A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 532: Observing comics is actually witnessing life

For the two comics "One Punch Man" and "My Hero Academia", since they were serialized, editors and many readers have complained about such things as "the world view settings are too similar" and "the weirdness of the characters is very similar"... However, despite the complaints, although the two comics are very similar in the eyes of editors and readers, from the content that has been published so far, both editors and readers have to admit that the styles of these two comics are completely different!

The plot development model adopted by the comic "My Hero Academia" is naturally the most popular and classic inspirational development model in the weekly "Shonen Jumk"!

The male protagonist starts from a useless and even talentless waste, and gradually grows into a talent after various adventures and the accumulation of time... Although this routine is a bit old and seems a bit outdated, it cannot be denied that the development model adopted by the comic is easier to capture the hearts of readers!

Take the popular manga "Naruto" in the weekly "Shonen Jumk" for example... I believe everyone who observes the manga "Naruto" still remembers what kind of existence Naruto was in the early days?

Idiot, stupid, and optimistic on the surface, but because of the various exclusions from the people in the village, he is a very lonely boy in his heart; he strives to become a Hokage, not to become a great or even amazing person, but just to get the recognition of the people in the village and the care of his partners... When readers just started to observe this manga, how many readers sneered at this [childish] and [only knows how to make trouble to get attention] male protagonist?

But as the subsequent plot of the manga gradually unfolds, it turns out that the boy who only knows how to play pranks all day will work hard to practice in order to save his good friends, and will fight desperately to protect his companions in the village... Even though he still does some things that make people smile sometimes, under the witness of many readers, Naruto is working hard and moving towards his goal step by step!

Frustration, hardship, recognition, expectation, responsibility... After experiencing the test called "life", Naruto gradually grew from a little kid who liked to play pranks to a trusted partner and a Hokage that everyone expected...

For readers who have observed the entire process of Naruto's growth, everything that Naruto encountered during his growth process has more or less happened to themselves or others...

When the protagonist was still weak, the readers had just encountered this comic; and when the protagonist began to work hard and make progress, the readers who have been observing the comic from a God's perspective The readers of the comics are not just observing the comics, but as a bystander, they witness the efforts and progress of the protagonists, and witness the growth of the protagonists. When the protagonists gradually become stronger and can defeat the opponents that they could not defeat before, the readers who have been observing the protagonists will instantly feel a sense of satisfaction that "my child has grown up"...

Although the dimensions are different and the worlds they live in are different, the experience of accompanying and witnessing the growth of the protagonists will become an unforgettable memory, engraved in the depths of the soul, and unforgettable for every reader!

Therefore, the content observed by the readers is not limited to comics, but more of witnessing other people's lives... and their own growth!

And this... is also the reason why this classic but somewhat outdated routine is so enduring!

But the style of the comic "One Punch Man" is obviously not this classic routine!

The bald male protagonist appeared with almost invincible fighting power at the beginning. Apart from the "From Ordinary Bones to Cheats" level of memories, the comic "One Punch Man" has not much content to dig deep in terms of the plot!

No matter what kind of enemy, it only takes one punch to solve it... This plot development mode, this comic setting concept, may be very novel and unique at the beginning, so that readers will have a feeling such as "this comic is very interesting"... However, this development mode cannot last too long. After all, if the plot of each episode develops like this, and the content of each episode is that the bald teacher Saitama appears and takes care of the enemy with one punch, then over time, this comic that is familiar to readers will also gradually lose its appeal!

So there is the appearance of Genos in the comic, the existence of the Hero Association, and the appearance of various cool and powerful or weak monsters... These characters in the comic can not only enrich the plot of the comic itself, but also set the stage for the appearance of Saitama teacher!

After all, the concept of strength is relative. If you want to distinguish the difference between the strong and the weak, the easiest way is to compare the two... In order to express how powerful Saitama is, the easiest way is to let Saitama kill those enemies that others have to fight hard or even cannot defeat with one punch!

Of course, according to the words of a responsible editor, every time, after the readers' appetite is whetted, Saitama will suddenly appear and then kill the opponent with a domineering punch... This speechless mode setting must be deliberately done by a middle school cartoonist who wants to get pleasure by teasing the readers!

So if there are similarities between Makoto Takahashi's "One Punch Man" and Eiji Niizuma's "My Hero Academia", the cartoonists said they can understand. After all, no matter the subject matter or the world view, there are certain similarities between the two cartoons... But please don't forget that the scope that Eiji Niizuma just mentioned is the cartoons of all the cartoonists present!

The comics "Hikaru no Go" by Yashiro Mumengye, "Assassination" by Shizukawa, and "JoJo" by the silver-haired guy Fukuda, these three comics have different styles and themes, and the way the comic plot unfolds is not the classic routine commonly seen in the weekly "Shonen Jumk"...

The protagonist of the comic "Hikaru no Go" is a chess player, the protagonist of the comic "Assassination" is an assassin, and the protagonist of "JoJo" is a martial arts faction; and the protagonist of "Hikaru no Go" is a little boy who can see ghosts, and the protagonist of "Assassination" is Hideyoshi of unknown gender. As for the protagonist of "JoJo", a muscular brother, it is completely different from the previous two comics, right? And...

"Hikaru no Go" is an inspirational comic like "Dream Eater"; "Assassination" often satirizes some social cruelty in the joyful daily life, and it can barely be regarded as an everyday comic; but what about "JoJo"? This is not an inspirational or everyday comic, right? According to the definition of comics in Weekly Shonen Jumk, this comic is definitely a passionate comic, for sure!


In short, these three comics are completely different types, and it is a bit forced to even involve them together, let alone have any common points... Speaking of which, Eiji Niizuma, who can find common points between these three comics and "One Punch Man" and "My Hero Academia", must have a different brain circuit structure than others, right?

No wonder Eiji Niizuma can be close friends with Makoto Takahashi...

A guy who can become close friends with a certain chuunibyou cartoonist... is not a normal existence in itself?

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