A Salted Fish In the Second Element

Chapter 350: What's wrong with me

"Yeah~ What kind of theme should I change to Ying Lili?"

The next day, when Hanyu woke up, he reviewed what happened yesterday. Especially with regard to the part of "Fate x Kong", after carefully recalling it, Hanyu found that he had missed something.

That is to help Ying Lili think that the plot is a system task. Now Ying Lili said that he would postpone "Fate x Kong", which means that Ying Lili has nothing to paint now. And this is likely to cause Hanyu's mission to fail.

Punishing Hanyu without a one-year mission is absolutely unacceptable, even more unacceptable than women's clothing. Although the system mocked myself before, it is estimated that it will not be used within a year. But what if?

As a single little virgin Hanyu, he has to say no to the system.

So I began to think about what kind of plot should be changed for Ying Lili. After all, the five stories provided before have been passed for various reasons.

"Is it really going to give her "Father's Love Like a Mountain"..." After carefully recalling the plot provided to Yinglili before, Hanyu found that "Father's Love Like a Mountain" seemed more suitable for the current situation. But the plot inside made Hanyu really entangled whether he should get it out.

Hanyu thought for a while, and decided to talk to Eiriri about this first, lest the other party think that they don't have a good story to draw and just make a book.

"I want to tell you something about the notebook. Give me a call when you have time." Because Hanyu estimated that the other party might be in class, he sent a message to the other party.

Then Hanyu began to wait in the hospital for Ying Riri's reply.

As a result, I waited all day and didn't wait for the other party's call.

"Hey, what are you going to say about that?" Just when Hanyu couldn't wait to take the initiative to fight, Hanyu found that Yinglili had come directly.

"Oh, I want to talk about the story of that book." Hanyu looked over to the next bed, and then remembered that Mr. Nohara had gone for a walk, and he was not so restrained, so he let go.

"Aren't you going to go in the traditional direction with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu in "Fate x Kong"?"

"It's not "Yuan x Kong", it's another one."

"The other one? Have you already figured out how to do it?" Ying Riri looked suspiciously at Hanyu.

"For the time being." Hanyu hesitated for a while, and said it in order to strengthen Ying Riri's confidence.

"What do you mean for the time being? You mean it has been figured out."

"Haha, think about it, think about it." Hanyu smiled awkwardly.


"Ah? What and why?"

"Why do you continue to help me with the plot of the book, don't you find it troublesome? Obviously you are going to do "Fate x Kong" next, and there are other things to be busy. Why?" Ying Lili looked at Hanyu with a weird expression. road.

"Why can this be? Didn't I promise you." After Hanyu understood what the other party meant, he smiled and said to Ying Riri.

"So many things, don't you find it hard?"

"No hard work, no hard work. After all, I promised your things. I must do it. After all those things are not in a hurry, you can push back." Hanyu noticed that Ying Riri's mood was something wrong, but he didn't know why. , He said with a smile, hoping that the other party can also be happy.

"Nosy fool!" Ying Riri smiled while looking at Hanyu, muttering in her mouth.

"What did you say?" At the critical moment, Hanyu's ears were always awkward, and he asked Ying Riri again.

"Nothing." Ying Lili adjusted her emotions and changed the subject. "By the way, since you want to keep doing it, what plot are you going to use, or the last few plots?"

"This..." For a while, Hanyu hesitated. Looking around, I feel that it is always weird to discuss something about the origin of life with Ying Lili in the environment of a hospital ward.

"What's your mother-in-law's doing? You didn't think about it at all, but just flick me over to comfort me." Ying Riri frowned as she looked at Hanyu's twisted look.

"No, no. Of course I thought about it." Hanyu looked at Ying Riri with an impatient look, and could only bite the bullet and tell Ying Riri of his plan.

"Tsk! Pervert!" As Hanyu expected, when Hanyu said his plan, Ying Riri first recalled the plot of "Father's Love Is Like a Mountain", and then changed a face of contempt to look at Hanyu, and finally He couldn't help but cursed Hanyu.

"Didn't I think about it. Under this circumstance, "Father's Love is Like a Mountain" is more suitable for you."

"What is suitable for me, you speak carefully." When Eiri heard Hanyu's words, her face turned black. Can't help but yell Hanyu.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I used the wrong words."

"Forget it." After all, the other party was also helping herself, so Ying Riri did not continue to entangle Hanyu. "However, in the current time, it is more convenient and better to paint "Father's Love Like a Mountain", and it is also suitable for painting as a child."

"Right, right." Seeing Ying Riri agreeing with him, Hanyu was immediately excited. "So Ying Lili, don't just scribble. I have set the characters today, and I have also written some of the scripts at the beginning."

"Oh, is it? Let me see."

"Okay, I will get it out."

Then Ying Riri sat next to Hanyu, watched the other party pick out the document from the computer, and roughly checked the text that the other party had produced today.



Mr. Nohara felt a little dull in the ward, not as inconvenient as Hanyu, so he woke up after a nap and went out for a stroll.

After appreciating all the nurses and sisters in the hospital, Mr. Nohara hummed a little song contentedly and went back to his ward.

However, when Mr. Nohara opened the door and saw the scene inside, he felt as uncomfortable as eating shit. After hesitating for a while, Mr. Nohara decided to go out and admire it for a while to ease his feelings.



"Huh? Did someone come over just now?" Mr. Nohara opened the door, awakening Hanyu and Yingliri who were focused on the script.

After raising his head, Hanyu looked in the direction of the door and asked strangely when he found that no one was standing at the door.

"I don't know. It seems that someone came to open the door and left again." Ying Lili said while looking at the opened door.

"Oh, that, Eiri...well..."


Because the two people got together to view the script before, both of them unknowingly moved their heads towards the computer screen. As a result, the faces of the two people were almost pasted together.

Before, Mr. Nohara, seeing Hanyu and Ying Riri being ‘close’, he felt envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart, but he opened the door and left.

And after Hanyu raised his head and found no one, he was going to grab his head and ask Ying Riri what he thinks. As a result, the two people's faces were so close ~www.NovelMTL.com~ they accidentally kissed Yinglili's cheek.

At this moment, the scene was very embarrassing.

"Ahem... that... I didn't mean it. I didn't know you were so close to me." Hanyu regained consciousness and immediately retracted his head and explained.

"Well, I know." Ying Lili straightened her waist indifferently. "I'm going back first. You remember to send these to me."

"Oh, okay." Hanyu didn't know what kind of situation Ying Riri was like now, and said a little bit cowardly.

"Yeah. I'm leaving." After speaking, Ying Lili turned and left the ward.

However, when Ying Lili walked out of the room, her body became soft and she leaned against the wall. One hand touched his pounding heart, and the other hand touched the kissed cheek.

"What's wrong with me?"

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