A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 623 The root of humanity is distortion

“…Acheng, you deceived Yoshida again!”

Soon after Yoshida left with the comics, it was estimated that it was just enough time for a responsible editor to arrive at the subway station. The assistant Uncle Dingding, who was completing the comics, suddenly raised his head and sighed…

“Tsk! There is nothing we can do about it!” Although he tried his best to pretend to be innocent, the next words of a middle school cartoonist instantly showed his evil taste that could be called [evil] to the fullest! "Just like putting drugs in food can make people addicted, and petting cats can make people addicted, let alone fooling my cat and getting [pleasure] from it? Although I didn't intend to deceive my cat at the beginning, I didn't realize it... Ding Ding Ji, should this be called [subconscious behavior] or [habit]?"

"Compared to those sayings..." Uncle Ding Ding did not slack off his work because of complaining about Makoto Takahashi, "I think it is more appropriate to call it [deliberate], Cheng!"

"I see... Is this the existence called [habit]?" Makoto Takahashi ignored Uncle Ding Ding who looked down on him with his dead eyes, and showed a look of realization on his face, and sighed to himself, "Tsk tsk tsk, humans This bad habit called [habit], even I, a mad demon, can't be immune to it and get infected... This ferocious infectiousness is comparable to the zombie virus! "

"What a ferocious habit... should I say that at this time?" After complaining, Uncle Ding Ding suddenly put down his brush and stared at Takahashi Makoto with a serious face, "I say, Cheng... The reason why you don't let Yoshida see the completed subsequent plot is actually to give him a sudden shock after the comic serialization is confirmed, right?"

"Huh? Shock? Ding Ding Ji-san, to some extent, the subsequent plot... is not even a surprise!" Compared to Uncle Ding Ding, who is still entangled in the plot of [A certain loli is miserable], Takahashi Makoto seems very calm... To be precise, he should be too calm! "Although I am somewhat reluctant to admit it, I have to say that as a crazy cartoonist, I am getting older! So whether it is shock or surprise, it is too stimulating for me who is already old... At most, it can only be regarded as following and maintaining the previous style!"

"Following and maintaining the previous style... Hehe..." After thinking about the comics serialized by Makoto Takahashi in recent years, Uncle Ding Ding's mouth twitched, and he could not find any strength at all. Bah, it is a reason to refute!

"For cartoonists, it is very important to find their own style..." Takahashi Makoto acted like a "life mentor" and used a matter-of-fact tone to forcefully popularize and recommend comics to Uncle Ding Ding and Mashiro. "For example, the good friends of Yashiro and Mumengye have now mastered the style called "evil way"; and our ally, the King of Black Flame, has brought the bloody battles in the comics of "Royal Way" to the fullest extent; for example, Ryuko, who had previously abducted two of my assistants, has gradually learned how to corrupt people's hearts through comics; even That guy, Little Otter, has also embarked on the mysterious path of [finding pleasure through comics]... So as a comic artist who calls himself a crazy devil, it is quite normal for Hououin Kyouma to follow and maintain his previous style, isn't it? "

"Oh, that's it... So your style is [devilish], Cheng!" Uncle Ding Ding said that after working as an assistant for Makoto Takahashi for many years, not only his skills in drawing comics have been improved, but also his ability to complain has increased significantly... Although Uncle Ding Ding himself is not happy about this at all!

"The correct term is probably [chaos] or [contradiction] or something like that... No, it should be called [distortion]!" Makoto Takahashi expressed dissatisfaction with Uncle Tintin's definition of his style. "Human beings exist in the world, originally based on a better and more regular life, so they have established morality and laws, but it is precisely such humans who often shamelessly trample on morality and wantonly violate the law; the original intention of dividing good and evil is to distinguish between good and bad people, but it is precisely such humans who always use the banner of justice that can be read as [I am doing this for your own good] and written as [I am not the one who is hurt anyway], and then use their own malice to wantonly trample on the kindness of others! Ha, it is humans who set everything, and it is also humans themselves who subvert everything!"

"...Don't blame all the sins on humans!" It should have been a very powerful complaint and counterattack, but at this moment, it came out of Uncle Tintin's mouth, but it was quite unimpressive... or it could be said that it was quite lacking in courage!

"Originally, when I came to this world, I once thought about becoming a [partner of justice], a heroic existence that [can always lend a helping hand when others need help]... But in the human world, [Justice] is too cheap, too easy to be distorted, and even too easy to be used!" It is clear that Takahashi Makoto's tone is so impassioned at this moment, but Uncle Tintin, who has experienced the baptism of life, has not yet been widely used. The Mashiro girl and Sorata boy who came into contact with the society, but they heard a hint of desolation and helplessness... Is this the effect of the master-level [Speech] skill? It is said that there was a person who mastered this skill to the master level in the past. He seemed to be a certain curly-haired emperor of a certain superpower in the comics! "When I awakened the magic eye of [human heart reading] due to an accidental injury, I truly understood that if I want to survive in such a [distorted] world... I must [abandon everything and distort myself] Only if you have enough awareness!”

"Alas..." Although I know that Takahashi Makoto is talking serious nonsense, I have to admit that what a certain middle-class cartoonist said seems to make some sense... That's why Uncle Tintin said this. A sentiment filled with various complex emotions, right?


This uncle, who has worked as an assistant for many years, also had his youthful and frivolous years...


With the improvement of life experience, the uncle has gradually understood the rules of social survival. Just as Takahashi Makoto said, in order to survive in this world, he has to abandon everything and [distort] himself... right! ?

"..." Sorata-boy, who is still a high school student, has completely fallen into the crash mode... That's right, after all, for people like Sorata-boy who are still living in school, Takahashi Makoto's remarks, And Uncle Tintin's emotion is completely equivalent to killing the longing and expectation in the young man's heart for the future!

"That..." Uncle Tintin let out an inexplicable sigh. After seeing the confused and even dull-looking young boy, Tintin suddenly said something bad to himself, and immediately spoke in a very clumsy way, trying to save him [Premature Contact "Dark Reality", "Sorata-kun, many cartoonists have various quirks when completing their comic manuscripts, so you don't need to be too surprised by Cheng's performance just now... This is It belongs to Cheng’s unique [cartoonist] mode!”

"Hmph, Tintin Gi-san, did you just sigh empathetically?" After receiving the hint from Uncle Tintin's eyes, Takahashi Makoto also began to change the topic... But no matter the skill or the level of proficiency, , are far from being on the same level as Uncle Tintin! "So I integrated the [distortion] of human origins into the comics. How could my companion cats who have already had similar experiences be frightened? Tintinji-san, don't underestimate the editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine. Yeah!"

"But that's how I was... ahem, it's nothing!" Uncle Tintin recalled his previous experience of observing comic manuscripts, and began to sympathize with the editor-in-chief of a certain weekly, "I hope Yoshida-kun can realize it soon... Otherwise, when you see the content of the fourth episode in the future, Yoshida-kun will definitely be deceived!"

The reason why Uncle Tintin expressed such emotion was, of course, to sympathize with Yoshida, who was so happy that he got carried away with the new comic series... After all, a certain editor who is probably on his way home now does not know at this moment that the comic "Fate" has already The completed comic manuscript is not just three chapters completed as a certain second grade cartoonist said!

And more importantly, before reading the fourth episode, it is easy to be influenced by the content of the first three episodes...

Or maybe it’s a mistake!

My phone is turned off, so I’m working overtime or something, and if I can’t find anyone, who cares? Go to hell, that’s what a certain cat originally did.

But I never expected that the landline number was left in the contact information at the beginning, so... well, now my face hurts and my knees hurt!

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