A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 520 The third chapter of the comic book that Yoshida saw that day

"My beloved cat, although your serious and responsible attitude is worthy of praise, please don't make the same mistake again!" Just as Yoshida picked up the comic manuscript and prepared to enter the [Appreciation] mode, Takahashi Makoto's sinister voice also sounded, "Last time you tried to find Sai... ahem, the name of the bald male protagonist but failed. You should not have forgotten the [lesson] afterwards? So are you going to challenge this task again today?"

"... Before that, I want to confirm first, Cheng, did you really reveal the name of the male protagonist in the comic manuscript of this episode?" It seems that Yoshida has already understood the principle of [learning from one's mistakes] very well. Before even flipping through the comic manuscript, he directly confirmed with the comic author himself! "If you didn't announce it in this episode, even if I read it carefully, it wouldn't work!"

"Tsk! Unpleasant..." Finding that his trap had been seen through, Takahashi Makoto curled his lips in dissatisfaction, stared at Yoshida with a little surprise, and muttered uncertainly, "Isn't it said that non-protagonists other than Saint Seiya are not immune to [the same trick]? Why this time... Speaking of my cat, when did you change your job? And you can hide your breath so well, this is not something that can be done overnight!"

I didn't continue to pay attention to Takahashi Makoto's plan, because at this moment Yoshida has already started to look through the content of the third episode of "One Punch Man" in his hand!

Using the excuse of "I want to observe the comics carefully at this moment", Yoshida was finally able to avoid Takahashi Makoto's [mental destruction]... Congratulations! Congratulations!

Under the pretext of "I want to observe the comics carefully at this moment", Yoshida slightly delayed the "compulsory psychological counseling" plan that a certain chuuni cartoonist was looking forward to... Congratulations! Congratulations!

Under the pretext of "I want to observe the comics carefully at this moment", Yoshida once again embarked on the journey of "finding the name of a certain bald male protagonist"... Congratulations... No, because this made the editor-in-charge recall the dark memory of being tricked by a certain chuuni cartoonist, which is not worth saying "congratulations" at all!

In fact, Yoshida had read the contents of the first six episodes of "One Punch Man" long before the comics entered the weekly serialization... It's just that the comic manuscript that Yoshida observed at that time was called the "original version" by a certain chuuni cartoonist - that is, the version with a magical style!

At that time, the comic manuscript that was not even a storyboard, Yoshida, as a senior editor-in-charge, did observe it carefully under the coercion of Makoto Takahashi... But at that time, Yoshida only read the contents of the first episode of the comics!

The third episode starts with a pair of brothers!

The elder brother is an inventor, and the younger brother is a workout maniac!

In order to become the strongest man in the world, the younger brother works hard every day; and the elder brother, a scientist, is like the crazy scientists in many novels and comics, and wants to rule the world through some strange inventions...

According to the plots of comics observed in the past, according to Yoshida's experience as the editor-in-charge, generally such scientists who are seeking death will either be eliminated by the protagonist and the members of the protagonist's side in the middle of the plan or at a critical moment; or because of the author's great will, these people's luck values ​​are lower than that of the spearmen, so that these crazy or evil plans will collapse for various reasons...

In simple terms, bad people have no human rights and no luck!

So just by observing the opening part of the comic, Yoshida has already had a rough guess about the direction of the next plot... However, when Yoshida turned to the next page of the comic manuscript, he was surprised to find that this scientist brother actually succeeded!

He actually invented a magical potion that can strengthen humans!

Moreover, the younger brother who only knew how to exercise, after drinking the potion, turned into a huge muscular brother giant!

Ignoring the funny and funny dialogue between the brothers in the comics, Yoshida frowned, and his hand that was flipping the comic manuscript paused for a moment... Because the development of this plot was somewhat beyond Yoshida's expectations!

The younger brother who turned into a super muscular brother giant, under the command of the crazy scientist, began a crazy journey of destruction!

With one foot down, half of the city was trampled...

The palm wind brought by a casual palm destroyed several high-rise buildings, and also brought hundreds of thousands of casualties to humans...

Is this really a hero comic, not a disaster comic...? Looking at the information revealed in the words of the scientist when he boasted about his brother's achievements in the comics, Yoshida couldn't help but have such doubts!

Just as the two brothers who were wreaking havoc on the city were immersed in this exaggerated power, the mad scientist standing on his brother's right shoulder discovered that there was also a person standing on the other side, that is, on his brother's left shoulder...

"Eh? That bald guy... has he appeared before?" Through the dialogue in the comics, Yoshida looked back uncertainly, but found that just as the mad scientist in the comics said, the bald male protagonist had already appeared before, but he just didn't notice it at the time! "He really appeared! Speaking of the setting and processing of this detail... um, this kind of usual carefulness, and the bad taste that can be seen everywhere! It's really Acheng's usual style!"

"Put on your underwear!" In the comic, a bald man standing on the shoulder of the super-muscular brother giant suggested with a smile that deserved a beating...

Looking at the male protagonist's smile and expression, as well as the shining bald head... not to mention the super-muscular brother giant and his brother in the comic, even Yoshida, who is the comic observer, has the idea of ​​[suddenly wanting to beat this dead bald man hard]!

The comic "One Punch Man" seems to enter a period of [Sage Time] after the male protagonist appears... no, it should be [Funny Time]! For example, when the bald male protagonist first appeared and faced the vaccine man, he first looked disgusted with the vaccine man's chatterbox, and then after he defeated the vaccine man with one punch, he complained that the vaccine man was not strong enough and was defeated by his own punch; for example, when the male protagonist was not bald before, whether he faced the crab monster or the ugly-looking bear child, he would complain like a funny guy...

And the comic draft of the third episode seems to continue this style!

The super muscle brother giant who just brutally destroyed the city and caused a lot of killings, under the order of his mad scientist brother [kill the person standing on the shoulder], actually killed his brother by mistake! The bald male protagonist who should have been killed, while the giant was wailing and roaring, covered his ears and put on a very slapping smile...

Before turning the next page of the comic manuscript, Yoshida took a deep breath, then secretly glanced at Takahashi Makoto who was busy completing the comic manuscript, then held his breath and turned the next page of the comic manuscript... The reason why Yoshida did this was naturally because of the next plot of the comic!

Because according to the pattern of the first two episodes of "One Punch Man", the next plot is naturally what Yoshida expected, the fierce fight between the male protagonist who still hasn't revealed his name and the super muscle brother giant!

The super muscular brother giant first grabbed the bald male protagonist standing on his shoulders with both hands and threw him to the ground; then he jumped high and stomped on him hard; then he punched at a very fast speed, even leaving an afterimage, and kept hitting the bald male protagonist lying in the deep pit...

"This fighting scene... uh... this inexplicable sense of familiarity, could it be that comic?" Looking at some of the actions of the super muscular brother giant in the comic draft, the corners of the mouth of a responsible editor began to twitch constantly... because Yoshida saw some familiar scenes!

"This part of the fight scene is difficult to draw, so I refer to the style of some other comics..." Takahashi Makoto, who appeared next to Yoshida at some point, suddenly said, "Well, my beloved cat, it's just as you guessed... Don't show that unbelievable look! This scene is the comic you thought of! I remember that you seemed to have served as the editor-in-chief of that adult before?"

"It turned out to be true!" Yoshida was a little amused by Takahashi Makoto's shameless admission, "Acheng, you have drawn this kind of fight scene before... Is it necessary to imitate it so deliberately?"

"I just want to use comics to pay tribute to that adult I am just paying my respects to you, my Lord..."

"Hey, hey, hey, I remember you just... that's not what you said just now, Cheng!"

"Tsk, my beloved cat, have you reached the age where you start to doubt your life? It is said that humans know that at this time, life is like a candle in the wind... My beloved cat, you are really pitiful!"

"Hey, this is a curse! You are definitely cursing me!"

"No, I am just telling you some common sense that you don't know, that's all!"

The two of them ended with Makoto Takahashi winning a great victory. Yoshida naturally continued to observe the comic manuscript in his hand, while Makoto Takahashi also began to complete his unfinished comic manuscript!

In fact, the comic manuscript that Yoshida wanted to observe only had one page of content left!

"Overwhelming power... is actually very boring!" The bald male protagonist who was beaten by the super muscle brother giant in the previous comic suddenly jumped out of the deep pit and punched the super muscle brother giant...

And then... there was nothing else!

There was no fierce fighting scene. The big bald man who suddenly jumped out of the city ruins defeated the super muscle brother giant with just one punch... Just like the vaccine man was blown up in the first episode of this comic, this time the bald male protagonist also defeated the enemy with just one punch!

"Ah?" But this time the bald male protagonist did not complain like in the first episode...

Because this time, the super muscle brother giant, as the villain, destroyed the B city set in the comic again because of his huge body when he fell!

Although Yoshida read the content of the third episode of the comic "One Punch Man" very seriously and carefully, he did not spend too much time. On the one hand, it was because the plot of this episode was very simple. On the other hand... Although some of the plot developments in the third episode were indeed beyond Yoshida's expectations, the excitement did not meet Yoshida's expectations!

"Overwhelming power... boring... fear of the unknown... and expectation..."

Recalling the last scene of this comic, Yoshida looked up at a middle school manga artist who was working hard on the comic draft. Yoshida opened his mouth, but finally chose to remain silent! However...

Yoshida has somewhat understood what Takahashi Makoto meant by what he said before!

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