A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 460 Takahashi Makoto's Investigation Method

Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢

The [Fukuda Group] team composed of manga artist Fang has arrived at the entrance to the dungeon of [Super God Legend: The Fierce Demon King of Phoenix Academy]. According to a certain game setting of [you will die if you don’t reach the 100th floor] , if you want to start the final battle, the first thing you have to do is to break the barrier and awaken the sleeping mission target - the fierce demon king of the Phoenix Academy!

As the captain of the [Fukuda Group] team, the silver-haired boy Fukuda with the appearance of a delinquent stood at the front of the team, preparing to knock on the door of Takahashi Makoto's house... However, before the silver-haired boy Fukuda knocked on the door, The little sea otter who is responsible for being cute in the team is feeling timid!

"Um, Fukuda-kun, why don't you contact the God of the Phoenix Academy in advance!" Of course, the little sea otter couldn't directly say 'let's go back', which sounds very cowardly and is very cowardly in practice, but it is very euphemistic. He also expressed his concerns to Futian in a very forward-looking manner, "What if... I mean what if, the Lord of the Phoenix Academy is not at home..."

"Huh? Mr. Hiramaru, what are you thinking about? Although I didn't tell Cheng that we were coming before, I can be sure that that guy is definitely at home!" The silver-haired boy Fukuda just raised his voice. , which made the little sea otter turn pale with fright and take a few steps back... Sure enough, a human with [the appearance of a bad boy] can release a pressure similar to that of the fantasy species [Dragon] by slightly raising his volume when speaking!

"Eh? Mr. Futian, haven't you contacted Cheng before?" After hearing the words of the silver-haired brother Futian, Yacheng Mumengye's good friend looked at each other, and at the same time, he had an unknown premonition!

"Hey! Do you still need to contact us for this kind of thing? Let's not talk about the comic serialized in the weekly... You know, that guy Acheng, starting from next month, he will have a double monthly series!" He curled his lips in displeasure again , the silver-haired boy Fukuda explained to his so-called [teammates] in a rather resentful tone, "I don't know how long it usually takes you to complete a weekly manga series, but it will take me at least four days... so what do you think? What else can that guy like Cheng do now besides stay at home and draw comics?”

"But, our sudden visit like this... won't it disturb Cheng?" The yellow-haired glasses man put forward his doubts to the point!

"Hey! That kind of thing is not important at all!" The silver-haired guy seemed too lazy to explain to everyone... No, the correct way to say it is that the silver-haired guy Fukuda seemed to have started the [tsundere man] mode! "I'm just a little worried... No, I just want to know whether Acheng, as rumored by the editorial department, can keep drawing comics without eating or sleeping! Of course, you can also take the opportunity to inquire about the enemy's situation and see Acheng Is that guy really focusing on the monthly magazine?”

"Oh! The war horn has begun to sound! Everyone is ready to attack!" Eiji Niizuma, who did not participate in the discussion at all, completely ignored everyone's expressions and walked forward quickly, preparing to knock on the door...

However, Eiji Niizuma's hand knocking on the door suddenly stopped... because the strange voice of a certain middle-class manga artist suddenly came from the room!

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooww... yeah, this, that's what the railgun says! Oh ho ho ho! The girl with straight black hair says it so lovingly! Say it with more scenes! The loli girl is so cute! Oh, witch and She said it very lovingly like a slut!”

Silence appeared in situations that should not have appeared!

Some cartoonists will make weird noises when completing comics, such as Eiji Niizuma, Eiji Niizuma, Eiji Niizuma, Eiji Niizuma... Everyone around the cartoonist is still very familiar with this kind of thing. I understand, after all, only after possessing the so-called [Quirk] can humans evolve from mortal skeletal ants into legendary geniuses!

But no one in the manga community has ever heard that a certain middle-class manga artist actually behaves similarly to Eiji Aizuma!

"...Guo, it's true, that guy Acheng!" Silver-haired brother Fukuda-kun, what's the matter with that brief silence before you spoke? And... by the way, don't look at Eiji Shinzuma-san with this "Congratulations on finding your long-lost brother" look! Makoto Takahashi and his new wife Eiji are definitely not long-lost brothers!

"This, this is..." Classmate Lan Dai, who once served as Eiji Niizuma's assistant, looked at Eiji Niizuma with a somewhat uncomfortable expression, and decisively reached out to cover his face covered with black lines...

"God, God?" Although he still didn't know what was happening in the house, the little sea otter couldn't help but tremble at the moment... The instinct of his body was roaring and shouting, telling him to get out of this dangerous place as soon as possible!

"Oh, I see, this is what the Phoenix Academy teacher once told me..." Eiji Niizuma squinted his eyes and listened for a moment, with a look of understanding and expectation on his face... After all, as an ally of Makoto Takahashi, Eiji Arizuma has information about the manga artist that no one else knows!

The door was opened strangely...

The one who opened the door was not the smiling butler in black, but Seiharu Pavlov, Takahashi Makoto's most trusted and most powerful general! Everyone on the manga side knows that the domesticated cats and dogs in Takahashi Makoto’s family are not just pets, but creatures with extremely high intelligence and commanding abilities... In a sense, if it weren’t for Sadaharu Kazuo If Liuli couldn't use magic power, she might have been classified as a monster, Kouya!

...a mess!

Under the leadership of the silver-haired brother Fukuda, everyone on the cartoonist side quietly followed Dingchun into the living room. This is what they saw! Comic manuscripts scattered on the ground, drawing tools scattered on the table... If they hadn't seen Makoto Takahashi squatting on a chair and concentrating on drawing, the people next to the cartoonist might have thought that there was another team before him. I just finished the copy of [Legend of the Super God: The Fierce Demon King of the Phoenix Academy]!

"Oh, are you here already? Even though I'm very dissatisfied after waiting for a long time, Phoenix Academy Kuma still tried his best to pretend to be welcoming and say hello to everyone!" Makoto Takahashi did not stop painting, but opened the long-awaited painting In the [Misaka Sister] mode, she spoke in a very plain and mechanical tone, "The time is just right, just right to serve as a tester of the new cuisine... Phoenix Academy Ozuma's behavior of automatically sending the [experimental mice] to the door , said it in a very pleasant and welcoming tone!"

"Oh! Is this the way the Misaka sisters talk? Mr. Phoenix Academy, thank you very much!" Rather than saying that Eiji Niizuma didn't care at all, it's better to say that Eiji Niizuma seemed to like Takahashi Makoto's weird way of talking. ...To be able to think of Sister Misaka's setting at the first time, should we say that the King of Black Flame is worthy of being a fierce ally of the Phoenix Academy?

"Regarding the overly excited attitude of the King of Black Flame, Phoenix Institute Fierce Man said happily... Even though he felt a little unhappy, Phoenix Institute Fierce Man still tried his best to pretend to be happy!" Although Takahashi Makoto said that he was very happy, but that There was no fluctuation in the tone, and it sounded completely the same as before, "So for the next dark cooking experiment, the King of Black Flame will get a chance to [taste immunity]... Phoenix Academy Ozuma said very unpleasantly!"

"Dark cuisine? Oh, I'm really looking forward to that!"


Then...except for Eiji Niizuma, who can communicate with Makoto Takahashi without any barriers, everyone on the manga side fell into silence!

"Oh, aren't these the comics I serialized before? Why, Mr. Phoenix Institute..." The sharp-eyed Niizuma Eiji suddenly discovered his serialized comics, and curiously turned aside the manga manuscript on the desk, "Eh? Mr. Phoenix Institute Are you copying my comics?"

"..." Takahashi Cheng opened his mouth, originally wanting to explain something, but no words came out!

"Hey, Cheng, your face... looks a little bad!" Noticing that Takahashi Cheng's face was a little pale, Lan Dai recalled his own experience and whispered to his good friend with some worry, "Cheng Could it be..."

"Tsk, starting the fourth stage of simulating the behavior of the Black Flame King, can it only last for half an hour? Huh! The human body is really fragile!" Makoto Takahashi suddenly started to complain with disgust on his face, And the way he speaks... seems to be back to normal?

"Uh... I don't even know where to start complaining!" The man with yellow hair and glasses put on a horse face and whispered to his good friend...

"Speaking of Cheng, did you know we were coming?" The silver-haired boy Fukuda was a little surprised. After all, today's action pattern was purely improvised... But thinking back to the conversation just now, it seemed that a certain middle-class cartoonist had already Did you know that the person you were waiting for would come?

"Well, in order to prevent people with bad intentions, I built a huge detection barrier... so when you get off the bus from the station, I already know it!" As for the method of investigation...

Dear friends, do you still remember the tragic experience of editor Yoshida?

Ahem, let me ask first, which Taoist friend will survive the tribulation tonight?

By the way, didn’t it fail yesterday? Looking at the lightning and thunder today that are more ferocious than yesterday, I can tell that the unknown Taoist friend has been wiped out in ashes.

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