A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 593 Human beings are such hypocritical beings

"Eh? This plot...fuck!" Yoshida, who was observing the manga manuscript of "White Rabbit Candy", suddenly threw the manga aside, stood up with a look of astonishment, and shouted to Makoto Takahashi in an almost roaring tone. He asked loudly, "Takahashi Makoto, what on earth are you drawing!"

"My Familiar Cat, I remember I wrote a proper title this time..." Compared to the excited Yoshida, Takahashi Makoto seemed quite calm, and replied lazily with a disdainful tone, "Should I As the editor-in-chief of a weekly magazine, you can’t even recognize the title that an elementary school student can pronounce correctly... Tsk, you have a large number of people with shallow knowledge like you, My Familiar Cat, and your organization has not been wiped out even now. , in a sense it is already a miracle!”

"Don't change the topic, Hundan! I'm asking you now what's going on in the manga manuscript of this chapter?" Looking at Makoto Takahashi's completely indifferent attitude, Yoshida's anger level directly exploded! "Takahashi Makoto, Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute, regarding the plot of this chapter, do you know what will happen after the series is serialized? Although as the editor in charge, I should not interfere with the cartoonist's creation of comics, but... I need a reasonable explanation!”

Yoshida, who usually calls Takahashi Makoto [Amagi], now calls him by his first name... From this, it can be seen that Yoshida is about to go berserk!

The reason why this happened is entirely because the manga manuscript of "White Rabbit Candy" in Yoshida's hand is exactly the chapter where Takahashi Makoto refused Uncle Tintin's observation... That chapter published the comic with a twist in the plot. draft!

In your spare time from busy work, read the daily life between the uncle and Lolita in the comics, watch the simple and ordinary interactions between the two, feel the warm and warm dialogue, your whole body and mind will get a kind of [healing] Happiness... So when Yoshida came to collect the manga manuscripts of the monthly comic series "White Rabbit Candy" today, he was actually looking forward to it!

After all, although this comic called "White Rabbit Candy" is not as good as the previous "CLANNAD" that has been rated as a masterpiece by readers, this comic is called "Cure" with its simple and heartwarming plot. The fluctuations of moisturizing things spread silently into the hearts of every reader... Since it began to be serialized in the monthly magazine, the evaluation of this comic among readers has been quite good!

Especially in the manga manuscript of the previous chapter "White Rabbit Candy", Rin Shiga, who has become a high school student, also rejected the confession from his childhood sweetheart Yuki Futani... Regarding this plot, whether it was Yoshida when he originally received the manga manuscript , or the readers of the monthly magazine after it was published, all gave it very good reviews!

After all, for readers of the comic "White Rabbit Candy", the heroine Rin Shiga has appeared in comics since the Loli era, and has been in high school students today... It is no exaggeration to say that every Every reader of "White Rabbit Candy" can be regarded as the [parent] of the heroine Lu Helin, and has witnessed this sensible and strong little girl, Little Loli, gradually grow into a tall and graceful high school student!


What about childhood sweethearts?

So what if they grew up in similar environments?

Since I dare to confess my love to Rin Shigara, who is the first daughter of my family, no matter what kind of person he is, he must accept the resentment and murderous intention from the [reader's side] and the writing [parents]!

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that the plot of the previous chapter will be well received by readers... After all, the doting on one's own children, or the almost possessive mentality towards one's own children, is the strongest obsession of human beings. one!

However, it is a pity that after watching... no, just watching two-thirds of it, and suddenly seeing that amazing plot twist, Yoshida, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly felt bad!

The heroine Rin Shigaga, who rejected the confession of her childhood sweetheart, actually confessed to the uncle who raised her, Kawachi Daikichi, who has been jokingly called the "peerless good man" by readers!

Therefore, now we can understand why Yoshida was so angry that he even said he was about to go berserk...

"Speaking of my beloved cat, it is due to your duty as the editor in charge, or it may be due to the kind reminder of the mad cartoonist Phoenix Institute Jiazhen..." Takahashi Makoto showed a smile called "Pleasure" on his face. Smiling, "I think you should read the comic manuscript first! After all, I have made notes about the explanation of the plot later..."

"Explanation... remarks?" Yoshida gradually calmed down, and with a puzzled expression, he began to quickly flip through the comic manuscript that he had just thrown aside... But after a moment, Yoshida had a look of dumbfounding on his face, and he was helpless. He said to Takahashi Makoto, "Speaking of Cheng, although I don't know who the uncle you mentioned in the note is...but I can guarantee that the uncle will read the content of this sentence. After that, I will definitely come and kill you!”

"Well, a cartoonist can't just sit at home and draw cartoons all day long. He also needs to do some proper physical exercise occasionally..." Makoto Takahashi spread his hands indifferently, "And as the arrogant Demon King Phoenix Inner Murasaki, of course I won’t just be satisfied with a small demon world, I will also conquer the three realms in the future... So it is quite necessary to have a bloody battle with real swords!”

"Hey! I thought it was just a coincidence. It turns out that Cheng, you deliberately set the plot like this... All this is to make the uncle mentioned in your note come to your door to trouble you in person, right? "While flipping through the manga manuscript in his hand, Yoshida gradually accepted the twist of the story, "Oh, forget it, compared to that childhood sweetheart Yuuki Futani, if Rin Shikama chooses Kawachi Daikichi, I can still do it. Acceptable... Although it was indeed difficult to accept it at first, but now that I think about it carefully, it seems that this development is quite appropriate and reasonable! "

"Oh, this is really... surprisingly quick to accept!" Makoto Takahashi stared at Yoshida with squinted eyes, a joking smile on his face, "Men among humans seem to have famous names [* *] or similar [origin]... It seems that this rumor is not fabricated out of thin air!”

"Hey, hey, Cheng, don't talk nonsense! But before that, I think I have to remind you one more thing!" Ignoring Takahashi Makoto's theory, Yoshida suppressed the smile on his face , looked at a certain middle-level cartoonist with a serious face, "You have to know that this amazing plot twist in "White Rabbit Candy" may... no, it will definitely cause a lot of controversy! After all, it has been serialized before In the content, the relationship between Kawachi Daikichi and Shiga Rin has always been..."

"Tsk, you were obviously all depressed and entangled just now, but now you have quickly changed your attitude..." Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida with contempt again, "My beloved cat, your position is really not firm enough! "

"I'm really sorry that my stance was not firm enough!" Originally, he was worried that Takahashi Makoto's manga manuscript would cause trouble, but seeing Takahashi Makoto's indifferent attitude, Yoshida suddenly felt a little tired... However, due to the professional ethics of the editor, Yoshida continued in a helpless tone, "A-Cheng, you have to think clearly, after this comic is published, there will definitely be many people using big issues such as [ethical relations]. Qi, who made various denunciations against you..."

"Huh! Isn't this natural?" Without fear or worry, Makoto Takahashi's expression was quite calm, or quite disdainful, regarding what Yoshida was worried about, "With the great righteousness of [to maintain peace] And launch a brutal war; with the lofty concept of "this is for mankind", step on the moral high ground to accuse and denounce everything in the world, hide their envy, jealousy and hatred in all kinds of righteousness, and guide public opinion arrogantly and unreasonably , erase everything..."

"Human beings... aren't they just such [hypocritical] existences?"

Ahem, dear readers, a certain cat has been feeling unwell recently and is quite busy at work, so I am really sorry for the update.

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