A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 636: Effective Risk Hedging Methods

Now that the comic "Fate" has begun to be serialized, it means that Yoshida, as the editor-in-chief of the weekly, has to follow his past practice and collect the comic manuscripts needed for the serialization on time every week!

Although before, Yoshida had collected manga manuscripts from Makoto Takahashi that were enough to support a three-episode series, so according to common sense, Yoshida should not have come to collect the manga manuscripts in person in a short period of time... However, today Yoshida still I came to Takahashi Makoto's house because a certain editor discovered something and had a reason to come to the house for verification!

"Hey, Cheng, can you tell me... what's going on with the anime "Fate\\Zero"?" That's right, the reason why Yoshida came to question Takahashi Makoto was because of the comic "Fate\\Zero" that had just started to be serialized in the weekly magazine. Fate", there is actually a trailer for the animated version... However, not only the editorial department of the weekly "Shounen Jumk", but even Yoshida, who is the editor-in-chief, does not know about the animation of the manga!

"Hey, have you noticed it already? Tsk, I didn't expect you to be quite thoughtful about My Cat, My Familiar Cat..." To Yoshida, who looked a little excited, Takahashi Makoto curled his lips in displeasure, "Obviously the manga hasn't started serialization yet. , My Beloved Cat, you are still complaining with all kinds of resentment... I am sad! Sure enough, it is because you, My Beloved Cat, have had too much contact with humans, have you been infected by the [tsundere] attribute hidden by humans? ?”

"Don't change the subject for me!" Listening to Makoto Takahashi complaining about his arrogance and so on, Yoshida looked unhappy, "The comics that haven't been verified by readers are just animated or something... Is it possible that Taiga Club is just like that? Don’t worry…”

"Haha? My beloved cat, I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said!" Although Yoshida did not finish the sentence due to various reasons, the skeptical tone of a certain editor, Makoto Takahashi, was Hear it clearly! "Worried about poor animation effects... Humph, My Familiar Cat, who do you think is the author of this comic? The person who completed this masterpiece is the arrogant demon cartoonist Hohoin Kouma! By the way! Who gave you the courage to question the fierce decision of the Demon God Phoenix Academy?"

"I should be the one who says this, right!?" Faced with the ferocious pressure of the Phoenix Demon God, Yoshida, who has been tempered for a long time, can barely withstand it... If it were Yoshida in the past, he said Maybe he would have knelt down under the pressure of Takahashi Makoto’s ferocious gaze! "Whether it's a comic or an animation, Cheng, you are so convinced that the existence called "Fate" will become a masterpiece... Where does this confidence come from?"

"Of course it's because of the depth of love!" Makoto Takahashi put on an expression like "You don't even understand this" and looked at his editor-in-chief, who was completely confused, with contempt, "My beloved cat is yours. So I don’t understand…it’s because you don’t love religiously enough!”

"Yes, yes, I don't love you enough...piety!" After the corner of his mouth twitched several times, Yoshida still said that strange word with difficulty! "But Acheng... By the way, why didn't you tell me about the animation of the comics before?"

"Ah? My beloved cat, what should I tell you in advance... By the way, don't you think there is something wrong with your logical visual inspection?" Makoto Takahashi shook his head helplessly, "The four-eyed fox asked the great Demon God of Madness Phoenix-in Kiruma prayed, eager to get a popular anime that was selling well; and after feeling the four-eyed fox's devout love for the anime among the sacrifices offered by the four-eyed fox, the kind-hearted and unparalleled demon god Phoenix-in Kiruma, I mercifully provided the animation script called "Fate\\Zero"... So, these things have nothing to do with the editorial side of the weekly, why do I tell you, My Familiar Cat?"

"Uh... it's... indeed... but..." Yoshida suddenly felt that what Takahashi Makoto said seemed to be very reasonable, and even made it impossible for him to refute... After all, according to Takahashi Makoto's words, Dahe Society Inviting a cartoonist to provide a script or something, there is really no obligation to inform the weekly!

"If you are worried about copyright issues in My Familiar Cat, huh... I can only say that Mortal Bones is just a mediocre person after all, and the things he considers are always so stupid and superficial!" Looking at Yoshida who fell into silence, Takahashi Cheng seemed to feel the [pleasure] brought about by mocking the other party, with a satisfied smile on his face, and continued, "The successor of the former Commander, the current leader of your editorial side of My Familiar Cat, is not like you It’s so unbearable to say...According to the feedback from Four-Eyed Fox, it took a lot of time to convince the other party!”

"Eh? Did the editor-in-chief also know about this!?" As the editor-in-chief on the editorial side of the weekly, not only did he not get the news from the cartoonist in charge of him in the first time, but even the editor-in-chief didn't report this matter to him. Tell yourself... You can imagine how depressed Yoshida is now! "But why... wait! Cheng, are you lying to me again?"

"Cheating... ugh!" Hearing Yoshida's doubtful question, Takahashi Makoto shook his head disdainfully, took out his cell phone from his white coat and shook it at Yoshida, "Then, My Dependent Cat, you need to talk to Yoshida. Will the new commander call you to confirm? Why didn’t the new commander reveal any information to you... According to my guess, it may be that, like me, you are not religious enough about my beloved cat!"

"...Is this still the reason in the end!?" After being complained over and over again by his mangakas about "not being religious enough in manga", Yoshida said that he felt a little pain in a place that he couldn't describe!

"Speaking of my beloved cat, since you are here..." Looking at Yoshida who was about to leave with a tangled and depressed look, Makoto Takahashi suddenly stopped him, "Then you need to read the fourth chapter of the manga "Fate" The comic manuscript of the story?”

"Eh? The content of the new chapter has been...completed!?" After stopping, Yoshida showed a surprised look on his face. While turning around and walking towards Takahashi Makoto, he did not forget to whisper in a low voice, "It's still the same as before. It's so fast... Speaking of which, if Cheng's character can be eliminated, no, maybe if the bad taste is slightly reduced, that would be great!"

"... Tintin Gi-san, I'm sorry! I think I should take back my previous evaluation of you!" I originally thought that I was muttering and complaining in a low voice, and it was impossible for a middle-class cartoonist to hear it... But Yoshida was too I underestimated Makoto Takahashi! "Compared to my beloved cat, Tintinji-san, your level of greed... is really too small!"

"...Should I say how grateful I am now?" Uncle Tintin, who originally planned to be a quiet soy sauce, paused for a moment after hearing Makoto Takahashi involve himself in the conversation, and understood what a certain middle-class cartoonist His intention was, "And Cheng, don't worry! I won't tell you!"

"Hmph, I hope so..." After seeing Uncle Tintin's cooperation, Takahashi Makoto curled his lips without leaving any trace, "Hey! Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to let Mr. Pavlov show off his recent mastery. Speaking of skills..."

"I don't know what the new skills you are talking about are, Cheng, but this feeling of surviving a disaster..." Looking sympathetically at the editor-in-chief Yoshida who was targeted by a middle-class cartoonist, Uncle Tintin asked him again Using [Cartoonist's Assistant Mode], I successfully reduced my presence significantly! "So... I'm sorry, Yoshida-kun!"

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist... This is the most effective way to avoid danger when getting along with a middle-class cartoonist!

PS: Sorry, dear readers, a certain cat has been busy recently due to work problems, and until today, it is basically certain that a certain cat is about to lose his job.

It was almost confirmed that he was leaving, and he was not allowed to go home yet. He said he was going to hand over the work, but in fact he asked a certain cat to help the bosses write year-end summaries, work summaries and so on! Fuck it! A certain cat writes novels and writes code words, not his cat who writes empty slogans and sings high-pitched words, ah Hundan! ! !

I once again apologize for not updating in the past few days, complaining about these trivial matters in life to all readers, and spreading negative energy. I am really, really sorry!

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