A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 526: I expected your betrayal

"Uh... I was wrong... I was really wrong..."

He smiled helplessly and kept repeating words like this... This was Yoshida's reaction after reading the fourth chapter of the manga in his hand!

Originally, when Yoshida saw a certain bald male protagonist dueling with an underground man, he accidentally observed the follow-up content of the comic. He thought that a middle-class cartoonist finally realized his conscience and finally stopped the crazy plot this time... However, Yoshida It wasn't until I looked at the last page of the comic manuscript in my hand that I realized that a certain second-grade cartoonist was not a conscientious discovery at all, but something even worse!

Because the content on the last page of the manga manuscript in his hand is about a certain bald male protagonist who has defeated countless underground people and is preparing for the critical moment of a decisive battle with the leader of the underground people, the underground king... And the fourth chapter of "One Punch Man" in Yoshida's hand The comic manuscript just ends here!

"Although from the perspective of the editor in charge, the content of the fourth episode is designed like this. It will make readers look forward to the next fifth episode even more..." Yoshida really felt a little melancholy at this moment, and looked at the onlookers. Uncle Di Ding Ding sighed, "But as the first reader to observe the comic manuscript, it is really uncomfortable to have the comic plot stuck at this position..."

"Yes, yes!" Uncle Ding Ding, who was obviously a bit uninformed, did not dare to look directly at Yoshida's [unsatisfied] eyes at this moment, perhaps because of his guilty conscience. He only dared to whisper in agreement from the side, "A Cheng is like this ...A Cheng’s doing this is indeed a bit deceptive!”

"Tsk, it's just a bit... to this extent? Humph!" Yoshida snorted dissatisfiedly at Uncle Tintin's euphemistic remarks, then picked up the comic manuscript of Chapter 4, frowned and asked Uncle Tintin, "Speak of Tintin. Jisang, when you were finishing the manga, didn't you notice that in the fourth chapter of the manga, there were two images of the bald male protagonist?"

"Two images?" Uncle Tintin repeated Yoshida's question doubtfully, and after thinking for a moment, he showed a look of surprise, "Oh, Yoshida-kun refers to the different face shapes of the front half and back half of the bald male protagonist, right?"

"Let me look for it... um, that's it!" Yoshida quickly flipped through the comic manuscript in his hand and found two close-ups of the male protagonist with obviously different drawing styles. "Look at this comic manuscript, the male protagonist looks like this face shape; then you look at this comic manuscript, the male protagonist changes into another face shape when fighting! Although both face shapes have the iconic bald head, it will not confuse readers of the comic... But I’m curious as to why Acheng would want to paint like this!”

"Those are [underdrawing mode] and [serious mode]. According to Cheng, these are the dual modes unique to the male protagonist..." Seeing the increasingly ugly look on Yoshida's face, Uncle Tintin rationally chose to gradually Turn down the volume…

"Huh? [Under-twitching mode] and [Serious mode]? Dual modes unique to the protagonist?" Although Uncle Tintin's voice became lower and lower as he spoke, Yoshida, who was focused, could still hear it clearly, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, " Either draw them all in [Serious Mode], or... Tsk, you have to mix these two styles together, what the hell is that guy Acheng doing?"

"Contrast is cute...that's how Cheng explained it at the beginning!" As an assistant to a middle-level cartoonist, Uncle Tintin, who assisted in completing the comic draft of "One Punch Man", naturally knows more than Yoshida, who is the editor in charge... …This is a victory for information access!

"Contrary, contrasting cuteness?" Yoshida's mouth twitched as if he couldn't stop it... Sure enough, had he eaten food from a brand known as "Can't Stop" before coming here? "Not to mention that in this episode, I didn't notice the cuteness of the male protagonist at all... By the way, both of the two different face shapes are bald, right? No matter it is [lesser mode] or [serious mode], it is just a bald head That’s it! Such a weird setting... How on earth does that guy Cheng have the confidence to call this [contrast cuteness]?”

"Um, Yoshida-san, I think you'd better keep your voice down..." Seeing that Yoshida seemed to be getting more and more excited, Uncle Tintin turned a little nervously in a certain direction. After seeing that the closed door showed no signs of opening, , breathed a long sigh of relief, pointed to the door and whispered to Yoshida, "You must know that in that room, the legendary arrogant Demon King Shu is sleeping! If he accidentally awakens Demon King Shu from his sleep, …”

"Hey! Tintin Gi-san, you are really a coward! You are so worthless!" That's right... But Yoshida, your body is shaking unconsciously, and your voice has been gradually lowered. How qualified are you to do this? Say?

"Speaking of Yoshida-san, the manga manuscript for Chapter 4...do you think there is anything that needs to be revised?" Uncle Tintin picked up a piece of note paper from the table and asked Yoshida while preparing to start recording! "In order to be able to finish the fourth chapter of the comic manuscript in a short time, Cheng has been busy rushing the manuscript and basically never had a good rest... So if there is anything that needs to be modified, I will record it and wait until Ah Cheng I’ll tell you this after Cheng wakes up!”

"Dingdingji-san, you have really helped me a lot! Responsible assistants like you are so rare!" This is not a compliment, but a truly heartfelt compliment from Yoshida!

As the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Shounen Jumk", Yoshida naturally met many cartoonist assistants when he came into contact with many cartoonists! Most assistants of cartoonists will basically not do anything extra after they have completed their own work, that is, after they have finished drawing the cartoon manuscript that they need to assist...

The assistant helps the cartoonist stay up late to complete the cartoon manuscript, or is responsible for temporarily replacing the cartoonist to communicate with the editor... Although things like this are not absolutely unheard of in reality, they are only rare events!

Of course, the premise of the above-mentioned situations is that the assistant is willing... As for the cartoonist paying compensation to achieve these achievements, this is already within the category of "equivalent exchange" and does not fall into the category mentioned before. A small probability event!

Therefore, Uncle Tintin can indeed be named [Best Assistant of the Year]!

"There are no major problems with the manga manuscript..." After Yoshida once again looked through the content of the fourth chapter in his hand, he said to Uncle Tintin... No, it is not so much that Yoshida is talking to Uncle Tintin, it is better to say that Yoshida is because The comic draft turned on the [complaint] mode! "This is already the fourth episode, right? It's already the fourth episode, right? But what is the name of the bald male protagonist and how should he be called... that guy Acheng didn't reveal any content in the comic! And more importantly, the plot of the fourth episode is a bit weird!”

"Weird?" Uncle Tintin recorded the word Yoshida gritted his teeth and asked with some confusion, "Why does Yoshida-san feel like this?"

"The content of the first three chapters of the comic "One Punch Man" should be classified as comedy comics in terms of style, but the fourth chapter has added a lot of passionate battle scenes..." Yoshida said while sorting out the manga manuscript. He said with some confusion, "Although it is not a big problem to add some hot-blooded battle content to funny comics, but in the plot content of the fourth episode, 70% of human beings are extinct... This development is not only some It’s unexpected and somewhat inconsistent with the previous style!”

"Uh, this is indeed a bit...ah haha, it turns out that this is what you think is weird, Yoshida-san!" In order to suppress the complicated expression on his face, Uncle Tintin turned his head unnaturally, and after pondering for a moment, he whispered He asked Yoshida, who was already confused, "Well, Yoshida-san, what if the manga manuscript in your hand is not the complete fourth chapter..."

"It's not complete...Nani!" After Yoshida exclaimed, an unbelievable look appeared on his face, "Could it be..."

"The comic manuscript for the fourth chapter of the comic "One Punch Man"...here is another one!" Uncle Tintin pulled out a relatively new comic manuscript from a thick stack of [original version] comics. He handed it to Yoshida, who was completely silent, and explained with some difficulty, "According to Cheng's original words, 'The reason why I deliberately hide this page of comic manuscript is because you look down on the [original version] of My Familiar Cat" The result'... is roughly like this!"

"..." A certain editor was silent...

"Acheng said that if Yoshida-san fell silent after knowing this, I just need to tell you..." After Uncle Ding was entangled for a moment, he still very responsibly conveyed Takahashi Makoto's original words. Yoshida, "This is all..."

"This is all Steins;Gate's choice... right?" Like a conditioned reflex, Yoshida picked up what Uncle Tintin had not finished, then took a deep breath, and then entered the legendary [ Explosive hair] mode! "I knew it would be like this...I should have known it would be like this! Hun Dan!"

"The chirping is so noisy! Tintin Gi-san and my companion cat, have you guys reached a certain moment when hormone secretion is strong?" The closed door was suddenly opened, and Takahashi Makoto had a dark face. He looked angrily at his assistant Uncle Tintin and editor-in-chief Yoshida...

There is no doubt that because of Yoshida's out-of-control rampage just now, the second demon king in a certain school was awakened from his slumber!

"Ah, Cheng, why don't you take a little more rest?" After exchanging glances with Uncle Tintin, Yoshida immediately changed the topic and began to prepare to divert Takahashi Makoto's attention, "I know you stayed up late to finish the manga. Writing is very tiring and hard, so I’m just about to leave…”

"Huh? Are you ready to leave, My Cat?" Makoto Takahashi let out a long yawn, then his eyes fell on the comic page in Yoshida's hand, with a knowing smile on his face, "So it turns out That’s it…”

"Wha, what?" Looking at Makoto Takahashi's smile, Yoshida, who was about to escape, suddenly had some kind of ominous premonition...

"My beloved cat, it seems that Tintin Gi-san has given you the key page of the manga manuscript..." Makoto Takahashi said to himself after his eyes wandered between Uncle Tintin and Yoshida for a moment. He stood up and said, "But My Familiar Cat, are you sure that the comic manuscript in your hand is the last page of Chapter 4?"

"Eh? Will there be more later?" This time it was Uncle Tintin's turn to be surprised, "But when I finished that page of comic manuscript, Cheng, didn't you say that all the content of the fourth chapter was completed?"

"From the time sequence of the completion of the comics, the page of comics you completed, Ding Ding Ji-san, does represent the completion of the content of the fourth episode..." Takahashi Makoto snapped his fingers and showed a happy smile on his face, "But when did I say that the page of comics you completed, Ding Ding Ji-san, is the final comics of the fourth episode?"

"Uh, it seems... I really didn't say that!" Uncle Ding Ding recalled the original scene, and his eyes became a little weird when he looked at Takahashi Makoto, and asked in disbelief, "Could it be... Could it be that Ah Cheng, you have already drawn the ending of the fourth episode in advance before I finished that page of comics?"

"Ding Ding Ji-san, you will hand over the comics to my cat who has not achieved [Task Achievement] in advance because of some special reasons..." Although Takahashi Makoto did not explain in detail... But this is already regarded as tacitly accepting Uncle Ding Ding's speculation, right? "I didn't let my cat go through a mission trial, nor did I let my cat go through a death situation to overcome my demons... Humph! I expected your betrayal!"

"Betrayal?" Uncle Ding Ding's mouth twitched at the word used by Makoto Takahashi, "So, you, Cheng..."

"Of course! Because of me..." Makoto Takahashi pulled his white coat and laughed, "The crazy cartoonist Fenghuangyuan Kyouma has already observed everything through Steins;Gate! Hahahaha..."

I'm sorry to all readers. Recently, something happened at a certain cat's home. I didn't update or explain it in time. I'm really sorry!

The matter has not been completely resolved yet, but it's almost done, so the update should be back to normal!

I'm really sorry!

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