A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 438: The editor is about to be cheated again

Although the comic "CLANNAD" in the monthly magazine has been announced to have ended, perhaps for readers, witnessing the completion of a comic will cause various feelings of reluctance and emptiness... However, for everyone on the editorial side of the monthly magazine, it is... I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and vent that feeling of "the big stone hanging in my heart finally fell down"...

You must know that the comic "CLANNAD" caused a lot of trouble when it was serialized. Most of the editors on the editorial side said that they were about to become mentally ill due to being tortured by a middle-grade cartoonist! And now this magical comic has finally come to an end. The editor no longer has to endure huge pressure every day after the monthly magazine is released, and live a life of fear...

At the regular serialization meeting, because the editor and some editors had not arrived yet, several editors who arrived in the meeting room early got into a chatting state, and what they talked about basically revolved around the comic "CLANNAD" And a certain middle-level cartoonist!

"Wow, the comic "CLANNAD" is finally over! Although this comic is very good, there are also a lot of problems that come with it! Now that the comic is over, I can finally relax..."

"Huh! I willfully took a three-month hiatus from the magazine, and then willfully occupied the entire monthly magazine for serialization... Don't you think that the editor-in-chief is a little too indulgent in his attitude towards the cartoonist Phoenix Institute?"

"Okay, okay, after all, since the comic "CLANNAD" was serialized, the monthly sales of the monthly magazine have exceeded the monthly sales of the weekly for the first time... Faced with this kind of achievement that creates new history, it doesn't matter if you indulge a little bit, right?"

"Is it necessary to compare the sales volume of monthly magazines with weekly magazines? Huh, I just don't know what to say!"

"By the way, do you think that the manga artist Shoin Kouma will start a new serialization in the monthly magazine after the manga "CLANNAD"?"

"It should be... unlikely, right? After all, the comic "Dream Eater" in the weekly magazine is a popular comic. Now that the comic "CLANNAD" has been completed, I think the cartoonist Shoin Kouma will devote most of his energy to it. It’s just right to move it to a weekly magazine...and you’ve just finished a comic, so as a cartoonist, shouldn’t you take a good rest and come up with new comics?”

"Rest? Tsk, that's just for ordinary cartoonists. You underestimate that evil cartoonist! You know the former Phoenix Institute murderer, but he once serialized three comics in a weekly magazine at the same time... and still took a break What? Maybe the cartoonist plans to publish a double series in the monthly magazine!"

"This...this is unlikely, right?"

"That's right, let's not mention that there has never been any precedent for dual serialization in a monthly magazine... No matter how evil a cartoonist is, it is impossible to complete the comic manuscripts required for two monthly magazines in one month, right? This is simply impossible to do! ”

While several editors on the editorial side were discussing, the editor-in-chief, wearing glasses that could cast [Must-kill Silent Death Ray] on his own, walked into the conference room with a serious look on his face! The editors, who were used to the seriousness of the editor-in-chief Sasaki, naturally could not get any information from the expression on the editor-in-chief's face... However, just as the deputy editor was preparing to follow the usual serialization meeting pattern, he began to discuss with several editors the new additions and cuts in the monthly magazine. At the time of the comic, the editor-in-chief, who had rarely spoken before, took the initiative to interrupt the deputy editor-in-chief!

"Before this serialization meeting begins, I first want to introduce to you..." Before the editor-in-chief finished speaking, the expressions of several editors-in-chief present became a little unnatural!

After all, the same thing has happened before! When the comic "CLANNAD" was about to be serialized in the monthly magazine, the editor-in-chief once said this... Then, a very popular comic began to be serialized in the monthly magazine, which also made the editor feel good about a certain comic. It comes from the reader’s side [passion for comics]!

"Um, excuse me! I'm Yujiro Hattori, the editor of the weekly "Shounen Jumk"!" Yujiro, the editor-in-chief of Shinzuma Eiji, scratched his head, with an unnatural look on his face...

"Hey, is there another one?" An editor looked at Yujiro and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Apart from Yoshida-kun, I didn't expect that there would be another weekly editor..."

"I remember Yujiro Hattori, he seems to be the editor-in-chief of the manga artist Eiji Shinzuma, right?" An editor asked in a low voice to a colleague next to him, "Why did the editor of the weekly magazine come to the monthly serialization meeting? Could it be another one? …”

"I guess that's it... After the manga artist Shoin Kouma, the manga artist Niizuma Eiji, who was serialized in the weekly magazine, seems to be serializing it in the monthly magazine, right? But this time... hum!"

"Eiji Niizuma? That genius cartoonist?" A certain editor's eyes flashed with anticipation, and when he looked at his colleagues, his eyes were full of competition at this moment!

"Hey, everyone is here. Sorry, I'm a little late..." Unlike Yujiro, who looked a little nervous, Yoshida put a large pile of manga manuscripts in his hand on the table, with a meaningful look on his face. Smiling, "After all, there are a lot of comic manuscripts this time..."

Since Yoshida appears here, it means that the new comics of the cartoonist Phoenix Institute Jishin will also appear at this serialization meeting... After seeing Yoshida appear, several editors on the editorial side instantly passed each other. Make eye contact!

"Ahem..." After Yoshida and Yujiro sat down, the editor-in-chief coughed a little and introduced to the editors who were exchanging information through eye contact, "I think everyone here should have understood why Yujiro and Yoshida were invited to the serialization meeting this time? Among the new serialized comics this time..."

It is true!

Before the editor-in-chief finished speaking, the editors who were exchanging information through eye contact just now were on guard against each other, and finally all set their eyes on Yujiro!

Normally, the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine should provide the editor-in-charge for the cartoonists serialized in the monthly magazine, but at the beginning, it was because of the strong request of Makoto Takahashi himself, so the monthly magazine could only let Yoshida, the editor of the weekly magazine, take charge of this matter! And today, after seeing Yujiro and hearing what the editor-in-chief had not said, the hearts of the editors immediately became hot!

If the cartoonist Niizuma Eiji intends to serialize in the monthly magazine, he naturally cannot let the editor of the weekly magazine take charge like the previous cartoonist Houhouin Kyouma, right? Does that mean that Yujiro is coming here this time to hand over his work to the monthly magazine?

In other words... this is a great opportunity to become the editor-in-chief of Niizuma Eiji!

"Hey, Yoshida-kun, were you treated like this back then?" Although he has never practiced any special skills, Yujiro can still feel the fiery eyes of the editors on the side of the monthly magazine... A group of men of the same age as him, looking at him with eyes that "want to eat him up", any man with normal sexual orientation would feel terrified, right?

"Hehe..." Listening to Yujiro's low voice and looking at the eyes of everyone on the side of the monthly editor, Yoshida laughed darkly, "This development is really interesting... I wonder what kind of expression they will show after hearing the news later?"

Yoshida attended the serialization meeting because the cartoonist Hououin Kyouma had a new serialization to submit, but the reason why Yujiro attended the serialization this time...

Although Yujiro is indeed the editor-in-chief of the cartoonist Nizuma Eiji, Nizuma Eiji did not intend to mention the new serialized comics at this monthly serialization meeting! So the reason why Yujiro came here is entirely because...

The editor-in-chief of the cartoonist [Makoto Shinkai] is jointly held by Yujiro and Yoshida!

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