This is the reader survey voting statistics of Red Maple Literature. As a long-time fan of Red Maple Literature, Ni Na naturally knows this stuff. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

However, although she often buys Hongfeng Literature's journals, she generally doesn't like the trouble and is too lazy to use this voting opportunity. After all, you have to log in to the official website and enter the serial number, which is very troublesome.

Only when she encounters a novel that touches her heartstrings like today, will she do these things.

First, because Ni Na knew that a large part of the indicators for judging the performance of serialized novels in these journals came from the statistics of the number of online votes from these readers. Once the data on a certain serialized novel was low for a long time, and the reader ratings If the offer is too low, the book club will forcibly cut it in half. In order to prevent this situation from happening in the youth journey, one vote is one vote anyway, so she must support it.

Secondly, after all these operations are completed, she can leave a reader comment to "Yuan Qing", the author of Journey of Youth, as a reader.

"Come on sister Yuanqing! Write well. I like this novel and support you."

After doing all this, Ni Na was contented to be temporarily freed from the story of her youth journey, and began to look forward to the arrival of Sunday.

The words of blessing left by a reader to the author were uploaded to the backend of the official website of Red Maple Literature. If Xia Yan logs into the author account given to him by Hongfeng Literature, he will be able to see these readers' comments after entering the backend.

More than ten years ago, the light novel serial publishing house counted these statistics by mailing letters from readers.

But that method is not only slow, but also troublesome. Out of 10,000 readers, it is difficult for a hundred readers to be willing to go to such trouble and spend money to send letters to express their support or negative reviews for a certain work.

But times are developing, and physical book and periodical serialization companies naturally keep pace with the times.

After improving the statistical channels for readers' opinions, as well as the book club's deliberate promotion and guidance, we have created a fan base for the novel and the creator.

Basically, nearly one-fifteenth to one-tenth of the readers who buy the journal will be happy to participate in this kind of voting support behavior. Even if the quality of your novel is really exaggerated, then this proportion will be will follow. It feels like fans are chasing stars.

Therefore, starting from 9 o'clock today on Wednesday morning, the latest issue of "Instant Youth" and "Red Maple" will be released across the province.

In Hongfeng Literary Editorial Department, many editors log in to the backend to check the reader feedback on the novels they are responsible for.

In the public office area of ​​the editorial department, a group of editors gathered together to discuss happily.

Of course, they mainly discussed the novels serialized in the book club's main journal "Red Maple".

Editors of journals with sales of only tens of thousands of copies would not pay much attention to the novels serialized on them.

"Hey, the data for the novel I'm responsible for seems pretty good."

"Alas, it seems that "Black Angel" is likely to be cut in half. The number of readers' votes for the book has been less than 400 for four consecutive weeks, and the reader rating of the novel has dropped to 4.8 points. It's terrible."

"There's nothing we can do if the plot collapses later on. That's what serial novels are like. Nine out of ten of these novels, by the time they are serialized, the plot will be criticized by readers. Only one novel out of ten can maintain a consistent level from beginning to end."

"But the author of "Black Angel" is very hard-working. He has long noticed the decline in the performance of the novel. He has not slept well this month conceiving the plot and trying to restore his reputation. I went to see him last time because of the pressure. He got a nosebleed while writing the manuscript, but in the end, there was nothing he could do. Alas."

"Just working hard is not enough. The bread of novels also depends on talent. After all, "Red Maple" is the top journal of our book club, and readers are also very picky about the novels serialized on it. The quality of the novels has declined slightly. The data reflected is a cliff-like decline. Hey, learn from experience and lessons. Don’t let the author let himself go in the plot next time and sacrifice the heroine to the sky. If he had taken it easy in Chapter 14 of Black Angel, the decline in popularity would not be so serious now.

The editors in the office area were chatting with each other. After all, it was almost time to get off work in the afternoon and there was nothing much to do.

"Wait a minute. Let's take a look at the data of "Snapshot Youth"."

At this time, someone suddenly said.

"What's wrong?"

A group of editors also clicked on the relevant backend data of the "Moment Youth" journal on their computers.

After just a few glances, everyone noticed something was wrong.

"I'm going to .9.2?"

"The first chapter of this journey of youth is rated so highly?"

"Readers who purchased the journal have voted 2,045 votes in support of Journey of Youth in this issue so far. This number of votes is temporarily ranked fourth among the thirteen serialized novels of "Snapshot Youth", but the rating is 9.2. What is this? ghost?"

"There's something! 9.2 rating. Nowadays, novel readers have such picky tastes. How can the first chapter of a newcomer's novel get such a rating?"

"These results are a bit exaggerated. Is this novel going to take off?"

"This is just the first chapter of a serialized novel. It would be great if there are still ratings like this after the novel is finished."

"You can't say that. A good beginning is half the battle!"

"And not only Journey of Youth, but also Yesterday's Starlight, which received 1,233 readers' support votes, ranking seventh among the thirteen novels, and also had a reader rating of 8.1. These two high school student authors, There is something.”

First of all, a new serial novel, especially a serial novel written by a new author, certainly cannot compare to the number of readers and fans of novels that have been serialized for a period of time by old writers.

Therefore, a new novel published in a journal competes with other novels, and in terms of the number of online support votes from readers, it will normally be at the bottom of the same period.

According to the past experience of these editors, the number of readers voting for the first chapter of a new serial novel in "Momentary Beauty" is considered acceptable if it can get two or three hundred votes, and sometimes even less than a hundred votes. It is not to say that there will be such a big gap in the reader base with other novels.

This kind of voting is actually a vote cast by readers for the best serial novel in the journal in their minds, so there may be many readers who like a novel, but as long as it is not the most favorite one, the readers will not vote for this novel.

In order to win the votes of these readers, most people still have to wait for time, and there will be obvious data growth when the plot of their novel unfolds and the exciting plot is described.

But what makes these editors a little confused is.

Whether it is the journey of youth or the starlight of yesterday, the results are very different from the experience they have summarized in the past.

Only half a day after its release, Youth Journey has received more than 2,000 votes from readers among all the novels serialized in the same period of "Moment of Beauty", ranking fourth, while Yesterday's Starlight also received more than 1,000 votes, ranking seventh.

Of course, the final statistical results only count the data within 24 hours of the first day of release, that is, the data as of 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, but basically if this ranking is like this now, there will not be any outrageous fluctuations tomorrow morning.

Moreover, the two novels not only have high votes, but also high reader ratings.

Reader ratings of novels are very objective and fair.

If a novel is rated 9 by 10,000 people, there will not be much difference in ratings when the number of readers increases to 100,000.

The 9.2 points of Youth Journey is an outrageous data.

The readers' ratings of ordinary quality novels serialized in "Moment of Beauty" fluctuate around 7.0. Only excellent novels recognized by readers will have scores above 8.0

As for the scores above 9.0, it means that the vast majority of readers who have really finished reading the novel think it is very good to have such data.

Of course, for now, it is only the first chapter that has a high score. If readers are not satisfied with the subsequent serialized plot, this thing will be suppressed by the journal readers in a minute.

So now the data of the two novels combined is very interesting.

The number of votes for Youth Journey is fourth, and the ranking of ratings is first among the thirteen novels in the same journal.

Yesterday's Starlight is seventh in the number of votes and third in the ranking of ratings.

No wonder Tang Yin dared to say in the previous serialization meeting that the quality of Youth Journey is more than enough to be serialized in "Red Maple".

Yesterday's Starlight was also decided by the editor-in-chief Han Yun to be serialized.

If this result can be maintained, the popularity of the two novels will probably usher in a big increase soon.

The screenwriters in the editorial department are a little restless and begin to envy Tang Yin.

What kind of luck is this? According to the original schedule, it was her turn to be responsible for the on-site review of the novels submitted to the company that day. Just like this, she was able to catch two such good seedlings in one day?

Why can't we meet?

Tang Yin naturally also noticed the first serialization results of Youth Journey and Yesterday's Starlight.

To be honest, forget about the Journey of Youth. She was also optimistic about this novel and had a feeling that the first issue would perform well. Of course, she did not expect it to be so good.

But Yesterday's Starlight also performed so well.

"Nowadays, readers are so receptive to novels where the male protagonist is a black cat? I did not expect it." Tang Yin held her snow-white face with her hands, and a trace of thought flashed through her pupils.

As an editor, she must have thought about how to keep the two high school authors stable.

After all, if the plot collapses later, the data will also collapse quickly.

It is difficult for a novel to perform so well in the first issue of serialization, but it is ten times more difficult to serialize two books to the last issue and still have such results when they are finished.

Thinking of this, she called Xia Yan.

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