A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 512 Another Hero Comic

The comic that follows the comic "One Punch Man" is also a new series, that is, the comic "My Hero Academia" by the comic artist Eiji Nizuma!

No one can tell what the editor's idea is for making such an arrangement... But for the readers, they both tell the story of heroes, and they both praise the theme of justice. They are also two comics of similar types. It is easy for readers who observe comics to make comparisons subconsciously when they put them one after the other!

However, unlike the comic "One Punch Man" by a certain middle school cartoonist, in the comic "My Hero Academia" by Eiji Nizuma, whether it is the name of the protagonist or the reasons for the various special abilities, they are all announced in the first chapter of the comic!

The "personality" mentioned in the comic, in the usual sense, is a name for innate supernormal abilities. The comic also mentions that several years after the first person with a "personality" was discovered, 80% of the world's human beings now have "personalities", that is, superpowers!

Because there are [Quiz] that can easily take people's lives, countries have strict regulations to control the use of [Quiz] by humans. As the number of people who abuse [Quiz] to commit crimes has exploded, courageous people have learned from comic stories and started to stand up to fight against the enemy to fight crime, so [hero], a profession that could only be imagined and longed for in the past, appeared.

And the protagonist of the comic, Izuku Midoriya, a 14-year-old junior high school boy, has longed to become a [hero] since he was a child!

Unlike a certain bald caped man who became a hero, the protagonist Izuku Midoriya did not regard heroes as [a profession driven by interest], but through his fanatical admiration for the No. 1 [hero] Orumande, he longed to become a hero from the bottom of his heart! Perhaps it was because he was attracted by the handsome figure of the No. 1 [hero] Orumande when he saw him saving mankind; or it was because the No. 1 [hero] Orumande said the handsome line "It doesn't matter anymore!" You ask me why? Because... I'm here! ', ignited the soul of justice in Izuku Midoriya; or...

Everyone has had a great hero dream, dreaming of becoming a hero, dreaming of fighting evil villains, dreaming of maintaining world peace, dreaming of becoming a partner of justice... Izuku Midoriya, who has always liked Orumande since childhood, basically watches the video of Orumande saving people every day. Perhaps it was at that time that Izuku Midoriya began to look forward to becoming a [hero] like Orumande!

"So handsome! If my [Quirk] awakens, I can also become a hero like that, right?" Seeing Izuku Midoriya, who is still a child in the comics, say this, many readers who observe the comics also began to guess what kind of [Quirk] the comic artist Eiji Nizuma will arrange for the male protagonist to awaken next...

However, just as a certain villain once said, longing is the most distant existence! So the plot arranged by the comics next, is to give this male protagonist who is full of hope and yearning a hard slap in the face!

Because many kindergarten children have awakened their [Quirks] and have superpowers, but the protagonist Izuku Midoriya has not shown any signs of awakening, so Izuku Midoriya's mother took her child who was eager to awaken his [Quirks] to the hospital for a check-up!

"It's better to give up!" After the examination, the doctor told Izuku Midoriya this cruel result with a calm face!

Izuku Midoriya's expression in the comics is quite interesting, but when seeing this, few readers can laugh... Whether it is this kind of magical development or Izuku Midoriya's expression, it was originally a very funny part, but the readers who have gradually been brought into the comics, seeing this ups and downs, can't laugh at all, but feel a kind of heart-wrenching depression!

"Originally, before the age of four, a child will have a combination of the [Quirks] of either the father or the mother. In the study of [Quirks]..." The doctor explained to Izuku Midoriya and his mother about the genetic issues of [Quirks], "Child Izuku, who does not have any [Quirks], is a very rare type in this generation!"

Currently, 80% of the world's human beings have [Quirks], but Izuku Midoriya is a very rare [Quirks without] existence! If we follow the development model in many comics and novels, as a male protagonist, he must naturally have something different... and Izuku Midoriya is naturally the same. He has a very rare [Quirks without], which is also very different in a sense, right?

Without [Quirks], there is naturally no superpower that accompanies [Quirks]... And for such a person, it is basically impossible to become a [hero]! Because the male protagonist Izuku Midoriya is a rare [Quirks without] type, the doctor will let Izuku Midoriya give up the possibility of awakening [Quirks]!

And this... also means that Izuku Midoriya will give up the dream of becoming a [hero]!

In the comics, after checking his body and finding out that he cannot awaken his Quirk, Izuku Midoriya once again watched the video recording the [Hero] Ouromander. However, this time, Izuku Midoriya did not scream like before, but kept crying...

Although the plot development is somewhat unexpected, many readers are still observing it seriously. In addition to being curious about the development of the comic plot, more importantly... maybe it is because of the persistence of the male protagonist Midoriya Izuku?

Midoriya Izuku did not give up on himself because of his [no personality], nor did he give up his ideal of becoming a [hero] because of this, but he has been working hard silently!

When being ridiculed by his classmates for having no Quirk, Izuku Midoriya felt inferior and angry, but he did not give up...

When being ridiculed by his classmates for applying for the "Hero High School", Izuku Midoriya did not despair, but said to his classmates, "How can you know if you don't try?"...

When being maliciously persuaded by his classmates with words such as "It's better to give up such naive and childish ideas as soon as possible", Izuku Midoriya did not give up his persistence, but took notes seriously and worked hard to become a "hero" in the future...

"If you really want to be a "hero", then I have a very efficient method... I believe you can awaken a good "Quirk" in your next life, then climb onto the roof and do a doggy style jump!"

Being humiliated by the classmate with the most potential to become a "hero", Izuku Midoriya's anger instantly reached the maximum value... But after seeing the other party release the explosive ability casually, Izuku Midoriya immediately regained his sanity!

Is such a weak guy really the protagonist of this comic? As a male protagonist, he is so weak. In a sense, he is really "different"!

Many readers have such feelings when they see this. In particular, many readers have read the new series of "One Punch Man" before observing this comic. Compared with a certain bald man who is so strong that he can blow up the enemy with one punch, the performance of the male protagonist Izuku Midoriya in this "My Hero Academia" is really weak!

However, the plot of the comic does not end here... Or, will Izuku Midoriya in the comic continue to be unlucky?

Walking on the way home, Izuku Midoriya can only complain about what happened in school when he is alone. After all, as a rare existence with no personality, this is the most he can do, right?

A ball of mud suddenly sprang out of the sewer, wrapped around Izuku Midoriya, trying to devour Izuku Midoriya's body! Despite his best efforts to resist, Izuku Midoriya, who has no [Quirk], is still entangled tightly, gradually unable to breathe, and his body loses strength... As the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya encountered a crisis of certain death near the end of the first chapter of the manga!

Of course, the premise is that no one comes to save him...

"Boy, it's okay now! Because..." Before Izuku Midoriya lost consciousness, he heard the lines that were familiar to the depths of his soul! "I'm here!"

A burly figure emerged from the sewer, clenched his right fist, and punched the mud that was wrapped around Izuku Midoriya...

The fist did not directly hit the mud and Izuku Midoriya, but the strong wind pressure generated by the fist blew the mud away from Izuku Midoriya, not only saving Izuku from the crisis, but also subduing the mud...Although he was on the verge of losing consciousness, Izuku Midoriya still recognized the person who saved him before he fell into a coma, just by relying on his signature move called [Detroit Smash] and the familiar lines!

It was the NO.1 [Hero] that Izuku Midoriya had always admired and worshipped - Ormande!

And then...Just when most readers were curious about what would happen next, the serialization of the first episode of the comic "My Hero Academia" also happened to end here!

“Hey, Niizuma-kun… Have you ever considered the feelings of the readers of the comics when you stuck the plot at this point?” Yujiro finally couldn’t help asking after seeing Niizuma Eiji put down the sample issue… No, he should have made suggestions as the editor-in-chief! “If possible, it’s better not to keep people on suspense about the content of the second episode…”

“Yujiro-san, I’ve already finished the content of the second episode! Do you want to see it?” Niizuma Eiji took out the completed comic manuscript from the drawer and said to Yujiro with a smile!

“Hmm…” Yujiro swallowed hard, but his eyes were fixed on the comic manuscript in Niizuma Eiji’s hand… It can be seen that Yujiro is quite entangled at the moment!

"But it's not time to submit the comics yet, so Yujiro-san..." Nizuma Eiji seemed to suddenly remember something, ignoring Yujiro's eager look, and stuffed the comics back into the drawer, "The second chapter of the comics, I'll tell you when you come to collect the comics!"


Nizuma Eiji has special abilities comparable to [intuition] and [predicting the future] in comics, so he wants to use the reader's side as an excuse to conceal his thoughts about wanting to read comics... Yujiro, should I say you deserve it?

Perhaps according to Yoshida's usual saying... You deserve it!

Is it an honor or misfortune to be named by the boss to work overtime continuously?

Although it's a little late, I wish all readers a happy new year~

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