A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 522 A key page of comics

Yoshida, who [escorted] Takahashi Makoto home to draw comics, stayed by the side of Little Otter for the next three days, watching and supervising Little Otter to complete the new serialized comic manuscript... Before, Editor-in-Chief Pingzi had specifically reminded Yoshida to pay attention to Little Otter who might have [escape and hiding syndrome] at any time!

Originally, according to Yoshida's arrangement, after reporting to the weekly editorial headquarters in the morning, he should have rushed to Little Otter as soon as possible... After all, according to Little Otter's habit, if he started serializing long comics in the weekly without his own supervision, he would definitely be passive and lazy, and even have the idea of ​​[not wanting to complete the comic manuscript] and embarking on a [escape journey]!

You know, the reason why Little Otter and Makoto Takahashi and others are serializing in the weekly magazine this time, in addition to the instigation of a certain chuuni cartoonist, is largely because the previous serialized comics were cut off, and then Yoshida had to do it under various threats and inducements... As for the reason why the comics were cut off, it was naturally because the comics were not submitted on time every week, which caused a sharp drop in reader support!

However, Yoshida's schedule today was completely disrupted by a call from a certain chuuni cartoonist...

"What? The comics for the fourth episode... Cheng, you have finished it!?" Hearing the news from Makoto Takahashi on the other end of the phone, Yoshida was so surprised that he jumped up from his chair, "That's it... I said Cheng, you are not fooling me... Huh? Then I'll go over now..."

Seeing Yoshida running away in a panic after hanging up the phone, a certain sea urchin editor, Uncle Hattori, just picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, and then laughed [hehe]; a certain [Servant] editor, Yujiro, was on the phone with a weak face! It is certain that the person Yujiro is talking to at this moment is not Nizuma Eiji but the silver-haired brother Fukuda... Because only when talking to the silver-haired brother Fukuda, Yujiro will show an awkward smile and act so weak!

As for most of the editors in the headquarters of the weekly editorial side, they showed envy and jealousy for the performance of Yoshida and others... Because recently, the cartoonists under Yoshida and others, that is, Takahashi Makoto and others who belong to the [Fukuda Group], have shown overwhelming combat effectiveness and are a bit too active!

Since the [Big Brawl] planned by Takahashi Makoto was launched in the weekly magazine, other comics serialized in the weekly magazine have been affected to varying degrees! In addition to some old-brand comics that have accumulated a lot of popularity and good reputation due to long-term serialization and can stabilize their own status, other comics that have not been serialized for a long time or have average popularity and reputation are crushed by the six newly serialized comics... There are even several comics that have been on the verge of being cut off before, because of the impact of this [Big Brawl], they are directly listed as [confirmed to be cut off] comics!

If cartoonists feel depressed because of the decline in the performance of their comics, or even because their comics are cut short, then the editors-in-charge of these cartoonists can be described as extremely depressed, right?

Every week, they carefully select some good comics from the vast amount of submissions, then meet with the cartoonists to communicate, submit these good comics to the serialization meeting, and finally try their best to get a chance to be serialized...

As a result, because of this [big fight] planned by a middle school cartoonist, most of the efforts made by the editors-in-charge on the editorial side have been wasted... And these editors-in-charge can't blame anything! After all, the poor performance of the comics, even to the point of being cut short, is not because the comics of the cartoonists under their command are not good enough, but because the opponents are too strong, and they choose to serialize at this time...

I'm afraid there is nothing more depressing than this, right?

Of course, this world still abides by the principle of [equivalent exchange]! As the three editors who are envied, jealous and hated, they also face a lot of troubles... For example, Yoshida has to deal with a certain chuuni cartoonist who is difficult to communicate with, and supervise a little sea otter with a [escape habit]; for example, Yujiro has to deal with his new wife Eiji who has a whim from time to time, and the silver-haired brother Fukuda who has recently awakened to the special hobby of [violent intimidation]; for example, Uncle Hattori has to deal with Ajo Mumeha who brushes each other's [gay♦friend♦close♦♦degree♦♦], and the taciturn Jinghe River who always fantasizes about being recognized as a [disciple] by a certain chuuni cartoonist!

In short... You envy, jealous and hate me in various ways, but you don't know the various bitter and bloody stories behind me!

How long does it take to complete a comic draft... Yoshida has been thinking about this question on his way to Takahashi Makoto's house!

According to the practice of general cartoonists, after conceiving the plot of an episode, they will first draw a storyboard, that is, to express the previously conceived plot content in the form of a storyboard... Of course, while completing the storyboard, different cartoonists will also complete the general composition of the comic according to their own style!

For the same comic plot of character-to-character duel, some cartoonists will use different perspectives and several storyboards to draw comics that give readers room for imagination; while some cartoonists like to complete it in one go and show all the fighting scenes to the readers...

This is a bit like the novels of Master Jin and Master Gu!

When Master Jin describes the duel between martial artists, he usually describes the moves and martial arts in great detail, one move at a time, attack and defense, and pick and roll. The reader only needs to read carefully to roughly imagine it through the lines of the text; but Master Gu is different. The moves and artistic conception are just to the point, and the description is made from multiple angles. As for the specific scenes, it is entirely up to the reader's imagination...

The different styles of novels lead to complex and simple descriptions of the same plot... and the same reason, the different styles of comics naturally require different numbers of comic drafts!

If the content of the third episode of the comic "One Punch Man" is used as a reference standard, Yoshida finds it hard to believe that Makoto Takahashi will complete the content of the fourth episode in such a short time... You know, apart from the monthly serial comic drafts that Makoto Takahashi needs to complete every day, it has only been three days since Yoshida [escorted] a certain middle school cartoonist back home from the editorial headquarters to complete the comic draft!

Complete the comic manuscript of the fourth episode of "One Punch Man" within three days. Even if Makoto Takahashi had already completed the storyboard, even if Makoto Takahashi's drawing speed was very fast, it was still...

"Impossible...? Humph! My cat, don't use the standards of you stupid ants to measure the crazy cartoonist Hououin Kyouma!" Makoto Takahashi put the finished comic manuscript in front of Yoshida who looked unbelievable, and laughed triumphantly, "Now you see it? My Hououin Kyouma's sky-breaking fighting power! Hahahaha..."

"Before that... Cheng, you should look in the mirror first?" Yoshida didn't want to imitate Edward to scold the colonel. He was just worried about a certain middle school cartoonist, that's all! "I said, you can actually finish a comic draft in three days... As expected, in order to complete the fourth chapter of the comic draft, you stayed up late again, didn't you, Cheng?"

"Tsk! Have you been seen through?" The exposed Takahashi Makoto turned his head away unhappily and muttered softly, "It seems that I have underestimated you recently, my cat!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Cheng, the tired look on your face, and the dark circles under your eyes... You can tell these things at a glance!"

"Ding Ding Ji San, the rest is up to you!" Takahashi Makoto ignored Yoshida's complaints and turned to Uncle Ding Ding beside him and said, "I have to go to the street tonight to discuss life with [The Killer Who Appears at 12:00 Midnight], so... you know!"

"Hey, Cheng, have a good rest, and leave the rest to me!" Uncle Ding Ding watched Takahashi go while Cheng entered the bedroom, picked up a pile of comics that Yoshida looked familiar with from the bookshelf, and came to Yoshida...

"Speaking of Ding Ding, the one in your hand..." Yoshida did not take the comic from Uncle Ding Ding immediately. Instead, after a moment of hesitation, he asked in an uncertain tone, "Could it be... that?"

"Although Cheng said that this is the real comic of the comic "One Punch Man"..." Ding Ding's expression became a little distorted, "But why do I feel that this comic... is not even a storyboard?"

"It's really the magical [Original Version]!" Yoshida had no intention of taking the comic from Ding Ding, and directly picked up the fourth chapter comic that had been sorted out on the table, ready to enter the [Editor-in-Chief Observation] mode!

"Mr. Yoshida, what's the content of the fourth chapter..." Seeing that Yoshida had already started to look through the comic manuscript, Ding Ding hesitated for a moment, and then kindly reminded him in a low voice, "It's a little... a little tricky! When I finished the comic manuscript before, I was tricked by Cheng..."

"Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Ding Ding!" After thanking him, Yoshida sighed with some melancholy, "But I'm used to it... Really! I've been tricked by Cheng for so many years, I'm really used to it!"

Uncle Ding Ding looked at Yoshida's melancholy expression, thought for a moment, and then put a page of comic manuscript that he had taken out from the [original version] back in...

"Is that so? Then, then I won't bother you, Mr. Yoshida!" Yoshida, who had already started to observe the comic manuscript, did not notice Ding Ding's small movements, nor did he notice Uncle Ding Ding's unnatural expression when he spoke...

Friendly reminder, the content of the fourth chapter of the comic "One Punch Man", the last page of the comic manuscript is the key... the key page to trick Yoshida!

Ahem, it's almost the New Year, please take care of your health, dear readers. A certain cat has been in a tragedy for a while (┬_┬)

Resume early, that's all~

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