A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 357 It's really unfortunate

"Huh? This is..." Although there are still many manga manuscripts that need to be completed, at this moment, Makoto Takahashi is holding the new issue of "Shounen Jumk" in his hands, carefully observing the manga "ZOMBIE GUN" written by Eiji Arizuma! After reading the content of this chapter, Takahashi Makoto put down the comic in his hand and let out a long sigh, "Sure enough...compared to Ajou Mumenha who still needs to develop, the King of Black Flame is my generation. The best candidate to complete Shattered Void!"

The reason why Takahashi Makoto said this is entirely because the recent content of "ZOMBIE GUN" has added a lot of thought-provoking plots compared to the previous comic style of Eiji Arizuma! As for the reason for the gradual change of style of "ZOMBIE GUN", was it planned by Eiji Niizuma early in the morning, or was it thought up by Eiji Niizuma after being inspired by "Madoka"... Makoto Takahashi didn't care, but was full of excitement expect!

Because as Acheng Mu Mengye said, they are not the only ones who are making progress...

"Oh my, if the King of Black Flame continues to maintain this state, the next "A Certain Scientific Electromagnetic Gun. Change" will definitely be super awesome!" Makoto Takahashi put down the comic with an inexplicable smile on his face, He scratched his head helplessly, "When the time comes to use the [Noble Phantasm] to confront "A Certain Scientific Railgun. Kai", other than using that comic, there doesn't seem to be many choices... Phew! That’s really troublesome!”

"Ahem... Hey, Cheng!" Yoshida coughed loudly on purpose, trying to attract Takahashi Makoto's attention with this offbeat taunt!

"But if I really want to use that comic, I feel a little reluctant to say it..." Well, I can tell that Yoshida's taunting has no effect at all!

"Ahem! Let me tell you, Acheng, do you still have the heart to feel these things now?" There was a loud cough again... By the way, Yoshida-kun, aren't you worried about coughing out your lungs if you cough so hard?

"What... eh? My familiar cat, are you here?" Makoto Takahashi seemed to have just seen Yoshida, with a look of surprise on his face, "Tsk! You can sneak into my barrier silently! Fortunately, this time it's a double agent, no, it's my companion cat who is a double agent. If it were an assassin...it seems like the guards at the door have been too lax recently!"

If he had known that this was the case, he should have taken advantage of this middle-class bastard's distraction just now to strike hard... With a look of regret on his face, Yoshida gritted his teeth and looked at Makoto Takahashi, and began to take deep breaths repeatedly to calm down what was about to happen. The rampant anger suppresses the [Dark Evolution] that is about to begin!

"Are you here to get the sacred relics of the [Canonized Province]?" Makoto Takahashi looked up at the homemade [King of Artoria] calendar on the wall, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face, "Although except for "Little Apart from "Yuan", everything else has been completed, but my beloved cat... today seems not to be the promised day, and..."

"Recently, Yujiro was responsible for collecting the manga manuscripts of "Madoka" from his new wife, Eiji. I know this!" Yoshida saw the dissatisfied look on Makoto Takahashi's face and immediately explained! This is definitely not because Yoshida is afraid of a certain middle-class manga artist going berserk, it’s just... well, just to avoid wasting time in unnecessary fights due to misunderstandings! Taking a deep breath, Yoshida put on a look of sympathy on his face, "Cheng, do you know the recent comments about "Madoka"?"

"Huh? Are readers feeling resentful for being taken away in a wave? Hum, this kind of thing has been expected!" Makoto Takahashi put down his brush, spread out the "Boy Jumk" that he had observed before, and pointed at it The part about "Madoka" was published, and he said to Yoshida with a smile, "And the part about 'Kyoko's Past', according to the original plan, should have been serialized before Sayaka became a witch... But Black Flame But the King of Black Flames came up with a very creative idea! After thinking about it again and again, I also think that what the King of Black Flame said makes sense, so that’s what you see in My Familiar Cat! Is there any problem?"

Originally in "Madoka", after Sayaka learned that her soul had been extracted and turned into a zombie [with a human body], although she missed the opportunity to enter [the previous line of a childhood sweetheart], she unexpectedly opened... Got the hidden plot of [Kyoko Line]!

According to the plot previously provided by Takahashi Makoto to his new wife Eiji, first Kyoko finds Sayaka and tries to persuade her by releasing her past misfortune, then the persuasion fails, and finally Sayaka breaks down and turns into a witch... But However, Eiji Niizuma came up with a different idea, which was to reverse the timeline, first let Sayaka blacken and collapse into a witch, and then when she fell in love with and killed Kyoko, who had become a magical girl, Kyoko cast [Memory] Kill] Let’s review these contents!

"Kyoko broke out [Memory Killing] at a critical moment and recalled Sayaka who had turned into a witch... Well, it gave readers such expectations, but in the end they saw the ending of a double kill..." Regarding the suggestions put forward by Eiji Niizuma, Takahashi Makoto was surprised and happily accepted, "Indeed! According to you, maybe such a development can gain more pleasure! Sure enough, it was Steins;Gate's choice to choose you as an ally from the beginning! Drink! Hahaha……"

"I just think that such a development will make it more interesting to say!" In response to Makoto Takahashi's praise, Eiji Shinzuma had a strange smile on his face, "This is the style of the manga artist [Makoto Shinkai]... Haha !”

As a result, the previously published "Madoka" was, as Takahashi Makoto and Arizuma Eiji expected, readers who were looking forward to returning the witch-turned-sayaka to normal were deceived in large numbers!

"Ah, even the new wife Eiji was led astray by this guy Cheng!" Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi helplessly, and after complaining feebly, he suddenly remembered today's main task, and vigorously He shook his head and shouted loudly, "No, no! That's not what I want to say! I...Oh! Cheng, you'd better see for yourself!"

Seeing Yoshida take out the crumpled newspaper from his backpack, Makoto Takahashi had a puzzled look on his face! But after picking up the newspaper and scanning it casually, Takahashi Makoto knew Yoshida's real purpose today... because the front page of the newspaper was news related to "Madoka" and the manga artist [Shinkai Makoto]!

"[Shinkai Makoto] is an immoral cartoonist? Will the comic "Madoka" cause social problems such as violence? Huh! Sure enough, those experts and professors are still using such stupid views! If this continues, these stupid people Human beings will one day tell boys and girls not to touch words like "fight" or "killing"! Eh? Wait..." Makoto Takahashi sneered and threw the newspaper on the table. , when he was about to continue saying something, something suddenly seemed to have happened, and the sneer on his face turned into a surprised smile of sudden realization, "Originally, I thought that hypnotizing humans through comics could achieve the goal of returning the world to chaos. My long-cherished wish also takes a long time...but I didn’t expect that there is such a way!”

"Huh?" Yoshida said that he couldn't understand it at all... not only Takahashi Makoto's weird attitude, but also the 'that method' that Takahashi Makoto said!

"Violence? War? Killing? You have to know that there are some things, but they are also about telling these things!" Makoto Takahashi glanced at the newspaper on the table and laughed disdainfully, "The history that happened in the past, It is best to prohibit contact between these boys and girls! After all, dynasty changes or changes in history are accompanied by killings and wars. According to experts and scholars, these so-called historical records can also lead to violent societies. The problem is that it shouldn’t be exposed to boys and girls! And history...hehe! It’s really Steins;Gate’s choice!”

"So Cheng, are you going to..." He cautiously glanced at the murderous Takahashi Makoto. Although Yoshida had a worried look on his face, there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes!

You must know that in recent times, because of the speeches of those experts and professors, many parents and teachers who did not know what they were talking about were worried about the impact on their children's physical and mental health after seeing the speeches of these so-called experts and professors, and called the editorial department to ask questions. , causing the editor to feel quite stressed!

Although the editorial side has also received a lot of support from readers, there is still resentment on the editorial side that is difficult to vent! After all, from the cartoonist working hard to complete the cartoon manuscript to the final publication and sale of the cartoon, participating in the editorial side of the entire process takes a lot of effort! After all the hard work, I am still being criticized for no reason by experts and professors. Not to mention the editor, I cannot bear it!

So today Yoshida came to see Makoto Takahashi specifically. On the one hand, he wanted to encourage and comfort Makoto Takahashi. After all, the cartoonist is in a bad mood, which will lead to a decline in the quality of the manga. On the other hand, Yoshida is the representative editor this time. All members on the side support Makoto Takahashi in launching a counterattack!

Because from "Higurashi" before, to "PCP" some time ago, and now to "Madoka"... things like this happen one after another. If the editor side remains silent, it will make the supportive readers side, He believed that the editor was incompetent and could not even protect the cartoonists under his command, so he lost confidence!

"When I saw you like that before, I thought something big had happened... Bah! I didn't expect it to be such a boring thing!" Makoto Takahashi completely lost his murderous look before, took out the comic paper and started drawing. The comic manuscript is here! "I still want to continue to complete the manga manuscript!"

"Eh...Eh?" How should I put it... Yoshida was really surprised by Takahashi Makoto's dull reaction!

According to Yoshida's understanding of Makoto Takahashi, when encountering this kind of thing, Makoto Takahashi should put on a white coat, pull out the magic sword, and issue a declaration of war similar to "Cruelty against Expert Professor"; or like the previous " The situation encountered in the serialization of "Han Chan" is the same. By participating in some programs, those experts and professors who called for boycott were directly subjected to a "full set of slaps in the face" behavior, but this kind of "severely mocking and then nonchalantly drawing comics"... this rhythm It’s obviously unscientific!

"Although through the tips of those stupid people, I found another way to return the world to chaos, but... it is really unfortunate! Because the content of the next chapter of "Madoka" is..." Makoto Takahashi Feeling Yoshida's doubtful gaze, a sympathetic smile appeared on his face, "Should I say that all of this is Steins;Gate's choice? Haha..."

"Cheng, since you, the client, don't care, then I won't say anything more!" Seeing that Takahashi Makoto didn't seem to be affected by this incident, Yoshida breathed a sigh of relief! But looking at Makoto Takahashi's devilish smile, Yoshida asked curiously, "Is there anything wrong with the content of the next chapter of "Madoka"?"

"My beloved cat, do you want to know?" Takahashi Makoto picked up the brush, quickly drew a treasure map, handed it to Yoshida, who was frowning, and said loudly, "Go and find it! All the facts you want to know, all the truths you don't want to see, I have hidden them in that place! As long as you can find them, everything will be yours!"

Speaking of my previous worries...are they really unnecessary? I am so entangled...what is it for?

Looking at the treasure map in his hand, which is composed of completely incomprehensible words and weird pictures, Yoshida left with a look of loss and confusion...

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