A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 454: Transformation and Enlightenment

Regarding the shocking facts Yoshida said, after the editors of the monthly magazine recovered from the shock, most of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces and began to circulate the news about Phoenix Institute's sinister new work "Hell Girl"!

However, when the manga manuscript was delivered to Toda, the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine, it stopped!

"Eh? Toda, the new manga by Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute...don't you want to read it?" Seeing that Toda didn't seem to want to read the manga manuscript, the deputy editor in charge of presiding over the meeting said a little strangely, "Although I know you want to go to the hospital to visit Takeda-sensei now, but... the monthly serialization meeting is going on right now! As the monthly magazine editor who can participate in the monthly serialization meeting, you have the responsibility and obligation to watch the serialization meeting. Comic manuscript!”

"No, deputy editor, it's not that I don't want to read the new comics of Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Academy, it's just...just..." After pondering for a moment, Toda stared at Yoshida with a gloomy face and asked angrily in a harsh tone. , "Yoshida, is this really okay for you?"

"Toda, what you said is a bit excessive!" Before Yoshida could speak, an editor on the editorial side of the monthly magazine complained dissatisfiedly, "Although as the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine, I can understand your dissatisfaction with your cartoonists. You feel helpless when the comic is forced to suspend publication, but don’t you think it’s excessive to accuse others for no reason like this?”

"Hmph! Is it too much?" Toda did not refute his colleague's accusation. Instead, he stared at Yoshida again and asked again in a serious tone, "Yoshida, I think you understand what I am saying, right? I'll I ask you once, do you think this is really good?"

"Toda-kun, I understand what you mean!" Yoshida finally got the chance to speak this time... Before others on the editorial side of the monthly magazine were about to speak, Yoshida spread his hands towards Toda, with a look of helplessness on his face , said with some self-deprecation, "In fact, at the beginning, I didn't believe that Cheng could complete this new comic! After all, even a cartoonist like Cheng, who is called a [monster], wants to be able to complete this new comic in such a short period of time. It is basically impossible to complete a monthly comic series within the time limit..."

"But Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute has not only drawn it, but also submitted the new manga to the monthly serialization meeting!" Although Toda tried his best to suppress his voice, Toda's colleagues on the editorial side of the monthly magazine heard that The lowered voice can still be called [roaring roar]! "If this monthly serialization meeting determines that "Hell Girl" by Hohoin Kuma-sensei will be serialized as a new series, and that the manga "White Rabbit Candy" by Takeda-sensei has been confirmed to be replaced... Yoshida, and all my colleagues , I think you should know what this means, right?"

"Carrying out double serialization in the monthly magazine, allowing cartoonists to complete the manga manuscripts required for two monthly serializations within one month..." Toda didn't wait for his colleagues on the editorial side to reply, he slapped the table angrily and reprimanded loudly, "Hmph! No manga artist can do this! No manga artist can do it! So... if you let the manga "Hell Girl" by Mr. Kumain of the Phoenix Academy pass the serialization conference, it will eventually lead to the successor Takeda After Teacher, another cartoonist’s comics are on hiatus!”

Is this guy Toda really worried about Cheng? Maybe we had a competitive and hostile relationship before, but now that we are also worried about Cheng... Yoshida, who has already understood Toda's thoughts, has entered the [silent] mode!

"Toda-kun, what you said...isn't it too arbitrary?" Although he agreed with Toda's statement, the deputy editor showed a disdainful smile, "Compared to Takeda-sensei, the Phoenix Academy is really fierce. Isn't the teacher still very young? As a young man, you should work a little harder... Besides, if Mr. Kouma of the Phoenix Institute can complete the first chapter of "Hell Girl" in just three weeks, then he can do it It’s actually not that difficult to publish a monthly double series, right? And…”

By the way, is this guy... really the deputy editor? Toda looked at the chatting deputy editor in astonishment, with a look of disbelief on his face!

The deputy editor's calculation method sounds correct, but in practice there are many uncertain factors! To give the simplest example, for comics serialized in a monthly magazine, the cartoonist only needs to submit the comics to the editor once a month, but for comics serialized in a weekly magazine, the cartoonist has to submit comics drafts to the editor four times a month... But in fact, the difference between the two is There is no comparison at all!

Because monthly serialized comics only need to complete one chapter, while weekly serialized comics need to complete four chapters... The design of comic plots, the presentation of characters, etc., all require cartoonists to spend time arranging and layout!

"Deputy editor, this is not a matter of young age!" Toda looked at the deputy editor with an unfriendly look, and his tone was full of ridicule, "What's more, deputy editor, don't forget, the cartoonist [Xinhai Makoto] But it’s a combination of Hohoin Kouma and Shinzuma Eiji-sensei, and according to the information provided by Editor Yoshida, the plot of "Railgun" was completed by Hohoin Kouma-sensei alone, so...it really counts! If you get up, Phoenix Academy Kyuma-sensei will serialize three comics in the monthly magazine at the same time!"

"This..." People who can become deputy editors-in-chief can naturally hear the sarcasm in Toda's tone... Just like some leaders in a certain country, they can be incapable of doing work, but they must be able to [take charge of the work of their subordinates]! "Toda-kun, although what you said sounds reasonable, but... since you are the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine and have participated in the serialization meeting... then no matter which cartoonist submits the comic, you should not avoid reading it, right? You are derelict in your duty by doing this!"

"There is a reason why I don't read Hell Girl by Hououin Kyouma!" Toda seemed to have known the deputy editor-in-chief's thoughts for a long time, and did not panic because of the deputy editor-in-chief's [taking charge of the work] accusation. Instead, he looked at the deputy editor-in-chief with a [I have seen through everything] look, and jokingly said, "Although this comic was completed by Hououin Kyouma in three weeks, it makes people feel that the quality of this comic completed in such a short time may not be worth looking forward to... But Yoshida-kun still insisted on submitting this comic to the monthly serialization meeting , what does this mean? It means that for Yoshida, this comic called "Hell Girl" is more suitable for serialization than the previous "White Rabbit Candy" comic! So..."

"The reason why I don't read this comic is very simple... Because I am worried that once I read it, I can't help but want to let this comic pass the serialization meeting and go directly into serialization! But doing so will make Mr. Houhouin Kyouma..." Toda pushed the comic manuscript to Yoshida, and said in a tone full of guilt and self-blame, "Before, because I was too impatient and wanted to succeed too much, I implicated my close friend Takeda!"

Teacher Houhouin Kyouma, maybe you can do what others can't do, maybe you will resent me because of this serialization...

But this time...

I didn't do this because I was worried about you, Mr. Houhouin Kyouma! Because this is a sin for me...

So only this time...

I will stop Mr. Houhouin Kyouma from serializing your comic no matter what!

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