A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 372 Friends

There are many types of friends, and the relationships between friends are also very complicated... Therefore, for different friends, there are undoubtedly different ways of getting along!

If you become friends with [the alien who will die if you don't complain], then as a witness of friendship, every time you meet and get along, you must have the awareness of [life is endless and complaining is endless], and engage in a tug-of-war between complaining and counter-complaining with the other party...

If you become friends with [the devilish and black-bellied alien], then as a witness of friendship, every time you meet and get along, you must firmly believe in Chun Ge, endure the other party's devilish and black-bellied play again and again, and endure the other party's black-bellied teasing again and again...

If you become friends with [the gay philosopher], then as a witness of friendship, every time you meet and get along, you must sing a song "Yaranaika" or shout [No regrets in this life entering philosophy , I will have fun with you in the next life]...

If you become friends with [Funny Aliens], then as a witness to friendship, every time you meet and get along with them, you must abandon the so-called IQ and rationality of humans, and turn on the [Funny Aliens] mode from the inside out, from body to soul...

Of course, if you become friends with [people of the level of Takahashi Makoto], then as a witness to friendship, every time you meet and get along with them, you must abandon the so-called human pride and self-esteem, and plan operations like [Human Extinction Plan], [Conquer Gaia \u0026 Alaya Loli Alliance] together...

In short, you must turn on the corresponding and highly compatible mode to become friends with any kind of person! The reason for all this, in the final analysis, is the inferior nature of human beings themselves! The best example of this is naturally the main plot of [Friendship between Tomoya Okazaki and Haruhara Yohei] that appeared recently in the "CLANNAD" series!

In the readers' impression, Okazaki Tomoya, as the male protagonist of "CLANNAD", although he appeared as a bad boy at the beginning, his image has been greatly improved after his encounter with Furukawa Nagisa and the completion of different branches with various female characters! Although Okazaki Tomoya is very poisonous and sometimes shows an unexpectedly dark side, readers do not dislike this male protagonist too much...

Especially, although Okazaki Tomoya has had intersections with many girls, he finally chose to be with Furukawa Nagisa...Although he successfully increased the favorability of many female characters, Okazaki Tomoya did not take the opportunity to open the Crystal Palace, but stopped at the signpost of [Road to Scum], and cultivated intimacy with Furukawa Nagisa wholeheartedly...

If the level of favorability is used as a measure of the strategy character; then the level of intimacy is used as a push... cough cough...So, the difference between favorability and intimacy should not be explained too much, right? By the way, don't be obsessed with increasing favorability, increasing intimacy as soon as possible is the kingly way!

As the existence of the male protagonist, in comics or novels, he usually appears in a positive image! Even if the first impression is extremely bad, as the plot of the comics or novels gradually unfolds, there will naturally be more and more readers supporting him and becoming die-hard fans... Even if it is like a certain silver-haired natural curly male protagonist who looks like a "typical useless uncle" at first glance, as the plot unfolds, he is burning with the samurai soul that makes readers yearn for!

Of course, what I want to talk about here is not Okazaki Tomoya, but Haruhara Yohei, who is the strongest sister control attribute in "CLANNAD"!

Since his debut, Haruhara Yohei has always been regarded as a funny character! Although Haruhara Yohei once appeared as a sage of "I have seen through everything" in the short story "Another World", for many readers, the comic did not attract much attention at the time, after all, the short story at the time only won the second place!

In this world, only the first place can be remembered. As for the second place and the ones after that... Without the glory of victory, who would care about the hardships and tears that were paid for the glory?

Okazaki Tomoya tortured Haruhara Yohei with his dark heart as always... Although as the plot develops, Okazaki Tomoya's pranks gradually bring malice, but the readers can feel that this will not affect the friendship between the two, because this is the mode of getting along between the two, because this is called [Friendship Bond]!

The combination of a dark man and a fool, although some trivial things, can often bring a lot of joy to people! Just like Okazaki Tomoya induced Haruhara Yohei to find someone to pretend to be his girlfriend, and then watched Haruhara Yohei being bullied in various ways... It is not only Okazaki Tomoya in the comics who gets pleasure, but also the readers who have been observing the plot!

However, the readers seem to have forgotten that the real purpose of the comics created by the manga artist named Hououin Kyoma is to torture the readers and get pleasure from it... So, as the plot of "CLANNAD" unfolds, the readers who have been reading it happily have gradually started to have a bad feeling!

First, Okazaki Tomoya successfully deceived Haruhara Yohei, making this deer alien take Furukawa Nagisa's mother Sanae as a target for capture, and even caused a conflict with his sister Mei... Up to this point, many readers still have extremely high expectations, looking forward to the scene when Haruhara Yohei knows the truth and is hunted down by Uncle Akio!

But the plot that follows is somewhat unacceptable to readers...

When Okazaki Tomoya and Mei were shopping together to take photos for their photos, they were spotted by the depressed Haruhara Hinata! Facing the questioning from his friends, Okazaki Tomoe inherited the will of everyone on the DouS planet, adhered to the belief that "since it is a prank, the evil must be done until the plot", and continued to bully Haruhara Hinata mentally and gain from it. A huge amount of pleasure…

But this time, Haruhara Hinata took it seriously! After Haruhara Youhei and Okazaki Tomoya had a dispute, although they did not fight because of Mei's presence, they still parted ways angrily... Such a development made readers unable to react for a while!

Looking at the causes and consequences of the whole incident, readers all know that Okazaki Tomaya went a little too far this time... But for Haruhara Hinata's reaction, many readers said they couldn't understand it! After all, judging from the previous content, Haruhara Youhei is a complete idiot. Although he is always bullied by Okazaki Tomoya, the relationship between the two has always been relatively strong!

However, judging from the content of the plot, the relationship between the two caused by this conflict is obviously about to enter a countdown to its conclusion!

Although the content of "CLANNAD" started with laughter, at the end, it suddenly turned into "depression", which also led to readers expressing that they were completely unsatisfied! Although the content of the monthly magazine is more enjoyable for readers to read than the weekly magazine... But waiting for it for a month is definitely a torment!

"Have you not finished the next episode of "CLANNAD" yet?" Yoshida's mood is extremely contradictory. On the one hand, he hopes to see the content of the next episode of "CLANNAD" quickly, but on the other hand, he is worried about Makoto Takahashi. , following the serialization of "Madoka" in the weekly magazine, there is another "Depressed No. 1 shot" in the monthly magazine! "What follows...Will Okazaki Tomoya really break up with Haruhara Youhei?"

"Eh? My beloved cat, what are you talking about? I am a believer in [Love and Healing], how could I do such a cruel thing?" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida with a surprised look, and then He returned his attention to the note in his hand, "Speaking of my beloved cat, can't you sit down and talk? Is it necessary to stand so far away? I won't chop you down..."

"Uh, um... I have to go to Hiramaru-kun later!" After swallowing hard, Yoshida moved back uneasily and muttered in a low voice, "Facing you who have a brutal criminal record, I Don’t take it lightly, whether it’s about comics or…”

"Wherever you fall, you have to stand up..." Makoto Takahashi tore up the note in his hand, squinted his right eye and smiled sinisterly, "Before, the pair of good gays Acheng Mu Mengye You defeated Lily through the power of your friend! Now it’s my turn, so I have to use the same method to retaliate! This is a good thing for Acheng Mu Mengye. Is it a reward for friends?”

Sure enough, you still care about what "Madoka" lost before...?

"It's almost time... I should go to Hiramaru-kun!" Yoshida raised his hand to look at his watch as a cover-up, his tone stuttering, "Cheng, regarding the content of the next episode of "CLANNAD", I'll come back later. Discuss with you..."

"Hey, my beloved cat, don't think of "CLANNAD" as an ordinary comic! This comic is... Anyway, I will notify you as soon as the next chapter is completed, so feel free to Be prepared to be summoned!" Makoto Takahashi looked at the vibrating cell phone with a strange smile on his face, and issued an eviction order to Yoshida without any courtesy, "Also, I have some personal matters to deal with tonight. , you can come if you want, but...it’s better to prepare the suicide note in advance!”

Regarding Yoshida's worries about "CLANNAD", Makoto Takahashi didn't care at all. After all, the reason why "CLANNAD" is regarded as a masterpiece is that people who have not watched it three times will not understand!

“Because of the relationship between the male protagonist and many women, it is regarded as a comic of Crystal Palace; because of the conflict between the male protagonist and his friends, it is regarded as a sadistic comic; because of the death of the heroine, it is regarded as a tragic comic... "Looking at Yoshida's hesitant expression as he left, Makoto Takahashi mocked with disdain, "Humph! Has the world really collapsed?"

Existences like Tomoya Okazaki in "CLANNAD" can be regarded as a rare species in this era when the Crystal Palace sells meat and comics are flooding in! Nowadays, in novels or comics, the male protagonists with a higher appearance rate are those who have "scum blood" and can complete the "Crystal Palace Expansion" from beginning to end... Of course, with the recent game "SCHOOLDAYS" in the "True. world], [Scum] has ushered in an era of great proliferation, although it is not as good as that of a certain scumbag Rin, a certain scumbag Makoto and a certain scumbag Takayuki who led the ACG world in the world before Takahashi Makoto...

Ahem... By the way, about a certain Touya...

The all-purpose butler Sebastian had previously reported to Takahashi Makoto that because of his relationship with the small-faced celebrity, he seemed to be favored by the witch Rina and appointed as her assistant! Despite Sebastian's care, Takahashi Makoto was not reassured. Instead, today, on a dark and windy night, he made an appointment with Touya alone, demonstrated his swordsmanship at the level of [Human Outer], and very 'friendly' 'suggested' him to give up his current job...

"Tsk! Although he is the boyfriend of a little shou, but... this little character who can't even fight five scumbags, let alone Sadaharu and Ruri under my command, even my cat can beat ten of them, is actually valued by the witch Rina?" Takahashi Makoto looked at the mysterious water stains on the ground after someone left, scratched his head helplessly, and complained to Sebastian who was hiding in the dark, "What is that Ogata Slime guy thinking? Is he going to declare war on me?"

"No, let Mr. Fujii be the assistant... It seems to be Ms. Rina's idea!" As a butler, Sebastian naturally has the obligation to support the mistakes of the master he serves! For example, now, Takahashi Makoto blamed Rina's wrong decision entirely on Ogata Eiji...

"All the actions of a witch are full of demonic nature, so it is natural that they are not considered common sense!" In response to Sebastian's confession, Takahashi Makoto decisively chose to evade, "Just now it was just a casual display, and I was actually frightened... Choosing such a person as a boyfriend, should I say that the little bottom face is worthy of being a little bottom face? And choosing such a person... Ogata Slime is really stupid!"

"Master means..." Sebastian has vaguely understood what Takahashi Makoto wants to say, but there is no special expression on his face, still the kind of smile that sees through everything...

"The reason why I chose the little bottom face to be the idol that I strongly support is that Ogata Slime actually wants to show off like his sister, His excessive [sister-con attribute], by the way, took the opportunity to persuade the witch Rina to return to the castle in the name of 'friend's boyfriend'..." Takahashi Makoto muttered with an unhappy face, but the magic sword in his hand kept waving, "It seems that tonight, it is necessary to have a good talk with the witch about the meaning of [friends]..."

"Oh my, it can let Mr. Ogata Eiji, who is completely unaware, take the blame. This nonsense... cough cough! This associative ability... Should I say that the young master is worthy of being a cartoonist? "Sebastian looked at Takahashi Makoto with a smile and sighed softly, "It seems that if the information in my hand continues to be hidden, it seems that a lot of fun can be created..."

Ahem, sorry everyone, work suddenly became busy a few days ago, and I worked overtime every day. The overtime salary is completely inversely proportional to the workload! Don't worry, although the update is not strong, but a certain cat will not practice the Sunflower Manual! So.

Believe in a cat, believe in the cat who believes that you all believe in a cat~hahahaha~

PS: The weather is cold, everyone should go to bed early at night

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