A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 652 It is said that being too passionate will reduce one's IQ

I don’t know whether this is because the [brainwashing] ability of a certain middle-class manga artist is too cruel, or because Takahashi Makoto has mastered the protagonist’s exclusive [mouth shield invincibility] aura... ?

Ever since that day when I instilled some abnormal knowledge into Eiji Shinzuma and Uncle Tintin, such as "Heroes are not necessarily partners of justice" and "Those who are classified as evil by humans can also be heroes", the two of them have never been together again. Doubtful, I began to devote all my energy to the comic manuscript!

Whether they have doubts or are troubled, after the heroic spirits appear one after another, the brains of Eiji Shinzuma and Uncle Tintin have been completely occupied by the various characters and plots of the heroic spirits, and they no longer have the thought and time to read them one by one as before. Asking a certain middle school cartoonist...

The only idea in my mind is to complete the comic draft as soon as possible!

Eiji Niizuma is responsible for the combat-related parts of the comic, while Uncle Tintin serves as an assistant to help complete the comic manuscript provided by Makoto Takahashi... Of course, this does not mean that the self-proclaimed world god of the comic "Fate" Makoto Takahashi would be like an overseer supervising the work of slaves, holding a whip and shouting at the side but not working!

Rather... quite the opposite!

"That's right, that's it..." Makoto Takahashi, who was also leaning on the table, quickly completed the manga manuscript. Although his face became a little ugly due to long hours of work, no matter the smile on his face , or words of unknown meaning came out of his mouth... At this moment, Takahashi Makoto seemed to be exuding an aura called [Hot Blood], "Keep the fighting spirit and consciousness now... Humph, here With the blessing of this state, we will no longer have any opponents ahead! Hahahahaha..."

"Oh, the video provided by Phoenix Academy teacher... is really valuable for reference!" Although he said that he wanted to complete the manga manuscript as soon as possible, Eiji Niizuma was much more leisurely than Uncle Tintin... at least as Tintin. While the uncle was lying hard on the table, carefully adding background or drawing lines to the completed manga manuscript, Eiji Niizuma still had the thought to take out his tablet, observing and commenting, "Oh! This move is super cool! No! Thinking that in reality, the Phoenix Academy teacher can actually do this kind of action... Yeah, it's full of reference value!"

Listening to Eiji Niizuma's emotion, coupled with some of the battle scenes he had witnessed before, Uncle Tintin knew without taking a peek what Eiji Niizuma was looking at!

But compared to this...

"...I mean, cartoonists, are they all monsters?" Looking at Eiji Shinzuma putting down his tablet from time to time, yelling strangely as he quickly completed the manga draft, and then looking at Makoto Takahashi who was clearly bursting into [Microcosm] over there, Uncle Tintin complained in a low voice with some helplessness, "I draw the comic manuscripts one by one, as if I'm desperate... Speaking of which, Yoshida-kun didn't hurry up, is it necessary to rush the manuscript so hard? And I'm the only one responsible for this. Part of it, no matter how you look at it, it’s enough for a month of serialization, right?”

"Dingdingji-san, at this time...how can you stop?"

"Yes, yes, at this time, we absolutely cannot stop!"

"This is the love for comics..."

"This is a fair statement..."

"So, Tintin Gisang/Gisang, are you planning to betray us?"

It is rare that after Uncle Tintin opened his mouth to complain, he was also angrily criticized by Takahashi Makoto and his new wife Eiji at the same time...

"That's a long way to go! Don't put a normal person like me into your monster camp without permission!" Uncle Tintin raised his head and glared at his new wife Eiji and Takahashi Makoto with a black line on his face, complaining with a ruthless mouth... No, it should be He used [an uncle-like caring approach] to comfort him, "Are you planning to spend the rest of your life just to complete the manga manuscript? Give me a good rest! If you let me go because of such an extreme approach, Your body can't bear it, so you have to take a rest and the comics have to stop publishing... Then not only does it make no sense for you to do it now, but from the perspective of the result, it is simply putting the cart before the horse and bringing the blame on yourself!"

Regardless of the new wife Eiji or Takahashi Makoto, after hearing Uncle Tintin's arrogant words of comfort, the two of them stopped the painting brushes in their hands at the same time, and started to exchange information while looking at each other... In other words, this should have been very... It was a normal thing, but looking at the two people's reactions, Uncle Ding Ding felt a little creepy!

"Uh... that... I said..." After seeing such a scene, Uncle Ding Ding seemed to be startled by the effect of his [Mouth Shield]. After being stunned, he involuntarily lowered his volume and continued to speak, "After all, judging from the number of manga manuscripts completed so far, Yoshida-kun will definitely be shocked... So, I say it's almost... that's enough, right!?"

"Tintingji-san said this..." Makoto Takahashi raised his arm slightly and shook it, staring at his new wife Eiji with burning eyes, "King of Black Flame, what do you think?"

"Yes, it is indeed a blessing to have been drawing manga manuscripts for such a long time..." Eiji Shinzuma stretched his arms like Takahashi Makoto, and stared at Takahashi Makoto with warlike eyes, " But I said reluctantly..."

"Yes, I feel the same way!" Makoto Takahashi put new manuscript paper on the table and picked up the brush again. "It is rare to encounter such an occasion. If there is no winner... the god of this world You must also dislike us, right?”

"So Mr. Hououin..." Nizuma Eiji also sat back on the chair in a weird posture again, picked up the paintbrush and issued a war declaration to Takahashi Makoto, "Let's continue the duel of victory and defeat!"

In order to complete the battle scene in the comic as soon as possible, Nizuma Eiji ignored his physical fatigue and entered the [hot-blooded and belligerent] mode again...

In order to cooperate with Nizuma Eiji to complete the battle scene, Takahashi Makoto also began to complete the rest of the plot in the comic as desperately as if he was desperate, and once again opened the [burning blood] state...

Is it a competition of completing the comic speed?

Or is it a competition of completing the number of comics?

No... neither!

This is a contest of wills!

This is a collision of consciousness!

After all, physical fatigue...

But it can't restrain Takahashi Makoto and Nizuma Eiji, which comes from the obsession with [victory] deep in their souls!

"...After getting too excited, even non-human monsters are just idiots after all!" The ignored mortal Uncle Ding Ding looked at the two monster cartoonists who were competing again, and snorted coldly, "Hmph! Whether it's Nizuma-kun or Acheng, both guys are idiots, right?!"

Three days later, Yoshida, the editor-in-chief who came to Takahashi Makoto's house to collect the comics, saw Takahashi Makoto and Nizuma Eiji lying on the table like corpses, and his face was immediately black!

"Are these two guys... idiots?"

After asking Uncle Ding Ding and figuring out the whole story, a certain editor-in-chief from the weekly magazine left such a comment and left quickly with a large number of comics...

Ahem, a certain cat has been lying in the hospital for a while

It's just a cough and a cold, but it took so long to delay it. It's because I haven't adapted to the human body yet!

Sorry, dear readers, a certain cat has only updated now after recovering, and I've kept you waiting for a long time!

PS: Please take care of your health! Recently, I have been suffering from a cold. Although my family is urging me to get married, I still cannot accept the cold and cough!

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