A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 187 Come on, Xiaoyou, give him the whole job

It is said that 'knowing everything without being able to express it is endless' means 'knowing everything without being able to express it without being exhausted'.

Sasuke asked and Sai answered.

During the questioning and answering, the color of Danzo's underwear was almost revealed.

Beside them, Naruto and Sakura looked solemn, "Danzo intends to rebel and usurp the throne? Why didn't you tell us this information earlier!"

"No, I have to report this to Tsunade-sama!"

Sai chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, Hokage-sama already knows about this."

Hearing this, Naruto and Sakura relaxed a little.

Sasuke was puzzled and said: "According to your description, you should be a die-hard loyalist of Shimura Danzo. Why did you suddenly rebel?"

He narrowed his eyes, "I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

"Haha." Sai still chuckled, "Yes, you are right, I did maintain absolute loyalty to Lord Danzo before.


He changed the subject.

"After meeting Naruto-kun, I realized that there is another way to live in the world."

As he said that, he turned to look at Naruto, "What I said is all the truth."


Jon, who paddled silently, took a breath.

Sometimes I really don't blame him for looking at others with evil eyes.

With such an ambiguous attitude, who would believe that there is no problem?

Sasuke took a deep look at Sai and nodded silently.


The second young master believed it.

I just believed it so hastily.

Because he had also been changed to some extent by Naruto, he could understand Sai's mental journey.

In this regard, Mr. Qiao said that he doesn’t quite understand your HOMO way of thinking.

At this moment, Yamato walked into the room and saw Jon with a complicated expression and Sasuke with a cold expression.

He blinked and suddenly clasped his palms together, "Naruto, stay away from Uchiha Sasuke, that guy is very dangerous!"

Without waiting for Naruto to reply, Jon waved his hand and said, "Okay, if something is really going to happen, it would have happened long ago. Do you need to yell here?"

With a snap of his fingers, he easily trapped Yamato, "If you have anything to say, let's wait until Granny Tsunade comes back."

Yamato, whose mouth was sealed by dozens of thin threads: Ooooooh!

Because of Obito and Sasuke's interference, the Five Kage Talks that were supposed to break up unhappily ended up with results instead.

——Form a ninja coalition to jointly fight against the threat of the Akatsuki organization, with the Hokage of Konoha Ninja Village serving as the commander-in-chief of the coalition.

After setting the agenda, the meeting ended and everyone went back to their homes to find their respective mothers.

By the way, Obito who pretended to surrender was not controlled by any 'shadow'.

After properly revealing some information about the Akatsuki organization, Obidou, who was trying hard to seek redemption, ran away with "Kamui".

The five shadows were both angry and helpless.

Return to the reception area of ​​Konoha Ninja.

Tsunade immediately found Jon who had left midway.

When she opened the door, she found that there were quite a few people in the room. In addition to Naruto, Sakura, Yamato, and Uchiha Sasuke who was killed by the Raikage.


Sasuke Uchiha?

Tsunade's eyes narrowed.

Behind her, Kakashi even pulled out a kunai, with a loyal look like 'If the Hokage does it, I will do it'.

Jon raised a finger to his mouth and said, "Shhh, keep your voice down, don't let outsiders hear."

Tsunade pondered for a moment, then silently released her fist.

"What on earth is going on?" she asked, "Uchiha Sasuke should have been killed by the Raikage himself, right?"

"Yes, Uchiha Sasuke is dead. This is the registered disciple I picked up outside, Yusuke." Jon patted Sasuke on the shoulder, "Come and say hello to Granny Tsunade."

Sasuke's expression froze.

But feeling the weight on his shoulders, he reluctantly said: "Yo."

"Hey, you big-headed devil, are you so rude to your elders?" Jon used his five fingers and changed from patting to pinching.

The pain suddenly caused Sasuke to grimace, his aloof image completely gone.

Tsunade pinched her brows and said, "The fewer people who know about this matter, the better, Raikage's side."

Halfway through her words, she came to her senses.

The grudge between 'Uchiha Sasuke' and Raikage has been settled, and the person in front of her is 'Yusuke'!

Changing the vest will completely separate you from the previous one.


"Grandma Tsunade, Yusuke has been wandering around and is very pitiful. Let him join Konoha!"

"Tsunade-sama, please."

Naruto and Sakura were afraid that Tsunade would frown, so they performed a craniotomy on Sasuke and hurriedly begged.

Tsunade turned her head and looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi thought for a moment and said, "No, there is no such precedent."

Feelings are feelings, principles are principles.

I, Konoha 50-50, love the village deeply.

Hearing this, Sasuke shrugged indifferently.

In fact, he had never considered returning to Konoha at all.

From the beginning, his only goal was to kill Danzo.

That's all.

"Kakashi-sensei, what are you talking about? Sasuke. Oh no, Yusuke is our companion!"

"Kakashi-sensei, that's too bad."

Naruto and Sakura yelled.

Tsunade's head was pounding from the noise, her eyes widened, "Quiet!"

The Hokage's majesty is still very effective.

Mingying kept her mouth shut.

At this time, Sai, who always maintained a slight smile, said: "Hokage-sama, if I remember correctly, Ronin ninjas who have made significant contributions to Konoha can join the Ninja Village."

Tsunade's expression moved slightly, and she nodded: "That's true."

Naruto and Sakura looked at each other, and both saw the excitement that could not be concealed in the other's eyes.

Significant contribution?

Does stopping the rebellion count as a significant contribution?

It definitely counts!

In other words, Sasuke can return to Konoha openly!

Naruto and Sakura couldn't help but clapped their hands in celebration.

Sasuke pinched his eyebrows and muttered, "Idiot."


Something that had been sealed in my heart quietly became loose.

Tsunade was slightly moved and said: "Don't be too happy. Konoha has a strict inspection system for rebellious ninjas and ronin ninjas who join Konoha. If signs of danger are found,"

She stared at Sasuke, "No matter who it is, I will never show mercy."

Sasuke's expression remained unchanged.

But Jon gave a thumbs up, "That's so right, mother-in-law, that's so right, you should act according to the rules."

The words of Konoha's only honorary Jonin still carry a certain weight in Tsunade's heart.

Ignoring Sasuke for the moment, she said in a deep voice, "Jon, what method did you use to defeat Madara Uchiha?

To be honest, after you left, Madara once again used that weird 'time and space ninjutsu' to escape. "

After a pause, she didn't hide anything and said truthfully: "The Tsuchikage suspects that you and Madara are in the same group."

To a certain extent, what Mr. Onoki said was right.

But Jon could never admit this.

He looked solemn and said: "Old Tsuchikage, nine out of seventy percent of his life has been wasted. He, he, how could he accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!"


No, do you dare to be more exaggerated with your acting skills?

Even a hot-blooded idiot like Naruto could tell Jon was lying.

Jon didn't care either.

In the final analysis, ninjas have to rely on their strength to speak for themselves.

Who loves to doubt?

If you have the ability, just come to your door and see if I prick you (referring to the transparent filament) and that's it!

Seeing that Jon was unwilling to say more, Tsunade didn't ask in detail. Perhaps because of Jiraiya, she has a much better sense of Jon than other 'shadows', and she is more willing to trust him.

With a slight cough, Tsunade said: "Anyway, we will return to Konoha tomorrow to gather people. After handling the things here, there is still a lot of mess to clean up at home."

She looked at Yamato, "Speaking of which, didn't I ask you to protect Naruto secretly? Why?"

Seeing that Tsunade finally paid attention to herself, Yamato, who was speechless, burst into tears, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Tsunade:? ? ?

Jon scratched his eyebrows and said, "I don't mean any harm, I just wanted to calm him down a little bit."

As he spoke, he released the restrictions on Yamato.

The miserable native rolled and crawled towards Tsunade.

Hokage-sama, you have to make the decision for me!

Tsunade stepped aside.

Yamato suddenly jumped into Kakashi's arms.

"Senior." Yamato had tears in his eyes.

Kakashi blinked and pushed Yamato away calmly, his movements were so smooth.


He decided.

When he returns to Konoha, he will learn from Lord Jiraiya and write his own autobiographical novel "The Life of the Disliked Yamato"

The addition of Sasuke to the returning team did cause quite a stir.

Especially Xiao Li, Tiantian and others looked in disbelief.

Jon hooked Sasuke's shoulder and smiled: "This is an unlucky kid I randomly picked up outside, Yusuke.

Come on, Yu-chan, become a girl and make everyone happy. "

Listen, is this human language?

Three black lines appeared on Sasuke's forehead.

"Don't touch me." He deliberately put on an ice face, "Otherwise, I won't be polite."

A middle school boy cannot live without his rebellious nature, just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem.

He also knew that there was no way Jon could stop honestly.

In the speechless eyes of everyone, he poked Sasuke back and forth at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

While poking, he said, "I touched you, I touched you again, what can you do?"


What a Buddha! How could there be such boring people in the world? ?


You must not lose face when outsiders are present.

Sasuke activated his Sharingan.

Then, as expected, he was caught by Jon.

The aloof persona is shattered instantly.

Erzhuxi couldn't wait to bury his head in the ground.


The inexplicable barrier disappeared.

Xiao Li and others laughed so hard.

Not far away, Naruto and Sakura smiled like aunts, just like parents sending their babies to kindergarten and seeing that their children could get along well with other children.

That's great, Sasuke~

Eyes twinkling.

The two of them unanimously set their sights on Jon.

This must also be in your plan.

Brother Jon/teacher, you are so gentle.

The atmosphere is a little calmer.

Xiao Li and others gradually started talking more and more.

The dead Sasuke looked at Jon with almost pleading eyes, "Can you send me back to the 'Kamui Space'? I'm a little worried about Xiang Ling and the others."

"No~" Jon smiled.

Sasuke twitched his lips.


When will days like this end?

the other side.

"The escort team is fully prepared. Tsunade-sama, please give me your instructions." The Konoha ninjas headed by Kakashi knelt on one knee in front of Tsunade and buried their heads low.

Tsunade said confidently: "I don't doubt your strength, let alone your loyalty. However, this incident must be taken seriously."

She took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, I leave my life to you."

"As you command!"

All the ninjas responded in unison.

After leaving the room, Kakashi and others returned to their respective teams as if nothing had happened.

Two days later, the border of the Kingdom of Fire.

In order to lure the snake out of the hole, Tsunade deliberately slowed down her speed.

as expected.

As soon as she entered the Land of Fire, she was assassinated by no less than ten waves of ninjas and mercenaries. If she had not been prepared in advance, the team would have suffered heavy casualties (in fact, it did not).

During this period, Sasuke was extremely active. He eliminated many assassins with his superb ninjutsu and pupil skills, and was highly recognized by the Fifth Hokage.

Naruto and Sakura were overjoyed.

It was like a good boy being named and praised by the teacher.

I thought things would end there.

Unexpectedly, a rather large team suddenly appeared about forty or fifty miles away from Konoha.

The leader was Danzo Shimura who was plotting to launch a rebellion!

"Tsunade." He leaned on crutches and said calmly: "Can you please leave Konoha like this and never come back?"

What a shame, old man, you will give up your face just to get the upper hand!

Tsunade crossed her arms and said, "Duanzo, why can't I understand what you are saying? What on earth do you want to do!"

Danzo said: "In order to lead the rise of Konoha, Tsunade, you should give up the position of Hokage to me."




I, Danzo Shimura, have endured for many years just for one thing.

——Become Hokage!

He opened his eyes slightly and said, "Give up your resistance. Those low-class ninjas and mercenaries before were just tools to collect intelligence and consume your physical strength.

Now, I have completely mastered your trump card. Once the war starts, none of you will survive. "


As soon as he finished speaking, Jon couldn't help but laugh.

Will anyone survive?

What a common man!

Let’s not mention me, Mr. Qiao, have you underestimated the combat capabilities of Tsunade and Kai? Can you, with your ANBU's miscellaneous tricks, be able to stand up to the Eight Gates?

Jon's actions were undoubtedly out of line.

Therefore, he was easily caught by Danzo.

"Jon Joestar." Danzo raised his tone slightly, "This is our internal affair of Konoha and has nothing to do with you, an outsider."

The unknown is always the most dangerous.

In those previous attacks, Jon Joestar had never personally taken action.

Danzo felt a little uneasy.

Jon blinked, "Okay."

Without waiting for Danzo to speak, he added: "But my apprentice is a good young man born and raised in Konoha.

Come on, Xiaoyou, give him the whole job. "

Sasuke, who had long been unable to suppress the hatred in his heart, drew his knife towards the sky.


In an instant, chakra gathered and condensed into ferocious bones.

Susanoo, open!

However, before Sasuke could take action, an inexplicable scream came from his side.

"Go to hell, old man, Chao Rasengan!"

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