A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 158 Their respective battles, Mike.O’s trump card

"Mr. Takeda Takeda once said, 'What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine,' which touched me deeply."

[Partner. What exactly do you want to say? 】

"I'm no longer a human being, DD!"

【Nani? ! 】

Jon's 'little theater in his head' Majette. Majette was unknown. He stared at the opponent and decided to hold his hand first.

In an instant, the dark blue substitute covered him like a cloak.

‘Invincible Mode’, start!

Jon became interested and waved his hand, asking Little D to temporarily stop the transparent filament that was about to penetrate Majette Majette's body.


Take a long breath.

Uncle, I am about to get BUFF.

"Ripple Rush", "Arm Color Enhancement", "True Emperor Engine", "Iron Shatter", "Azure Dragon Form", "Power of the Buddha" and "Ultimate Bloodline".

Jon's momentum continued to rise, but was quickly suppressed.

He is like a volcano about to erupt.

Dangerous and silent.

Majette. Majette's hair stood on end, and her whole body felt bad.

But thinking of the abilities of the 'Twentieth Century Boy', he braced himself and sneered: "It's a useless attempt, but let you see the gap between us."

Jon said nothing and stepped forward.

The next second, he suddenly appeared in front of Majette. Majette!


The fist is like lightning and the power is like a mad dragon.

Majette. Majette was blasted away and disappeared instantly.

The gas exploded!

Jonny and Mike.O, who were fighting each other, as well as Jero and Wikabibo couldn't help but look over.

Jon shook his hand and said in surprise: "It's amazing, it's really okay!"

[When it is turned on, it means it is invincible. The price is that it cannot move. It is hard to say whether it can be used in combat, but it is definitely a powerful tool for showing off. 】

Jon nodded.

Turning around, he said hello, "Johnny, Jero, I leave this to you. Don't die."

Jello \u0026 Jonny:

After saying that, he directly started the 'Phase Shift' and chased Majette. Majette came to somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

The bottom of the sea is dark and dull.

Majette. Majette maintained her avatar carefully, not understanding what just happened.

He only remembered the man named Jon Joestar, who suddenly jumped in front of him.

Then, the vision blurred, and many scenes quickly receded.

When he regained consciousness, he was here.

What to say

Where is this place?

A certain river, or a certain lake?

There were too many questions that made Majette Majette upset.

Just then, a bright light appeared, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

The 'light man' who was eighty-nine times similar to Jon Joestar slowly fell from a high place.

Majette. Majette squinted her eyes and had a bad feeling in her heart.

"It's so pitiful." Jon looked at Majette. Majette said softly, "I can save you, but you can't be my enemy again."

Thinking that Majette. Majette could not move now, he added: "Blink if you agree."

After pondering for a moment, Majette. Majette blinked wildly.

Jon reached out and picked up Majette. Majette was teleported directly back to the shore.

Back on land, Majette. Majette still didn't dare to remove the substitute. Jon smiled and took the initiative to retreat to a seemingly safe position.

The cautious Majette took off her avatar and breathed heavily.

"What did you do to me?" he asked, "And where are we now?"

Jon said casually: "It's hard to say the exact location. The approximate location should be the West Coast of the United States."

West Coast?

Majette. Majette couldn't react.

If his memory was correct, he seemed to have been near Lake Superior three minutes ago.

In other words, he has flown through most of the United States? !

"No, no, no, this is absolutely impossible."

"That guy must be lying to me!"

"Illusion, maybe this is Jon Joestar's stand-in ability, yes, it must be like this, I completely understand!"

Majette. Majette swallowed and laughed a few times, "It's a good performance, but I have seen through your trick."


Hearing what you mean, you still want to fight me?

Jon looked at Majette with a half-smile, and said deliberately: "I didn't expect that you would still find me."

"Of course, who do you think I am? I am the "invincible" Majette Majette! "Majiet. Majette must have an attitude of 'I am super brave' in her heart.

Meeting Jon's eyes, he said word by word: "From the beginning, I fell into a hallucination, so the shotgun did not cause harm to you, and then you pretended to shoot me away.

Haha, if it were anyone else, I would definitely be deceived by you, but unfortunately, you met me, the wise Lord Majette. "

Jon clapped, "Wonderful, really wonderful, is there anything else?"


The more Jon pretended not to care, the more certain Majette Majette became in her mind, "The fact is, I wasn't beaten away by you at all, I still stayed in place. Everything here is Your deception!"

I think you shouldn't be called Majette at all. You should be called Smart Smart.

You are really smart!

Looking at the confident Majette Majette, Jon was embarrassed to tell him the truth.

And this, in the eyes of Majette Majette, is a sign of guilty conscience!

He quickly took out the water-soaked revolver and said, "Surrender, Jon Joestar, your little tricks are over here!"

Jon smiled.

He said calmly: "Have you forgotten what you promised me just now? I saved you, and you said you would never be my enemy again."

"I've said it all, I've seen through your little trick! The bottom of the sea is an illusion, so the fact that you saved me is also an illusion!" Majette. Majette laughed ferociously, "I won't be fooled by you! "

Fake drops.

It's all fake.

It's all dripping ice tea.

In the flash of lightning, Majette. Majette pulled the trigger, "Go to hell!"

‘Click! ’ ‘Click! ’

Not surprisingly, the revolver misfired.

Jon shook his head, "I finally wanted to do something good, but you made me lose so completely."

Majette. Majette was shocked and excited the firing pin crazily.

"Impossible!" He murmured as if he had seen a ghost: "How could there be water? Wasn't everything that just happened an illusion!"

"It's an illusion." Jon continued casually.

"So, please regard what follows as an illusion."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange black and purple substitute quietly appeared.

It lowered its head and opened its hands, revealing the emotionless eyes in its palms.

"Don't come over!" Majette fell to the ground and said in great horror: "I'm warning you, don't come over!"

Jon yawned and told his substitute: "Let's get started. Keep your voice as low as possible. There seem to be several fishermen living nearby. Don't disturb others' work the next day."

Little D understood this and poked out countless transparent filaments from behind.

It floated crookedly in the air, piercing the filaments into Majette Majette's body.

[Seizing the stand-in authority, the current progress is 1%]

Majette. Majette's expression froze.

Was forced to stop thinking.

‘Oh la! ’

Jero threw the iron ball with all his strength, and it collided with Wekabibo's 'exploding iron ball' in mid-air.

'boom! ’

The two iron balls lost power at the same time.

However, Wikabibo's iron ball shot out scattered projectiles.

Jero secretly thought it was troublesome.

Although Wei Kabibo's iron balls also have the skill of "specializing in combat", what's more, it lies in these projectiles called "satellites".

Not to mention being hit, even being shrouded in the aftermath will lead to the unfavorable situation of 'left half imbalance'.

(Left side disorder: In addition to losing all sense of the left half of your body, you are also unable to confirm things on your left. To see things that are originally on the left, you must "turn to the right")

After hurriedly dodging the fragmentation attack, Jero took a deep breath and calmed down.

Although "Satellite" is difficult to deal with, it also has its own trump card.

When the second iron ball is shot, the winner is decided!

"What's the matter, Gerald Zebelin, don't you need to use the "Golden Spin" that the Zeppelin family is proud of? "Wikabibo said in a deep voice, "Ordinary "swings" can't defeat me. "

"Stop blabbering!" Jero showed his gold teeth, "A small character like you is not qualified enough."


Wikabibo twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes quietly burning with the fire of revenge.

Neither of them spoke anymore.

Suddenly, two iron balls, one green and one orange, were released at the same time!

'boom! ’

The scene is perfectly recreated.

Jero's eyes flashed, "Watch the move!"


The meatball-like stand cuts through the air like a shooting star. It is none other than Zero’s stand-in ‘Iron Ball Destroyer’!

Wikabibo didn't expect that Jero would actually awaken his substitute, and he was hit on the left shoulder without noticing.


He vomited blood.

He raised his head, his expression extremely ugly.

"Wikabibo." Jero called his substitute and stared at him condescendingly, "Let me ask you, how did you escape from my father's hands?"


Hearing this, a disdainful smile appeared on Wikabibo's lips.

"It seems that Gregory Zeppelin didn't tell you the truth at that time."

Wikabibo, the former guard officer of the Kingdom of Naples, specializes in guarding the safety of the king, with a stable and solid personality.

Because his sister was seriously injured by her husband's abuse, he was angry and negotiated with the other party and "dueled" her to defeat her. However, because the other party's father was a high-ranking figure in the kingdom, he was eventually exiled and became an exile.

The person in charge of the execution at that time was none other than Jero's father, Gregory Zeppelin!

"I am a person with nothing, coming from a country full of lies and oppression." Wei Kabibo dragged his seriously injured body to recall Iron Ball, "In order to find a place to settle in this foreign land, Gerald Zeppelin, I I’m going to kill you.”

Jero remained silent.

Now that things have come to this, what else is there to say?

Just fight.

not far away.

‘Buzz! ''Buzz! ’ ‘Buzz! ’

Claw bullets flew.

Seven or eight 'nail hounds' exploded immediately and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Mike.O looked solemn.

Johnny Joestar should not be underestimated!

After calming down, Mike.O, who was riding on the 'iron horse', twisted a special spike into the shape of a lion.

Johnny saw this and hurriedly pulled the reins, trying to distance himself from the enemy.

After experiencing various substitute battles, he has long understood his own fighting method——

When the enemy retreats, we advance, and when the enemy advances, we retreat, using the mobility of the horses to kite the opponent.

In other words, horses are a priority!

Thinking of this, Johnny glanced at the 'iron horse' under Mike. Most of it.”

"Get rid of the mount"!

The two had the same idea.

Mike.O directed the twisted ‘Iron Lion’ to attack Johnny.

Johnny fired his claw bullets without a second thought.

Unexpectedly, Mike.O's attack turned out to be a feint.

The ‘Iron Lion’ exploded into tiny fragments.

Johnny's beloved horse had no time to dodge and neighed in pain, knocking Johnny to the ground.


Mike O was overjoyed. Without the mount, Johnny Joestar would be just a slightly more difficult disabled person.

Johnny was shocked.

But he wasn't overly panicked.

Quickly lowering his head and scanning his hands, there were still six claw bullets left to use.

In other words, if you don't want to get into a protracted war, you must use these six claw bullets to kill the enemy!

There is no use in thinking too much.

Johnny fired a claw bullet at the ground.

Bullet holes formed, sweeping across the ground and tracking forward!

Although Mike.O has not experienced the power of 'Tooth Act2', as the president's personal guard, he has extremely rich combat experience, and he almost instantly judged that the bullet hole should not be touched.

I saw him holding the ‘Iron Horse’’s neck, trying to avoid the pursuit of bullet holes.

Johnny was not surprised but delighted.

This is the moment he has been waiting for!

‘Buzz! ’ ‘Buzz! ’

Two more claw bullets flew.

Follow the bullet hole marks and attack the empty snow.

No, it's not nothing.

There is a sharp stone there that is difficult to detect unless you look closely.

"Snow can also be regarded as water to a certain extent, and water is the best medium for conducting ripples!"

Under Mike.O's gaze, a dazzling golden arc of electricity surged inexplicably on Johnny's body.

Ripples run fast!


With Johnny as the center, the power of the ripples spread out and happened to affect the stone.

Claw rounds shattered the stone.

Just like the iron filings Mike.O used to attack Johnny, the gravel flew up and enveloped Mike.O under the action of ripples.

Like Johnny, Mike O fell off the 'iron horse' and plunged into the snow.

How could Johnny let go of such an opportunity and shoot the claw bullet again.


Claw round.

It sounded like the chirping of insects!

At the critical moment, Mike O took out an eyeball with an hour hand engraved on it from his pocket.

"THE WORLD! Time, stop it!"

The words just fell.

Heaven and earth were eclipsed by it.

Although only for a short second.

But, it was this second that allowed Mike.O to escape the fate of being chopped into pieces by claw bullets!

The flow of time returned to normal, and the presidential guard gasped for air.

If President Valentine hadn't specially given him this 'saint's eyeball' before he left.

He didn't dare to think about it anymore and forced his eyeballs into his own sockets.

For a moment.

The world becomes clearer.

Mike.O stood up slowly, "Jonny Joestar, I have mastered "time". This battle is destined to be your defeat!" "

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