A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 502 It’s been a long time since we last met.

"According to the information gathered by My Cat and Sebastian, every time a new serialized manga manuscript is submitted at the serialization meeting, there will be a limit on the quantity... By the way, usually, every time the weekly " The number of new serials used in "Shounen Jumk" will not exceed three!" Ignoring the weird looks from his fellow cartoonists, and even ignoring his previous weird remarks, a certain middle-class cartoonist took advantage of the bottle editor to talk to him. Before Yoshida even arrived at the conference room, he finally pointed out the most troublesome and insurmountable problem in this serialization meeting! "According to the model of previous serialization conferences...if a large number of comic manuscripts are submitted, then except for the comics that are the first to qualify for serialization, the remaining comics will be directly eliminated!"

"Wha, what?" Except for Eiji Shinzuma and Mumenha Ajo, the remaining three cartoonists on the cartoonist side said in unison, and their faces became quite ugly!

"According to what you said, Acheng, that is to say...as long as the number of new serials is enough, the editors who participated in the serialization meeting will not even take a look at the comic manuscripts we have worked so hard to complete, and will just give up. Or will it be postponed to the next serialization?" The silver-haired boy Fukuda slapped the table angrily and yelled at his fellow cartoonists who looked unhappy, "Hey! This is what a bastard is doing. What do the editors who participated in the serialization think of our comics? "

"Hey, Cheng..." The yellow-haired glasses man pushed up his glasses and asked with some doubts, "Let's not talk about whether what you just told us is accurate...how on earth do you know this information? Mr. Yoshida, as It’s impossible for the editor-in-chief of the weekly to tell you this, right?”

"Now is not the time to pursue this issue!" The silver-haired brother Fukuda's resentment has not dissipated, and he interrupted Yacheng Mumengye's doubts with dissatisfaction, "If it is really like what Acheng said, we are This competition has no meaning at all!”

"Luck is also the key to winning or losing... Although I really want to say this, it feels quite unfair to tell the winner in this situation!" Eiji Niizuma suppressed the smile on his face for the first time. With a serious expression, "Besides, everyone should be very confident in their own comics! If the key to determining victory or defeat is not the comics themselves, but all depends on luck...ah, I feel that this duel will become very boring. !”

"So the limit on the number of new serials... this is the most critical and thorny issue!" Makoto Takahashi, as the initiator of [Super Smash Bros.], saw the indignant looks on everyone's faces beside the cartoonist and was satisfied. Nodding, "So, gentlemen, have you made your decision now?"

"Huh? Decide for what?" The silver-haired boy Fukuda looked at Makoto Takahashi curiously, "You already have a decisive solution..."

"Fukuda-san, don't ask!" A certain gay group, with a synchronization rate that broke through the sky, spoke at the same time to stop Fukuda from questioning...

"Don't..." The former assistant of a certain middle school cartoonist also joined the [Hinderer] camp!

"Are you willing to continue to bow your head and be driven like slaves? Are you willing to continue to support such cruel decisions? Don't you ever long for justice? Don't you ever yearn for freedom?" However, it is already too late... Makoto Takahashi The [Crazy Qi 2] mode has been completely turned on! "The best thing to do at this time is of course to launch a rebellion, overthrow the completely corrupt decision-making team, and change this rotten world! Hahahahaha..."

"..." The silver-haired brother Fukuda finally understood why his colleagues tried so hard to stop him from questioning Takahashi Makoto...

By the way, among all the cartoonists, only the silver-haired brother Fukuda has relatively little contact with Makoto Takahashi, so he doesn’t really understand the behavior of a middle-class cartoonist! However, after today's meeting with the cartoonist, the silver-haired boy Fukuda should... no, he will definitely update his understanding of a certain middle-class cartoonist!

"Teacher, please stop joking!" At the critical moment, Jinghe, who was once an assistant and now considers himself a disciple, stood up and said, "Mr. Yoshida has already gone to find the editor! If we no longer get along well before the editor comes, method, then I’m afraid…”

"Yeah, that's what I said! Teacher Phoenix Academy, you don't want this [Great Brawl] to end before it even begins, right?" Eiji Niizuma has the most contact with Takahashi Makoto as an ally, so he is also the most familiar with it. How to deal with a certain middle-class cartoonist... So after seeing Makoto Takahashi stop laughing wildly and a crazy light flashing in his eyes, Eiji Niizuma promptly added, "Of course, force and coercion are prohibited!"

"Hey!" Makoto Takahashi curled his lips in displeasure, then turned his gaze to the good gay group aside. After pondering for a moment, he sighed helplessly, "Okay! In addition to force and coercion, now there are also The method that can be used is..."

Being stared at by the enthusiastic eyes of a certain middle-school cartoonist, the gay friends of Acheng Mu Mengye instantly felt a chill...

Leaving aside the plans discussed by the cartoonists here, Yoshida is currently reporting to the editor-in-chief Bottle on the relevant situation of this [Great Battle]... Of course, as a qualified editor-in-chief, when Yoshida reports the situation to the editor-in-chief, Not only did he briefly talk about the new cartoons of all the cartoonists, but he also included his own relevant opinions as the editor-in-chief!

"I already understand the situation..." The editor-in-chief of the bottle crossed his hands and clapped his chin, his glasses flashed with the legendary white light...

By the way, does every high-ranking boss like [Commander Ikari]’s signature pose? The former editor-in-chief Sasaki, the current editor-in-chief Bottle, and even the four-eyed fox Chen Ben, who has not appeared for a long time, seem to like to pose with this [deterrence and shock] effect when meeting with his subordinates!

"So editor-in-chief, what do you think..."

"Yoshida, you go down and summon their editors first!" The editor-in-chief of Bottle did not think for a long time, but directly asked Yoshida to summon the editors on the cartoonist side! "Following the previous model of submitting new serials, let each responsible editor first review the comic manuscripts of the cartoonists he is responsible for! Regarding the serialization... I will go down and deal with it personally later!"

"I see!"

After watching Yoshida leave, the editor-in-chief of Bottle let out a long sigh, stared at the rows of sample issues of the weekly "Shounen Jumk" on the bookshelf next to him, and fell into silence...

"The situation with this serialization... It's been a long time coming!" After sighing a little, the editor-in-chief Pingzi picked up the phone on the table, "This is Pingzi, the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Shōnen Jumk", please help me pick up Editor-in-Chief Sasaki. …”

Dear readers, I am very busy with work at the end of the year, so I am very sorry!

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