding of his sister, Mr. Ibuki, making the wedding full of lively atmosphere, nothing more!

After the release of the new chapter of "CLANNAD", readers have entered a state of confusion and depression, because the development in the comic is really unacceptable! As the editor-in-chief, Yoshida almost tried to open a copy of "Talk about Life with Makoto Takahashi" after reading the comic... From this point alone, it can already prove the lethality of this comic!

So after the new issue of "Must Win Jumk" was released, Yoshida looked at the rising sales again and felt like he wanted to cry without tears! As the editor-in-chief, Yoshida was the first to read the manga and said that the content of this chapter really made him confused and depressed! As mentioned at the end of the previous chapter, Okazaki Tomoya, as the protagonist, knew that Fuuko's identity was a bit strange, but he still pulled Furukawa Nagisa to help Fuuko, and did not dislike Fuuko because Fuuko was the legendary ghost girl. , and did not shrink back out of fear of the unknown!

Human beings will always sympathize with things that have nothing to do with themselves. Even though they know that these things are false, they can't help feeling sad about them! Just like what is described in the latest chapter of the comic "CLANNAD"! However, humans are humans after all, and they always have incomprehensible emotions about some things. This may be the reason why the comic "CLANNAD" can succeed!

In order to invite the students to attend the wedding of her sister Ibuki, Fuko kept giving out wooden starfish to each student. Although in reality, not everyone can accept it, but in the comics, Fuko's share The feeling of working hard for my sister seems to be well conveyed to everyone's heart. Except for a few people with personality problems (such as a certain girl with glasses), at least everyone who accepted the wooden starfish promised to come. Attend Mr. Ibuki’s wedding!

In the comics, Fengzi's image of working hard for her sister has indeed moved many people. Let's not talk about the readers' side. Just in the comics, Fengzi's fan support group appeared! The cheering group started by three passerby boys even regarded Okazaki Tomoe, who has been helping Fuko, as Fuko's older brother... This part of the content made many readers smile bitterly!

However, the happy plot ended just like this! The development behind this chapter gave many readers an ominous premonition!

First of all, Haruhara Youhei, who is a good friend of the male protagonist Okazaki Tomoya, raised his own questions to the male protagonist Okazaki Tomoya! While Fuko was handing out wooden starfish, she was completely ignored by the soy sauce characters on the road, which made the nervous Haruhara Hinata want to know the truth!

Then in the school, more and more passers-by ignored Fengzi's existence. Many people even completely ignored Fengzi and fully started the pass-by mode. No matter how hard Fengzi tried, those people seemed not to notice at all. Just like Fengzi, he just left to care for himself, causing the number of wooden starfish Fengzi sent out every day to gradually decrease!

Then came the fatal blow from Fuko's sister, Mr. Ibuki! Fuuko's sister, Mr. Ibuki, told Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa that the doctor said that Fuuko's condition has further deteriorated and she may remain in a vegetative state and cannot wake up! Faced with this development, Fuuko's sister Ibuki Kimiko even entered a confused state of "Is it really okay to get married like this?" and planned to move to a place closer to Fuuko Hospital after hastily getting married!

Although Okazaki Tomoya is a bad student, in the comics, he shows the true qualities of a real man! In order to help Fuuko realize her wish, Okazaki Tomoya took Furukawa Nagisa to find the legendary master Yukimura in the school, and successfully asked Yukimura to convince the school principal and other teachers to allow Ibuki-san’s wedding to be held in the school held in!

Although in the end, thanks to the efforts of Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa, Mr. Ibuki decided to hold a wedding at school and get married as soon as possible, but regardless of Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa in the manga, they still read the manga Readers have already vaguely noticed that the comic seems to have entered a confusing route!

Looking at this development in the comics, many readers felt that this was the best development path, and they even forgot about the brutal nature of the Phoenix Academy Murderer in the comics!

"A-Cheng, if the manga develops as you do, readers will definitely feel resentful!" When Yoshida finished reading this chapter, he did not fall into the entangled and indignant mode like the readers did, but out of responsibility As for the responsibility of editing, Yoshida has indeed done what he should do very well! "This development is really cruel...can't it be modified?"

"My beloved cat, this is where you are stupid!" In response to Yoshida's remarks, Takahashi Makoto responded with a disdainful tone, "Fuuko-chan's plot is just a sentinel to broaden your horizons! As the final chapter of "CLANNAD" The fighting power, the subsequent plot is much more brutal... Of course, if you can't even bear this level, I will be very satisfied with the content behind the comic! "

Yoshida is not a time traveler, so he doesn’t know how ferocious and tear-jerking “CLANNAD” is. Naturally, Makoto Takahashi will not tell Yoshida about the development of the manga after “CLANNAD”! Although "CLANNAD" is the ending of the healing series, before readers can feel the so-called healing, they must first experience some so-called torture and pain!

The most brutal blow in the comic is naturally the ending, the fatal blow from the Founder's Festival!

Under the persuasion of Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa, Mr. Ibuki finally agreed to return to school to participate in the Founder's Festival! Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa decided to let Fuuko meet their sister, so on the day of the Founder's Festival, they took Fuuko to the school gate to pick up Mr. Ibuki!

"I haven't been here for a long time, so I feel a little nervous! It's obviously the same place, but it feels like a school somewhere else! Because there are all students I don't know!" In the manga, Mr. Ibuki came to the school as scheduled. , they met the three of them, Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa, who were carrying Fuko! However, Mr. Ibuki said something confusing with a smile on his face, "So I finally breathed a sigh of relief when I saw you two!"

Many people on the reader side suddenly fell into a tangled state when they saw this! Standing in front of Mr. Ibuki, apart from Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa, there is also Fuuko-chan who has been working hard all this time! But judging from Mr. Ibuki's performance, he didn't notice Fuuko-chan's presence at all!

Fengzi has been working hard to invite students from the school to attend her sister's wedding. However, when she actually faced her sister Ibuki, she couldn't meet her. Although this development can prove Fengzi's existence, it is There is a ghost girl in the legend, but how many readers still care about this issue?

Counting the content of the previous chapter, Fuko-chan's hard work has left a deep impression on the reader's memory. In the latest chapter, it is seen that Okazaki Tomoe intends to let Fengzi-chan When the two sisters met, many people were expecting and happy. However, the development in the comics was beyond the expectations of many readers!

Even though they were facing each other, Ibuki-san couldn't see his sister Ibuki Fuko!

Facing the stunned Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa, Mr. Ibuki showed a puzzled look on his face, and asked them in confusion, "Excuse me, what happened? Furukawa-san? Okazaki-san?"

Fengzi, who has obviously been working hard, and who has successfully invited many passers-by and classmates, actually enters a state of [unable to see when they meet] when she really faces her sister Ibuki-kun. This kind of content is enough to make readers Everyone on the side couldn’t accept it at all!

What makes readers most indignant is that the content of this chapter actually ends here! The content of the last page of the comic stops at the picture of the four people meeting each other. This abrupt ending firmly adheres to the consistent practice of the cartoonist Phoenix Inferno!

For the efforts that have been made silently, the reward is completely useless. Human beings will always have so-called sympathy for this kind of thing, and will feel sympathy and regret for the person who works silently... Just like this chapter "CLANNAD" Zhong, everything Fengzi did!

Although in the previous episode, Mitsui-san, the bespectacled girl who once rejected Fuko, took the initiative to approach Fuko in this episode, accepted Fuko's wooden starfish, and promised to join Ibuki if she was free. The prince's wedding... However, such a happy change cannot alleviate the reader's entanglement at all in the face of the final development of the comic!

Giving others hope while giving others more despair, this is the development of the comic "CLANNAD"! This also made many readers, after reading this chapter of the comic, start to complain about the murderous and crazy setting of the cartoonist Phoenix Institute!

"Cheng, let me just say that the development of comics like this will cause readers to complain, right?" In addition to gloating about his misfortune, Yoshida's face looked more worried! Holding a sample of the latest monthly magazine, Yoshida tried to enter into the task of persuading Makoto Takahashi, "This is enough to draw! For the content of the next chapter, if possible, let the Fuko sisters meet! Otherwise, this will , Fuuko-chan is so pitiful!”

"My beloved cat, now is not the time!" Makoto Takahashi, who entered the mad cartoonist mode, reprimanded Yoshida unceremoniously while drawing comics, "This level is not enough! More is needed. , more memorable stories will do! ”

"But..." Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi with a troubled face, trying to start the persuasion mode again, but unfortunately he was interrupted by someone who was drawing comics!

"There's nothing good about it! My beloved is a cat. The reason why this masterpiece is called a masterpiece is because all its developments have already been decided! It's true, all of this is Steins;Gate's choice!"

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, dear readers! Sorry, it's Mid-Autumn Festival, but it reminded you of Fengzi's story, which made you have depressing memories. I apologize for this~ Well, anyway, today or every day after that, please say it happily! The above is meow o(∩_∩)o ~

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