A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 509: Yacheng Mu Mengye's fighting spirit

“…This is basically the situation! Haha!” Editor Hattori took a sip of the teacup and continued slowly, “Although from the perspective of the editor-in-chief, I do not recommend that you choose to serialize during this period… But I think even if I say so, I’m afraid you won’t agree, right?”

“Of course!” Yashiro Mu Mengye did not deny Editor Hattori’s statement. Although the editor-in-chief Hattori wanted to persuade the good friend group out of good intentions, but… No matter what difficulties he faced, no matter what harsh conditions he faced, Yashiro Mu Mengye never thought of giving up serialization. This was a choice that the two had decided at the beginning! "Thank you Mr. Hattori for your kindness and care for us!"

"It's not about taking care of us, I just told you my thoughts as the editor-in-chief! Hehe!" After a pause, Editor Hattori once again emphasized the conditions proposed by Editor Pingzi at the serialization meeting, "Takagi-kun, Mashiro-kun, since you have chosen to participate in this serialization, you must complete the tasks proposed by the editor-in-chief!"

"During the publication of the new serialization, the ranking of the reader survey cannot be lower than the tenth position for three consecutive times..." Muttering and repeating the conditions conveyed by Editor Hattori before, Mr. Yellow-haired Glasses pushed his glasses, "That, Hattori Sir, if we don't do it... will the new serialized comic be cut short?"

"Although the editor-in-chief didn't say it clearly at the time, but..." Hattori scratched his head, a tangled look on his face, and after pondering for a long time, he said reluctantly, "Actually, I don't really want to tell you, but since you asked, I will convey the editor-in-chief's original words! 'If you can't even do this, then what qualifications do you have to occupy the serialization position, and what qualifications do you have to say that? 'The editor-in-chief's original words are almost like this... So if you don't complete the task set by the editor-in-chief, I think The new series will definitely be cut short!"

"It is indeed... the worst result!"

"Be a man, be a man!" Feeling the atmosphere become a little awkward, editor Hattori comforted, "If we really compare, the pressure on Mr. Fenghuangyuan is greater, right? After all, as the [mastermind] who proposed to serialize multiple new comics at the same time..."

"Eh? Is the task that Makoto needs to complete more difficult than ours?"

"Well, in addition to the same task as all cartoonists [the ranking in the reader survey cannot be lower than the tenth position three times in a row], the editor-in-chief also specifically asked Mr. Fenghuangyuan to take the first place at least once within one year of starting serialization!" Makoto Takahashi was very happy about this. Editor Hattori did not gloat over the misfortune of the same treatment, nor was he kindhearted like a goody-goody. He still spoke to Yashiro and Mumengye in a normal tone, "Although this extra task for you doesn't sound very difficult, I think you, as cartoonists, should know this the most... By the way, Takagi-kun, Mashiro-kun, you have all read the comic manuscript of Fenghuangyuan's new comic "One Punch Man", right? How do you feel about that comic?"

"Well, we did read it... and we read it twice!" The good friends nodded in acknowledgment. When they were about to tell their impressions of the comic, they were interrupted by the surprised editor Hattori!

"Wait! You actually read the new series of Mr. Fenghuangyuan twice?" Editor Hattori stared at his good friends, Yacheng Mumengye, with some doubts, and said with some disbelief, "The comic that you can watch twice... It seems that you also find this new series of Mr. Fenghuangyuan's "One Punch Man" very interesting! If this is true, then it seems that it should be possible to achieve the task proposed by the editor-in-chief... Hmm? Did I say something wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Uh... that..." Lan Dai stuttered for a long time, and then under the teasing eyes of his good friends and the curious eyes of Editor Hattori, he spoke out the real reason for observing the comic manuscript twice! "The reason why we watched the comic manuscript twice is actually mainly because the comic manuscript that Ah Cheng showed us at the beginning was the kind of style that belongs to... a very magical style... right?"

"Fully magical?" Editor Hattori couldn't understand Lan Dai's word for modification! "Majo-kun, can you tell me in detail... or just imitate that style and draw some for me!"

"Eh? Imitate that style?" Thinking back to the original comics of "One Punch Man" he had observed before, Lan Dai showed a very reluctant expression on his face, and then began to use silence to cover up his embarrassment!

It's not that Lan Dai can't draw it. After all, it's actually very easy for a cartoonist like Lan Dai, who has been serializing for many years, to draw a comic that is completely unprofessional! It's just that asking a professional cartoonist to draw a comic that is quite unprofessional, and can even be regarded as graffiti at best... Lan Dai feels that his professional soul as a cartoonist is crying and wailing!

"Huh? Is that style of painting difficult to imitate? Can't you even draw Mr. Mashiro?" Regarding Landai's silence, Editor Hattori obviously thought too much and thought that that style of painting was too much. It's so complicated that even Landai, who has improved his painting skills rapidly after his debut, can't complete it... By the way, if the two good friends Ajou Mumenha tell you the truth later, don't cry out, Uncle Hattori!

"Hahahaha..." Knowing that the Hattori editor had misunderstood, the man with yellow-haired glasses could no longer hold back his smile and began to laugh out loud unkindly...

"Eh? What's going on?" Looking at the yellow-haired man with glasses who suddenly smiled, Editor Hattori was a little confused, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, Mr. Hattori, you misunderstood!" Classmate Lan Dai tried to suppress his good friend with sad and angry eyes, but the visual effect was not very good... Ignoring the various tricks of his good friend to suppress his smile, classmate Lan Dai He helplessly spread his hands towards the confused editor Hattori and started to explain, "Mr. Hattori should have seen Akito's completed storyboard, right?"

"Well, as your editor-in-chief, I have naturally seen the storyboards completed by Mr. Takagi... Are there any questions?"

"As for the painting style of the "One Punch Man" comic manuscript that we saw back then, a more vivid metaphor is..." Turning to the yellow-haired glasses guy who was still covering his mouth and snickering, Lan Dai did not hesitate to say "Okay" My gay friend is sold! "The style of painting... is similar to the storyboard drafts completed by Akito!"

"..." Silence... Editor Hattori fell into a state of silence because he suddenly heard this shocking truth!

"Although Mr. Hattori, you may not believe it, but the manga manuscript we saw back then was exactly like that!" The yellow-haired glasses man finally stopped smiling, thinking of the magical "One Punch" that he had observed before. "Superman" comic manuscript, I couldn't help but laugh again, "I remember that in order to let Cheng revise the comic manuscript, Mr. Yoshida would keep talking to Cheng every time he had the opportunity..."

"Then...have you read the "One Punch Man" manga draft revised by Mr. Phoenix Institute?" Instead of going crazy like the two good friends Ajou Mumenha, Editor Hattori remembered the previous serialization meeting. What happened, his tone immediately became serious, "Originally, I didn't plan to tell you what happened at the serialization meeting, because in my opinion, that incident might dampen your enthusiasm... You know that here At the serialization meeting, how did we all evaluate the six works this time?”

"Could it be that... Cheng's "One Punch Man" is the most promising new serial, right?" Looking at Hattori's editor's expression, the man with yellow-haired glasses had already vaguely guessed what the other person wanted to say next, and immediately He suppressed his smile, exchanged glances with his good friend beside him, and then asked, "So where is Eiji Arizuma's "Hero Academia"? Where is our "Ghost"?"

"The six new comics submitted this time will be serialized in a new series starting from next week's weekly... Although the editor-in-chief has proposed some tasks and asked us to seek the opinions of the cartoonists in charge, I would like to submit The cartoonists who have signed up for the new serialization should agree to and complete the tasks set by the editor-in-chief and join in this weekly serialization that is different from the past!" Editor Hattori finally said after briefly telling what happened at the serialization meeting! Turning to the topic that Yacheng Mu Mengye is most interested in! "According to the practice of previous serialization conferences, if the number of newly submitted comics exceeds the number required for serialization, in addition to the comics selected for serialization, the remaining outstanding new comics will generally be included in [serialization] Among the candidates], when there are suitable opportunities for serialization in the future, we will give priority to these works..."

"Mr. Hattori means..." Although it is impolite to interrupt others at will, the yellow-haired glasses man no longer cares about it! "What if according to previous practice, our "Soul of Chess" can only be included in the [Serial Candidates]?"

"Although it is a bit cruel to you, it is true..." After Editor Hattori finished speaking, he saw that the yellow-haired glasses man was a little frustrated, and immediately spoke to comfort him, "Of course, this does not mean that your comics are better than It’s someone else’s fault... You know, it’s very common for this to happen at serialization conferences!”

"What about...Eiji Arizuma's "Hero Academia" and Cheng's "One Punch Man"?" Landai was not disappointed because of this matter. Instead, he asked Hattori editor about what he had always regarded as "must be surpassed" The two people who are targeting]... Although they are asking Hattori Editor, Landai-san has already vaguely guessed the answer! "Could it be that..."

"So I didn't really want to tell you just now..." Seeing the depressed expressions of the good friends in front of him, Editor Hattori felt a little embarrassed and deliberately started to change the topic in order to lighten the atmosphere! "The manga manuscripts submitted by Phoenix-in-sensei, Shin-suma-sensei, and Hiramaru-sensei all received high evaluations at the serialization meeting! Especially the manga by Phoenix-in-sensei and Shin-suma-sensei The plots of the comics have similar themes, but the protagonists have completely opposite settings of being extremely strong and extremely weak... These two comics have similarities but also have strong contrasts. For other cartoonists who serialized at the same time, To put it simply, it can be described as [disaster]!”


"That's why I just said that if possible, I don't really want you to submit a new series at this time..." Editor Hattori reiterated his point of view and didn't say the rest of the words, because...

"Hey, Supreme, I didn't expect that we would fall behind at the beginning of this duel!"

"Yes, Akito! So what should we do next? The goal... should be clear, right?"

"Then we will catch up from this disadvantage at the beginning and try our best..." The fists of the good friends collided together, and they said in unison, "Until we completely surpass them!!!"

The fighting spirit of Yashiro Mumengye at this time... can already explain everything!

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