Chapter 216

Feng Qi and the others were still resting, and Cheng Lin began to search this area.

The ability to give birth to an intermediate battle spirit indicates that this place had a powerful cultivator that fell in that battle.

“It’s very close to the sea. It may be a powerful practitioner who escaped during the battle. He ran here but failed to escape after all. Instead, he died in this woods.”

Cheng Lin guessed the origin of the battle spirit in his heart, but he kept his hands and feet.

Buried in the soil where the battle spirit was born is a mostly complete human bone. It is bright and clean, and it has not decayed for hundreds of years. It is the most complete bone that their team has encountered so far.

Cheng Lin carefully placed it in a plastic bag, then sealed it, patted the bones, and felt that the bones could be used to exchange a lot of Contribution Points.

“This bone is really useless to me, but those experts and scholars are eager, and it is difficult to say that the converted Contribution Points are higher than the damaged Magical Item.”

Cheng Lin thought, turned over again, and saw that there was a broken fan beside the pile of scattered bones. The fan turned out to be flaming red. It was closed, picked up, and unfolded with a hula. The fan surface had been broken with several large holes. Especially in the middle, it seemed that it was penetrated by the sword, and the fan bones also had dense cracks.

“This cultivator was most likely killed by the sword formation.”

Cheng Lin tentatively injected a hint of Spiritual Qi into it, and a faint light on the fan surface suddenly lit up, and he tentatively fanned it down.


A flame appeared abruptly, and this fan could even breathe fire. It was similar to the iron fan princess in Journey to the West. Of course, the appearance was quite different. It was a banana fan, and he was a scholar’s folding fan.

Looking at the luster… this turned out to be a high-level spiritual weapon, and the damage did not seem to be that great.

Cheng Lin’s heart moved, and suddenly there was some hidden thoughts, but it was a pity that Feng Qi and the others were watching, but shook his head regretfully. After all, it is not convenient to form a team, or it is better to act on his own.

Put the fan in your pocket and the big pocket is already full.

“How is everyone?” Cheng Lin asked.

Feng Qi shook their heads and smiled bitterly: “The injury is not serious, mainly because I didn’t expect this ghost to be so powerful, especially mental attacks are difficult to guard against. We have a lot of Spiritual Qi consumption. We need to adjust our breath and recuperate here for a while, um, probably It takes tens of minutes.”

Cheng Lin nodded when he heard the words, and said, “The backpack is also full. Let me send my things back to the boat first. If I come back late, you should explore first.”

Feng Qi wanted to shake his head, saying that this was too dangerous, but he watched Cheng Lin’s appearance after a battle without breathing, and immediately swallowed the admonition back, nodded and said, “That’s fine, but be careful.”

“Don’t worry, the way back is cleared, it’s safe.” Cheng Lin smiled, and then put the huge cloth pocket on his shoulders, waved his hand, and left the woods and returned on the same path.

Feng Qi and the others watched Cheng Lin leave with their pockets on their backs, and couldn’t help but admire eyes reveal. They stopped thinking about it, and instead concentrated on closing their eyes and meditating to recover.

Waiting for a sufficient distance from the woods, Cheng Lin suddenly turned and changed directions.

“It will take a while for Feng Qi and the others to recover, so it’s better to take the opportunity to brush a few monsters individually.”

Cheng Lin’s eyes flickered, thinking about it.

Following them, Cheng Lin really couldn’t find the opportunity to hide Magical Item privately. What kind of business, he finally found an opportunity to come out, naturally he needed to accumulate some treasures for himself.

Choosing a direction, Cheng Lin took a big step and started to fly. The island is huge. He doesn’t worry about meeting people. He just goes to remote places all the way. When he encounters the battle spirit, he estimates his strength, chooses to brush or avoid, no For the purpose of killing, the main thing is to pick up things.

“This pendant is not bad, it should be an intermediate spirit weapon.”

“Hey, this hammer is well preserved and can be taken away.”

“This teapot is not badly damaged, take it away.”

“This bracelet is not round at all. It’s not round.”

Cheng Lin picked up things all the way, and all the Magical Items he fancyed were placed in the initial space. Anyway, the place was too big. I was not afraid to fit it. The more he picked it up, the happier he became. He unknowingly went deep into the island. Suddenly heard voices coming from the front.

When I looked up, I saw five small lapels coming out of the woods in front.

Cheng Lin was a little surprised. He looked at the sign of the other party’s clothes. Well, it was Liusi’s small lapel, and he didn’t recognize it.

The five people on the opposite side were also taken aback.

I didn’t expect to see a comrade Yousi carrying a huge backpack just after leaving the woods.

Both sides were startled, the group of small lapels couldn’t help but feel a little surprised. They glanced at the huge backpack on Cheng Lin’s back a few more times, thinking what’s the matter with this brother?

Single action?

Saved so much?

Yes, it’s not easy.

Cheng Lin would be wrong, blinked, and subconsciously shielded his big pockets, and glared at them: “What do you look at? Haven’t seen anyone pick up the tatters?”

Several people in Liusi were speechless.

Exploring the projection well, why did you say that you are picking up tatters?

Also, what do you mean by your little defensive eyes?

How can we still grab you?

“This little brother, you can send it back to the boat as soon as it is full, and what about your teammates? It’s better not to act alone, because it is prone to danger.” A little lapel kindly persuaded.

Cheng Lin was slightly surprised: “Danger? You mean?”

“Rogue Cultivators,” said the six-legged lapel, and said, “You don’t know yet, the latest news.”

It has been confirmed that an illegal Rogue Cultivators group has sneaked into the island. It is very likely to be related to the people in the previous Rogue Cultivators murders, perhaps a group of people.

They are also vying with us for supplies, and the people who will attack us robbed us. There had been fighting before, and our brother was injured. ”

Is there such a thing?

Really illegal Rogue Cultivators sneaked into the island?

Still fighting against the formal lapel?

Cheng Lin was a little surprised, and his expression became more serious, and said, “Thank you for your reminder.”


When the other party finished speaking, they left together.

Cheng Lin stood there, looked at the time, and decided not to delay anymore. First, send the supplies back to the ship. It’s just that when the thought came up, he suddenly had a cold war subconsciously. Something was watching him in secret.

Turning on the wide-area vision, the angle of view was extended, and the dense fog spreads tens of meters around him. Without looking back, Cheng Lin observed it with a 360-degree angle of view, and found nothing.

I changed my misty eyes and pretended to glance around inadvertently. This time I finally found out. Within the misty eyes’ vision, there was a light and shadow in the dense woods not far away. It was very fuzzy. The other party seemed to be Hidden breath deliberately.

Cheng Lin immediately shuddered, the muscles in his clothes tense.


Who is staring at him in secret?

The formal lapel is obstructed by the rules and won’t attack the people of other divisions, and the battle spirit is impossible. It seems that there is only one possibility left.

“Illegal Rogue Cultivators? Did they stare at me? No, maybe this person was following those six small lapels before, but he didn’t find a chance. After seeing me, he thought my single-player action was easier to deal with, so he moved The goal.”

Cheng Lin calmed himself down and made a judgment in his heart.

“The one who dares to follow the five small lapel, the lowest is the second rank cultivator, or even higher, but since there is no interception, it should not be too high, since it is staring at me, it is not easy to get rid of it, but even if you fight against me You don’t necessarily lose.”

Cheng Lin took a deep breath, pretending to be unaware, and deliberately stretched out to sell the flaws, but unfortunately the other party did not make a move. He thought about it, carried his big pocket, and started to rush to the beach at a normal pace. Locking the opponent with the corner of his eye, the person really followed, but he has not revealed his signs.

Cheng Lin is relaxed on the surface, but his heart is tense. This is the first time he faces life and death enemies in reality. It is because he is confident enough and still very nervous. Illegal Rogue Cultivators are different from others. Cheng Lin didn’t dare to kill himself.

After walking for about five minutes, the person seemed to feel that the neighborhood was safe enough, and his breath began to become obvious.

Cheng Lin stopped decisively and gently removed the big pocket, as if he was tired from walking and wanted to rest, but after he removed the pocket, he slowly pulled out the spirit soldier made of the bat teeth allocated before the investigation by the bureau. The knife that has been bladed is officially called “bat knife”.

It happened that the wind was blowing, and the surrounding trees rustled.

Cheng Lin’s hair was slightly chaotic, but his eyes were not waved. He clenched the bat knife and secretly turned on “wide vision” and “body control”, and said in a calm and determined voice: “Come out, after so long, it should be Come out to meet up.”

As soon as his clear voice fell, someone walked out of the woods behind him.

A gloomy Killing intent permeated, and the salty sea breeze was like the breath of blood.

The person walked in slowly, chuckled, and stepped into the range of wide-area visual perception.

As a result, Cheng Lin Binghan’s face suddenly became astonished.

He turned around, his face darkened, looked at the little figure behind him, gritted his teeth and said: “Xiaocao? Why are you?”

Caowei, who was wearing a black dress and a rabbit headband, sneered, because she was sneaking in the woods, her dress was ripped a lot by branches, her clothes were ragged, her face and hands were muddy, and there were leaves of grass in her hair, embarrassed. Unexpectedly, with a torn pocket in his hand, he looked over suddenly, as if he was a poor homeless out-of-school scavenger.

But Cao Wei didn’t know it, and sneered with her arms akimbo, “Hahaha, Cheng Lin, but let me catch you again, come on, count the old grudges and the old grudges together, today, no one can save you!”

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