There is no need for special effects makeup for the small flow, but it came out later than Qin Jue.

Jiang Shuming has enough experience filming with popular actors to write a simple tutorial, and he has long been accustomed to this situation.

He didn't criticize or warn. In the acting circle, the director will only say a few words if he likes you. Many actors who think that "not being criticized means being appreciated" just remain complacent and make no progress.

Qin Jue finished walking and was squatting next to Jiang Shuming's little horse to listen to the opera.

"What do you understand about Chi Na's state of mind?" Jiang Shuming asked.

Qin Jue summarized his analysis these days:

“He (China) had just completed the killing mission, and returning from the pile of corpses to the narrow room was very boring, like a child who has nothing to do after playing with a broken toy.

"At this time, young Ji Sheng appeared from a distance. He heard the footsteps of a weak creature from the footsteps. He either ignored it or thought it was the next mission target, so he was vigilant and prepared. But at the same time, he A well-trained wolf will not act until it receives an order accurately.

"When Ji Sheng appeared, his image was completely different from the people Chi Na had come into contact with. Like BOSS, he was well-dressed, very decent, and exuded an aura of innocence and innocence, and was extremely fragile.

"Chi Na has never seen such a person, so he will be a little curious, and there will be doubts in his curiosity. Because people of his age are either killing people or being killed, but Ji Sheng does not look like he has been stained with blood at all.

"Then the BOSS appeared. China immediately restrained these subtle mood swings, lowered his head and waited for instructions. This change was very fast and was a conditioned reflex that he had developed over the years."

Qin Jue spoke a little faster, pausing sometimes, thinking briefly and then continuing. Jiang Shuming listened to her and nodded occasionally.

"The idea is basically correct. There are a few things that need to be paid attention to."

Jiang Shuming reminded: "Xiaolang, your thinking angle is entirely focused on the characters, and you have not considered it from the perspective of performance."

"Yeah." Qin Jue responded.

Then asked: "Little wolf?"

"It's a joke made on V-blog." Jiang Shuming pointed at Qi Qingyuan, "You two, big wolf and little wolf."

Qin Jue laughed and acquiesced to the title.

Jiang Shuming said a few more words about what should be paid attention to during the performance, and the small flow team also followed suit and moved around, without saying more, getting ready to shoot.

Qin Jue noticed Xiaoliu and glanced at her. The child's emotions were very easy to understand. His eyes said, "Your acting skills are so bad that you have to be taught by the director for so long."

I want to laugh a little bit.

Qin Jue coughed lightly and walked into the set.

This square room is only two meters in length, width and height, making it feel extremely cramped.

Qin Jue squatted down with his back against the wall. With just one gesture, Jiang Shuming nodded with satisfaction.

Directors basically like young actors who are good at fighting, can endure hardships, and are motivated.

When the filming started, Qin Jue huddled in the corner, like a robot entering sleep mode, staring at the ground, and his nails lightly scratched on the skin above his ankles.

Every other breath, stroke.

Tiny drops of blood oozed out, and the scar healed quickly, and then was cut open again.

There were still slightly dried blood stains on her fingertips and nails, and the blood dripping from the wound was stained, as if bright red paint had been dotted on the dried oil painting, making the picture flowing and three-dimensional.

A small flow of people came from the side of the camera with the extras.

Then it got stuck quickly.

The reason was that Xiaoliu's only line was too dry. Qin Jue couldn't help complaining in her heart. Even her daughter spoke with more emotion than this.

"The expression is more surprised, that kind of innocence and curiosity." Jiang Shuming said.

Xiao Flow nodded casually.

The second one is stuck again.

"Don't use too much force on your face." Jiang Shuming said, "Don't be too exaggerated."

By the third time, the camera in charge of Qin Jue had completed its mission. Jiang Shuming waved her off and adjusted a camera to take close-ups of small traffic.

His acting skills were really eye-catching. Qin Jue slipped aside and watched the show with Qi Qingyuan and Cen Yi, who arrived at some unknown time.

Cen Yi also took out a box of pocky and shook it not very skillfully: "Here, I'll treat you back."

Qin Jue took out this one and acted exaggeratedly, "Hiss...fu...", but was pushed away by Cen Yi with disgust on his face.

"I don't want to learn anything good." Cen Yi said with a smile.

Qin Jue shrugged, spread his hands, and smiled at Cen Yi.

Qi Qingyuan could see that she was trying too hard to imitate Xiao Flow, and a smile quietly appeared on her expressionless face.

After Jiang Shuming finished taking pictures of the small flow, he turned around and saw the three of them smoking pocky.

Qin Jue held a pocky in one hand and put the other in his pocket, and he and Cen Yi had the same old smoking posture. Qi Qingyuan, who was coldly holding a pocky in his mouth, looked out of place next to them.

"How can this be addictive?" Jiang Shuming laughed angrily.

After staying in the Northeast for a long time, everyone is infected with a local accent.

"I'll go to the V blog today and hang on to you guys."

Jiang Shuming laughed and scolded, calling Qin Jue over.

The next scene is the scene that Qin Jue has never filmed, the one where Chi kills the tied man, discovers Ji Sheng, and suddenly turns around.

There were explosions in this scene, so for the sake of quality, there was no green screen scene. It was also shot in real location and had to be shot in another semi-public studio.

The actors who played Ji Sheng's parents were very experienced extras. They had been prepared early in the morning and were waiting in the studio.

This scene was divided into many parts. First, the scene where Ji Sheng's parents looked at Chi Na talking was shot separately, and then there was a close-up of Chi Na's indifferent face towards them.

There is a cheeky scene in a small stream, which is about the panic and fear after being discovered by Chi Na. It was originally shot alone, but the acting skills are really hard to describe in one sentence. In one sentence, he screamed harder than anyone else, and his eyes were duller than anyone else. Girls who are timid will feel better when they enter the haunted house than when he looks at it.

"Director Jiang, I have a question. Do I have to pay for scaring someone?"

After taking six shots in a row without success, Qin Jue, who was eating melon, stepped forward.

Jiang Shuming took one look at her and understood what she meant.

"It's okay, just shoot."


Qin Jue stood up to get ready, and then said to Cen Yi: "Brother Cen, you can stand directly behind his camera."

"He" refers to small traffic.

Cen Yi took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

Jiang Shuming asked Xiaoliu to lie still next to the pillar and perform as usual. The camera filming his close-ups followed him throughout the whole process. After such a long filming, there was always a short section that could be used. The crew could still afford to use up this memory. Another camera was placed next to Xiaoliu, with the lens pointed at Qin Jue, filming Chi Na from the perspective of young Ji Sheng.

Qin Jue did a few warm-up movements on the spot to confirm that the boots were intact. Finally, he opened his palms and slowly contracted them, flexing his knuckles.

The extra actors who played Ji Sheng's parents also had blood packs installed on their bodies. The woman knelt on the ground and straightened her body, while the man lay on the ground with his head hanging down.

There was a scene before this scene. The BOSS heard that Ji Sheng's parents had been sent to the punishment site, and nodded with a chilling smile. Another subordinate reported in a low voice that Ji Sheng ran over to take a peek, and the BOSS just laughed. Laugh and say meaningfully:

"He should grow up."

Speaking of filming, it was easy to attack the two tied up people. Qin didn't need to show any complicated moves, but her fighting scenes were almost all real, so she had to inform the extras.

"Sister, you may faint later."

Qin Jue squatted down and spoke quietly to the female group.

"It doesn't matter, sister can act." The extras winked at her when they saw the handsome boy.

Qin Jue: "No, you can really faint."

Female extras:? ? ?

Then Qin Jue turned around and spoke to the male group: "Brother, don't be scared when your neck gets cold, just keep acting."

The male cast member was inexplicably a little scared: "...Okay."

After communicating, Qin Jue nodded:

"Happy cooperation, you won't die."

Two extras: Wait a minute, why do you sound so serious? ?

Qin Jue raised his hand to signal that he was ready, the recorder called the board, and Jiang Shuming called out action.

When the filming started, Qin Jue reached out and grabbed the woman's neck, lifted her up and slammed her into a pillar in the venue!


The woman's face was still stained with tears, the pupils in her eyes quickly dilated, then her eyes rolled up and she fainted.

Xiaoliu and Cen Yi were both in a suitable peeping position, and could clearly see Qin Jue's actions and the woman's miserable condition.

In the camera lens, Xiao Flow's face was obviously distorted, and the face covered with layers of foundation suddenly turned pale.


Ji Hai exclaimed, but when he was struggling to straighten his upper body, the boy kicked him up!


It only took a moment for the tip of the knife to pop out from the tip of the boot and cut his throat!

This kick was fast, accurate and hard, nothing flashy. A column of blood spurted out from the man's throat, covering almost half of the shot!

China's ability to close his legs relied on his rich experience in killing people. He knew they were dead without confirmation. The mission was completed and he wanted to go back.

At this moment, he turned his head sharply, his murderous eyes locked precisely on a watching gaze, and the fierceness that burst out pierced the other person's eyes several meters away, as if a ferocious beast had discovered its prey. , opened his bloody mouth and pounced!


The boy Ji Sheng fell backwards, his fair face full of fear. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to scream, but only a few meaningless neighs came out of his throat.

Cen Yi took half a step back, his heart beating wildly, and cold sweat immediately covered his back.


Jiang Shuming finally spoke up.

Qin Jue's ferocious eyes disappeared without a trace in an instant. She smiled kindly in the direction of the small traffic, but it was only then that the other party regained the ability to speak, screaming and crawling backwards on his hands and feet.

Qin Jue's look just now showed the ruthlessness she had condensed in the bloody battle of the apocalypse. Except for Xiao Qiang and Cen Yi who were in the same direction as him, it was difficult for others to experience the immersive terror.

The assistant who was a low-profile person in this scene was also watching. At this time, he was very embarrassed and quickly came up to lift him up and comfort him nicely.

Qin Jue first helped the unconscious female extra up and gave her a simple massage. She had control and would not leave permanent damage. The female extra was more frightened when she fainted than when she was hit. Really? After examination at the hospital, he didn't even have a slight concussion. He woke up after a while, and the look he looked at Qin Jue changed from the little nymphomaniac before to a faint fear.

Qin Jue said sorry, fulfilled his obligation, said nothing, and walked towards Jiang Shuming.

"Director Jiang, have you passed?"

Just when she came over, Xiao Feng pulled the assistant back desperately, faint sobbing could be heard, and she was actually scared to cry.

Jiang Shuming watched the replays several times in front of the monitor and was very satisfied.

Why does he like to find people to play their true colors? Because he believes that no matter how realistic the acting skills are, they are not as good as the true facts.

The low-traffic team was truly frightened to the ground, and the results were extremely good. It was inevitable that it would receive a wave of positive reviews when it was released. This kind of real benefit was just enough to stop the small-traffic team from talking.

Even if he was scared to death by Qin Jue, he still had to admit defeat honestly.

What's more, Qin Jue is already reasonable.

Jiang Shuming asked Qin Jue to add one last look, this time using the camera as the young Ji Sheng.

Cen Yi once again stood behind the camera across several staff members.

This trip passed quickly. Qin Jue put away his stern expression and asked Cen Yi with a smile.

"Brother Cen, how are you?"

Cen Yi was sweating and took two quick breaths before he had enough energy to give her a thumbs up.

"It's amazing, my legs are weak," he said.

Qin Jue smiled, this was acting, she would naturally not express her murderous intention with all her strength, but Cen Yi could withstand the force of four or five points, which was enough to show that he was determined.

The two chatted for a while, and Qi Qingyuan came over wearing makeup.

Xiaoliu said that he was not in good condition and could not continue filming. Jiang Shuming graciously let him go back to the nanny car to rest. Anyway, the explosion scene was a stand-in, so there was no delay.

It's just that his reputation on the set is in the eye of the beholder.

Jiang Shuming took a sip of water and checked the explosion point with the staff. The danger of explosion scenes during filming is self-evident, and preliminary preparation is very important.

The blasting points are marked in the open space. Real-life explosions are more dangerous because cameras will be placed at one or two of the blasting points to capture the shaking sensation of close-range blasting. If the calculation is wrong, the camera is likely to be affected, and the lens and body will be shattered. The cracked parts fly around, causing accidental injuries.

The small-traffic team had no intention of having real people appear on the scene, and they made it clear when they accepted the scene. Jiang Shuming also expected it and prepared a stuntman early in the morning. He was not the only one to use a stunt double in this scene, the actor who played Ji Tao (Uncle Ji Sheng) also applied.

However, Qi Qingyuan and Qin Jue said it didn't matter at all and they could appear in person.

"Be sure to remember the explosion point. Don't panic when it explodes. Just keep running forward." Jiang Shuming preached to Qin Jue.

"This shooting is a fixed shot. Several props and beams will fall down. You need to dodge appropriately and jump back when you run to the end."

Qin Jue improvised more, while Jiang Shuming adapted to people's conditions and spoke broadly.


Qin Jue's face was calm.

"Don't be afraid. As long as you don't step into the blasting restricted area, your face will be blackened and covered in smoke. It won't be scary," Jiang Shuming comforted.


In fact, she hadn't heard the explosion in a long time, so she was a little excited thinking about it.

Thanks to [Chief Director of Flirting, Money Baby] for recommending votes x3 (bow

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