A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 402: Prepare to change your job, young man!

Although I don’t know why Takahashi Makoto asked other assistants to take leave, leaving him alone to complete the manga draft of "CLANNAD", but as a professional assistant, Shizukawa-san is still very professional and comes to Takahashi on time every day Cheng, working with a middle school cartoonist to complete the manga draft...

As a cartoonist's assistant, although it is possible to observe cartoon manuscripts earlier than ordinary readers, on the other hand, if observing cartoon manuscripts delays the progress of the work, the number of cartoon manuscripts will pile up...especially for masters. For a middle-level cartoonist who has the special skill of "complete comic drafts at high speed", the job of being an assistant is quite difficult!

Regarding the task of completing the manga "CLANNAD" manga manuscript, Jinghe's attitude at the beginning was the same as usual, and he would not delay his work because he was obsessed with observing the manga manuscript! However, during this period of time, after the comic "CLANNAD" began to have a cruel and heart-wrenching plot, Jing Hehe's speed in completing the comic manuscript began to slow down!

There is no doubt that in the process of completing the comic "CLANNAD", Jinghe's soul has been gradually eroded by the plot of the comic...

Although Shizuka feels that in the recently completed manga manuscript, the part about a certain second-year manga artist's design to cause Nagisa Furukawa to die is not so much a divinely unfolding plot as it is a very bad choice! However, Jinghe did not raise any objections to Makoto Takahashi, and continued to complete the work he was supposed to do seriously and rigorously as usual, but whether it was when observing the manga manuscript or in the process of completing the manga manuscript , Jing Hehe’s face is much gloomier than ever before...

Okazaki Tomoya held the child in one hand and held the hand of his beloved wife tightly with the other, desperately trying to keep Furukawa Nagisa who was about to die after giving birth to Shio. However, full of longing and tears of hope, pain mixed with desperate cries, he still Unable to save Nagisa Furukawa's lost life, Nagisa Furukawa wanted to touch Tomoya Okazaki's hand, but it slipped from mid-air...

Although this part of the plot has already been completed, fragments of this part of the plot keep flashing in Jinghe's mind... Although the plot of the comic can be so deeply remembered, which proves that the comic is indeed outstanding, but If this affects his normal work, Jing Hehe will not be happy at all!

Shizuka, who was immersed in inner torment, found that he had arrived at the door of Makoto Takahashi's room. He took a deep breath and tried to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart... Perhaps only by immersing himself in the work of completing the manga manuscript could he temporarily be able to Forget the impact of the brutal plot of the comic CLANNAD?

"Hmph, hum..." Makoto Takahashi, who was happily humming a little tune, saw Shizuo He entered the room under the leadership of Sadaharu, and greeted him with a smile on his face, "Hey, Ryuko, you are here today." Very early!”

Abnormal... Takahashi Makoto's performance today, Shizuo Hehe's performance can be described as abnormal!

In the past, when I came to Takahashi Makoto's house, a certain middle-level cartoonist in a white coat would either make a gloomy speech on "Doomsday Theory"; or he would make an enthusiastic speech on "Humanity" to his cats and dogs. Declaration of Extermination War; or squatting on a chair, completing the comic manuscript while rotating the chair, and practicing the so-called [True Comic Kaitian] weird skills...

But today, Makoto Takahashi actually smiled and hummed a tune, and greeted him in an extremely ordinary way like a normal human being... If Shizuka hadn't had a paralyzed face, the corner of his mouth would have started to twitch by now, right?

"Phoenix Academy Teacher seems to be in a good mood today. Did something happy happen?" Although he didn't know what happened, from Takahashi Makoto's smile, Jinghe could still feel the mood of a middle school student today. Very pleasant! Jing Hehe asked casually while changing into a [Phoenix Academy Fierce Manga Assistant Uniform Costume] white coat...

"Oh? It seems that the therapeutic effect of the comic "CLANNAD" is still very good..." Makoto Takahashi did not answer Jinghe's words, but looked at Jinghe seriously, "Ruko, compared to when you first came here, There have been a lot of changes!”

After all, considering Jinghe's character, being able to take the initiative to ask questions is quite good! When Jinghe came here at the beginning, except for a brief self-introduction, he once set a record of "not talking for a week", which made the assistants who were suffering from "if you don't talk will die" extremely ashamed!

Okazaki Tomoya held the newly born baby in his arms, lying on the motionless Furukawa Nagisa and crying loudly. The scenery outside the window with snowflakes flying freely was just like Okazaki Tomoya's heart, filled with endless darkness and coldness...


Mentioning the influence of the comic "CLANNAD" on him, Jinghe thought of the previously completed comic draft again, and his face became gloomy again! There were signs of movement on the chair, and the manga manuscripts placed on the table were not as neat as they were when he left yesterday... While Shizuka casually arranged the manga manuscripts on the table, he asked Takahashi Makoto in confusion, " Teacher Phoenix Academy... did anything happen after I left yesterday?"

"Oh? Did you find it? As expected of Liuzi..." Makoto Takahashi nodded with satisfaction, and the smile on his face became brighter, "A very interesting thing happened yesterday! The cartoonist and editor burst into tears The scene of a big rampage, tsk tsk tsk, that’s very rare to see..."

"The cartoonists and editors burst into tears... Did Mr. Fenghuangyuan let them read the manga of "CLANNAD"?" It's not that Jinghehe's reasoning ability is strong, but the memory of Jinghehe crying while completing the manga is too deep!

"Yeah, you know it very well! By the way, Ryuko..." The smile on Takahashi Makoto's face at this moment is undoubtedly a smile of great pleasure! "Yesterday when those fragile humans were observing the manga, I also used forbidden music! How about it, Ryuko, do you want to listen to it again? It is said that listening to music while working can improve work efficiency!"

Jinghehe naturally knows what music Takahashi Makoto is talking about! As the first person to listen to music, Jinghehe has a very deep memory of those music! Whether it is a simple music or a song with lyrics like "だんご大family", just listening to it makes people feel sad, and if you play it back in your mind from time to time with the plot of the manga...

The lethality is simply crazy!

"No, no! There are still many comics to be completed today! If I listen to music... it will delay the completion of the comics!" It's not that I don't want to listen, but Jinghe River is worried that he will cry after hearing the sad music... If his eyes are blurred with tears, he really can't complete the completion of the comics!

"Tsk! I thought I could record the scene of you bursting into tears and running wild..." Takahashi Makoto licked his lips in frustration, "Although there is already a video record of you bursting into tears before... But it's still a bit regrettable! After all, the expression of human grief is quite delicious!"

"Well, it seems that there is a lot of work today..." Jinghe River chose to ignore the devilish remarks of a certain middle school cartoonist! After all, if you have to make a fuss about Takahashi Makoto's remarks every day, your life as an assistant may have come to an end because of your death, right?

After the two entered the work mode, the joking conversation ended instantly! After all, Jinghe River is not a talkative person, especially when completing the comics, the concentration is quite amazing!

As for Makoto Takahashi... Yoshida once asked Makoto Takahashi why he became silent when he finished the comics. The answer he got made the assistants and Yoshida present at the time very entangled!

"Because I have to search the engine in my brain to copy the comics, if I talk distractedly at this time, my brain may be overloaded and the three magic circuits stored in my brain will collapse... In short, if I am not careful, I may become a brain-dead person like a white-haired superpower who was shot in the head..."

"Hmm? These comics..." Jinghe River, who was finishing the comics seriously, suddenly stopped the brush in his hand and began to quickly flip through the comics in his hand... It seems that he has noticed the difference between the comics in his hand and the past!

"Huh! Have you noticed it?"

Makoto Takahashi seemed to have been paying attention to Jinghe River's every move since he was drawing comics before! After seeing Jinghe River's actions again, Makoto Takahashi smiled and stopped the brush in his hand like Jinghe River... The difference is that the object of Makoto Takahashi's observation is Jinghe River who is observing the comics!

Working selflessly, smoking in the game store to spend most of the rest time, and going to the tavern to drink alone at night... The comic manuscript in Jinghe River's hand, a full ten pages of content, is basically Okazaki Tomoya's inner monologue, telling the story of Okazaki Tomoya's decadent life after the death of Furukawa Nagisa!

Because of the loss of love, life is full of despair, and because of the loss of love, life no longer has hope... Although the content of the comic manuscript only describes Okazaki Tomoya's decadent life, Jinghe River can feel the sad and painful heart of Okazaki Tomoya under the disguise of a zombie life in the comic!

"Ryuko, do you remember what we agreed to do before?" Seeing Jinghe River put down the comic manuscript and enter the assistant mode again to start working, Takahashi Makoto suddenly asked!

"Hmm? What we promised?" Jinghe stopped painting, looked up at Takahashi Makoto with some confusion, and asked with a puzzled look, "Teacher Fenghuangyuan, what do you want to say?"

"In my heart, the manga "CLANNAD" is a manga that can lead to the salvation of mankind! Although I don't know how things will turn out after you finish the whole manga, Ryuko... But the profession of cartoonist assistant, no matter your level or proficiency, has reached the peak!" Takahashi Makoto tapped the table lightly with his brush, his face was unusually serious, "So... after you finish the whole manga "CLANNAD", change your job, boy!"

Happy Children's Day. I originally wanted to write about Xi's plot, but considering today's special day, forget it.

When we realize the true meaning of the festival, we are already past the age of celebrating the festival.

PS: Readers who are going to take the college entrance examination, if you are still reading novels at this time, I will feel very guilty.

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