A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 447 The theme is [Love and Peace]!

Many human beings are very interested in magic tricks like [Chainsaw Living Man]. In addition to the stimulation and mental pleasure they get from it, they are actually more secretly looking forward to it, looking forward to mistakes in the magic performance, looking forward to the original performance. What is just an entertainment activity to satisfy the mental stimulation, turns into an unforgettable blood feast...

Because human nature is cruel...

Just like the manga manuscript that Yoshida is observing at the moment, watching the manga Mayumi Hashimoto gradually go astray as the plot of the manga progresses. Yoshida, the manga observer, apart from regret and slight sympathy, originates from human beings The influence of bad nature is also expected, looking forward to the collapse and fall of Mayumi Hashimoto in the comics...

Especially after seeing in the manga, Mayumi Hashimoto actually connected to the legendary [Hell Communication] through the news she heard from her classmates... Yoshida could feel that he was very excited about the next content of the manga. Quite looking forward to it!

"I am Yama Ai, you called me here!"

"Please accept it! If you really want to relieve your resentment, untie this red rope. Once you untie the rope, you will formally sign a contract with me. I will immediately exile the object of your resentment to hell... …”

When Yoshida first saw the sudden appearance of the Hell Girl in the manga, he thought that this so-called [Hell Communication] was similar to the Death Book in "DN". After all, they were just killing people in a way that humans could not understand...

However, a girl who claimed to be Enma Ai suddenly appeared and revealed the unique rules of [Hell Communication]!

"However, after the resentment is resolved, you will have to pay me as the price! If you harm others, you will harm yourself! If you untie the rope, your own soul will fall into hell and you will not be able to go to the paradise world. Your soul will suffer ! But...that will happen after you die!"

After reading the setting of [Hell Communication] in the manga, Yoshida instinctively noticed that something was not right! Unlike the Death Book in "DN", this time the user needs to pay a price, and the price the user pays [the soul lingers in hell forever after death] sounds quite scary!

Although humans have never seen the so-called heaven or hell, the threat of [the soul lingers in hell forever after death] still sounds quite threatening! At least in the manga, after connecting to the [Hell Communication] and hearing the detailed rules, Mayumi Hashimoto hesitated...

Looking at the hesitant girl in the manga, Yoshida thought it was normal. After all, it involves the issue of the ownership of the soul after death. Although this is beyond the scope of common sense understanding of human beings, looking at the hell girl Enma Ai who appeared out of thin air, he was able to It proves the so-called [price]... But Yoshida can feel it. Even after knowing the price, the girl named Mayumi Hashimoto will definitely untie the red thread on the straw doll...

From the beginning, I connected to the [Hell Communication] full of resentment; then to the panic after hearing Enma Ai's explanation of the curse; then to all kinds of helplessness and resentment after Kuroda Aya's coercion; and finally to the solution The red thread tied to the straw doll... Although Yoshida had predicted from the very beginning that the girl named Mayumi Hashimoto would definitely untie the red thread, but in just a few pages of the comic, the girl named Mayumi Hashimoto... The inner struggle is vividly reflected!

In the manga, after the girl Mayumi Hashimoto untied the red thread on the straw doll, the scene of the manga suddenly changed to the beautiful classmate Aya Kuroda!

Enma Ai and several monsters under his command recreated Kuroda Aya's sins, allowing Kuroda Aya to experience for herself what he had done to Hashimoto Mayumi, which made Kuroda Aya in despair and panic. Continuously struggling...

"...Want to die once and see?" Enma Ai said this expressionlessly while raising her right hand. The flowers on the kimono began to scatter everywhere, making Kuroda Aya fall into horror after being frightened. coma……

When Kuroda Aya woke up from the frightened coma, she found herself lying on a small boat, and Enma Ai turned into a ferryman, gently rocking the boat, carrying Kuroda who was struggling. Aya-san is slowly heading towards hell!

And Mayumi Hashimoto, after some hard work on her part, eliminated the misunderstandings that had occurred before and returned to the optimistic and cheerful female classmate she was before... But whenever Mayumi Hashimoto saw the middle of her chest, After that small mark similar to a tattoo, you will feel a little disappointed temporarily!

Because that mark represents that after death, the soul will not be able to reach the paradise world, and will suffer forever and wander in hell...

After watching Yoshida put down the manga manuscript, let out a long sigh and then entered deep thought, Takahashi Makoto stared at his editor-in-chief expectantly! You must know that Uncle Tintin, who was responsible for processing some of the manga manuscripts of this comic, couldn't wait to read it again after all the manga manuscripts were completed and sorted out. After reading it, just like Yoshida, he also fell into deep thought after sighing for a long time. Then……

"Now, I'm talking about Cheng, this comic..." After Yoshida pondered for a long time, he raised his head and was about to ask a question, but was directly interrupted by Takahashi Makoto!

"If you want to ask if the heroine of this comic is Ai Yanma, then the answer is yes!" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida's surprised expression and said proudly, "Don't think that I have used the skill of [Mind Reading]... I can guess what you want to ask, just because your human thoughts are too simple!"

"Okay..." Perhaps because of the influence of the comic, Yoshida was a little depressed at the moment. After pondering for a moment, he asked with some concern, "Then Cheng, what is the name of this comic? Don't text me the name of the comic before the monthly serialization meeting like last time..."

"Eh? Isn't this good? Heroes always appear at critical moments..." Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida with a smile, his tone full of pride and satisfaction, "I remember very clearly that when I told my cat the name of the comic "White Rabbit Candy" last time, you were so anxious that you almost cried... Such a loving and interesting entertainment activity, I really hope to play it a few more times!"

"Cheng, your bad taste is hopeless ! There is absolutely no hope! I am so unfortunate to be your editor-in-charge! "The experience of asking Makoto Takahashi about the name of the comic in a humble manner before the monthly serialization meeting. At this moment, even if Yoshida just recalled it a little, he felt a pain in a place that could not be described...

"Hey, my beloved cat, there is no problem with telling you the name of this comic, but..." Makoto Takahashi adjusted his sitting posture slightly, restrained the smile on his face, and asked in a very rare serious tone, "Then, let's follow the principle of [equivalent exchange] to conduct the transaction! My beloved cat, after reading this comic, do you really understand what the theme I want to talk about is?"

"..." Yoshida frowned and remained silent for such a weird question from Makoto Takahashi...

"Oh? Judging from your expression, it seems that the difficulty of this question is a bit high? Then... How about giving you a little hint?" Makoto Takahashi, who was serious just now, now showed a weird smile on his face again, "The key words of the hint are [love and peace] Oh, so you should not... Oh my, my beloved cat, your face has changed again! "

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