A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 374 So what is the problem?

When people want to protect certain existences, they will burst out incredible energy, such as bursting the microcosm, opening the gene lock, connecting the protagonist's exclusive plug-in aura, etc.... Many novels or comics convey a concept to readers through this model!

The so-called strong, its strength itself is not because of those abilities or skills, but because of the heart and belief of protection!

For example, now, if we follow the model of many comics or novels, in the comics of "CLANNAD", when Okazaki Tomoya and Haruhara Yohei face the [scumbag] members of the football club, they should show strong fighting power under the belief of wanting to protect Mei's sister and driven by anger. With the power of only two people, they can achieve a super-god counterattack that crushes the [burly men] of the football club...

However... Don't forget that the comic "CLANNAD" is just a healing comic!

So the plot envisioned by Yoshida did not appear! The ones who were crushed and beaten were not the [burly men] of the football club, but the protagonist of the comic, Tomoya Okazaki, and the first supporting role, Haruhara Yohei, who has always been a funny character! Although the comic does not depict the battle scene, looking at the two people lying on the ground with scars all over their bodies, Yoshida can already judge that the side that failed and was ravaged this time should be the male protagonist and the male supporting role!

On the previous page of the comic, Tomoya Okazaki and Haruhara Yohei joined forces to attack the [burly men] of the football club, and on the next page of the comic, it jumped directly to the two people lying on the ground recovering from their injuries... This plot jump made Yoshida wonder if he had accidentally missed the rare battle plot in this comic!

"No, it might be better to draw it this way..." Of course, Yoshida quickly denied his idea! "If this manga "CLANNAD" has a lot of fighting scenes in this episode, it would be really bad! But I feel... it's still a bit regretful!"

Yoshida was a little disappointed that he didn't see the angry fight between the boys, but this thought only flashed through his mind! Of course, Yoshida also knew very well that the standards for evaluating general boys' comics were not applicable to evaluating the manga "CLANNAD"! And... what really concerned Yoshida was whether the relationship between Okazaki Tomoya and Haruhara Yohei had been repaired!

Before, because of Mei's sister, Okazaki Tomoya and Haruhara Yohei had a falling out! Although from the previous content, Haruhara Yohei has always been a heartless character, but when it comes to his sister and friends, Haruhara Yohei did not smile foolishly as usual, but quarreled with his good friend and good friend Okazaki Tomoya for this, and fell into a cold war!

According to some folk legends, the establishment and repair of friendship between men usually requires four things that must be done in life! When Okazaki Tomoya and Haruhara Yohei were fighting against the enemy together, one of the events had already been triggered - fighting side by side! Of course, the enemies in the comics are not super gods, and the so-called battles are not the kind of life-and-death battles that determine life and death on the battlefield... But this is enough for the comic "CLANNAD"!

"Okazaki, did we win?"

"Who knows! It shouldn't be considered a loss, right? You idiot!"

"Who is the idiot?"

"Who else is there besides you?"

After seeing Okazaki Tomoya and Haruhara Yohei quarreling and falling into a cold war, Yoshida had always felt depressed, but now looking at the comics, the two good friends lying in the rain and talking to each other in a mocking manner, he finally breathed a sigh of relief! After all, judging from the previous serialized content, although Haruhara Yohei has been bullied by Okazaki Tomoya, their friendship has not been affected. However, this time, it was because of Mei's sister that the two good friends almost broke up...

"Hurry up and apologize to Mei..."


"If you weren't so depraved, this wouldn't have happened! You're really not a good brother!"

"You... do you want to fight?"

"I guess so!"

Originally, according to Yoshida's idea, Okazaki Tomoya and Haruhara Yohei, who had joined forces to fight, should have put aside their past grievances and laughed away their grudges... There's nothing wrong with the plot development! But the plot of this episode did not end there! The good friends who had just fought side by side, the gunpowder smell in the conversation became more and more intense!

Almost at the same time, the good friends got up from the ground with serious faces. After looking at each other, they ignored the dissuasion of Furukawa Nagisa and Mei's sister and started a fist-to-flesh fight!

"You bastard!" Okazaki Tomoya used a [Friendship Face Punch] to hit his best friend Haruhara Yohei. After knocking Haruhara Yohei to the ground, Okazaki Tomoya did not give up the pursuit, but rode on his best friend and used [Friendship Face Punch Continuous Hit] one punch after another! "Do you know what kind of memories Mei has left because of your mistake? What if you don't cheer up!"

"You guy..." Although he suffered a continuous hit from his best friend, Haruhara Yohei did not fall down. He raised his hand and blocked Okazaki Tomoya's angry attack!

"You are Mei's brother, right? Think more about Mei!" The reason why Okazaki Tomoya was really angry was Haruhara Yohei's indifference to Mei!

"Of course I have thought about it!"

"That's nonsense! Even if Mei is abducted by a man like me, you're still indifferent, right? You're not worried at all!"

"I was worried! Of course I was worried!"

"Then why are you leaving it alone! If you have any excuses, just tell me!"

"Because I think it's okay to leave it to you!" In the comics, Haruhara Youhei showed a serious expression on his face that he had never seen before. While roaring, he waved his fist and returned a [Friendship Breaking Fist] to Tomoya Okazaki. ]! "I wanted to hide until the end...it was because you were too dissatisfied that I ran out!"

"Protect Meiyi well!" One punch...

"Isn't that the boyfriend's responsibility?" Another punch...

While roaring, Haruhara Hinata used [Friendship Breaking Fist·Continuous Hits] on Okazaki Tomoya! However, due to the interference of the two girls next to them, the two did not continue fighting in the end... But seeing this, Yoshida had already vaguely guessed the development of the plot!

Quickly turning to the next page, Yoshida had an expression on his face that was indeed true! Because the content of the comic is exactly the same as what I thought!

In the manga, Tomoya Okazaki, who has a bruised nose and face, meets the same-looking Haruhara Hinata on his way to school! The two looked at each other expressionlessly at first, and then under Furukawa Nagisa's puzzled gaze, the two who had fought before now showed the same smile!

"Although it is very ordinary content, the development pattern of this plot..." He did not choose to continue reading, because Yoshida suddenly felt his nose was a little sore, and he had an indescribable feeling in his heart! Looking up at Makoto Takahashi, who was frowning and drawing the manga, Yoshida wiped the corners of his eyes in a somewhat concealed manner and whispered, "This kind of appeal... That guy Makoto, the content of this sentence is not very good." Yes? Why do you still say there is a problem?”

"My Familiar Cat, have you finished reading it?" Makoto Takahashi seemed to feel Yoshida's gaze, stopped the brush in his hand, and looked at Yoshida seriously, "Then, the question I asked, you Are you aware of it?"

Why do I suddenly feel like "I will die if I don't answer"? Wrong, an illusion?

"Uh...well...I haven't finished reading the content of this chapter yet!" Yoshida laughed awkwardly, and his words became a little stuttering...In order to prevent Takahashi Makoto from seeing anything strange, he immediately lowered his head and started flipping through the manga manuscript. , "You just saw this, right? Well, there are still a few pages left..."

"Huh? My Familiar Cat, you have been reading manga manuscripts for a longer time!" Makoto Takahashi seemed to remind him with ulterior motives, "It seems that you have been a little slack in your practice recently!"

"Hey, hey! I know! If you have anything to say, I'll talk to you later..." Yoshida tried very hard to act like "I'm reading a manga, please don't bother me", trying to deceive Takahashi Makoto...

"Hey! My beloved cat, I hope your answer will satisfy me then!" Makoto Takahashi snorted coldly and began to talk to himself in a tone that Yoshida could just hear, "I can't answer Sphinx. Anyone who finds this puzzle will be thrown from the cliff into the sea... My beloved cat, my magic sword is already thirsty!"

"...Did you just see this place...?" Yoshida, you can't solve the problem by running away!

After Okazaki Tomoya and Haruhara Youhei reconciled, the content of "CLANNAD" in this chapter is almost over! Although at the beginning, Yoshida, like most readers, thought that the content of this chapter revolved around Mei's sister, but now after observing the manga manuscript in his hand, Yoshida understood that the content of this chapter is the real main plot. It's the story of the Haruhara brother and sister and Okazaki Tomoya... The previous speculations were incomplete!

Sanae is Akio's wife and Furukawa Nagisa's mother. This is something Okazaki Tomoe has never clarified with Haruhara Youhei before! And Haruhara Youhei, who reconciled with Okazaki Tomoya, after regaining his vitality, got together with his friends and prepared to confess! Therefore, when he saw in the comics that Haruhara Youhei, who did not know the truth, ran to Uncle Akio and said, "Please give Sanae to me" under the instigation of Okazaki Tomoya, Yoshida showed a bitter smile on his face...

This is a very hilarious plot...

At least seeing this, seeing Haruhara Youhei returning to his normal self again, seeing Okazaki Tomoya once again being a scheming friend... Yoshida felt an indescribable sense of relief! And judging from Uncle Akio’s character with the [Wife Controlling] attribute, Haruhara Hinata’s end is definitely a very happy one...

The reason why Yoshida smiled bitterly was because...

"By the way...what is the problem that Cheng mentioned?"

Dear readers, I’m sorry to say this! Something happened to a certain cat's family recently. It's not that the elders went to the west, but something worse than this. In short, a certain cat recently not only had no time to update because he was busy, but also had mood problems. Ah, visual inspection. If things continue like this, they will gradually become as bald as the bald teacher!

Regarding the recent update, a certain cat sincerely apologizes ~ above ~

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