A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 457 Because I am not strong enough

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’πšπš πš”πšŠπš—.πšŒπš˜πš–]

The manga "CLANNAD" that was serialized in the monthly magazine by the manga artist Shoin Kouma can be said to be of a very brutal level. At least from the beginning of the serialization until the completion of the manga, there are almost no comics by any manga artist in the monthly magazine that can be compared. Competing with it has completely formed the so-called "one family dominates" situation!

However, such achievements and situations can only appear in monthly magazines, but they will not appear in weekly magazines at all!

Because...compared to monthly magazines, competition among cartoonists who serialize in weekly magazines is more intense!

Eiji Arizuma and Makoto Takahashi had been able to continuously occupy the first place in the manga rankings based on reader surveys for a period of time. However, such results did not mean that their achievements in comics had reached their peak. Being able to dominate the weekly... Not to mention the senior cartoonists who have been famous for a long time, there are several cartoonists who debuted around the same time as the two. Although from the current stage, they are lagging behind and there is a certain gap, but The backward part can be made up through hard work, and the gap can also be recovered bit by bit through accumulation!

Through each serialization of the weekly, you can discover your own problems and hone your skills... The so-called [talent] or [talent] may give people some advantages, but only true and continuous hard work can Turn this so-called advantage into an opportunity for victory!

And this... is also the fairest rule in this unfair world!

To put it simply, the cartoonist Hohoin Kouma, who was once famous in the weekly magazine and serialized three comics at the same time in the weekly magazine, has been focusing on the monthly magazine recently... Therefore, compared to several cartoonists who are also serializing in weekly magazines, it is natural to shorten the gap or even be overtaken by others who have been working hard!

At least... things are not going very well with the recent manga "Dream Eater" by mangaka Shoin!

This comic "Origin" is "Arjo Mumenha's Gay Daily Life". When it was first serialized, it once amazed readers! With the eye-catching setting of "Dream" and "Promise" and the comic style that fits the theme of the weekly "Shounen Jumk", it has indeed resonated with many readers...at least for a long time after the comic was serialized. For a period of time, both weekly and monthly magazines have received many more submissions from new cartoonists than before!

However, compared to several cartoonists who are working hard in the weekly, this level is certainly not enough!

Eiji Niizuma was better off, although he was teamed up with Makoto Takahashi as [Shinkai Makoto] as an ally and started to write [Monthly Copies], which wasted a lot of time and caused his manga ranking to drop... ...But Eiji Niizuma can at least hold his own and keep the comics he serializes in the weekly from falling out of the top five!

However, the manga "Dream Eater" by cartoonist Hohoin's fierce manga fell down to the eleventh place in last week's weekly manga ranking results!

"Eleventh place...?" Holding the manga ranking statistics sheet in his hand, Yoshida had a complicated look on his face! Although Yoshida also knew that the focus of Makoto Takahashi's work during this period was basically around the several comics serialized in the monthly magazine, but the performance of the weekly comic series dropped, and it fell directly to the eleventh position, which still made it difficult for him to do so. Yoshida was a little surprised!

"Hey, Yoshida, your expression right now is really annoying!" Hearing the unwillingness in Yoshida's complaining tone, Editor Aida who happened to be passing by complained angrily, "The eleventh place result is not good enough. Aren’t you satisfied enough? You know, the comic I was responsible for was cut in half at the previous serialization meeting!”

"Uh..." Although the performance of the comic "Dream Eater" has dropped, which makes Yoshida unhappy, but compared to Aida, who was responsible for the comic being cut in half, the situation is indeed much better! Seeing Aida's expression of "You're not satisfied with this achievement" and might even go berserk at any time, Yoshida explained awkwardly, "Are you dissatisfied? Maybe...maybe it's my expectations for Acheng, no, I should say Is it too demanding?”

"Isn't this natural?" Aangtian's anger was not relieved and vented, but instead increased even faster! "After all, Phoenix Academy teacher can achieve such results in a weekly series while being double serialized in a monthly magazine. He is already quite a monster! For a Phoenix Academy teacher who can achieve such a level of success, what else do you have to be dissatisfied with? Ah? By the way, Yoshida, have you narrowed your vision because you have been dealing with the monthly editorial department recently?

"Well, maybe... that's about it!" Yoshida naturally heard the implication of Editor Aida's words!

Although the cartoonist Phoenix Ingenuity is said to be able to achieve the result of "crushing all serial cartoonists in the same period" in the monthly magazine, such results are completely impossible to replicate for the fiercely competitive weekly magazine!

After all, cartoonists who serialize comics in monthly magazines, although the number of comics they complete every time is far more than the content of comics serialized in weekly magazines, from a time perspective, they only need to conceive one chapter of comics a month. The plot and thinking time lasted for a month... However, for cartoonists who serialize in weekly magazines, the most scarce thing is time!

Submitting a comic draft every week, although the number of comic drafts is far less than that of a monthly serialized comic, the same, whether it is the time for thinking or the time for completing the comic draft, is quite tight... Many weekly serialized cartoonists cannot bear the fast-paced serialization under the weekly serialization mode, and the comic performance is getting worse and worse, and even ends up being cut in half!

Perhaps the reason for the decline in the performance of the comic "Dream Eater" at this stage is that Ah Cheng is busy with the monthly serialization, which makes the thinking time too hasty?

"Huh? My cat, people like you can only be mortals after all!" After hearing Yoshida's doubts, Takahashi Makoto did not surprise Yoshida and began to enter the [sneer and ridicule] mode! "Huh! You actually said something as stupid as 'the decline in comics results is due to insufficient thinking time'..."

"Isn't that so?" Yoshida interpreted Takahashi Makoto's sarcastic performance as [a certain chuunibaku manga artist was angry after the truth was revealed], and interrupted Takahashi Makoto without any hesitation, "Although I also think that this is a bit too much, but Cheng... that's the fact! Of course, I don't want to blame you for anything. After all, with the results you have achieved in the monthly magazine, the decline in the weekly serialized comic "Dream Eater" is actually not a big problem! And it just fell from ninth to eleventh..."

"There is only one reason for the decline in comics results..." Takahashi Makoto quickly counterattacked Yoshida's rude behavior of interrupting him through the Murong family's [Secret: Give him what he wants]! "It's just because I'm not strong enough!"

"Not strong enough?" Just like Wancheng, Yoshida found it difficult to understand the thinking mode of a certain chuunibaku manga artist at the first time!

"Humans always try their best to find all kinds of excuses for their failures to alleviate their inner guilt and sense of guilt! For example, they attribute the reason for their unsatisfactory test scores to their bad condition on the test day; for example, they attribute the reason for their inability to do certain things to being too tired; for example, they attribute the reason for their failure to some other reasons... Tsk, humans are really hypocritical!" Takahashi Makoto shook his head with some disdain, looked at Yoshida with a serious face, and said righteously, "But I, as a crazy cartoonist, Fenghuangyuan Kyouma, disdain to be as hypocritical as humans!"

"The reason why I failed is always only one... that is because I am not strong enough!"

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