A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 693 Any man would feel resentful and run away...

Chapter 693: Even a man would be angry and angry.

Looking at a middle-level cartoonist who kept yawning while drawing manga manuscripts, Yoshida, who was observing silently, couldn't help but frown. After scanning the table with a large number of manga manuscripts, he opened and closed his mouth several times. , in the end, he didn’t say anything...

At this time...should I accuse a middle-grade cartoonist of not caring about his body in order to complete the cartoon manuscript?

In the past, Yoshida would indeed have said this, and would have scolded a certain middle-class cartoonist like this... However, when I think about what Takahashi Makoto is completing at the moment, it will be the last comic of a certain middle-class cartoonist's career. After finishing the draft, the words I originally wanted to reprimand were stuck in my throat and I couldn’t say them out no matter what!

How to put it... If you want to talk about the reason, maybe you can understand it just by listing some common things in life, right?

Because I am still a child, even when I make mistakes or even commit crimes, I can still be forgiven...

Because I am already an octogenarian, I cannot blame or scold me even when I violate my moral bottom line...

Because I am poor, I can still gain sympathy even if I commit crimes of robbery and murder...

Because he is a weak person, no matter how cruel he does, he can still be forgiven...

The behavior of a certain middle-class cartoonist does not seem to be as excessive as the above, but in terms of results, isn't the submission and indulgence of a certain editor-in-chief Yoshida the same as those mentioned before?

Because this will be the last comic strip by a certain middle-class cartoonist, so as long as a certain middle-class cartoonist does not go too far and uses too exaggerated methods... As the editor-in-chief of the weekly, Yoshida represents the weekly You can forgive all the actions of a middle-class cartoonist!

Even like this... the behavior of [staying up late to catch up on manuscripts] has been banned many times by Yoshida!

So, you understand why Yoshida couldn’t speak a few times!

In a sense, Yoshida, the editor-in-chief of a certain weekly magazine, had an indulgent attitude toward a middle-class cartoonist, which was actually a completely different kind of "moral kidnapping"!

"My beloved cat, the way you look like you want to talk but are unwilling to say anything... really makes me unhappy!" Makoto Takahashi, who was drawing a manga manuscript, did not raise his head, but It seems that he can spy on Yoshida's every move, "Although I don't require you to speak out like a certain ninja who eventually became [Kage]... But I can guarantee that if My Familiar Cat you don't give me a reasonable explanation If so, I will definitely kill you later!”

"A Cheng, the cartoon manuscript you completed when you were mentally deficient..." A certain editor with a strong desire for survival carefully observed the expression on the face of a middle-grade cartoonist. Once he found something wrong, Yoshida Shut up immediately... Even in such a tense state, a certain editor-in-chief Yoshida is still fulfilling his duties as an editor-in-chief! "Uh... Of course, I'm not worried that Cheng's current state will affect the completion of the comic manuscript. I just feel that... since Cheng, you have decided that this will be your last serialized comic, then... There’s no need to work so hard to finish the manga, right?”

"My beloved cat, do you think I want to do this?" After listening to Yoshida's words, Takahashi Makoto suddenly stopped waving his brush and raised his head to look at Yoshida... The resentment on the face of a certain middle school cartoonist The full expression simply refreshed the outlook of the editor-in-chief of a certain weekly magazine! "Thirty-seven times...thirty-seven times, Hundan!"

"Thirty-seven times... what the hell is that?" I don't know why, when hearing such a feeble complaint from a middle-class cartoonist, the editor-in-chief of a certain weekly suddenly felt a secret feeling... even though he was unconsciously Zhong began to understand the true meaning of [pleasure], but at this time, Yoshida still tried his best to hide it! Trying hard to maintain a look of surprise and curiosity on his face, the editor-in-chief of a certain weekly magazine asked, "I'm talking about Acheng, what we were just talking about was your manuscript..."

"My beloved cat...I said the same thing, Hundan!" Makoto Takahashi suddenly seemed to be going crazy, slapping the table with both hands and roaring at Yoshida with gritted teeth! "The King of Black Flame has such a weak soul! In order to see the content of the next chapter, he called me more than thirty times last night to urge me! Even turning off the phone is useless! That idiot is actually in the big hall He ran outside my castle in the middle of the night and kept provoking and knocking on the door!"


Based on what was described by a middle-class cartoonist, Yoshida recreated the entire process in his mind, and then... the corner of a certain editor's mouth began to twitch violently!

"And the most important thing is, last night, when I finally convinced the witch and prepared to make reasonable use of the voice actor's advantages and unlock new poses with the updated gameplay..." A certain middle-level cartoonist who became more and more angry as he spoke, slapped her hard again. When he got off the table, he let out an earth-shattering roar! "If it hadn't been for the witch's comfort and entanglement last night... Humph! I would have definitely chopped that guy, the King of Black Flames, into minced meat, Hun Dan!"

"I see……"

Now Yoshida finally understands why Eiji, the new wife who had made an agreement with him before to come to a certain Chuni manga home to observe comics, decisively refused and hung up the phone immediately when he received his invitation today!

But having said that...

Since you, Makoto Takahashi, now [hate] Eiji Niizuma so much, why did you stay up all night to finish the comic?

Could this be... the legendary [saying no but being honest] Tsundere...

"Hey, hey, hey, my cat, the look in your eyes now... do you want me to send you directly to Enma Ai?" Makoto Takahashi, who noticed that Yoshida was about to complain about his [tsundere] in his eyes, threatened him fiercely, and then showed a nearly broken smile on his face, "The bastard of the Black Flame King... want to read the comics, right? Want to know the subsequent plot, right? In that case, then be prepared to be crushed into slag! Hahahahaha..."


Being able to crush a certain chuunibaku manga artist who has always only played others badly... In a sense, Eiji Niizuma seems to have achieved a very remarkable achievement!

However, when it comes to comics... Yoshida is quite skeptical about the statement of a certain chuunibaku manga artist that [this comic can crush Eiji Niizuma into slag]!

Because Yoshida has already read the first episode, the level of this manga called "Steins;Gate"... let alone being compared with the currently popular "Fate" series, even if it is placed on the weekly magazine, it can only be regarded as an average work at best!

"My beloved cat, your suspicious eyes... I have already felt it!" Although Takahashi Makoto is in a slightly bad state at this moment due to anger and insomnia, this does not mean that a certain chuuni cartoonist has lost the ability to observe micro-expressions at the level of "mind reading"! "Before you see that key plot, you know nothing about the true meaning of this manga!"

"... In other words, the key content of this manga is in the second or third episode?" Ignoring the mocking tone of a certain chuuni cartoonist, looking at the other party's confident attitude, Yoshida subconsciously said, "Sure enough, it's just as Mr. Nizuma Eiji expected... uh... bad!"

Mentioning Nizuma Eiji at this time is like adding fuel to the fire for a certain chuuni cartoonist!

"My beloved cat, you... commit seppuku 10,000 times to apologize!"

Sure enough, Yoshida, you stepped on the minefield again!

Well, actually, a certain cat was forced to eat cat food by Pikachu and Satoshi yesterday.

I'm not recommending the movie

Especially when Pikachu said [tell] [white], a certain cat burst into tears and knelt down

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