
Wen Jie looked at Fan Ying with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He has participated in countless rap competitions, big and small, and has mastered both flow and rhyme.

But for someone who has never been exposed to rap, let alone flow, he may not even be able to do the most basic rhyme, right?

You know, this is an impromptu singing with a random accompaniment, and all the lyrics are made up on the spot. A mature battle MC often thinks of the rhyme of the next two, or even three or four sentences after saying the first line of lyrics. If you can't do this, it's easy to lose the rhythm while singing and start to get stuck!

Fan Ying ignored him, picked up the microphone and went on stage.

""Ye ye!"

He shouted into the microphone twice in a very serious manner.

Wen Jie couldn't help but sneer.

I'm afraid you can only shout these two times.

But then, Fan Ying started to rap.

"My presence always causes controversy"

"The microphone is my weapon."

"Please try harder and bring out the real thing"

"I hit you like I hit your brother".....................

Fan Ying directly freestyled on the stage for 60 seconds, which made Wen Jie stunned.

What's going on?

Don't you sing pop and R&B?

How come you can also freestyle, and better than me?

Could it be that you prepared it in advance?

The more Wen Jie thought about it, the more possible it seemed.

If he didn't prepare it in advance, how could he come up with such continuous and dense rhymes?

In his freestyle just now, he actually only rhymed the last word of each sentence, that is, low, stinky, building, girl.

But Fan Ying rhymed two words, that is, double rhyme.

Controversy, weapon, force, thing, brother.

It was the first time he realized that rhyme could be played like this.

He immediately stopped the accompaniment and said loudly:

"Audience friends, we are competing in freestyle. Since it is freestyle, it should be improvisational. I improvised from beginning to end, but some people are not like that!"

He looked at Fan Ying:"Is it interesting to sing with pre-prepared lyrics?"

Fan Ying frowned:"What do you mean, are you saying that I memorized the lyrics?"

Wen Jie snorted coldly:"I'm not saying that you memorized it, I'm saying that you prepared it!"

If there is no prior preparation, how can you come up with so many double rhymes on the spur of the moment?

Even OG, who has been playing rap for many years, may not be able to do it.

He was sure that Fan Ying just memorized it!

In fact, this is normal.

Although rap music has begun to appear in this world, like electronic music, it has only been developed for a few years, and many things have not been studied thoroughly.

This is also the case in Fan Ying's original world.

In the early 2000s, everyone's freestyle competitions were single rhymes. After several years of development, until today, double rhymes and even triple rhymes are not uncommon in competitions.

But for Wen Jie today, this kind of rhyme technology is like a dimensionality reduction attack!

Thinking of this, Fan Ying's dissatisfaction with him has disappeared, and it was replaced by a trace of pity.

Wen Jie and Deng Chenrui are of the same character. They think that what they learned abroad is the most cutting-edge, and once they come out, they will be criticized. When they see someone stronger than them, and this person is a Chinese, they will frantically make excuses for themselves.

Fan Ying didn't say much, put down the microphone and returned to his seat.

I believe that every audience member has his own judgment on whether this freestyle is good or bad.

Wen Jie's expression changed constantly on the stage.

His original plan was to perform a freestyle first, to arouse the enthusiasm of the audience, and then start his formal performance.

Who would have thought that Fan Ying would suddenly come on stage and give him a strong counterattack?

The enthusiasm of the audience, which he had finally aroused, was once again transferred to Fan Ying's side!

But the performance had to go on, he could only bite the bullet and start his performance, while Fan Ying did not hide it and shook his head in the audience.

In his opinion, Wen Jie's freestyle was still remarkable, but his work was a little worse.

This is the result of many battles. A common problem among MCs is that, due to years of freestyle practice, they put all their energy into lyrics and rhymes. When it comes to using various flows to make songs, it becomes boring.

After Wen Jie, the atmosphere on the scene immediately became less tense.

The subsequent performers were in harmony, and the director and the host breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the feeling they want!

Why can't we sit down and talk calmly about something? Why do we have to make one party lose face?

Fan Ying and Deng Chenrui are still too young!

The director didn't know that Fan Ying actually had his own considerations.

He knew that this program would be broadcast in various countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia, and he also knew that The big shots in the underworld take it very seriously, but the more this is the case, the more he has to do it.

What do Deng Chenrui and Wen Jie represent?

They represent the most popular style in Europe and America.

What is the name of this program?

Longguo New Music.

Not only must it be new, but the most important thing is Longguo.

If these two people are allowed to steal the show in the program, doesn’t it mean that so many domestic musicians are not as good as two young boys who went abroad to study?

Fan Ying wants to use practical actions to tell everyone that it’s not that we don’t understand electronic music and rap, we just don’t bother to do it!

Facts have proved that he did make the right bet.

The day after the program was recorded, he received a call from director Fan Mingwei.

"Fan Ying, you are so brave that you actually confronted those two overseas returnees on the show. Aren't you afraid that you will mess up the show and the people above will give you trouble?"

Fan Ying smiled and said,"I was afraid before, but I am not afraid anymore after you made this call."


"There is no blame in your tone."

Fan Mingwei laughed:"You are just a cunning kid. The higher-ups really didn't blame you, but praised you. I don't know whether they said you are brave and careful or lucky."

"But don't be happy too soon. The show hasn't been officially aired yet. We still have to look at the ratings after it's aired. If the ratings are affected because of your conflict, the leader won't have a good attitude."

"Don't worry about that."

Fan Ying was very confident:"With me here, the ratings of the show will definitely be guaranteed."

""You kid, don't hurt your back if you talk too loudly!"

The two joked with each other. Although Fan Mingwei was more than 20 years older than Fan Ying, they were not arrogant when getting along with each other.

Just based on Fan Ying's determination to contribute to the Chinese music scene, as long as he didn't make principled mistakes, no matter how his future development would be, he would be his friend!

"For the next episode, have you prepared your song? You must hurry up and prepare it. You only have one week left. Don’t let your boss down!"

"I know."

After hanging up the phone, Fan Ying lazily lay on the bed in the hotel.

According to the original plan, he should sing more R&B songs on the show, but looking at Wen Jie's performance today, he was obviously dissatisfied with him. No one can guarantee what this kid will do in the next episode.

Just as he was thinking, Zhou Ningqing called him on video.

"Fan Ying, check the internet!"

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