A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 317 The Cartoonist is God

Although he chose to completely ignore Takahashi Makoto's previous remarks, but when it came to the issue of the voice actor sister's radio interview, Ajou Mumenha still decided to pay a visit! Of course, before coming to Takahashi Makoto's house, Ajou Mumenha and these good friends were fully prepared... complete measures to prevent Chuuni's radio wave brainwashing and so on!

The person who opened the door for Ajou Mumenha was Rina with a blushing face. Although Ajou and Mumenha did not have the perspective skills, they could rely on the unnatural look on Rina's face at this time and the time it took from knocking on the door to opening the door. At that time, Ajou Mumenha and the two of them had already come up with a super embarrassing guess. Could it be that Takahashi Makoto and Rina are...

However, this is not the case. Rina and Takahashi Makoto did not conduct some [in-depth and simple] research during the day... The reason why Rina's face turned red was simply because Takahashi Makoto's excessively high-pitched speeches were heard by others. It will just feel super embarrassing!

After entering the room, Yacheng Mu Mengye saw a rather unexpected scene! The control in the white coat, who has always been classified as an abnormal human being and is full of middle-level attributes, now shows an extremely unexpected side - he is playing with his two children very patiently! If it hadn't been for their usual sudden visit today, Ajou and Mumenha would have almost forgotten that Takahashi Makoto, the middle-class radio boy, still has the identity of [father]!

"Rin, you have to remember this magic technique. This is the secret passed down from generation to generation by the Demon King's family! So Rin... Hey, don't play with gems! If you want to learn [Gem Magic] in the future, absolutely Will be captured by some pirate collector... Rin's future is to marry her father when she grows up!"

"Seiji, if you want to master [God's Hand], you are still far away! Hey, kid, don't run around while I'm talking to you! The thing in your hand is a chess piece, not a token, [Super Electromagnetic [Cannon] This otherworldly move is prohibited in the Demon King's Castle... If you want actual combat training, I can use a time machine to send you back to the Cretaceous Period!"

Well, please ignore the horribly lost and brutal remarks when someone educates their children, especially when men and women are treated differently... Takahashi Makoto, do you dare not to show your [daughter-controlling] side so obviously?

Seeing that Ajou Mumenha wanted to ask Takahashi Makoto something, Rina didn't say anything, but took the two little guys out. So after the fun of educating children was interrupted, Takahashi Makoto was quite unhappy. Looking at the two people in front of him, his face clearly showed a look that said, "I will deal with you two good friends later"!

"...I, let's go back, Supreme?" Under someone's eyes full of murderous intent, like a murderer's ghost, the man with yellow-haired glasses moved back with some guilt and leaned closely against the good boy. Classmate You Landai is retreating!

"Oh? The wail of a bereaved dog? Hum, unfortunately, even if you use this rare skill of begging for mercy today, you still have to pay a certain price if you want to leave the Demon King's castle! And..." Gao After Qiao Cheng stared at Lan Dai for a long time, a puzzled look appeared on his face, "Speaking of which, you two good friends, did you use the [Soul Swap] skill before coming here? Why do you feel that Lan Dai's eyes are quite different today?" Not bad? I remember that some time ago, it was like an ant struggling in the mud...has it finally evolved into an amphibian reptile? "

Classmate Landai, who was being boasted by Takahashi Makoto with his poisonous tongue, now showed a tangled look!

Although Lan Dai had discussed with his good friends before coming here today, after meeting Makoto Takahashi, he would ask detailed questions about the radio interview of the seiyuu sister, but when he actually faced Makoto Takahashi, Lan Dai But I found that many of the questions I had prepared before were now unable to be asked! It's not that he was embarrassed to ask because he was embarrassed or shy, but Lan Dai felt that, judging from Takahashi Makoto's secondary attributes, if he asked directly, the answer he would get would definitely make him feel quite uncomfortable... After all, The world view of the second grade is not something that ordinary people can accept!

"Hey! It's rare that I take the time to accept the worship of you and other common people..." Takahashi Makoto knocked on the table, calling the distracted Landai classmate back to reality, and complained unhappily, "Yacheng Mu Mengye, what a waste Time and other things...but committing suicide is an unforgivable original sin!"

"A-Cheng, actually we came here today because we want to know..."

"I have already understood the purpose of your visit! However... now I refuse to provide any help!" Makoto Takahashi interrupted Lan Dai's words loudly, stood up and walked to the desk where the assistant was working, while tidying up Picking up the completed comic manuscript, he started to explain, "If you want to know something, you must pay something. I thought you had already understood this truth, but you never expected... It seems that even after thousands of years of experience, mortal bones They are mortal bones after all!”

I knew it would be like this...

Lan Dai turned to his good friend with tears streaming down his face, and found that the other person also had a Spartan expression on his face... Sure enough, the goodwill between gay friends can be greatly improved by sharing weal and woe!

"Ask a question, cartoonists are gods...what does it mean?" Makoto Takahashi, who was sorting out the cartoon manuscripts, suddenly raised his voice and asked the question to his good friends who were comforting each other over there, "I will Based on your answers, we will decide to open the appropriate Gate of Steins for you... Answer me, you common people!"

“…” Yashiro Mumengye said that he had already passed the age of being a middle school student and could not think about such a meaningless question that was out of common sense with a middle school mentality! Therefore, in response to Takahashi Makoto's sudden question, the two good friends could only shrug helplessly and enter a state of silence…

“Can’t answer? Hehe…” Takahashi Makoto turned around and looked at the silent Yashiro Mumengye with a weird smile on his face, but he said what Yashiro Mumengye cared about the most, “Being a god but not knowing it… Humph! It is because of this that you can’t defeat the King of Black Flame, not to mention His Highness Fenghuangyuan Kyouma who has already reached the level of a demon god! Hahahaha…”

“What?” Yashiro Mumengye might not care too much about other things, but when it comes to Nizuma Eiji… Yashiro Mumengye and the others immediately sat up straight and acted as if they were ready to listen to the teachings!

"Someone once said that gods are also human beings, but they have done things that humans cannot do, so there are no gods in this world! However, this is just the ignorant view of mortal ants..." With his hands in the pockets of his white coat, Takahashi Makoto half-bent over, staring at the comics completed by his assistants on the table, almost putting his face on the manuscript, and said slowly in a low voice, "In the cognition of mortal ants, the so-called gods are the existences that know everything and are omnipotent! Because gods know everything, they know everything... So with the construction and understanding of the world, and with the identity of the creator of the new world of cartoonists, why can't we call ourselves gods?"

"In short, in a comic, as the author, we understand the origin and ending of each plot, and know every character. The past and future of the comics are not colored, and we don’t have any love or hatred for any character, and we don’t have boring good and evil emotions about anything, because for every plot or character in it, we have already mastered everything! At a certain time in the future, a certain character will encounter something. The plot and development of the comics are the will of that world, the way of heaven in that world, and what we usually call... God’s will! "

"However, in reality, all this is not something that mere humans can do! The only person I can think of who can abandon all emotions and treat things is the so-called [God]! So... we who are called cartoonists are the so-called gods for all creatures in the real and fake world in the comics! "

Takahashi Makoto... Have you really started to call yourself a god? Yacheng Mu Mengye instantly felt like shit...

Although I really want to complain about Takahashi Makoto's serious nonsense, Yacheng Mu Mengye and the others can't find any reason or facts to refute it! Although the two had been fully prepared to face the [Chuuni Brainwashing Waves] before coming to Takahashi Makoto's house, as the brainwashing concept of this brutal zombie gradually unfolded, the good friends have gradually begun to be confused!

Unfortunately, Takahashi Makoto's brutal brainwashing of [Cartoonists are Gods] has not ended yet, but... has just begun!

"The content of the comic "Dream Eater" tells the story of the struggle of Mashiro Takashi and his good friend Takagi Akito as cartoonists... I think you two already know this, right? And the next episode to be published is about the appearance of a genius cartoonist named "Nizuma Eiji", which gives a pair of good friends in the comics a goal to pursue..." Makoto Takahashi suddenly changed the topic, smiled at the two people in front of him who were in a daze, waved the comic manuscript in his hand, and began to tell the content behind "Dream Eater", "...Until the end of the comic, with the help of Takagi Akito, Mashiro Takashi finally relied on the great success of the new comic to fulfill his promise with the voice actor sister and got together!"

Lan Dai, don't fall into delusion mode! Isn't the purpose of your coming here today to ask Makoto Takahashi about the radio interview with the voice actor sister? If you don't find a way to improve your resistance to the brainwashing waves of Chuuni, you will definitely be played by Makoto Takahashi in the future!

"Looking at the entire comic "Dream Eater", it is actually the life experience of a cartoonist named Ajo Mumenoha... So just as I said just now, in fact, all of this has been arranged by God! And that God is me, the crazy cartoonist Houhouin Kyouma!"

Makoto Takahashi has become so Chuuni that he is hopeless... Is he?

This guy, Acheng, is hopeless... The yellow-haired glasses man conveyed this message to his good friend through his eyes!

Seconded! It's really hopeless... Lan Dai also responded with the same look!

"Hmph! You... don't think you can escape the prediction of [Mind Reading] by communicating with your eyes!" Takahashi Makoto stared at the two people unkindly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said to the embarrassed Yacheng Mu Mengye and the others with ill intentions, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking... Compared with the Black Flame King, your understanding of the world is indeed far behind! You can't even communicate normally, so you are only at the level of ordinary people!" No, in a sense, the new wife who can communicate with you normally is definitely not in the category of normal humans... After the eye contact, Yacheng Mu Mengye and the others nodded while understanding!

"Hey, Yacheng Mu Mengye, the world we live in is real in our eyes..." Takahashi Cheng laughed sinisterly and said something that shocked Yacheng Mu Mengye and the others, "Although we think we live as human beings... But have you ever considered that this world is just a comic or a novel made up by others, and we are just one of the characters?"

"..." Compared to Lan Dai, who seemed to understand, Huang Mao Glasses hesitated for a moment, and his face immediately became a little ugly. He complained to Takahashi Cheng with a wry smile, "Hey, hey, hey, Cheng... Don't say this with a smile This is a terrifying thing! "

"That existence that we cannot perceive has already determined everything about us, from birth to death... Just as I said before, for us, that existence is the so-called God!" Seeing the horror on the two people's faces, Takahashi Makoto nodded with satisfaction, and said to them in a comforting way, "Real man! Although I don't know what the character of that God is like, it is certain that he will definitely not let the characters who know the truth die like in a certain novel... The King of Black Flame also agrees with this!"

Death or something... Takahashi Makoto, do you think this is comfort? It feels even more scary, okay?

"Uh... Now I regret listening to you, Acheng..." Because the yellow-haired glasses man is the builder of the comic plot, he loves to think... So after listening to what Takahashi Makoto said, all kinds of complicated thoughts can't stop at all!

Sure enough... After adding the [Philosophy] attribute, the ability of [Chuuni Brainwashing Wave] to destroy humans is a destructive level existence!

"So, Lan Dai, and Mr. Yellow-haired Glasses... Do you know why I started serializing Dream Eater now?" Takahashi Makoto put the comic manuscript on the table, shook his white coat, and exuded a kind of heart-pounding enthusiasm from his only remaining right eye, "Because I want to interweave reality and comics, and let humans fall into the illusion of illusion and reality... In this way, I will become a true god like the existence that built this world! Hahaha..."

Can it be said that Ah Cheng, you are almost a [God] now...?

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