A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 342 The cost of the assistant's willfulness and the editor's common sense speculat

Makoto Takahashi gave that annoying reason. I wonder if Yoshida told the editor... But the day after the serialization meeting ended, Makoto Takahashi received news from Yoshida, confirming that "Magic" Madoka Shoujo" will be serialized on "Shounen Jumk" starting next month!

This may be fortunate news for Makoto Takahashi, but for his busy assistant, this is definitely bad news!

"Ju, I actually passed the serialization meeting!" After Takahashi Makoto announced the news, Tintin was so surprised that he almost bit his tongue!

"My dependent Tintin, do you... have any dissatisfaction?" Regarding Tintin's exaggerated reaction, Takahashi Makoto squinted his right eye and asked angrily, "As a dependent under the Demon King, isn't that what you should do?" As Wang Zhijianfeng pointed out, are you willing to fight to the death? Why do you show such a serious expression?"

"Speaking of Cheng, when "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" starts its weekly serialization... do we have enough time?" Ding Ding, with dark circles under his eyes, lay weakly on the table, "Jingga-kun still hasn't appeared. Before, "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" CLANNAD" has already accumulated a lot of manga manuscripts! Once we start a new serialization, we will never be able to complete the manga manuscripts within the deadline!"

"No time? Huh! As long as you adjust yourself to non-sleep mode, wouldn't there be enough time?" Makoto Takahashi ignored Ding Ding's contemptuous eyes and said to himself, "And I wasn't before Have you already said that there are manga manuscripts about "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" that are not accessible to those of you who are not practicing enough? So Tintin, you just have to complete the relevant manga within the specified time according to the previous plan! Just draft it!”

"Hey, hey, I get it...did you think I would say that?" Tintin threw the brush on the table, pointed at the station past Jinghe River, and shouted excitedly to Takahashi Makoto, "Then the comics of "CLANNAD" What should I do with the manuscripts? You must know that the number of comic manuscripts required for monthly serialization is not like that of a weekly magazine, which can be completed just by staying up late a few times! So Cheng, if possible, please ask Jinghe-kun to come back quickly..."

"Objection!" Ahem... Makoto Takahashi is not the scene of Ace Attorney. There is no need to use such brutal skills as [slapping the table and releasing intimidation]! "Now is the critical moment for Liuzi to complete his self-salvation! If this self-salvation treatment process is interrupted now, then Liuzi will no longer be able to be saved from the abyss of darkness! So Tintin, give up the selfishness of human beings What a stupid idea! The day you become a member of the Demon King, it means you have given up your qualifications as a human being!"

"Okay! But by the way, Cheng, are you sure that there is really no problem with your treatment plan?" Ding Ding's eyes were a little wandering, he pointed at the comic manuscript on the table, and said with difficulty in a doubtful tone, "To be honest, from From the beginning, I didn’t have any expectations for your plan! Didn’t I tell you before? I have a friend who is a psychiatrist and may be able to provide some assistance..."

"Ting Ding, Liuzi is a member of my family! Since there is a problem with the family, then as the master, His Majesty the Demon King, as the ruling class, naturally has to provide assistance at the critical moment! The king has no people, but the people. No King... This is my kingly way! And..." Makoto Takahashi pulled out a thick stack of "CLANNAD" comics from the table, "Ding Ding, you seem to underestimate the power of this masterpiece. Right? After the seal is lifted, Liuzi, who has freed his soul from imprisonment, will return to us with a new identity as [Awakened One]!"

"A-Cheng...ahem...it seems like you said this five days ago! But what's the result?" Tintin pointed at the empty seats of Ueno Aoi and Mayuri, and complained to Takahashi Makoto with a face full of resentment, " If Shizuka-kun doesn't show up again... I guess you need to discuss with Yoshida-kun about the new assistant! Anyway, even I can't help you serialize three comics at the same time, even if you stay up late like this. ...I can give you a definite answer to this!”

The implication is that even if his assistant defected due to various reasons, Ding Ding still chose to stay!

But just as Makoto Takahashi said, Tintin really underestimated the healing power of this masterpiece "CLANNAD"! Just as Takahashi Makoto expected, Jinghe finally returned to the Phoenix Academy as an assistant after six days of silence... Tintin suddenly felt a little pain in his face!

"Teacher from the Phoenix Institute, I have finished reading these comic manuscripts... Thank you!" Jing Hehe neatly placed the comic manuscripts of "CLANNAD" on the table, "And in the past few days, I have completed what I need to do The work is all done!”

"...But willfulness often comes with a price!" Makoto Takahashi said in an orderly manner while flipping through the manga manuscript, "So Ryuko, after the manga "CLANNAD" is completed, just leave here...I think You should have realized something, right?"

"Well, yes!" A faint smile appeared on Jing Hehe's face, "I think..."

"We'll talk about the future in the future. Don't talk about these useless things now! At least before leaving, I will drain all your value! So... be prepared!" Takahashi Cheng waved his hand impatiently, Without waiting for Jinghe's answer, he entered work mode again...

Because the stage you want to step onto, Ryuko, should be the same as ours!

With Shizugawa's return, Ueno Aoi finally understood Takahashi Makoto's painstaking efforts after learning from Shizugawa what Takahashi Makoto had done. Not only did she let go of her previous prejudice against Takahashi Makoto, but she also Feeling guilty, I began to transform from [tsundere mode] to [diligence mode], and worked hard with Mayuri to complete the manga manuscript of "Dream Eater"... Although it was only a day's work, but as Takahashi Makoto said, Willfulness often comes with a price!

Everything is developing in a beautiful direction... Although I really want to say this, except for Ding Ding, the three people on the assistant side looked at the comic manuscripts piled on the table and really felt that a certain cartoonist who was drawing must have been in his previous life. He is a slave owner, and he is also the kind who likes to exploit and is extremely evil...

Thanks to the help of Jinghe River, the serialization needed for the monthly comic "CLANNAD" has been completed, so Tintin, who had been worried before, finally breathed a sigh of relief! But Tintin also understands that now is not the time to relax, because starting from next month, Makoto Takahashi will serialize three comics at the same time, and the time until this crazy feat begins... The countdown is less than a week away!

""CLANNAD", "Dream Eater" and..."Puella Magi Madoka Magica", the manga manuscripts of the three comics are confirmed to have been received!" Yoshida looked at the manga manuscripts on the table and gently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead that was not there at all. , looked at the tired-looking Takahashi Makoto over there with some surprise and sighed, "...Originally I thought you couldn't complete it, Cheng, but I didn't expect... I really didn't expect..."

"Hmph! My beloved cat, don't use mortal standards to measure the arrogant Demon King!" Makoto Takahashi leaned on the sofa and gently rubbed his right eye, "I forgot to ask that glasses editor before... By the way... My Familiar Cat, what is the editor’s opinion on the manga “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”?

"A very inspiring work! Signing a contract with an unknown creature, changing the so-called destiny and life... These settings are very much in the style of shounen comics!" Yoshida briefly commented on the newly serialized comic, with a full face. Looking at Makoto Takahashi with admiration, "Speaking of Cheng, I always thought that you were not very good at comics of this style. After all, no matter which comic you have written since your debut, it is more or less... It involves some dark elements, but I didn’t expect this time for “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”…”

"An inspirational work? Hehehe..." Makoto Takahashi repeated Yoshida's evaluation. He didn't know what he was thinking, but his long-lost [ghostly smile] appeared on his face!

"I'm talking about Cheng, this "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" manga...could it be a trap?" Makoto Takahashi's malicious smile gave Yoshida an ominous premonition! Although Takahashi Makoto's abnormal smile before gave Yoshida a very subtle feeling and subconsciously asked, but after asking, Yoshida immediately denied himself!

After all, as an editor, I have reviewed and reviewed a large number of comics. Works similar to the setting in the comic "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" have also appeared before. Although the subject matter and content are different, for some common settings, the difference is not Big! Most of the comics Yoshida had read were as predicted by the editor. They were inspirational works that conveyed positive energy to readers!

Therefore, even for a second-level cartoonist like Takahashi Makoto, the comics drawn with such a setting should be similar to the previous comics and not too boring... Although Yoshida feels that this idea is quite self-consoling. I mean, but in the first episode of "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", the conversations between Madoka and the mysterious creatures really made Yoshida unable to refute!

"Can people like me... really do anything? Can they change this fate?" This is a sentence that impressed Yoshida deeply after reading the first chapter of the comic!

Madoka, the heroine in the manga, leaves readers with a weak image from the beginning!

Human beings will always have complex emotions such as envy, jealousy, longing and yearning for people who do better than themselves in life. In short, this is a kind of inferiority complex stemming from human nature... But in comics , this kind of inferiority complex in the protagonist can give people a strong sense of empathy, and it can also easily arouse people's resonance!

Although he has not seen the following content, Yoshida speculates based on the manga manuscripts he usually reviews, that the content after the manga should be about the heroine Madoka, after signing a contract with a mysterious creature, from helping others, to... In the battle with the unknown enemy, he gradually became stronger... This strength does not only refer to strength, but also the so-called [heart]!

And this kind of witnessing the weak protagonist becoming a powerful being, isn't this the way most teenagers develop into passionate comics?

"Cheng, starting from next week, you have to serialize three comics at the same time!" Yoshida came back to his senses, looked at Makoto Takahashi who was still smiling strangely, and kindly reminded him, "Although I don't Know your true intention of serializing this comic, but don’t do it too hard!”

"Hard work? My beloved cat, I'm sorry you're wrong! On the contrary, I'm super looking forward to it!" Takahashi Makoto licked his lips with his tongue, "I've been looking forward to that delicious taste that satisfies my soul for a long time! Hahaha..."

Go to bed early, the weather is cold, good night everyone! Go to bed early, the weather is cold, good night everyone! Go to bed early, the weather is cold, good night everyone!

Important things should be said three times

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