A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 320 The name of the comic is...

Chapter 320 The name of the comic is.

Now that Mr. Huang Mao and Glasses has realized that Makoto Takahashi is trying to activate the [Chuuni 2 Brainwashing Wave] on himself, he naturally doesn’t want to become Makoto Takahashi’s toy, so he hangs up the phone decisively! Although the purpose of the call was not achieved, which made both Acheng and Mu Mengye a little depressed, facing Makoto Takahashi directly, even if they contacted Makoto Takahashi on the phone, still made the pair of good friends feel uneasy. !

But Landai is worried about the radio interview of his seiyuu sister, and wants to get more information from Takahashi Makoto, who is obviously the 'mastermind behind the scenes'; the yellow-haired glasses guy wants to relieve his inner demons and achieve Shattering Void by talking to Takahashi Makoto in detail , no, it should be to regain the same creative power as before... So after discussing for several hours, these good friends decided to publish a message and invite everyone on the cartoonist side to form a team to work on [The Second Demon King]!

Just when the two good friends Acheng Mu Mengye were busy planning their battle, a brave man stood up and single-handedly entered the castle of the Second Demon King... That's right, that person was exactly The editor-in-charge assigned to Makoto Takahashi on the editorial side is named Yoshida’s My Dependent Cat (Yoshida: Hey, is the title spelled backwards?)!

For Takahashi Makoto, who was resentful for not being able to destroy the yellow-haired glasses man, after learning that Yoshida came to collect manga manuscripts, he did not continue the task of "organizing the manga manuscripts completed many years ago". I took out one of the most loving and healing comics, put it on the table, and started to check the login progress bar of "Breaking My Familiar Cat" with great anticipation!

So the wheel of history called "Trouble with my beloved cat" began to turn...

"Wha, what? Cheng, you want to start another serial?" Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi in surprise, and then turned his attention to the comic manuscript on the table. After pondering for a moment, he rejected Takahashi without hesitation. Cheng's suggestion, "This is absolutely not possible! The number of comic manuscripts serialized in weekly and monthly magazines is only much more than the three comics you serialized at the same time before. What's more, the work you are proposing to serialize now... actually... We also plan to serialize it in a monthly magazine!”

"Hey! Can't you do that? As expected, my beloved cat, you are still at the level of an ordinary person!"

"Is this a matter of judgment? This is completely impossible, okay!" In response to Takahashi Makoto's resentful remarks, Yoshida had lost his cool and banged the manga manuscript on the table, knocking Takahashi Makoto directly. The excuse was blocked back! "Yes, yes, I know you have serialized three comics at the same time before, but they were all done in a weekly magazine! It's a weekly magazine, understand! But now you actually want to serialize two comics at the same time in a monthly magazine... Even if it is A big devil like you, Cheng, can't finish it within physical time! Even if you are asked to draw 24 hours a day, you can't finish it!"

Although he knows that Makoto Takahashi writes comics very quickly, although he knows how hard Takahashi Makoto works when he draws comics, and although he thinks that Makoto Takahashi really wants to start a new serial... But Yoshida also knows , even if Makoto Takahashi broke out in the small universe, he would not be able to complete the manga manuscripts required for two monthly series and one weekly series within one month!

Of course, only the monster-like Chuunibyou would want to accomplish something that humans cannot do!

"Really not?" Looking at Yoshida suspiciously, Takahashi Makoto curled his lips in displeasure, "Is it really not possible?"

"Unless there are forty-eight hours in a day!" Yoshida gave an answer that was incredibly difficult without hesitation... In other words, Makoto Takahashi, you should give up on this!

"I see... My beloved cat, I understand what you mean!" After Makoto Takahashi frowned and thought for a moment, a serious look appeared on his face, he nodded to himself and said, "According to the calendar of gods and demons, It is stipulated that there are seven hundred and seventy days in a year and forty-eight hours in a day... So as long as I, the Phoenix Academy, unify the entire world and enslave all human beings, I will also destroy the calendar used in the current world line and replace it. Become a calendar of gods and demons..."

"You actually started a war to unify the world just to publish a new manga... Takahashi Makoto, do you think I will be moved by your 'sincerity' and agree?" After Yoshida specially emphasized a certain word, his face showed resentment. With a look on his face, he slammed the table continuously as if he was desperate, interrupting Takahashi Makoto's unfinished words without politeness, "Believe me, if the Lord of Earth knew your such crazy thoughts, he might, in order to prevent the world from returning to chaos, And brainwashing humans all over the world..."

"Hypnosis and brainwashing... Hmm! My Familiar Cat, what a great idea!" Makoto Takahashi had completely fallen into some strange fantasy and murmured to himself, "Sure enough, it would be better to just return the world to chaos and restart life. Trees or something, controlling human beings through spiritual consciousness may be the fastest way! To put it simply, change, um, no, it should be to allow human beings to re-understand the world in accordance with the needs of the fierce demon king of the Phoenix Academy. Salt is very sweet! , the chili is very spicy..."

Yoshida chose to completely ignore Takahashi Seichuji's paranoid delusions, and at the same time, he also turned his attention to the manga manuscript on the table! Frowning slightly, Yoshida picked up the manga manuscript on the table, preparing to see what kind of manga it was that would make Sei Takahashi make a desperate request to be serialized twice in a monthly magazine!

Yoshida's initial plan was to take a look at the comic manuscript. If it fits the theme of "Shonen Jumk", maybe Takahashi Makoto could submit it directly to the weekly magazine for serialization... Judging from the thickness of the comic manuscript in his hand, it should be no problem to serialize it in the weekly magazine for two months!

"This comic doesn't even have a name. Have you not thought about it yet?" Yoshida almost bit his tongue when he said the last word! Because after flipping through two pages casually, let alone the name of the comic, even the title of the first episode was not written...

At the beginning of the comic, there is a little girl running. To be precise, it should be the back of a little girl with twin ponytails running! What surprised Yoshida a little was that the little girl seemed to be in a huge maze, a maze composed of black and white grids! Although Yoshida wanted to complain about Takahashi Makoto's lazy background at this moment, he only saw the beginning, and it seemed too early to make a decision now...

When the little girl pushed a door in the maze that looked like an exit, the style of the painting suddenly changed! The huge clockwork gears were turning slowly in the air, the tall buildings were strangely suspended in the air, and the city was in ruins, as if a fierce battle had just taken place! Although there was no narration in the comics, Yoshida suddenly felt that the end of the world was coming...

A long-haired girl stood in the ruins of the city, looking up at a huge object in the sky. Although the comics only gave a side description of the girl, without any text narration to describe it, Yoshida could vaguely understand that the long-haired girl and the strange object in the sky were in a hostile state, and the reason why the whole city became like this was perhaps because of the fierce battle between the two...

The long-haired girl jumped up and flew directly to the huge object in the air, but what greeted the girl was the "remnants" of half a tall building! Like many comics, the comics did not draw the scene of the girl dodging, but switched to the scene of the half-tall building colliding with other tall buildings! And the long-haired girl...as Yoshida expected, used a skill similar to teleportation and appeared in the air outside the range of the collision aftermath!

However, what greeted the girl this time was a beam of light as brilliant as a flame...

"Too much!" The twin-tailed girl who appeared first was excitedly grabbing the fence suspended in the air and shouting loudly!

"For her alone, the burden is too heavy! But there is nothing we can do about it..." Appearing next to the twin-tailed girl was a creature similar to a rabbit, but the strange appearance clearly did not belong to the normal human world! "But it doesn't matter, she should have realized it..."

While the twin-tailed girl was talking to this strange creature, the long-haired girl was knocked down by the huge creature in the air and fell into an absolute disadvantage! Looking at the long-haired girl, she was thrown hard into the ruins of a building in the air like a sandbag! Although this kind of behavior of killing girls in battle has also been adopted by many comics, but the appearance of such a scene at the beginning... still made Yoshida's mouth twitch!

Such a cute girl, actually wants to kill at the beginning... Yoshida really wants to pull a guy in a white coat and ask, Takahashi Makoto, do you still have the so-called "humanity"?

"If you give up, it may end here! But if it's you, you can definitely rewrite your fate! There is no need to lament this inevitable destruction, just rewrite it by you... because you have such power!"

"Really? People like me... can I really do something? Can I change such a fate?"

"Of course! So come and make a contract with me... become a magical girl!"

When the strange creature persuaded the twin-tailed girl, it depicted the girl's actions and expressions to show the changes in the girl's mentality, from fear and worry at the beginning, to hesitation in the middle, and finally seemed to have made up her mind... The series of changes in the twin-tailed girl made Yoshida nod in agreement subconsciously!

It is already certain that this girl with twin ponytails will be the protagonist of this comic. In order to join the battle and change her tragic fate, she signed a contract with the strange creature and changed her job to become a magical girl... Although Yoshida has roughly deduced the direction of the comic's development, he still has a weird feeling in his heart!

Is it because it is a comic with a female protagonist? No...

Is it because it is a setting that is overused like a magical girl? Not either...

"What's next... Eh? Where is the comic manuscript?" Yoshida was about to continue looking through the comic manuscript, but found that the comic manuscript on the table was gone. He was stunned, and when he looked up, he saw Takahashi Makoto, smiling and holding the remaining comic manuscript! Yoshida smiled awkwardly, and said to Takahashi Makoto in a flattering way, "Um, Makoto, can you give me the comic manuscript..."

"My beloved cat, how do you feel? Do you think that the girl fighting to rewrite her fate, from being cowardly and unconfident to being full of courage, is super loving and super healing?"

"Yeah! This setting is full of positive energy!" Yoshida looked at the playful smile on Takahashi Makoto's face, and always felt that the other party seemed to be hiding something, but the desire to continue reading made Yoshida ignore all the incongruities! "And that weird creature... is the creature that wants the twin-tailed girl to sign a contract, it feels very cute!"

"Very cute? Very adorable? Hahahaha..." After hearing Yoshida's evaluation of a creature that had been conquered many times, Takahashi Makoto suddenly laughed wildly and patted Yoshida's shoulder fiercely, "My cat, you are really an interesting guy! Since you are so interesting, the serialization of this comic... will be delayed for a while!"

"Hmm... Eh? Makoto, have you decided not to serialize it again?" Yoshida was stunned at first, and then his face did not show a happy expression, but was full of doubts!

"It's not the right time yet... So, don't even think about reading the rest of the comics!"

"So, Cheng, when do you plan to start serializing this comic?"

"After finishing serializing "CLANNAD"! After all, as a comic in the [Love and Healing] series, how can a single "CLANNAD" satisfy the readers?" Takahashi Cheng seemed to have thought of some beautiful pictures, smiling like a fox, "And my beloved cat, I just decided on the name of this comic!"

"Finish the content first and then think of the name? Is that your style? So, the name of the comic is..."

"Well... let's call it "Magical Girl Madoka Magica"!"

I'm ready to dig a pit and trick people

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