A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 551 So... don't underestimate the [Bald] attribute! Damn it!

Chapter 551 So. Don’t underestimate the [Bald] attribute! Damn it!

Every reader who likes comics or novels, perhaps... no, must have imagined that he would bring himself into the comics or novels, just like those memorable characters in the comics or novels, and perform an extraordinary performance in that extraordinary world!

Therefore, he learned the cultivation methods of the characters in the comics or novels, and imagined that he could also stand out from the ordinary like the characters in the novels or comics, get rid of the shackles of [ordinary], and become a [special] existence... Although he knew that this was impossible, as a human being on the reader side, he couldn’t help but fantasize and look forward to it!

When I wake up in the morning, I will imagine that I suddenly awakened to the [superpowers] that only exist in the fantasy world overnight; when I wash my face in front of the mirror, I will deliberately observe whether my eyes have turned into [Evil King's True Eyes]; on the way to school or work, I will long to peek into the [Dimensional Gate] from another world and become the [Summoned Beast \u0026 Familiar \u0026 Lover] of a proud lady in another world; when I eat and take a nap, I will look up at the distant sky and look forward to the appearance of [Space Shock] that is impossible in scientific common sense; on the way home from school and get off work, I will fantasize about picking up a notebook that can control human life and death and become the [God of the New World]; when I look up at the sky at night, I hope that a Minotaur Totem will fall from the sky... Ahem, no, it is an angel that reads [Entertainment Universal] and writes [Strategy Universal]!

However, the reality is like the right hand of a boy who [risks his life to pick up girls], shattering all unreasonable and unrealistic fantasies!

When you wake up every morning, you don't face yourself who has awakened [superpowers], but [ordinary daily life] comes again; when you wash in front of the mirror, you will find that your eyes have not become [Evil King's True Eyes], but have a little more bloodshot because you don't get enough rest; on the way to work and school, the pedestrians who pass by are just those who are struggling to make a living and rushing on the road, not the arrogant assistants after [changing the world line]... There is no call from another world and no chance to save the world, there is only a life that is as ordinary as boiled water!

Whether it is a comic or a novel, the reason for its appearance may be that ordinary humans living in an ordinary world yearn for an extraordinary life in an extraordinary world, and it is also the expectation of ordinary humans living in an ordinary world for an extraordinary life in an extraordinary world, right?

Although Yoshida wants to make complaints about Saitama's speechless exercise method, such as "Such a casual setting is really a real man", it cannot be denied that it is indeed an outstanding setting for the entire "One Punch Man" comic!

Through the previous serialization, the bald image of Saitama teacher who can "defeated any enemy with just one punch" has left a deep impression on readers, and the curiosity about "how did Saitama teacher become so powerful" has also spread among readers... So when the "Secret of Saitama teacher's strengthening" part of the story was serialized, it instantly brought a storm to the readers!

Saitama teacher has no extraordinary talents, no special blood, and has not unlocked the shackles such as "gene lock" because of any unexpected events. Like many readers, he is just an ordinary and ordinary human being! However, it is such an ordinary and ordinary office worker who, through physical exercise that is not considered intense for many people, persisted for three years with the momentum of "not sparing baldness", and became a superman who can solve all powerful opponents with one punch... The contrast between the two is like the difference between heaven and earth, which naturally left a very deep impression on readers!

Saitama teacher's training is not very difficult. After reading this chapter, many readers can't help but want to try it! Because although you may not necessarily become an invincible bald man like Saitama teacher, but... being able to get rid of your ordinary self, this alone is worth it for readers who observe comics to try!

You may not remember how Saitama teacher solved [Vaccine Man] with one punch, or how Saitama teacher slapped [Mosquito Girl] to death with one slap, or even how Saitama teacher easily eliminated Asura Rhinoceros Beetle... But as long as readers have read the comic "One Punch Man", they will never forget Saitama teacher's almost joking way of becoming stronger!

It is precisely because of this that the performance of the comic "One Punch Man" in the next few chapters is quite stable, and there are even several times that it almost rushed to the first place... Of course, for Yoshida, the editor-in-chief of a certain middle school cartoonist, this result, in addition to the joy brought at the beginning, is more of a long-term torment!

Think about it, after the results were counted several times, the comic "One Punch Man" always ranked second with a slight disadvantage... If Yoshida had not been trained by a certain middle school cartoonist for many years, she would have definitely become a complete "witch" in the transformation from "hope to despair"!

However, what makes Yoshida happy is that the wonderful fighting style shown by Makoto Takahashi in the comic "One Punch Man" before has appeared in the comic again with the appearance of "Sonic the Hedgehog"... This also makes Yoshida realize that the painting skills of the battle scene in the previous episode are not just a flash of inspiration or a flash in the pan of Makoto Takahashi, but a real "strength"!

Today is another day to collect manga manuscripts, but the editor-in-chief Yoshida, who is about to arrive at Takahashi Makoto's house, has a helpless smile on his face at this moment... As for the reason, it is naturally because of the news published in this monthly issue. Got it!

The process of collecting manga manuscripts was as smooth as ever. After all, Makoto Takahashi is not an unscrupulous cartoonist like Little Sea Otter who "runs away if he doesn't pay close attention"... Originally, Yoshida planned to publish the monthly manga after receiving the manga manuscripts. A certain message came to Makoto Takahashi, but after seeing the latest comic draft of "One Punch Man", a certain editor felt it was necessary to postpone his plan!

"Just one punch... will smash the meteorite falling from the universe to pieces!?" Although it can be inferred from the previous serialization that the bald Saitama teacher is quite powerful... But for this kind of super expansion in the comics, Yoshida He still clearly showed his surprise! "Although this setting looks quite touching... but isn't it a bit exaggerated, Cheng?"

"Exaggeration? Tsk, my beloved cat, you underestimate the attribute of [baldness]!" While Makoto Takahashi shook his head in denial, he also did not forget to complain in words that Yoshida could not understand!

"The only cartoonist who can give the protagonist a [bald head] setting... I'm afraid you are the only one, Cheng?" Yoshida rolled his eyes and looked at Makoto Takahashi expressionlessly, "I can say that he is indeed the cartoonist Phoenix Institute. Is it serious? Let me tell you, Cheng, I think the comic "One Punch Man" missed the first place several times, probably because the [bald] image of the male protagonist is too..."

"Hey, My Familiar Cat, you underestimate the [bald] setting!" Looking at Yoshida's helpless look, Takahashi Makoto nodded to himself and continued, "I see... I understand. I understand! Although existences like you, my subordinate cat, cannot be noticed or felt, the evolution and development of human beings have indeed never stopped since ancient times..."

"Hmm? Cheng, you don't mean to say that the symbol of human evolution is [bald], right?" Yoshida sneered with unknown meaning, and at the same time, the [Vicious Tongue to Destroy Enemies] mode also entered the activated state! "If this is really the case, it would be a really sad thing!"

"On the road of evolution and development, there are countless ways and methods for human beings to choose! However, as time goes by, some choices that go astray or in the wrong direction will cause human beings to be unable to adapt to the current living environment. were eliminated; but there are some choices that can undergo the baptism and tempering of time and become the necessary means for human beings to survive..." Makoto Takahashi did not pay attention to Yoshida's cynicism, but continued to talk about what he had just said. Finished words! "A simple summary is that human development and evolution are fundamentally about [wisdom] and [power]!"

"Well... Cheng... I have something to tell you..." Looking at Makoto Takahashi who began to talk about the evolution and development of human beings, Yoshida suddenly felt as if he had opened Pandora's box...

"In ancient times when knowledge was severely lacking, human beings had to choose to improve their own strength because of the limitations of their own era, or in order to survive in a cruel environment... and chose this development model. According to today's concepts, He said that he chose the so-called [power]! "But it's too late! Yoshida is completely unable to stop Takahashi Makoto! “With the rapid development of science and technology, human knowledge and insights have begun to accumulate, and they have also gradually realized that the strength of the individual is far less than the whole, and the power of the individual is far less than the whole... But to unite the individuals, To exert the overall strength requires the ability of overall coordination, as well as all aspects of knowledge and intelligence...and this is what is called [wisdom] today!"

"By the way..." After a brief moment of silence, Yoshida asked again and again in order to change the subject, "Does this... have anything to do with the [baldness] attribute you mentioned before, Cheng?"

"Of course it does matter!" appeared! The special skill of a certain middle-class cartoonist [who talks nonsense seriously] appears! "My beloved cat, think about it carefully! The current strength displayed by Teacher Saitama can definitely be used as a representative of [power]; and the other bald man, the monk Ikkyu who claims to be extremely smart since he was a child, can also be Is Zuo the representative of [Zhi]?”

"..." Well, both Saitama and Monk Ikkyu are bald... Regarding this fact, Yoshida feels that Takahashi Makoto is not wrong!

"So my companion is a cat, now do you still dare to underestimate [baldness], a special attribute that represents human development and evolution?"

"One Punch Man" is not the first comic to use a bald man as the protagonist. Don't forget Geji Geji. Well, although his age was inadvertently exposed, what a certain cat wanted to say was...

Ahem, dear readers, Happy Youth Day~

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