A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 563 Understanding and Reaction

"Tsk, my cat servant, he was complaining and looking down on me..." Looking at the latest weekly issue of Shonen Jumk, Makoto Takahashi closed the comic book with some dissatisfaction, and sighed to Rina, "But now he shamelessly took the comic manuscript and published it without any deletions... Tsk! He is such a spineless guy!"

"Ah, Makoto-kun, are you expressing your dissatisfaction?" Rina looked at Makoto Takahashi with a smile, and picked up the comic manuscript thrown on the desk by Makoto Takahashi, "Makoto-kun looked very happy!"

"Yada! Even a mere witch has begun to learn how to complain about me..." Makoto Takahashi used his secret technique [True·Killing with Sister in Arms] on Rina, and captured Rina who was beginning to move towards [Black-hearted Wrong Path]! "Sure enough, voice actor training is a heresy... It turns out that the witch who belongs to me has also been gradually eroded by this turbid world!"

"Makoto-kun... don't you want me to be a voice actor?" Rina, who was originally hugged by a certain chuuni cartoonist and wanted to struggle, trembled slightly after hearing what Takahashi Makoto said, and asked timidly...

"Of course!" Takahashi Makoto actually gave a wrong answer at this time? "Isn't the fate of a witch to be imprisoned by the devil for life? But now you have broken free from the devil's shackles, and from the witch who originally belonged to the devil, you have become an existence that fascinates everyone... How can such a thing be accepted! You know, witches and demons are a perfect match! The only one who can enjoy everything a witch has is the demon king!"

Is Makoto-kun...jealous?

Rina, who was a little unhappy about the answer of a certain chuuni cartoonist just now, now feels full of happiness... It's really hard to guess a woman's mind, let alone a witch of this level!

Compared to Makoto Takahashi and Rina, a certain editor Yujiro is also showing affection with his talented cartoonist at the moment... No, it should be said that they are performing a high-energy [affection show] in an alternative way, right?

Like Makoto Takahashi, the "Hero Academy" serialized by Eiji Shinzuma in the weekly magazine is also a comic centered on the theme of heroes. On the one hand, they are trying to show favor to each other, and on the other hand, they are also trying to compete with each other... Actually, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, although the two cartoonists have reached an alliance in private and jointly built a virtual cartoonist [Makoto Shinkai], this cannot conceal the competitive relationship between the two cartoonists!

Yujiro's attention and importance to the comic "Hero Academy" is no less than Yoshida's to the comic "One Punch Man"... Actually, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, although the two editors-in-charge are also minions of the weekly editorial side, they are full of the consciousness of competing with each other, just like the mentality of parents who think "my child is better"!

Just like Yoshida would not deliberately mention the excellent performance of the manga "Hero Academy" in front of Makoto Takahashi, Yujiro would never tell Niizuma Eiji about the brutal performance of the manga "One Punch Man" in front of Niizuma Eiji! The two editors-in-charge who have already formed a tacit understanding know very well that since the two manga with similar themes were serialized in the weekly magazine at the same time, the competition between the two cartoonists has already begun... Even without the two editors-in-charge using any means to instigate, the two cartoonists will compete and fight according to their instincts!

The same theme, different plots, the two cartoonists will become more and more powerful in the battles of victory and defeat, and the comics will become more and more exciting...

Yujiro originally thought so, and he was right...

But when Yujiro finished reading the latest chapter of the manga "One Punch Man", he instantly felt that he... No, he should feel that his cartoonist Niizuma Eiji was cheated by a certain middle school cartoonist!

Although Yujiro also admitted that the plot of this episode of the comic "One Punch Man" is really interesting... But please don't forget that Eiji Niizuma is also serializing another comic called "Hero Academy" in the weekly magazine!

What is the plot of the second half of the latest episode of "One Punch Man"?

Didn't we agree to draw a hero comic together?

Takahashi Makoto, in the second half of the comic, you discredited some heroes in order to enhance the charm of Saitama teacher's character. I understand... But you drew it like this and dragged the "hero" profession, which was originally admired and worshipped, directly into the depths of hell!


The editor-in-chief Yujiro, who felt aggrieved because of being innocently shot, did not say much to his colleague Yoshida, but came to Eiji Niizuma as soon as he finished reading the comic... It was really a childish act like complaining to an adult after being wronged!

"… Nizuma-kun, after reading the latest chapter of One Punch Man by Hououin Kyouma, you should agree with me, right?" Yujiro looked at Nizuma Eiji expectantly, complaining in a slightly unhappy tone, "Although the results have not been counted yet, your manga Hero Academy might also be affected by the content of this chapter by Hououin Kyouma... right!"


If it were usual, after reading the manga, Nizuma Eiji would always make some sounds imitating unknown creatures, or do some seemingly meaningless but quite dangerous behaviors...

But just like today, after reading the manga manuscript, I fell into a state of complete silence... Editor Yujiro said that this was the first time he had seen the new wife Eiji in such an abnormal state!

"Hello, Niizuma-kun? I mean Niizuma-kun!" Seeing the long silence of classmate Niizuma Eiji, Yujiro called out anxiously, "Did you hear what I just said? Stop reading comics! I think we should do it now Let’s discuss it…”

"Teacher from the Phoenix Institute is really awesome!" Ignoring Yuujiro's urgent call, Eiji, the new wife, silently put down the comic magazine as if he had just come back to his senses, "The meaning of a hero... the comic "One Punch Man" is better than I imagined. It’s even more interesting to say!”

"It's very interesting..." Yujiro did not deny the charm of the plot of the comic "One Punch Man", but he was more worried about the impact of this plot on the comic "Hero Academia"! "But is it really okay for Shinzuma-kun to be like this? You must know that this is the same type of manga..."

"Hey, Yuujiro-san, you didn't understand the true intention of Phoenix-in-sensei's manga..." Eiji Niizuma interrupted Yujiro's words unceremoniously, and then... Then Eiji Niizuma decisively launched a [sarcasm] at Yujiro. 】Skill! "As expected, Yuujiro-san is an idiot!"

"Huh?" Sure enough, among editors, Yujiro is the editor in charge who has the least human rights... Absolutely no one!

"This is Phoenix-in teacher's pre-war declaration! This is Phoenix-in teacher's reminder to prepare for a big move! Do you understand? Yujiro-san, can't you see it?" Compared to editor-in-chief Yujiro's confused reaction, Niizuma Eiji seemed to Entered into a mysterious [hot-blooded excitement] state! Each and every question was filled with strong fighting spirit, like a stormy sea, making the editor-in-chief Yujiro feel overwhelmed! "So the next plot of the comic "One Punch Man" will be super interesting and super exciting... and according to my prediction, the most exciting and most anticipated content will definitely be in the next three episodes. appeared in it!”

Yujiro didn't say much about Eiji Niizuma's understanding of the manga... But Yujiro couldn't ignore Eiji Niizuma's speculation about the manga "One Punch Man" or act like he didn't hear it! You must know that to this day, there is a legend among the editors of weekly magazines that [Eiji Niizuma’s predictions about comics are 100% accurate]... No, it is not so much a legend, but it is better to say that Eiji Niizuma has already acquiesced in this special ability. !

"Then Niizuma-kun, are you planning to avoid the chance of a head-to-head confrontation with the Phoenix Academy teacher, or..." Although he did not give any other options, according to Yuujiro's understanding of Niizuma Eiji, the cartoonist under his command is... In terms of comics, he has a self-esteem similar to "The dignity of the emperor cannot be challenged"!

"Of course I choose to fight head-on!" Eiji Shinzuma's choice... turned out just as Yujiro expected!

"Very good..." However, Yujiro's joy lasted less than a second before he was frightened by Eiji's next move! "Eh? Mr. Shinzuma, you, you, you, what are you doing!"

Because Eiji Shinzuma actually tore the completed manga manuscript into pieces right in front of Yujiro’s eyes!

"Huh? Yuujiro-san, can't you see?" Eiji, the new wife, tilted her head and looked at Yuujiro with an innocent face, "In order to respond to the Phoenix Academy teacher, of course it is necessary to complete a manga manuscript with more powerful combat capabilities!"

"But, but..." The corners of Yuujiro's mouth kept twitching, as if he had been deprived of his complete ability to speak, "But Shinzuma-kun, you don't have to tear up the completed manga manuscript, right?"

"But a manga manuscript of this level will definitely not win over the teacher from the Phoenix Institute..." Eiji Niizuma squatted on a chair, kept poking the table with his fingers, and complained to Yuujiro in a very aggrieved tone... Or rather, State your will! "I don't want to lose..."

"Okay...Okay!" Looking at his new wife Eiji like this, Yujiro couldn't blame him anymore...

Previously, he had deliberately asked Eiji Niizuma to observe the plot of the manga "One Punch Man". Yujiro might have wanted to stimulate Eiji Niizuma... Although Eiji Niizuma tearing up the completed manga manuscript was a little beyond Yujiro's expectations, but Now seeing Eiji Shinzuma working hard and preparing for a duel with Takahashi Makoto [let’s hurt each other], Yujiro feels that this seems to be... not bad?


Eiji Niizuma was able to deduce the explosive and igniting points of the upcoming manga "One Punch Man" from the second half of that episode... To a certain extent, he is definitely a genius, right? At least Yujiro said that he couldn't do this at all!

At this moment, Yujiro seemed to vaguely understand why Takahashi Makoto and Eiji Aizuma were able to cooperate smoothly...or, in other words, why he could never keep up with Eiji Aizuma's rhythm!

Sure enough, the reason why geniuses disdain to communicate with ordinary people... is because the structure of brain circuits is different from ordinary people!

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