A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 387 The Negotiation Process

After hearing that Makoto Takahashi planned to complete the plot novel "A Certain Science" while completing the manga series, Yoshida thought that Makoto Takahashi would directly enter a crazy working mode... out of concern for the cartoonist's health. Thinking about it, Yoshida wondered if he needed to find the current editor-in-chief of the weekly "Shounen Jumk" and the editor-in-chief of the monthly "Music Jumk" to conduct a [joint persuasion operation] or something, and planned to use this to interfere with Takahashi Makoto...

The success of this plan is still very high! As an editor-in-chief who can talk to Makoto Takahashi on an equal footing, his level of existence and his right to speak are naturally much higher than those of ordinary editors. After all, this is determined by status!

This is what Yoshida originally envisioned...

But Makoto Takahashi, who knows how to "pre-emptively strike", took Yoshida with him directly to the editorial office of the monthly magazine "Sure Victory Jumk" before Yoshida even started to implement it, aiming directly at the man whom Takahashi Makoto called the commander. Editor-in-Chief...

Yoshida, who initially thought that the plan had been exposed, tried to persuade Takahashi Makoto to give up the plan along the way. However, when Yoshida's third attempt to persuade him failed and he regrouped and prepared to start his fourth attempt, Takahashi Makoto pulled out the gun with a smile. [Demon Sword], with a look on his face that said, "My beloved cat, you have prepared your last words." He just looked at Yoshida quietly without saying a word, and then... nothing more!

Yoshida, who has long been accustomed to facing the mental oppression of Makoto Takahashi, is 10,000% sure that Makoto Takahashi will not kill him, or even be injured, but... If a [man without clothes] suddenly appears on the street, this kind of news will definitely make the headlines!

After pre-reading this possible world line from the eyes of Makoto Takahashi, Yoshida decisively stopped his stupid persuasion!

However, the situation is not as bad as Yoshida imagined! Because Takahashi Makoto went to the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine "Music Victory Jumk" not because he was aware of Yoshida's intentions and planned to counterattack, but because he wanted to complete some plans and needed the cooperation of the monthly magazine...

As for what the cooperation plan is, Yoshida has no idea at all! Although he is Makoto Takahashi's editor-in-chief, the topic of discussion this time... In short, both Makoto Takahashi and the editor-in-chief have restricted Yoshida's authority to participate in the conversation!

At the beginning, Yoshida was a little surprised. After all, he was negotiating with cartoonists about cartoon issues. As the editor in charge, why couldn't he participate? Just like when human beings are discriminated against or excluded, they will have some negative delusions. When others whisper, they think they are criticizing themselves; when others cover their mouths and smile, they think they are mocking and despising themselves; If you point fingers at others, you will think that you are discussing yourself...

So because he was isolated and excluded, Yoshida suddenly fell into various delusions! I even thought that this time Makoto Takahashi came to the editor-in-chief, maybe he wanted to change the editor-in-chief or something...

"As I said on the phone before, Commander!" But when Takahashi Makoto closed the door, Yoshida vaguely heard Takahashi Makoto's words, and his heart was mostly relieved, "About the comic "CLANNAD" "Serialized content..."

Because the door was closed, Yoshida could not hear the conversation inside! To be precise, Yoshida couldn't hear clearly the conversation between Makoto Takahashi and the editor-in-chief. Although there was only a door across the room, it has to be said that the sound insulation measures here are quite good. At least Yoshida had tried very hard to put his ear to the door. Go up, still can't hear clearly what the two people inside are talking about!

Of course this is only the beginning...

"No! Of course this kind of thing can't be done!" After a brief calm, Yoshida, who originally thought he couldn't hear anything, was about to give up the unethical eavesdropping behavior of "Walls Have Ears" when he suddenly heard the editor-in-chief calling from inside the office. The sound of...

"...Uh, hug, sorry! I'm just curious about you..." Yoshida, who was wondering why he suddenly heard clearly, suddenly saw Makoto Takahashi looking at him with a smile... The door to the room had been opened by Makoto Takahashi!

"Hey, my beloved cat, you come in too!" Ignoring the embarrassed look on Yoshida's face at the moment, which made him want to use the [Digging] skill, Takahashi Makoto just stretched out his right hand and slapped it hard. On Yoshida's shoulder, "As a price for eavesdropping to satisfy your curiosity, my beloved cat, join me as a team to clear the copy of [Monthly Editor-in-Chief]! Otherwise..."

Yoshida did not immediately agree to Takahashi Makoto, after all, he did not understand the whole story yet... Although judging from the unnatural look on the editor's face and the smile on Takahashi Makoto's face, the initiator of this incident Definitely the latter!

"...A Cheng, are you sure you want to do this..." After Yoshida understood the whole story, he swallowed hard, with a look of horror on his face. After a long silence, he struggled to finish a sentence. , "Won't you suffer divine punishment?"

"Heavenly punishment? Hahahahaha... Of course, such a thing is impossible!" Takahashi Makoto walked to the window, pointed at the sky that was already covered with dark clouds, and his face was full of fanaticism. "Hey, my cat, didn't I tell you before? I, the crazy cartoonist Houhouin Kyouma, can come to this world under the pressure of the two major inhibitory forces of Gaia Loli and Alaya Loli, which means that this world has accepted me and recognized my existence! So if you want to interfere with me, hinder me, it is as difficult as destroying all humans, or even destroying the entire planet! So... do you think that I, who have reached such an existence, will suffer the so-called heavenly punishment? Too sweet! Who dares to stop me? Who dares to stop me? Who dares to kill me? Hahahaha..."

I dare to kill you...

Although Yoshida really thought so at the moment, and wanted to roar out loudly like this... But looking at Takahashi Makoto holding the [Magic Sword] in his right hand, as if he was ready for [Iai Flash], Yoshida finally chose to remain silent! It's a pity that Yoshida is not Ma Dai, otherwise, with the speech that Takahashi Makoto just triggered a certain death flag, he would have been beheaded by now...

"Yoshida, as the editor-in-chief of the cartoonist Houhouin Kyoma, I want to hear your opinion!" Rather than saying that the editor-in-chief helped Yoshida out at the right time... it's better to say that the editor-in-chief's words pushed Yoshida into the abyss of a dilemma!

"Hey, my beloved cat, you don't want to betray your ally at the critical moment, do you?" Takahashi Makoto shrugged meaninglessly, and his face showed an indifferent look, but his right eye was staring at Yoshida, "Although it's very cute to turn sides at the last minute, and Infernal Affairs is also my favorite game, but my beloved cat, becoming an undying enemy with the Demon King, fighting to the death... do you have that awareness?"

"Eh? I, I..."

Will you choose to defend the responsibilities of the editor-in-chief, stand in the editor-in-chief's camp, and work together with the editor-in-chief to persuade Takahashi Makoto? Or should I choose to save my life, abandon my so-called moral integrity and professional spirit, stand in Takahashi Makoto's camp, and brush the dungeon of [Monthly Editor] with Takahashi Makoto? This is really a difficult question to decide!

"It seems that you have made your choice! Tsk! It's really a pity..." After watching Yoshida fall into silence, Takahashi Makoto, who was impatient, showed a look of regret on his face, "Since you have chosen to stand on the opposite side of me, then out of respect for the enemy and care for the past cooperation... Then, this day next year will be my cat's death anniversary!"

Hey, when did I make a choice? Don't be so arbitrary and self-centered!

"Editor-in-chief, why don't you agree with Acheng's opinion? I believe you have also read the content of "CLANNAD". I think Acheng's plan is very good! And how to say..." At this time, what moral integrity and professional spirit do you still need to consider? Saving your life is the first priority! "Although this approach is a bit unfair to other authors, the level of "CLANNAD" is indeed higher than those cartoonists serialized in the monthly magazine at this time! And didn't you say before that the comic "CLANNAD" even pulled "Bi Sheng Jumk" back from the brink of death? Then in return, let Acheng, let the cartoonist Houhouyuan Kyouma be willful for once, what do you think?"

"Hmm..." Crossing his hands and resting his chin, this kind of thinking is the real commander-in-chief...

So Takahashi Makoto, you took out your mobile phone and took pictures crazily, do you want to go home and practice and imitate? Speaking of which, Yoshida just said so passionately, Takahashi Makoto, you are really a man to do this?

"Wow, I didn't expect the commander to be so reasonable!" Takahashi Makoto looked at Yoshida, who was already ashen beside him, and smiled happily, "Hey, my cat, this is really great! I originally thought that in order to convince the commander, I might need to show my bravery... I didn't expect that the commander has been our companion from the beginning!"


Yes, yes, there is no need to use force... Who was it that just slapped the table to pieces? Although that kind of office desk is estimated to be almost beyond its service life, that kind of thing... is not something that a mere human being can do!

Yoshida followed Takahashi Makoto and did not make his usual complaints... It is worth noting that Yoshida did not walk side by side with Takahashi Makoto as usual today, but kept a relatively safe distance, and his face was full of complex expressions of [surviving a disaster] and [always alert to the coming of death]...

"Then my cat, follow the commander's instructions, and the negotiation between the cartoonist and the editor will be left to you!" Takahashi Makoto stretched, smiled at Yoshida, and warned in a joking tone, "Of course, don't try to do anything! Although I will be happy to chop you into pieces and feed you to the demon dog at that time... But you have come this far, and it seems that there is no way back!"

"...Ah, it's really troublesome!" Looking at the list of cartoonists and editors in his hand, Yoshida showed a wry smile. Looking at the back of Makoto Takahashi who was gradually walking away, he muttered in a low voice, "At that time, I absolutely You have a brain convulsion! Why on earth did you help that guy Acheng to persuade the editor? Now we are in big trouble... Let’s not talk about communicating with other cartoonists. After that monthly issue is released, we will definitely... "

"Hey, My Beloved Cat!" Makoto Takahashi suddenly stopped, turned to look at Yoshida with a smile, and when a certain editor was shocked, he said slowly, "In view of the fact that my Beloved Cat, you The assistance given at the critical moment has made His Majesty the Demon King Kōma the Phoenix become more friendly towards you! At the same time, I warned my beloved cat who was murmuring that because the Kōma the Phoenix has signed a contract with the witch Rina, it is impossible to become one! If you make any delusions during the strategy or build a base, you will be automatically converted into the first enemy to be killed and eliminated! And..."

"Isn't it time to say 'thank you' at this time?" Who the hell wants to conquer your chuunibyou?

"My beloved cat, since you already know, I won't say anything anymore! But...don't you think you know too much?"

"...I lost!"

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