A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 417 This comic is...

Chapter 417 This comic is

When Shizukawa headed towards Takahashi Makoto's house with the manga manuscript, Yoshida, who was relieved of his knot, and Takahashi Makoto, who was relaxing, began to discuss the manga Shizukawa wanted to serialize!

"Speaking of Cheng, have you read Shizugawa-kun's manga manuscript?" Yoshida stuffed the "Dream Eater" manga manuscript into his backpack and began to inquire about the news from Takahashi Sei, "Although Shizugawa-kun's manga was previously The review of that work was very good, but as you know, Cheng, it is basically impossible for comics of that style to be serialized in a weekly..."

"My Familiar Cat, it's really a pity this time! I have no idea what kind of manga Ryuko has completed!" Makoto Takahashi shook his head at the confused Yoshida and spread his hands, "Although Ryuko has done it before Zi once asked me to take a look at the new comics, but I refused! "

"Eh? Why did you refuse?" Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi with some confusion, "Cheng, when you met Shizuhe-kun before, didn't you say that you liked Shizuhe-kun's dark style comics? Now that Shizuka-kun has finished the new manga, logically speaking, you should really want to read it..."

"If I speak as a reader, of course I want to read Ruuko's new comics... But My Familiar Cat, this is not what Ruuko expects, right?" Makoto Takahashi tapped his fingers on the table, Looking at Yoshida seriously, his tone rarely became serious, "The new manga completed by Ryuko was created with the purpose of [wanting to serialize this manga in a weekly magazine]! The person responsible for reviewing the manga is Whether comics can be serialized in a weekly magazine is not what I, as a cartoonist, should do, but what a responsible editor like you, My Cat, should do, right?"

"Well, you're right to say that, Cheng..." After hearing what Takahashi Cheng said, Yoshida couldn't find any reason to refute it for a moment!

"But speaking of which, I'm also a little curious..." Seeing that Yoshida had already understood what he wanted to say, Takahashi Makoto changed the subject and continued to speculate on the content of Jinghe River's comics, "According to what Liuzi said before Judging from the completed work, the comic completed this time should also belong to the same kind of dark comic... However, considering that Ryuko has been responsible for completing the manga draft of "CLANNAD" recently, I think Ryuko may Will it be affected to some extent?"

"Influenced by "CLANNAD"..." Mentioning the influence of the comic "CLANNAD"... If Shizuka is like Takahashi Makoto, and becomes a vicious devil who likes to dig holes and kill readers... Yoshida's body Suddenly I started to tremble unconsciously, and I started to worry about the finished manga of Ki Jung Ha!

"No matter whether it is the cartoonist or the assistant, it is impossible to change the completed comics! But every time when completing the comic draft, I put strong emotions into it, and even bring it into my own soul... As time goes by, people will eventually But it will be changed by comics!" Makoto Takahashi turned to look at the comic manuscripts of "CLANNAD" piled on the table. He didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed happily, "Ah, so I am now I’m really looking forward to Liuzi’s new comics!”

"Oops, I always feel an ominous premonition!" Yoshida looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was less than ten minutes before Jinghe's agreed arrival time...

When Shizuka came to Takahashi Makoto's house with the manga manuscript, Takahashi Makoto had already finished his rest time and entered the cartoonist mode. He squatted on a chair and started drawing the manga manuscript, while Yoshida was lying on his back. On the sofa, he obviously entered the state of "lying down and lying down"...

"Oh, oh, oh, Liuzi, you are finally here!" Makoto Takahashi saw a look of regret on his face when he saw Shizuo Hehe, and turned to the cat and dog pressing on Yoshida and said. , "Sadaharu, Ruri, and Ryuko are here, and you can break the seal on my familiar cat! The next task is to go to the witch, and cooperate with the witch Nina to drag Rin and Seiji into the dream world! "

After hearing Takahashi Makoto's words, Sadaharu and Ruri immediately jumped off Yoshida. Then, under the surprised gazes of Yoshida and Shizuka, they ran to Takahashi Makoto and knelt down on the ground to show their respect. After resigning, he went straight to the bedroom...


No matter how many times I watch it, I will always feel that the cats and dogs in Takahashi Makoto’s house have become refined spirits... The speechless Shizuka and the speechless Yoshida looked at each other, and their thoughts instantly synchronized!

"Teacher from the Phoenix Institute, Mr. Yoshida, these are the manga manuscripts of the new manga! Well, also, the name of the new manga is..."

The first person to break the silent atmosphere was Jinghe who came back from his surprise! He took out a thick stack of manga manuscripts from his bag. When Shizuka was about to briefly introduce his manga manuscripts to the two of them, he found that Takahashi Makoto and Yoshida reached out their hands at the same time, both wanting to get it as soon as possible. Comic manuscript!

"Tsk, my beloved cat, you are lucky this time..." Makoto Takahashi gave up the opportunity to observe the manga manuscript immediately because his cell phone rang... However, when Makoto Takahashi walked to the balcony to answer the phone, he still He did not forget to place a curse on Yoshida, "But according to the big universe setting of [First Attack Must Die], My Familiar Cat does not have the aura of the protagonist, so what if you see the manga manuscript first? The God of Death will come to your door soon. It’s lunch!”

If it were usual, Yoshida would definitely use [Poison Tongue] to fight back against Takahashi Makoto, and then be fought back by Takahashi Makoto to his knees... But Yoshida ignored Takahashi Makoto's vicious curse this time, and didn't even make any response, because at this moment Yoshida's attention was firmly attracted by the comic manuscript in his hand!

Although this was not the first time that the editor-in-chief of the comic manuscript was observed, Jinghe River still felt very nervous!

Looking at Yoshida who was quickly flipping through the comic manuscript, Jinghe River, who was sitting, swallowed nervously and began to carefully restrain his breathing, for fear that his breathing would be too loud and interfere with Yoshida's observation of the comic manuscript!

Shizuru carefully observed the changes in Yoshida's expression. Yoshida, who was observing the comics, would feel uneasy subconsciously if there was any slight change in his expression...

"Ryuko, don't worry too much!" Takahashi Makoto, who had ended the call, suddenly appeared behind Shizuru, patted Shizuru's shoulder in a comforting manner and whispered, "After all, among the editors, my cat is a toy with a relatively high durability... So don't worry about your comic plot, and my cat will be broken or something!"

"No, Mr. Fenghuangyuan..." In fact, Shizuru was not worried about this! However, before Shizuru opened his mouth to explain to Makoto Takahashi, there was a new change on Yoshida's side!

"Eh? This development is..." As if seeing some surprising plot, Yoshida, who had been quietly looking at the comics, showed a surprised expression on his face and cried out!

"By the way, Ryuko...are you sure there are no 18+ inharmonious scenes in your comics?" Seeing Yoshida's sudden loss of composure, Takahashi Makoto asked Jinghe River curiously, "Why does my cat look like he saw something exciting..."

"Hey, Cheng, I heard... Jinghe-kun's comics don't have the content you imagined! But..." Yoshida suddenly put down the comics in his hand, his eyes wandered between Takahashi Makoto and Jinghe River several times, then he sighed and put away the comics. He handed the comic manuscript to Takahashi Makoto, and said with a wry smile, "But such a plot twist... Forget it! You will understand after you read it, Makoto!"

"Oh? It seems that my beloved cat likes this comic very much..." Takahashi Makoto took the comic manuscript from Yoshida, and saw Yoshida occasionally making comments like "Great twist" and "Great development". After complaining about Yoshida, he opened the comic manuscript...


"Hey hey hey hey!" Makoto Takahashi jumped up from his chair after just reading the beginning! "Fuck! This plot is..."

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