A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 120 ‘Gravity’


Xu Lun, F.F, and Ames had no time to react.

The heat wave drowned the three of them in an instant!

at the same time.

‘ghost house’

Just talking.

Jon and Jotaro stood up suddenly.

They looked at each other and said in unison: "Xu Lun!"

Xu Lun?

Anna Sui and others were puzzled.

In a daze, Jon stopped Jotaro who was about to run out with quick eyesight and hands, and said in a deep voice: "Leave it to me."

After saying that, without waiting for the other party to reply, he entered the 'other world' and disappeared.

The next second.

He came to a sea of ​​fire.


Jon frowned.

Transparent filaments poked out from behind, piercing straight into the void.

[Ding, we are seizing the 'time and space authority' here, please wait.]

[The capture of ‘time and space authority’ is completed, dear, remember to leave a five-star review~]

Classmate Little D is still as reliable as ever.

The slightest movement of my mind reverses time.

As if someone pressed the reverse button, the flames were extinguished and strangely crawled back into the gas pipe.

Of course, the three Xu Lun people who were blown away also came back safe and sound.

"Destiny" is rewritten!

"Ugh!" F.F exclaimed, stroking his body with an exaggerated expression, "Am I not dead?"


Ames is similar to F.F, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Only Xu Lun remained silent.

She looked at Jon and gently moved her lips, "Thank you."

Jon flicked the opponent angrily

What does it mean to beg for food while guarding a golden mountain?

This kind of stupid behavior is called guarding the golden mountain and begging for food!

Before reaching the finale, the team was almost wiped out.

As expected of you.

The only Miss Xu Lun who has not defeated the villain BOSS!

Xu Lun was in pain.

He covered his forehead in grievance.

When Jon saw it, he pinched the 'mouse ears' on the top of his granddaughter's head and said, "Do you dare to show off next time?"

Xu Lun bit his lip and said nothing.

Silence is my last stubbornness.

At this moment, an evil wind gusts from behind!

Ames and F.F quickly reminded, "It's the transparent stand-in for Spots Max!"


One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

Xu Lun reacted quickly and almost subconsciously launched the 'Stone Barrier'.

But, Jon is faster than her!

Little D flew out quietly and pointed his right hand in the direction of the 'chapel'.

In the palm of the hand, the Möbius strip representing the authority of 'space' shines brightly.

Under the horrified gaze of Xu Lun and others, the entire 'chapel' twisted and deformed like a squeezed biscuit box!

The three of them swallowed uncontrollably.

There are also differences between the substitute messengers.

This is.

‘The world is different’?

"Space Confinement" + "Space Crush"

No matter if you are invisible or not, under this set of unsolvable combos, if you can survive, I will lose.

After taking care of Spots Max's ghost stand-in in an understatement, Jon glanced at Xu Lun and the others and raised his hand to open the 'portal'.


Three sisters, look at me and I look at you.

He walked in dejectedly.

Jon pursed his lips.

Then, he suddenly remembered something.

Let Little D use broken bricks to spell out a line of words——

‘Enthusiastically organize BOSS, Giorno Giovanna to visit here. ’

the next day.

Florida, a hotel.

"Hey, hey, it's fake!" Mista's eyes widened as if he was seeing a ghost, "Giorno, look, you're on the news!"

Hearing this, a look of doubt flashed across Giorno's face.

Walking to his companion, he looked at the TV that was playing.

[Yesterday afternoon, a serious accident occurred at the Green Dolphin Prison in our state, and Giorno Giovanna, the boss of the Passion Organization, announced that he was responsible for the incident. 】

Xiao Rongrong, do you have many questions?

Giorno was numb.


I am responsible for whatever I do!

Mista looked at his friend and BOSS suspiciously and asked, "Giorno, was it really you who did this?"

Giorno shook his head, "No."

"So." Mista caressed the handle of the revolver intentionally or unintentionally, "This is someone deliberately pouring dirty water on our heads."

Giorno pinched his eyebrows.

Lately, he has been restless.

I finally put down my work in the organization and took a vacation. Unexpectedly, I encountered such a thing.

"The local gangs are so rude." Mista said with a serious expression, "Giorno, you can't just carry the blame on your back like this!"

Local gang?

Thinking about it this way, it's quite possible.

Because he refused to sell white powder in Italy, he offended many people on the street.

After pondering for a moment, Giorno nodded slightly, "Mista, you are right."

good temper.

Doesn't mean you have no temper.

Ten years of BOSS career have allowed Giorno to forge a heart of steel.

Who fucked me.

I want someone’s life!

‘Green Dolphin Prison’, confessional room.


On the sofa, Father Pucci was biting his nails and silently counting prime numbers.

Counted for a while.

He felt himself calm down.

Take a deep breath.

"Jotaro Kujo's stand-in disc has disappeared, the UFO clan has disappeared, Spots Max from the 'Chapel' has no body left, and John Gerry A was found dead in his cell this morning."

Father Pucci's face was so gloomy that he was almost dripping with water, "Who is it that is secretly against me?"

After saying that, Xu Lun's face flashed in his mind.

But soon, Father Pucci denied this conjecture.

It won't be that little girl.

She doesn't have that ability.

Thinking of the twisted 'chapel', Father Pucci was shocked and frightened.

Even Jotaro Kujo, who can pause time, doesn't have that kind of inhuman power!

Seeing this, 'White Snake' couldn't help but taunted: "What a fragile heart, Pucci, does a person like you deserve to go to 'heaven'?" "

Like most self-aware avatars, 'White Snake' likes to chat with the original body.

However, it is more venomous than other substitutes.

"For the happiness of all mankind, I must do this. It is not a question of whether I am worthy or not." Father Pucci said with a pious look on his face, "God has chosen me."

‘White Snake’ sneered, “If you say yes, then so be it.”

After a pause, it changed the topic and said, "Actually, the identity of that mysterious strong man is not difficult to guess."

"Oh?" Pucci looked at his substitute, "What do you mean?"

"Jon, or Aimes Rostilo."

'White Snake' spoke his guess in a unique sinister tone, "They are close friends of Kujo Xu Lun, and they have enough motivation to kill John Gerry.A who has a grudge against Kujo Xu Lun."

Jon; Aimees Rostilo.

Father Pucci repeated the names of the two men.

Rolling his eyes, he suddenly had an idea.

Regardless of whether the speculation about the 'White Snake' is true or not, Xu Lun Kujo and her two friends must be eliminated.


Instead of doing it yourself.

Not as good as

Let them kill each other!

"The weakest substitute also has the use of the weakest substitute."

Father Pucci leaned on the sofa and smiled slightly, "What do you think, Master DIO?"

Half an hour later.

Cell block.

"What? Solitary room."

Jon picked his ears and said, "Are you sure?"

"If you are told to go, just go!" The female guard waved the baton in her hand threateningly, "I'm warning you, don't play tricks!"

Hearing this, Jon raised his hands in surrender, "OK, I promise to be honest."

The female guard nodded silently and handcuffed Jon neatly.

Get out of the cell.

Jon happened to see Xu Lun, who was also handcuffed.

"What a coincidence~" Mr. Qiao smiled brightly, "You want to go into the solitary room too?"

Xu Lun didn't want to speak.

Jon was annoyed and turned to look at the female guard, "Besides the two of us, who else wants to enter the solitary room?"

"Stop talking nonsense." The female guard glared, "Don't ask questions you shouldn't!"

"How terrible."

Jon has mastered the essence of acting as an ape, and he can vividly interpret the emotion of 'fear'.

At this time, Ames came over with handcuffs.

The three of them blinked.

it is more than words.

The solitary room is also called the ‘special punishment room’.

It is established outside the men's and women's prisons to house serious criminals and prisoners who cannot live with others for various reasons.

The internal environment is poor. Prisoners here can only eat one meal and take a bath once a day.

In short, not a great place.


For Jon, who had visited Impel Down, the environment in the confinement room was just like that.

After the guard left, he directly opened the iron door of the solitary room and slipped into Xu Lun's private room as if taking a walk.

Xu Lun was not surprised and said angrily: "Tell me, is this your plan?"

Jon waved his hands repeatedly, "You know me. I am the most upright person. I never talk about what is and is not."

I believe you.

You bad old man, so bad!

Xu Lun rolled his eyes.

Jon smiled and said: "Although this is not my plan, I can guess a little bit about Enrique Pucci's thoughts."

He raised a finger and said, "There are several substitute messengers imprisoned here, and we smashed the 'chapel'."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Lun interrupted: "It's not us, it's you."

"Well, I impulsively smashed the 'Chapel'. Enrique Pucci will definitely be wary of my power.

But he wasn't sure who was responsible, so he just threw us all in here and let us kill each other. "

Kill each other?

Xu Lun wondered: "Since that guy Pucci has guessed that we are in the same group, why does he still want us to kill each other?"

Hey, I’m not sleepy anymore when talking about this topic!

Jon coughed lightly, "Well, this involves the ownership of the title of the weakest substitute."

Xu Lun: ( ̄ー ̄)

To be fair, what's the point of contesting the title of the weakest substitute?

I don’t even want it for free.


"Creak" sound.

The sound of the iron door opening reached my ears.

Xu Lun glanced at Qiaoen.

Unexpectedly, Jon spread his hands and said, "Don't look at me, I didn't do it this time."

It's not you, is it me?

Xu Lun didn't believe it at all.

About ten seconds later, Ames suddenly ran in and said in a panic: "Oh no, all the cell doors have been opened!"

Xu Lun couldn't help but patted Qiaoen, "Stop playing, is this fun?"

"I told you it wasn't me." Jon pointed to the top of his head, "This is Enrique Pucci's fault."

At this time, Xu Lun became serious and asked hurriedly: "You mean, this is a trap?"

Trap or not.

The key is people.

Just like Jon.

With his current strength, he can completely destroy the entire "Green Dolphin Prison" like the protagonist of Invincible, and take down Father Pucci with him.

But, does it make sense?

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

If you want to go to "heaven", you have to endure it until March 21 next year.

In other words, you want to have a perfect dining experience.

Appetizers are a must.

Whether it's John Gerry A or anyone else, they are all appetizers

Thinking of this, Qiaoen's eyes flashed, "Axu, don't panic, Qiao will definitely protect you!"

Ames on the side:? ? ?

No, me.

I'm such a big person, you can't see me.

the other side.

Outside the Green Dolphin Prison.

"Giorno, you have to think carefully, there might be danger inside."

Mista looked at the huge island in the distance, and then at his companions around him.

He bit and said, "How about I go for you?"

"No, Mista." Giorno rejected the other party's kindness, "Your ability is more suitable for assassination. It is better for me to do this kind of investigation myself."


Mista seemed to want to say something else.

Giorno raised his lips and said, "Okay, my 'Golden Experience. Requiem' is my biggest support, and you also know its capabilities.

Anyway, I won't be in danger. "

Speaking of stand-in abilities, ‘Golden Experience. Requiem’ is truly unique.

At least, Mista thinks that his own Sex Pistols are far inferior.


You can leave this kind of infiltration investigation to your subordinates.

Even if there is a temporary shortage of manpower, eighty or ninety people can always be mobilized with just one phone call. By then, who can do it better than BOSS himself?

Mista didn't know.

The reason why Giorno wanted to sneak into the "Green Dolphin Prison" personally was not only because someone framed him.

What's more, it comes from the "gravity" from somewhere.

Just like placing an iron ball on an elastic net, under the influence of gravity, the net surface will fall, and everything will naturally slide towards the iron ball.

Giorno felt that something was attracting him in the Green Dolphin Prison.

That is to say.

There is an 'iron ball' inside!

Wave goodbye.

Giorno used the ability of "Golden Experience. Requiem" to turn a motorcycle into a small whale. In this way, he sneaked into the isolated island without anyone noticing.

Traveling all the way, he successfully bypassed the outposts and evaded patrols until he entered the men's prison, but no one was able to spot him.

"too easy."

Giorno felt extremely relaxed.

Next, he only needs to investigate the destroyed 'chapel'.

The plan is rich, but the reality is skinny.

Just as Giorno was secretly happy, two people walked out of the wall without any warning.


Anna Sui \u0026 "Weather Forecast":

The atmosphere was very awkward.

The three of them stared at each other for a long time.

In the end, it was Giorno who spoke first, "I didn't see anything, don't worry."

Those who join gangs are on the right track.

Anna Sui and "Weather Forecast" don't talk.

Giorno met.

Silently released the 'Golden Experience. Requiem'.

If you want to take action.

Even if it's one against two, he won't lose!

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