A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 116 The story of that day...

Chapter 116 The story of what happened that day.



Xu Lun looked confused.

At this time, Jotaro, who was supposed to be in a vegetative state, suddenly opened his eyes.

It takes a few seconds to react.

Memories came flooding back.

He pressed the brim of his hat and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Give me a moment!"

Xu Lun's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Who can tell me what is going on?"

Jotaro remained silent

Then he looked at Jon.

That probably means - you better do it.

Jon blinked, "This is not the place to talk. Let's go to Emporio's place."

Xu Lun: ( # `д′)

Ten minutes later, 'Ghost House'.

On the sofa, Xu Lun crossed his arms and stared at Jon, "Speak, I'm listening."

Jon laughed a few times, used 'Time Reverse Flow' to heal Xu Lun's injuries, and said cautiously, "Do you still remember that I was a little late during the jail inspection?"

Xu Lun frowned and said impatiently: "Remember, what's wrong?"

"Actually," Jon said a little embarrassedly, "I was chatting with 'Jotaro' at that time."

Xu Lun:? ? ?

She looked at her father.

Jotaro nodded imperceptibly, acknowledging it.

"Have you known each other for a long time?"

Xu Lun scratched his hair irritably.

I sat up in shock when I was dying, the clown was actually me!

It took a long time.

I'm the only one who hasn't read the script, right?

The eldest lady was furious.

The aura instantly became dangerous.

Jon quickly explained, "It's not that we've known each other for a long time, but that we've made friends deliberately."

After pondering for a moment, he said sincerely: "For me, you and Jotaro are indispensable.

You are all my wings! "

Xu Lun:.


Such classic scumbag remarks were thrown out. Even Emporio couldn't bear to listen anymore and sighed: "Brother Jon, this is too bad."

Jon was stunned for a moment.

The blood of the Joestar family is one of the important factors for ascending to "Heaven".

It's just telling the truth, why is it so bad?

"It's just baffling."

He muttered something under his breath.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Afraid that Jon, an off-line guy, would make things more complicated, Jotaro had to stand up, "Xu Lun, this is what happened."

——A few days ago——

Somewhere in Africa.

After finishing his day's work, Jotaro returned to his apartment.

As soon as he entered, he noticed something was wrong.

Reaching out and pressing the brim of his hat, Jotaro silently summoned the 'Platinum Star'.

Unexpectedly, the 'visitor' had no intention of hiding his traces, and took the initiative to greet him, "He's back."

"Who are you?" Jotaro asked expressionlessly.

As he spoke, he controlled the 'Platinum Star' to fly in front of him.

Seeing this, the black-haired young man opposite waved his hands repeatedly, "Calm down, I don't mean any harm."

"Substitute messenger!"

Jotaro's eyes narrowed.

The black-haired young man felt helpless and had no choice but to use his ultimate move, "Jotaro, I'm here for Xu Lun!"


Upon hearing this name, Jotaro's aura faltered.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and introduced himself: "My name is Jon Joestar. I come from another world."

The conversation changed.

"Don't be so nervous, Jotaro, you and I are old acquaintances."

Jotaro said nothing about this.

Because he didn't bother to talk at all.

another world?

Dogs don’t believe it!

He stretched out his hand and pointed forward, "Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"


Time suddenly stopped.


What Jotaro didn't expect was that during the stationary period, the enemy was completely unaffected!

"Grand nephew, this trick is of no use to me now!"

Jon grinned.

Having mastered part of the "time and space" authority, he is almost immune to most time and space abilities, and 'time still' is no exception.

Jotaro calmly controlled the 'Platinum Star' to fight in close quarters.

In an instant, the fist was as fast as light.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

Jon responded with fists as well.

"Eula Ola Ola."

After shouting a few times, he felt uncomfortable.

He decisively changed his words and said: "Nothing, nothing, nothing!"


That's the taste.

Jotaro:? !

It’s really outrageous. My mother opened the door for me—it’s so outrageous!

There is a saying, how can you use your body to compete with a substitute?

Also, isn't it true that only a stand-in can attack a stand-in?

Your style of acting as a substitute is not quite right!

When it comes to boxing, two seconds fly by.

The flow of time returned to normal.

Jon found an opening, jumped out of the battle circle, and said, "Jotaro, there is no need for us to fight."

Jotaro still said nothing and pretended to be a master.

Rolling his eyes, Jon had an idea.

With a clap of both hands, the 'Gateway to Time and Space' opens!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

As the saying goes, "The fragrance of rice flowers tells the story of a good harvest, and the sound of babbling is heard everywhere."

In Jotaro's shocked eyes, two younger versions of 'himself' appeared without warning.

Even though he was used to strong winds and waves, his scalp was still numb.

What a strange ability!

The two Jotaro who were summoned looked at each other and said in unison: "Long time no see."

After saying hello, they looked at Jon.

"Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

"Where's the dolphin you promised? When will you give it to me?"

As the words fell, the atmosphere became a little weird.

Jotaro in white (Part 4) and Jotaro in black (Part 6) couldn't help but stare at Jotaro (Part 3) dressed as a student.

Little brother, something is wrong with you!

Jotaro, dressed as a student, pressed down the brim of his hat to cover his face as much as possible, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"How long have you been thinking about the dolphins?" Jon coughed dryly and pretended to be angry: "Hurry up and tell yourself who I am twenty years from now!"

Jotaro, dressed as a student, had three black lines on his forehead.

He took a deep breath and said word by word: "Jon Joestar, a bastard who doesn't keep his word!"

Jon: .

Ask, how to hurt the heart of a nineteen-year-old young man with a heart as strong as steel?

Answer: Just don’t buy him a dolphin.

Jon was defeated and took the initiative to apologize, "When I get back, I will open a private aquarium for you."

The words came out.

Envy flashed across the faces of Jotaro in white and Jotaro in black.

Private aquarium?

So good~

Jon was speechless again.

Marine life control and stuff are really scary!

Back to business.

Jotaro dressed as a student and Jotaro dressed in white came forward, and Jotaro in black finally believed Jon's story.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them began to sit on the sofa and chat like old friends they had not seen for many years.

"Pink bottlenose dolphins are so cute."


"Coincidentally, the main direction of my research the year before last was exactly about the living habits of pink bottlenose dolphins."

From favorite sea creatures to work and life, to emotional experiences and parenting tips.

If conditions hadn't allowed, the three of them would have chopped off chicken heads and burned yellow paper to become brothers with different surnames!

Jon pinched his eyebrows and said bravely, "That."

They all set their sights on Jon at the same time.

Jon cleared his throat and asked, "Do you remember DIO, right?"

DIO, Dior Brando, golden retriever vampire.

The three of them nodded.

Jon continued: "The centipede is dead but not stiff. Although DIO was crushed to pieces, the men who were loyal to him have not forgotten this hatred.

There is a priest named Enrique Pucci, whose relationship with DIO is unclear. He inherited DIO's legacy and has been plotting secretly, trying to use the blood of the Joestar family to ascend to "Heaven". "

All three of them have read DIO's diary, so naturally they are no stranger to the word "heaven".

After listening to Jon's words, Jotaro in black seemed to have thought of something, and his face turned ugly, "You said just now that you came here for Xu Lun, could it be..."

Jon said solemnly: "Yes, Father Pucci collaborated with John Gerry.A, another subordinate of DIO, and jointly designed Xu Lun."

It’s okay if you don’t listen to this.

Upon hearing this, Jotaro in black and Jotaro in white stood up suddenly.

Damn bastard!

How dare you plot against my daughter?

Instead of giving you Euler for three and a half pages, I would write the words "Jotaro Kujo" upside down!

Jotaro, a student pretending to be in love, also stood up and raised his hand to lower the brim of his hat, "Jon, where is the enemy?"

As we all know, Platinum Gorilla\u003ePlatinum Star\u003ePlatinum Monkey.

It’s fun to look at my 28-year-old self and my 41-year-old self. The real ‘god of war’ is me, a 19-year-old college student who is afraid of school violence.

"Well, don't worry." Jon pressed his hand, "From another perspective, this is not a bad thing."

Three people:? ? ?

Jon explained: “In the past, the enemy was in the dark, and we were in the light.

Now the situation is just the opposite, we are in the dark and the enemy is in the light. "

After pondering for a moment, he smiled and asked: "Aren't you curious about what it feels like to go to "heaven"? "

The words are not surprising, but the endless death belongs to yes.

The three Jotaro looked at each other.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

Through DIO's diary, they learned that seven necessary conditions must be met to reach "heaven".

Necessary Condition 1: Substitute "World"

Necessary Condition 2: Trustworthy “Friends”

Necessary condition three: Thirty-six "souls" who are extremely sinful

Necessary condition four: fourteen "code words"

Necessary condition five: "Courage" to give up everything

Necessary condition 6: After absorbing the souls of thirty-six sinners, a "new self" will be born. To awaken the "new self", a trusted "friend" needs to speak fourteen "code words".

Necessary condition seven: "Location", 28 degrees 24 minutes north latitude, 80 degrees 36 minutes west longitude, waiting for the arrival of the "new moon".


"Heaven" will open!

(By the way, there is only one condition for Jotaro to go to "heaven": DIO goes to heaven)

Jotaro in black lowered his voice, "I want to ensure Xu Lun's safety more than boring things like going to 'heaven'. "

"But the problem is." Jon spread his hands, "The balance of 'fate' has begun to tilt. Whether you like it or not, Enrique Pucci will eventually go to 'heaven', and by then, everyone will die. "

‘Fate’ was on Father Pucci’s side.

Descendants of the Joestar family will surely flock to Father Pucci's side, and whether intentional or not, their actions will ultimately help him get to heaven.

In other words, before Father Pucci starts the world reset, no matter how hard the Joe family tries, it is impossible to eliminate him.

The most typical example is that when Father Pucci was about to be killed by "Weather Forecast", Xu Lun happened to hit him with his car. The impact caused the priest to escape and took the opportunity to complete the counterattack.

What is this called?

Son of Destiny!


After cutting several versions in a row, the environment has long been retired.

Jotaro in student clothes and Jotaro in white clothes believed in Jon's words.

After all, they defeated DIO, Yoshikage Kira, and Diavolo together.

Jotaro in black was silent.

After a long time, he sighed, "So, what is your plan?"

Jon raised a finger, "The plan is simple - obey the destiny, steal the final fruit at the critical moment!"

With a look of hope on his face, he said: "Under the witness of Enrique Pucci, the Joestar family and friends of the Joestar family will ascend to 'heaven' together and reap their own happiness. "

Just like when he first bought the 'Insect Arrow', Jon has never been a stingy person.

Since we are going to "heaven", let's go together.

The more people there are, the more lively it is!

these words

Why does it sound so unreliable?

Jotaro in black asked: "How to operate it specifically? You can't just say a word and Enrique Pucci will obediently give up his place in "Heaven". "

"This is easy!"

Jon snapped his fingers.

In the blink of an eye, little classmate D quietly appeared behind him.

The Jotaros were shocked.

What the hell!

[Woo woo woo, I’m disgusted T^T]

Jon patted Little D's waist (because his head was too high and couldn't reach it), and said via voice: "Don't be sad, you are the most beautiful in my eyes."

【partner! DASUIKIヾ(▽)ノ】

Jotaro and his friends would never have imagined that a substitute who looks so depressing in his SAN value could have such rich inner drama.

Jon coughed dryly.

"My 'Gate. Requiem. ACT2' has evolved many times and has the ability to implant a 'thought stamp'.

Jotaro (in black), if you trust me, I will implant a, uh, 'virus' in your consciousness, and erase the memory of your encounter with me.

Of course, once the 'virus' leaves your body, your memory will be restored automatically, which means that our plan is successful. "

How to steal the account?

Of course you use a Trojan horse!

Don't you, 'White Snake', love to pull out discs?

OK, I will personally make a pirated CD for you to try!

Jotaro in black hesitated.

To be honest, he wanted to save Xu Lun in his own way.

However, when he met the eyes of his two younger selves, he felt inexplicably relieved.

The one who knows you best is yourself.

If 'I' think Jon is trustworthy.

Then, he is willing to take a gamble!

Jotaro in black said solemnly: "I have no problem, you can start at any time."

Jon expressed his understanding, and the transparent filament that controlled Little D's classmate penetrated into Jotaro's body.

That scene.

Quite spooky!

The whole process lasted about ten minutes.

Jotaro in black fell asleep.

The incarnation of Little D's classmate (Little D's Classmate No. 3.DISC form) has been implanted in his body.

Moreover, in order not to leave any mistakes, even the memory of the encounter was erased by Jon.

After all this was done, Jon took a breath.

After exchanging a few words, Jotaro dressed as a student and Jotaro dressed in white returned to their respective worlds along the 'Gate of Time and Space'.

Just about to leave.

The mysterious connection pulls the thread behind Little D’s classmate.

That thread belonged to Xu Lun, whom I hadn't seen for a few days.

Jon smiled bitterly, "I really don't have a moment to spare."

Saying that, he flashed into the ‘other world’

——Time returns to the present——

Xu Lun was numb.

She listened to everything Jotaro told her like a book from heaven.

If it weren't for the world going crazy.


She must be crazy!

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