A Salted Fish In the Second Element

Chapter 570: Megumi Kanno comes home

"Hello, big brother!"

"Oh? Oh, why are you here."

After school, as soon as Hanyu returned home, he found that Megumi Kano was standing in front of his house, but it seemed that he had just arrived at his house. As soon as Hanyu came over, Megumi Kanano noticed his voice and greeted him happily.

"I'm here to find Sawu-chan."

"Oh, have you finished reading the novel again? Is it so fast?" Hanyu smiled upon hearing this, and asked Megumi Kano while opening the door. But after asking, Hanyu looked at Kanna Megumi, and found that he was carrying a schoolbag with him. There was nothing to put in a novel bag. It seemed that he had just come over after school.

When Kanno Megumi faced Hanyu’s question, she remembered the novels Sagiri had borrowed from her and couldn’t help but blush, because the themes of those novels were so coincidental that Megumi Kanno had guessed a little Sagiri before. In his mind, she knew that she liked her brother, otherwise she would have to wonder if the type of novel Sagiri gave herself was hinting at herself.

But now it’s a formality to come here by myself, so Megumi Kanano smiled casually, and after denying Hanyu’s question, he said, “Big brother, I’m here to find Sagiri-chan. Can I meet her?”

"Well, wait a minute, I'll help you to ask." After taking Kano Megumi to the living room, Hanyu thought for a while and asked Kano Megumi to sit and rest first, while he went upstairs to find Sagiri. NS.

"Sagiri, Megumi Kamano is here."

After arriving at the door of Sawu's room, Hanyu knocked on the door and shouted inside. After a while, Sagiri's nervous voice came out of the room.

"She... what is she doing here?"

"Then I don't know. Would you like to see her?" Hanyu asked indifferently because he didn't understand what happened between Sagiri and Kanna Megumi.

"No, I don't want to see her." Because Sagiri called Megumi Kamano with a ghostly messenger last night, she ended up hanging up without speaking. So Sagiri still feels a little guilty for Kana Megumi first, and when she hears her coming, he subconsciously wants to drive her away.

"Oh, okay. I'll entertain her and let her go back." Hearing Sagiri's answer, Hanyu was a little disappointed. Although Sagiri didn't even see Megumi Kanno, he thought it was okay, but if he could, Hanyu still hoped. Sagiri can have more contact with her peers.

But since Sagiri refused, Hanyu had no choice but to follow her temper and prepare to go downstairs and talk to Kana Megumi.

However, before Hanyu went down the stairs, Sagiri in the room changed her mind again when she just walked to the side, and hurriedly called Hanyu to stop.

"Wait a minute." Sagiri hesitated. After all, Megumi Kanano has a good relationship with him, and it is not appropriate to drive others away like this, and I do have a lot of doubts in my heart. I want to ask someone for advice. The fairy Yamada said it was a good one. Choice, but Sagiri felt that the Yamada Fairy was still a threat to him, so Sagiri subconsciously eliminated the Yamada Fairy.

Kano Megumi is another good communication partner, although Sagiri is a little embarrassed to tell her what she thinks. "Huh? What's the matter? Did you change your mind? Or should I call her up?" Hanyu saw that Sagiri suddenly called himself, realizing that she must have some other thoughts, and stopped and asked her.

However, after Hanyu asked, it took a long time to hear Sagiri's inner struggle and make a sound like a mosquito. Had Hanyu's attention been on the side of Sagiri's room, he would almost not be able to hear it.

So Hanyu was able to communicate with others more for Sagiri, and he didn't care to check with Sagiri again if he had heard it wrong. Convincingly, he went downstairs to find Megumi Kanano and let her go upstairs.

After Hanyu brought Megumi Kanano to the door of Sagiri's room, he knocked on them and shouted inside, but Sagiri inside didn't react at all.

Kano Megumi couldn't help but yelled. "Sawu-chan, I'll come to you to tell you something. It's about the telephony last night... well... about the thing last night."

Hearing Megumi Kano, Hanyu was a little strange. What happened last night, did Megumi Kano say something on the phone with Sagiri? But didn't Kano Megumi say that Sagiri hung up the phone without saying anything?

And Sagiri in the room suddenly became a little nervous after hearing the words of Kano Megumi, and couldn't help but shout to the outside: "Brother, you leave first."

"Huh?" Hanyu was a little surprised when he heard that he was letting go first, but he scratched his head and cast a look at Kanna Megumi, indicating that she had some problem with him and then left.

After a while, Sagiri heard the movement of Hanyu's departure before cautiously opening the room and poking out her little head.

"Huh? Big brother is gone. What are you going to do with Sagiri?" Kano Megumi looked at Sagiri with some wonder and asked. Although I have seen it several times, Kannao Megumi is still a little unaccustomed to Sagiri's actions.

"Come in." Sagiri looked and found that there was really only Megumi Kamano at the door, so she grabbed Megumi's wrist and dragged it into her room as if she had caught a prey.

Megumi Kamano also let out a scream, followed by entering.





After entering the room, Sagiri arranged for Kano Megumi to sit down, and the two girls began to stare at each other. You look at me, I look at you, but they didn’t say anything, just like whoever speaks first and loses first. The same.

In the end, Sagiri had the home court advantage, but his face was much thinner than Megumi Kano~www.NovelMTL.com~ and she couldn't help but ask questions first. "You... what are you doing here?"

Seeing Sagiri's first question, Kano Megumi smiled and said to her: "I'm here to ask about what happened last night. Sagiri, you called me suddenly, but she hung up again. Did you meet her? What happened?"

"No...no. I accidentally typed it wrong." Sagiri shook her head quickly when she heard Megumi Kanno's words, and denied it.

But Kano Megumi realized that Sagiri was lying when she looked at Sagiri, and she smiled and understood: "Sagiri-chan, it's not good to lie. The tone of your phone yesterday, and the way you look now It doesn’t look like you have typed it wrong. Is there something you want me to help, but I am embarrassed to say so that’s why."

"..." Facing the question of Megumi Kanano, Sagiri was speechless for a while, and at the same time she closed her mouth because of her shyness, planning to say nothing.

However, Megumi Kanano had a little bit of her own guess through her contact with Sagiri during this period of time. The possibility of going to Sagiri after thinking about it is very likely to be related to Hanyu. So he tentatively asked Sawu, "Is it related to Big Brother?"

Sagiri's eyes widened when she saw that Kanname had guessed it. Sagiri was a little surprised, but then he didn't say anything to deny it.

And Kano Megumi looked at Sagiri, knowing that she was right, and asked Sagiri, "Did the elder brother do something to make you unhappy?"

Sagiri shook her head.

Seeing this, Kano Megumi couldn't help but frowned and asked Sagiri again, but when faced with Kano Megumi's question, Sagiri just shook his head, but refused to say anything.

At this time, Kaminohui was also confused by Sagiri, and she couldn't figure out what Sagiri was going to do. ()

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