A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 664 It’s all Takahashi Makoto’s fault? ? ?

It’s the season when cherry blossoms are scattered again, but unfortunately, the crowds coming and going on the street do not have free time to stop and watch the cherry blossoms. If you carefully observe the pedestrians on the street, you will notice that there are many people walking at a pace. Gradually switch from the original [Speed ​​Mode] to [Flying Mode]... After all, now, it's time to go to work normally every week!

"The speed at which the cherry blossoms fall..." Compared to the passers-by hurriedly walking on the street, the editor-in-chief of a certain weekly magazine, holding a briefcase in one hand, actually had the time to observe the speed at which the cherry blossoms fell. "Tsk, from the daily scenes of just cherry blossoms falling, You can get the inspiration for creating comics... Although you usually have a very bad character and you are still in the late stage of chuunibyou... But you have to admit that Acheng's talent in comics is really amazing! "

Logically speaking, it's normal time, but you're still wandering on the street... Yoshida-kun, if it were another ordinary company, maybe you would have been fired long ago! ?

Of course, the reason why Yoshida dared to do such arrogant and outrageous behavior was not because he had the status of [son of XX] or [relative of ZZ], which would become invalid and cause trouble once used, but because he obtained the title of Weekly Special permission from the editor-in-chief of The Bottle!

Because Yoshida... is the editor-in-chief of Makoto Takahashi and Little Sea Otter!

Let’s not talk about the various evil tastes of a certain second-level cartoonist, who will come up with some things that even the editor-in-chief of Bottle finds a headache from time to time...

You must know that Little Sea Otter, who is currently serializing the comic "Hunter" in a weekly magazine, is a well-known "Uncle Problem" in the industry. Even after marrying Miss Cang Shuhong, who is also a cartoonist, he still has the same relationship as before. The character in the "Dream Eater" comics is the same. From time to time, he embarks on an escape journey because he doesn't want to complete the comic manuscript...

To be honest, although he is the editor-in-chief of two cartoonists, since the comic "Hunter" began to be serialized, Yoshida has spent almost 80% of his time on actions such as "catching baby sea otters" or "persuading baby sea otters" superior!

For this reason, Uncle Bottle, who is the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Shounen Jumk", deliberately and considerately gave Yoshida a [legal excuse] not to go to work on time, so that Yoshida, the miserable editor-in-chief, would no longer be bound by working hours. Can better and more effectively carry out encirclement and interception operations against small sea otters...

Of course, according to the world setting where obligations and rights are equal, editor-in-chief Yoshida does not have to commute to and from get off work on time, and does not have to be like other editors who have to rush back and forth between cartoonists and the company all day long. , the premise of everything is... to ensure that Little Sea Otter can provide comic manuscripts on time and in quantity every week!

By the way, the so-called [can] is only temporary. This does not mean that Yoshida-kun can let himself go from now on and no longer need to report to the editorial base camp... After all, as a qualified editor, at least every week You have to escort the comic manuscripts collected from the cartoonists back to the editorial base, right?

"It's getting harder and harder to find the place where Saimaru-kun is hiding..." Yoshida, who had already arrived at the door of the editor's base camp, frowned and muttered in a low voice, "Hey! If it wasn't for that guy Acheng who was behind With Heimaru-kun's intelligence, it's impossible to instigate and manipulate to this extent! Sure enough, it's all Cheng's fault!"

Yoshida kept complaining about Takahashi Makoto with great resentment, and did not stop until he came to his office area. Therefore, Yoshida did not notice that at this moment, two colleagues at the editor's headquarters were filled with resentment... No, it should be said that they were full of resentment. A murderous look in his eyes!

"Hattori, Yujiro... and Yoshida! The editor is looking for you!" Editor Aida, who was about to turn into a [Human Kirby Beast], stood by the door and shouted... If you look carefully, you can find that Editor Aida's expression at this moment is not the same. Not very unfriendly! "Yoshida, hurry up!"

Ah? Aida-san's tone... is deliberately aimed at me! ?

Looking at the two colleagues beside him who were clearing the table slowly, Yoshida had some doubts on his face... After all, Aangda was urging him by name just now!

"Let's go, Yoshida-san!" Yujiro urged with a smile on his face, and slapped Yoshida's shoulder hard with his hand...

"I'm just waiting for you, Yoshida-kun!" Although Editor Hattori didn't do anything hostile like Yujiro, the tone of his words was definitely not friendly!

"Is it my imagination?" Yoshida, who had a [black question mark.JPG] expression on his face, looked at the two colleagues sandwiching him on the left and right in confusion, frowned, and couldn't help but ask, "I always feel like whether it's Aida-san or you guys, they all seem to be targeting me specifically today..."

"Hmph!" Yujiro snorted coldly, and did not reply to the confused Yoshida, but quickly walked towards the editor-in-chief of the bottle...

"In short..." The relatively stable editor Hattori did not explain anything to Yoshida. He just patted Yoshida's shoulder lightly and said with some melancholy, "Yoshida-kun, please take care of yourself!"

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?" Looking at the weird behavior of his two colleagues, Yoshida suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart...

According to the rules Yoshida has figured out over the years, whenever he feels uneasy or has a bad premonition, it means that a cartoonist he is responsible for has done something or caused some trouble... Usually, if it is not a certain chuuni cartoonist, then it must be that the little otter has run away without a manuscript!

However, don't forget that Yoshida came to the editorial headquarters today after catching the little otter... So Yoshida is sure and certain that it is definitely a certain chuuni cartoonist who is causing trouble!

After listening to the whole story told by the editor-in-chief Pingzi and receiving the [common criticism and education from the leader], Yoshida finally understood why the three colleagues were targeting him…

“Huh? Editor-in-chief, did I hear it right?!” Yoshida looked at the editor-in-chief with an unbelievable look on his face, and then immediately turned to look at his two colleagues, and asked the two responsible editors for confirmation, “You mean… because of the instigation of Ah Cheng, several cartoonists who were serializing went on a collective trip, and then there was a shortage of cartoons scheduled for the next issue of the weekly magazine!?”

“The situation is basically like this…” Editor-in-chief Pingzi said the classic saying with Colonel Chu. Although he did not have the momentum of Colonel Chu’s [incomprehensible to mortal wisdom], the gloomy and ugly face of Editor-in-chief Pingzi still made the three responsible editors present feel more pressured!

“Hey, hey, hey, stop joking!” At this point, although Yoshida had already believed it in his heart, human beings, because of their fluke, always couldn’t help but do something called [dying struggle]! "Although I know that Cheng is quite influential among the younger generation of cartoonists, but instigating cartoonists to collectively suspend publication... that... today is not April Fool's Day..."

"Well, today is not April Fool's Day!" Editor Hattori nodded in agreement, looked at Yoshida expressionlessly, and said earnestly, "So Yoshida-kun, you should just accept reality!"

"Tsk! I knew it when I had a bad feeling just now..." Faced with the desperate and cruel facts, Yoshida finally gave up struggling and resisting, and then... then, as if he swore to resent and curse everything before his death, he made a trembling wail in front of Editor-in-Chief Pingzi and his two colleagues, "Everything... is really Cheng's fault!!!"

Today is a bit special. You can't believe anything others say, including the girl who suddenly called to talk about marriage.

Tsk, believe it or not, this is the problem~ I am tangled and crazy.

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