A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 676: Partner of Justice, Part Two (The One Who Loves the Whole World

Partner · Part 2 (The man who loves the whole world)

To become a [partner of justice], you must first meet one requirement...

Love this world more than anyone else!

Be it a magician killer, or someone who does whatever it takes to achieve his goal, or even an idealism that is not understood by the world...On the surface, Emiya Kiritsugu can be called the [world destroyer], like a god of death with a [disaster aura], and wherever he goes, there is often killing and death!

But in fact, the man named Emiya Kiritsugu deeply loves the whole world, and loves this cruel and realistic world full of magicians and aliens more than anyone else!

Perhaps the love for the world...in this world dominated by abnormal people, perhaps no one can compare to Emiya Kiritsugu?

When he was young, Emiya Kiritsugu loved this world passionately and sincerely!

Kiritsugu Emiya knows what magic is, and he also knows that the goal of a magician is to reach the [root]. He also knows that his father is doing some secret research... But Kiritsugu Emiya always holds the idea that [the progress of human research is for the sake of humanity]. He does not know what terrible consequences his father's research will cause, nor does he know what kind of disaster the progress of magicians will bring to humanity, and he does not know that the development of magic will lead humanity into hell!

Until that day...

He witnessed his childhood sweetheart who had always taken care of him turn into a bloodthirsty monster and longed for him to end his life!

The red lotus flames burned everything, and the cold iron cross brought the breath of death!

The residents on the island were knocked down one after another, turned into dead disciples, and then bit and devoured each other, and finally turned into corpses...

The tragedy on the island had a strong impact on the young Kiritsugu Emiya... It was because he did not kill Xia Lei that the island became a purgatory on earth!

At this time, Natalia, a magician hunter wearing a windbreaker, holding two guns, with silver hair and blue eyes, saved Emiya Kiritsugu who was almost killed by the dead villagers!

Natalia, who does not belong to the Magic Association, is an impeccable woman no matter where she is. Her style has always been to go alone, snatch the prey before the association's exclusive executor, and then resell it at a high price... Although Natalia has always maintained this evil style of behavior, it is precisely because of this way of survival that Natalia will not become the type of "partner of justice" that will be targeted by the villains first!

Of course, this does not mean that Natalia has been blinded by money and has completely lost her humanity!

First knock down others ruthlessly, and then help others with an indifferent attitude... It is this kind of decisive killing but with a hint of humanity that may make the rescued Emiya Kiritsugu trust her! ?

If Xia Lei had been killed at the beginning, then the following things would not have happened, and the originally peaceful island would not have turned into hell... After talking with Natalia, the boy named Emiya Kiritsugu's heart had already begun to twist!

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely stop Emiya Kiritsugu from thinking that "killing one person can save more people" at this moment, or try to correct it... But unfortunately, the person Emiya Kiritsugu met at this time was Natalia, who acted in a style that was both good and evil!

So, after feeling Emiya Kiritsugu's awakening, Natalia did not stop Emiya Kiritsugu, but instead guided him to kill his biological father, Emiya Norikata, according to Emiya Kiritsugu's wishes!

If you want world peace, you can only kill all possible sources of disasters and wars; if you want to be the terminator of all struggles in the world, then kill all existences that hinder the realization of justice... When Emiya Kiritsugu killed his father Emiya Norikata, he had such an idea!

But despite this, Kiritsugu Emiya still loves this world full of malice towards him...

If his father's death gave Kiritsugu Emiya the concept of "partner of justice", then... in the following time with Natalia, it provided Kiritsugu Emiya with the fighting power and execution power to realize his own concept!

Although Natalia took in Kiritsugu Emiya who had nowhere to go, it was not for the purpose of raising him, but to treat Kiritsugu Emiya as an assistant, taking Kiritsugu around the world with him, wiping out and slaughtering those magicians who deviated from the track... This not only made Kiritsugu Emiya firm in his own concept in his actions again and again, but also made Kiritsugu Emiya gradually master extraordinary combat ability!

"...So, Mr. Hououin Kyouma, are you telling me all this to whitewash Kiritsugu Emiya?" As Makoto Takahashi gradually added to Kiritsugu Emiya's past, Eiji Nizuma said calmly, "But in my opinion, Kiritsugu-sama cannot be considered a villain..."

"No, it's not whitewashing, King of Black Flame!" Makoto Takahashi pushed the finished drawing of [Kiritsugu Emiya carrying a bazooka and shooting down a plane] in front of Eiji Nizuma while speaking, shook his aching arms, and said with a somewhat melancholy tone, "I just think that for someone like Kiritsugu Emiya who has a firm belief and keeps moving forward... it would be too superficial to hastily judge his goodness or evil based on the setting in the comics!"

"Yeah, that's true!" Niizuma Eiji looked at the comic book on the table [Emiya Kiritsugu kneeling on the ground and crying loudly], and felt a little depressed inexplicably. After a long sigh, he immediately changed the subject! "But Mr. Hououin Kyouma, the plot you added later..."

Should I say it was unexpected, or should I say... expected! ?

When he was young, Emiya Kiritsugu did not kill Xia Lei, which led to the destruction of the entire island... and when faced with a nearly identical situation again, Emiya Kiritsugu chose to kill Natalia!

The future is indeed a repetition of history... but the human named Emiya Kiritsugu made two opposite choices!

No, maybe it looks the same to others... but for Emiya Kiritsugu, the result is the same, right?

Because he chose to give in and did not kill Xia Lei, which brought disaster to the entire human race on the island, Kiritsugu Emiya eventually buried his father with his own hands in order to avoid the tragedy from happening again; in order to avoid more deaths, Kiritsugu Emiya resolutely chose to kill and personally killed his mentor Natalia, who was like his adoptive mother...

"I always feel that you, Mr. Hououin Kyouma, are too cruel to Mr. Kiritsugu!" After Nizuma Eiji sorted out the comic manuscripts and piled them up, he sat cross-legged on the chair opposite Takahashi Makoto, "Although the turning point of the plot setting is very interesting... But I feel a little distressed about what happened to Mr. Kiritsugu!"

"Distressed? Hehe... King of Black Flame, it seems that you still understand [Kiritsugu Emiya's love for the world] too superficially!" It is a rare opportunity to give Eiji Nizuma [spiritual counseling] and get [pleasure] from him. Makoto Takahashi said that his current state is already superb! "It is not wrong to want to end all the fights in the world... Even though he has been betrayed time and time again by this world and tortured by fate with pain that ordinary people cannot bear, Emiya Kiritsugu still adheres to the concept of [Partner of Justice] and keeps moving forward with [love] for the world!"

"Is this... [love]?" Niizuma Eiji expressed some incomprehension...

"Isn't this [love]?" Takahashi Makoto was a little emotional at this moment... as if he was not talking about Emiya Kiritsugu but himself! "If it's not because of the [love] for the world, then Black Flame King, tell me, what kind of existence... can support Emiya Kiritsugu to keep moving forward despite everything?"

"Is it the belief of wanting to become a [partner of justice]? Is it the ideal of [hoping for world peace]?"

"No, none of them... but [love]!"

The aura exuded by Takahashi Makoto at this moment was like the arrival of the true body of the devil, causing Niizuma Eiji to stand up and step back involuntarily... Well, the actual situation is that Niizuma Eiji felt that the emotions of a certain chuuni cartoonist were too excited at the moment, and standing up and stepping back was just to ensure his own safety, that's all!

"Supporting Emiya Kiritsugu to move forward, or even supporting Emiya Kiritsugu's survival..."

"It is the deep [love] in my heart for this world!"

It is precisely because of the deep love for this world that Emiya Kiritsugu...

will become a [partner of justice]!

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